A/N I do not own Percy Jackson or Justin Bieber (if i did he wouldn't be who he is, he wouldn't be anybody at all!). PM me if you want to be on the show (meaning us interviewing you). NO auditions for third host, that position is reserved. Maria King is my OC and i'd prefer if you wouldn't make fun of her cuz she's not stupid!

The Leo Show!

Theme song of All star by Smash mouth (Luv That song!) ends.

L: Hey guys it's your host Leo Valdez with my girlfriend and Co-host Maria King!

MK: Ello! We might have a third host but… Well she hasn't gotten back to us so this one will be done without her. Today we are interviewing Annabeth, Nico, and Spider,

AC (Annabeth Chase): *Screams*

MK: Spider the hellhound, Nico's new pet!

AC: NICO! Why'd you have to name it Spider? I'm going to kill you!

N: *Cowering in fear* It's her fault (points to MK) She said it would be a funny joke to name it Spider!

AC: Well it's not funny! *Marches over to MK* Maria! I could kill you now!

L:*laughs nervously* Well, well girls, let's not go that far.

MK: (With SAS-short attention span) Ooohhh! What's this? *grabs Annabeth's cap and proceeds to put it on and take it off*.

AC: Give that back! *Snatches cap back and sit's down exhausted like*

L: Let's get to the questions. First one for Maria and Annabeth, why do you dislike each other?

N: Yeah?

MK: I actually graduated from the overcoming your fear of spiders academy.

L: You were afraid of spiders?

MK: Well I wouldn't say were…

AC: *Gloating* Haha, you still are!

MK: So? At least the word Spider *Annabeth screams* doesn't make me scream.

L: Moving on, Nico and Annabeth, what are your fatal flaws?

N: I, um, am, well, not quick to forgive, ask Percy.

AC: I guess I do get a bit proud sometimes. (MK stifles laugh) Shut up!

L: Coolest demigod power? Other then mine of course

MK: Leo, don't be so headstrong, I still think being able to pick a lock in two seconds flat is the best.

AC: *Mutters, "And now I know where my owl earrings went."* Seriously? Ares the god of war's invinciblility.

N: I can second that!

MK: Well, it's cool I guess… Now, my turn to ask a question! What item off you do you think is most stealable (MK is a daughter of Hermes)?

AC: No comment.

N: My skeleton ring, but you don't have to go to all that trouble, here you can have it for giving me Spider *Annabeth screams again*

AC: You had to give it to him too?

MK: If you don't mind I'd rather steal it, could you pretend to not notice for a moment?

N: Sure! *Then mutters, "Girls!"*

MK: Oh wow, this really is a nice ring.

L: Ahem, back to the questions? Annabeth, you want to be an architect, Nico do you have any dream job?

N: Nah, I just figured I'd hang out with my dad; you know dish out some justice to the wandering dead.

MK: Sounds fun!

L: We are running out of time folks, Hey Maria, can I see that ring?

MK: You forgot the dares!

L: Oh right! One part of each show is dedicated to dares! Annabeth, I dare you to touch a spider.

AC: *Screams* No way José

MK: We have an alternative dare. *Smiles mischievously*

AC: What? Does it have spiders in it?

MK: I dare you to listen to Justin Bieber for a whole hour.

AC: I'll take the spider.

N: What about me?

MK: *Holds up pink outfit*Wear this for the rest of the day.

N: An alternative?


N: You have that in my size right?

MK: You bet!

L: Wow, I would have seriously pitied you if you had to listen to JB.

MK: Oh, little Nico looks so cute!

AC: *laughs hysterically*

N: Not funny, seriously not funny. But way better then JB.

L: *Chokes back laughter* That's all folks! *Cracks up and starts taking pictures*