Okay, give you a heads up, this is going all the way back to when Yugi is yelling at Yami in the game shop before Yami suddenly got his memory back. This is the chapter you've all been waiting for!

And I just wanted to say thank you guys sooo much for reading and reviewing. It meant so much and I greatly appreciate it. I had a great time writing to this story and I hope you had a great time reading it. Thanks for everything, y'all!

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh!

Warning: Suicidal thoughts, language and a big cliff-hanger at the end. And slight OOC.

Alternative Chapter

As much as I could, I calmed myself down. In a bitter-filled voice, I told him, "Fine, don't tell me; I can already see your answer anyways. I was dumb enough to think that if I waited for you, you would get over yourself or whatever shit you had going on. But, I see the truth," I released my tight grip on him and took a step back. The tears in my eyes slowed down but still came. "You don't want me here, I get it. I'm sorry it took me this long to figure it out. But you know what?" A bitter laugh that held no emotions escaped from my lips. "You don't have to worry about that anymore. I'll leave and never come back." Turning my attention to everyone else in the room who I used to call my best friends, I said to them, "I can see I'm not welcome. Even in my own house."

I turned on my heel and fled the living room, leaving a now stunned Yami in my tracks. Instead of going upstairs to lock myself in my room, I rushed out of the door into the game shop, not even bothering to grab my jacket or keys. I raced through the dark and empty shop to the door where I fumbled with trying to unlock the locks. My hands were shaking so badly that it took me longer than normal to finally unlock the locks and flung open the door.

Out of the house. Out of the game shop. Out of my life. That was how I wanted it now. I want to leave my old life behind and go start somewhere new.

As soon as I stepped out of the shop, my mind grew heavy and my vision became blurred from the tears that came like a left on faucet. I tried to wipe them away, but that only made them worse and make them come out faster.

The cold continued to nip at my wet cheeks as I paused right outside the closed door. I sniffled and looked around. Where was I going? Shouldn't I have gone up to my room to pack some belongings and grab my money and whatnot? Wasn't I going to leave and never come back? But… where would I go?

Looking to my right, I knew the town laid that way, along with school, the park and the bus station. Turning my head to my left, I saw the steep hill a half mile or so away. There was a small park that way too, along with picnic tables and the ocean. That would be a good place to go and…

Bracing myself, I turned my feet in that direction. What was the point in trying to find a new place to go to? No matter where I go, I would always come back. This was my home and my soul mate, my other half lived here. I couldn't be away from him for more than a day, let alone forever. Not because I'd die without him, but because I still loved him.

I ran towards the hills, knowing the perfect place where I could go and not have to worry about anything anymore. I no longer had to be in physical and mental pain and I didn't have to worry about anybody. I could finally be at rest with everything even if nothing was settled. I could be left alone with my thoughts for the rest of my life… or something like that.

As I ran, I felt the rest of my world crumbled. All hopes of Yami ever loving me again fell within the cracks that would never be fixed again. The cold air nipped at my skin and as I breathed in through my mouth, trying to gain oxygen for my burning lungs, it stung. But I didn't care about that right now. I needed to escape somewhere where no one could interrupt me. I needed to escape reality.*

"Why?" I questioned myself. The hill I was currently on was having as much effect on me as running in a straight line. I heeded the hill no attention though. I just kept at it. "W-why… why did all of… this h-happen? W-what did I do w-wrong?" I shook my head and made it easily up the hill. I didn't even pause to think which direction I should go in, the easiest route to take to the cliff. I just ran. The only thing I did keep in mind was to watch out for the trees and rocks and rope that every-so-often got in my way.

Within a couple of minutes of dodging trees and picking myself up after tripping (which happened a lot), I finally saw the open space. Breaking through the line of trees, my eyes swept around the area. There were many picnic tables scattered all around the perimeter along with trashcans. Luckily, there was no one here. Which was probably a good thing considering sooner or later it was going to snow.

I slowed from a full on run to a steady jog, trying to calm my racing heart but still wanting to go faster than just a walk. I went all the way to where the cliff was. Before getting to the edge, I was met with the bordered line of rope and a sign. The sign was one of those warning signs warning you about the drop off of the cliff and to not go over the rope. But I ignored both the rope and sign and climbed over. I had slowed down all the way to a walk and carefully made my way over to the side.

