"No one can tell what goes on in between the person you were and the person you become.
No one can chart that blue and lonely section of hell.
There are no maps of the change.
You just come out the other side.
Or you don't." -Stephen King

Deidara drove her home the night Itachi paid her a visit. She criticized herself harshly for not processing the image of the red clouds on her boss's tie and the ring on his finger. Deidara was part of the Akatsuki. She didn't know what their purpose was, but she knew that they were the worst kind of news; worse than Sasuke.

He dropped her off at home and walked her to the door upon request. He looked her in the eyes that night with such sadness in his gaze that she swore she saw herself. He apologized for what had happened, saying that everything would be alright and that no harm would come her way. She believed him.

Naruto and Hinata became her closest friends, not better than Ino, of course. All three of them helped her out so much in their own ways. Hinata was soft and caring; not really understanding what Sakura went through, but trying her hardest to be there. Ino was her best friend through thick and thin, doing whatever she could to make Sakura comfortable readjusting to life. Naruto was there for her through everything. He comforted her more than anyone. Showering her with brotherly love and being a friend that only comes along once in a lifetime.

Naruto was the sun that peaked through the bleak clouds that hovered over her. He was humorous and caring. Naruto carried a vibe that could crack through the saddest of personal shells. She could see why Sasuke had kept him around. Naruto was the best medicine for all kinds of problems.

Adoption was still her choice. She did not change her mind. She met with many pairings. It was hard and awkward, but she decided one couple was the perfect match. A young woman named Shizune(who apparently shadowed Tsunade many years ago) and her husband Genma. They both had an air of love surrounding them. They were both excited to have a child considering Shizune was unable to have her own.

Sasuke was gone. No trace of him whatsoever.

Throughout everything he put her through she never wished death upon him. That would be childish and she was raised better than that. Sakura would never forgive him. She hoped that one day he might find peace within himself and his past. Maybe, just maybe, he'd be happy.

Sakura was at home the night her water broke. Tsunade and Jiraiya were discussing some sort of business in the kitchen when Sakura came stumbling down the stairs in her pajamas, fear written all over her face.

The birth was quick; so fast that it would be pointless to have an epidural.

It was the twenty-seventh of May; precisely 11:30 when he was born.

A boy.

He was small; five pounds and eleven ounces. He had black hair. Not quite as dark as Sasuke's, not even as dark as Itachi's. It was a smoky black and it fit well with his olive skin tone, courtesy of his mother. When Sakura put a little bit of thought into it, she decided that he could easily pass as Shizune's child.

A doctor came in the room with important forms soon after her child was born. He told her that she could change her mind right there and then. Once she signed that papers there would be no going back. Her newborn son would not legally be hers anymore.

She looked down at the infant that rested in her arms. Gently, she brushed the black tufts of hair that resided on his head, cooing at him in a motherly fashion all the while.

She signed the papers for a closed adoption. They took her son away soon after.

He hadn't opened his eyes yet, and for that she was thankful. He looked too much like the Uchiha's she had crossed paths with. If he opened his eyes to reveal inky black orbs she wouldn't be able to handle it. All she would see is Sasuke looking back at her. She didn't want to know what Shizune and Genma would name him; she would break down if she knew.

She went home that night, crying tears of utter sadness as Tsunade rubbed her back in a comforting way. Naruto, Hinata, and Ino were waiting for her inside; each of them offering comforting hugs and soothing words in her ear.

Sakura quickly got her high school diploma, since she was under Sasuke's care when the rest of her class received them. She later moved on to medical school, specializing in Internal Medicine.

Life goes on, she learned. If she were to say she got nothing out of her experiences, then she'd be a filthy liar. To be alive is a grand thing, and Sakura can only be grateful that she came out with flesh on her bones and air in her lungs.

Living in itself is an act of courage, Tsunade had told her once.

Sakura considered herself the most courageous of all.

Well, that's a wrap!
I decided to leave a lot of things hanging for you to decide. I wanted the end to be ambiguous. Sasuke got his tooshie out of town and Itachi is just struttin' his stuff around somewhere.
Thank you all for reading my story and inspiring me to continue! It was so much fun! I owe so much to all of you! Thank you once again. C:

I'll probably write more stories, but nothing too long. I've been brainstorming some ItaSaku stories… hmm…

Please review your thoughts! I would love to hear them!