I own nothing except OCs...Please Read & Review :)

It was Thursday night and Samantha Ryan was getting ready for her big date. She hadn't gone out on a date for almost a year, since she ended her relationship with Phil Brooks, better known as CM Punk. Fame had gone to his head and he had forgotten what was important in life, the number one thing he had forgotten about was Sam. It had taken a while to get over it, but with the help of her best friends Corey and Mattie she was moving on. Tonight she was going out not only on her first date since the break-up, but on a blind date. Corey, her best friend since the second grade, had talked her into going out with one of his coworkers. Corey worked for one of the best law firms in Chicago and he knew Sam better then she knew herself sometimes, so Sam figured it couldn't be a complete disaster. She finished applying her make-up and took the rollers out of her hair. Everything was turning out as planned, now all Sam needed was to pick out a pair of shoes to go with her new dress. After a brief debate she settled for the silver rhinestone heels slipping them on and gaining four inches in height. She looked at herself again in the mirror and smiled at what she saw. A knock at the door interrupted her reflection gazing and she took another deep breath as she crossed through her studio apartment. Sam opened the door to find a six foot sandy blond haired man in a black Armani suit, red roses in hand. She made a mental note to thank Corey later.

"Hi, I'm Jason Carter, you are Samantha Ryan I hope?"

"Yes, but please call me Sam. Come in and make yourself comfortable, I'll be just a minute."

Sam went back into her bedroom where she reapplied her lip gloss, sprayed more hairspray in her hair and grabbed her clutch. After taking one last look at herself in the mirror she took a deep breath and went to meet Jason.

The ride to the restaurant was quiet, but it allowed Sam to get her thoughts together. When they arrived Jason was the perfect gentleman, opening the door for her and offering his arm, it had been a while since Sam had received such treatment. Jason had booked a reservation at a fancy uptown Italian restaurant, a little too fancy for Sam's taste, but she was up to trying something new. When they were seated and the waiter took their orders Jason finally broke the long silence.

"So, Corey tells me you're a teacher?"

"Yes, well I just started teaching this year. For the last three years I worked for World Wrestling Entertainment in their divas division."

"You were a wrestler?"

"Well the proper term these days is superstar, but yes I was. I was never top of the division, I was just getting noticed in the company when I decided to end my contract and actually use my college degree."

"Why would you quit? That had to be an exciting job, I'm sure it was rough on your body, but the travel had to have been a perk."

"Well it was for a little bit, but it gets old living out of a suitcase. I actually left because of some personal issues, I was in a relationship and it didn't work out, so I came home."

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. Well I'm glad you agreed to go out with me, I was pretty nervous about this. I'm not the blind date type."

"I understand completely. Corey wouldn't tell me much more beyond what you did for a living and I was nervous, but I'm glad I said yes. You seem really nice Jason."

The two talked throughout dinner and they seemed to hit it off. At the end of the evening Jason asked Sam if she'd like to go to a movie Saturday and Sam found herself agreeing without hesitation. Sam was ready to move on and focus on something else besides work and Jason seemed to be the perfect focal point.