Being out in the open, the wind blew hard all around me. The waves from the ocean crashed against the cliff side, making a roaring sound that easily reached my ears. I closed my eyes for a second, wondering exactly how cold the water was.

"Yugi!" A shout from behind me came.

I opened my eyes and turned around, confused. Who would be up here –besides me- yelling my name?

I blinked my eyes. And then blinked them again. Was it just me with my foggy head and blurry eyes, or was that Yami running towards me?

"Y-Yami?" His name came out a little breathy and full of confusion.

"Yugi, s-stop! Please, stop!" Yami yelled out.

I turned just my upper half to him and watched as he slowed to a stop just a few yards away from me. He was panting but he stayed upright, his eyes trained on mine. His eyes were wide, having a look of fear creep into them.

"W-what're you doing here?" I asked but my voice got caught in the wind.

But somehow he heard me and he took a step towards me. "I'm here because of you," he said, or more like yelled. The wind wiped around us both, throwing our hair into a wild frenzy. I had to force my body to stay still and not be carried off somewhere.


"Why?" Yami asked, taken aback. He frowned and watched me. "Why would I not? Yugi, what's going on?"

He was maybe about three yards away from me and a spark of fear filled me. I took a step back just as he took one forward. But when he noticed, he stopped, his frown deepening. I looked back out to the ocean, feeling a cold mist hit my face. I closed my eyes, noticing how easily it was just to take a few steps forward and fall over the edge.

"Yugi, don't!" I heard the desperation and fear in the other's voice and for some reason, anger replaced the fear from earlier and I spun around, completely facing him. My hands curled into fists at my side and my eyes were blazing.

"Don't?" I asked, almost seething. "Don't what, jump?" Yami took a step back, surprised by my reaction. From my peripheral vision, I noticed newcomers. Two black Mercedes' pulled up a hundred feet away and piling out of both cars were everyone that was at the game shop just moments before. They all came to a stop when they realized what was going on. But, I ignored them, my attention only on the man in front of me.

"Why would you care?" I continued. "You wouldn't have care if I killed myself in my room a week ago. These days, you don't seem to care about anything other than your friends." I gave him a bitter-filled smile.

Yami was taken aback. "What're you talking about?"

"Oh, you know very well what I'm talking about." My eyes narrowed. "Would you like me to elaborate for you?" Without giving him time to say yes or no, I shook my head and looked him dead in the eye. "You left me alone ever since we got back from Egypt. You made me fend for myself while you went out and hung out with friends. Not only did I have to tend to the game shop, keep my grades up, but I had to run away from every god damn bully in the whole city." Every emotion I hid came out and I didn't have time to think about anything, they just spilled out. "Where was my protector when I needed him most?" I asked in a mocking tone. "Oh, that's right; off playing and goofing off with friends." As I talked, everyone in the background hesitantly took a few steps forward. They didn't come as close as Yami did, but still close enough to where they could hear everything being said.

"Where were my friends when I was alone in my room every night?" I narrowed my eyes and glanced at everyone. "Friends are supposed to be there for you, to help you when things are going downhill, not ignore you and treat you like trash. They don't leave you alone, ever, especially when they know their friend had problems with bullies.

"And you know what's worse?" I glanced back at Yami at the same time as taking a step back. "You told me that you didn't want to lose me," memories of our last night in Egypt filled my head and the words Yami had spoken to me came back. "That you were afraid to go into the Afterlife because I wouldn't be there. Were those lies? Did you even mean any of that? If you didn't want to lose me, then why did you push me away and ignore me? Why did you treat me like I was not even there?"

I took in a deep breath, feeling too many emotions fill my head all at once. Anger, confusion, depression, sadness.

"Yugi, I-," Yami closed his mouth and looked away, trying to figure out what to say. When he finally looked back, his eyes were filled with pain. "I don't know."

"You… don't know?" I whispered, confusion replacing the anger. But as quick as that had come, the anger came crashing down just as fast, "You DON'T KNOW?!" I yelled. "How do you not know?!"

"I don't remember any of that!" Yami admitted, feeling sheepish. "There's bits and pieces -," Yami started to explain but I cut him off.

"I DON'T NEED YOUR EXPLANATION!" I yelled. "I'm through with all of this! I'm through with you, through with my so called friends, through with life!" I spun on my heel and was about to give in with throwing myself over the cliff.

"Yugi, don't!" Yami screamed from behind me and more voices from behind him yelled and screamed my name.

But before I made any attempt to move, I felt a pain in my head and squeezed my eyes shut. A soundless cry escaped my lips and in the background, I heard other cries of pain.

"Yugi Mutou!" A slightly familiar voice boomed. There was a sense of power and authority in those two words that would have some people shaking in fear and nerves. I managed to open my eyes to a blurry view of the ocean. And for some reason, I looked towards the sky. Somehow, I knew everyone else recovered from whatever it was that got to us and looked to the sky too.

My eyes fully cleared and widened a tad by what I was seeing. The sky had been gray and depressing all day and being next to the ocean, it seemed to be even more gray and depressing. But right now, the clouds swirled in one area, letting a stray of golden light come through and hit the ground in between me and Yami. But that wasn't all; the clouds that swirled in the sky seemed like something that only came out of movies and cartoons. They continued to swirl and a mixture of red, orange and yellow filled in with the gray, kind of like a sunset.

I had never seen anything like this happen, ever in all my seventeen years of living, but I knew immediately what it was I was seeing.

There appeared to be no face or object in the clouds, but the same voice came again, "You have failed the test of the Gods."

"Test?" My voice seemed to squeak. What test? I thought. What was the test even about? When did it ever start?

"No," I thought I heard Yami whisper but I ignored it, concentrating on the clouds before us. My heart pounded painfully against my ribcage and my breathing quickened.

"The test of whether or not the Pharaoh and other yami's should stay put here in the Living world. And you have failed this test."

"Wh-what?" The breath caught in my throat. "I-I don't understand." I glanced behind me, my eyes immediately searching out my other half. His eyes met mine and I saw the terror there. If Yami was scared about what was going on, then this was something to not take lightly. I gulped and turned back to the swirling clouds.

"Of course you wouldn't," Ra said, his voice carrying the hint of anger. "You are a mere human. Do you really think the Gods' would allow one valuable Pharaoh to return to the world of the Living, let alone two others without something in return?"

Before I had time to think of something to say, Yami yelled out, anger in his own voice. "You can't do this! You yourself gave me a wish -,"

"Silence!" Lightning flashed in the horizon and everyone flinched. "You have no say in this."

"But you-," More lightning crackled and Yami fell silent. Even he didn't dare defy the Gods.

I swallowed nervously and tried to get to the point. "Wh-what you trying t-to say?"

"Yugi Mutou, you were given a test to see whether or not the three yami's should stay. If you had passed, they would have remained there."

"And if I won…?"

There was silence and I glanced over my shoulder again but this time Yami was facing the sky, his expression too hard to read.

"What was the test?" I decided to ask, having a feeling that the god wasn't going to answer the other question.

"I think you know."

I frowned. How would I know what the test was about? This was a test from a god who had power to do almost anything they wanted. How was—That was when it hit me.

"Why?" Tears sprang to my eyes as realization hit me again and again. "Why would you do that to me?"

"Yugi?" A concerned yet stern voice had me turning around and facing Yami. His eyes were full of confusion and for a moment, he looked like the same old Yami back before everything happened. The one I fell in love with and would do anything for. "What is he talking about?"

A tear slid down my cheek and the wind seemed to wipe it off for me. "He… He took your memories or something -,"

"A mind block." Ra corrected.

Yami seemed affect by those three words and I see him going still, along with the two yami's in the back. I nodded my head, the words making sense now. I continued on, wanting Yami to know everything. Or, well, mostly everything.

"You… they… all you guys ignored me. Up to a point that I was literally invisible to you all." I kept my eyes glued on Yami's, not daring to move them. "It doesn't sound that bad, but… it was. Ushio… he wouldn't leave me alone. And every bully in the whole town. I…" I shook my head, my brain pounding painfully against my skull. I squeezed my eyes shut and felt the tears seep through. "I was hurt not only physically, but emotionally. You had told me that you would never leave me, that you loved me. I felt betrayed. I felt like you were lying to me." A sob wrecked through my body and I opened my eyes again.

Yami looked horrified. His eyes were wide and his mouth opened but no words were coming out. After a minute or two, he managed to collect his thoughts, "Yugi, I don't know what… I don't remember any of that."

I smiled sadly. "I understand that now. It wasn't your fault." I turned around, back to the view of the ocean. Gathering my courage I knew that I didn't have, I asked, "What is my punishment?" I was nervous to find out what it was.

Before Ra could fill me in on what he had in mind, a different voice cut in.

"What did he even do wrong?" Joey demanded from where he was. I glanced back and noticed that he was standing next to Yami, looking pissed but scared at the same time. He was glaring up at the clouds. "You can't punish him without saying what he did wrong."

I felt a small smile grace my lips, seeing my best friend standing up for me. As the god was beginning to speak, I turned back around.

"Insolence human. You should know your place. But, you make a valid point. The test was to see if Mutou could cope with the mind block, what he was willing to do and what measures he was willing to take.

"Look around you and you'll see how this affected him. He wasn't even willing to try and sort things out. If he wasn't able to even do this, a small simple task, what makes you think he could do anything else in the future?"

I flinched at his words, knowing they were true. Instead of trying harder to make Yami understand, I resulted in committing suicide. I just didn't want to feel the pain anymore of losing loved ones. Maybe Ra is right, what if I can't do simple tasks in the future. What if one of those tasks happened to be life or death and the person ended up dying? What if—

"You're wrong!" Yami stated. "You gave him an impossible task and you think that one mess up means he wouldn't be able to do anything in the future? That's bull shit! Look at what he's done already. Doesn't that count for anything?! He risked his own life countless times to save the world. How can you set his future by one single test?"

"Silence!" The god roared and lightening crackled in the sky, lightening it up with a blinding yellow flash. "He had many chances to prove himself. And he all failed them. This was his last chance and he consulted in suicide. He was willing to give up his life so easily. So let his wishes be granted."

Before I had time to actually process what the god was referring to, I felt a sharp tug on my body. I heard my friends yell out my name but it was too late to say anything back to them. The tug, like an invisible rope, yanked me towards the side of the cliff and over the edge. I was headed back first. But right before I fell off, my eyes caught Yami's. They were wide with fear. And then I saw open sky.

I didn't scream. I didn't yell. I didn't make a sound. Tears poured out of my eyes as I fell down to the open ocean that waited below me. Maybe I did deserve this. It was better this way. It was better that I was punished for my own wrongs instead of the yami's. A thought had occurred to me after Ra said that I had failed. And that thought was he was going to take the yami's away, back to the Afterlife. But this, this was much better. At least no one had to suffer.

I closed my eyes and felt my gut clenched. The mind block. That was why Yami and everyone ignored me. Because of a stupid block the God put there. All to see if I would be capable to what? See if I could cope with having Yami here? But why? Why did he have to test me with that? Why a mind block?

Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and a warm body pushed against me. My eyes jerked opened and from the corner of my eye, I could see who it was. Even without having to look, I knew who it was by the touch and the smell.

"Wha-?" I managed to say.

"I'm not letting you do this alone," Yami whispered in my ear as his arms tightened around me. "I can't live my life without because you are my life. What Ra did was wrong."

Feeling emotions swell up inside me, I managed to pull my arms in and have them wrapped around my other half. I buried my head in his shoulder and managed to say, "I love you, Yami." Before we hit the water.


Dun dun duuun. So, how did you like it? I know this chapter had some loose ends as to why Ra did what he did… to be honest, I thought I knew. But I don't know. Gods have reasons for doing whatever they wanna do, who are we to question them? ;)

Lisa: As for the end, you get to decided. Do they live, or do they die?

Yup. And that's it for the story. I hope you liked it!

*- Does anyone know here that is from? ;D Cookies for those who can name it! (Not exactly the same words)

P.S. I don't know when I'll be able to publish a new story. I'm sooo engrossed with Supernatural right now, YGO no where really on my mind. So just be on the look out. But I can promise you that the next story that comes out will be Supernatural. If you're interested, give it a go! I have no idea when it'll be out! :D See y'all soon!