Sunlight spilled across the thin bed sheets that covered the lanky servant. Slowly, and with great displeasure, Merlin opened his drowsy eyes. Blinking back unfiltered light; he pulled off his moderately warm covers, and swung out of bed.

Several Minutes later, he was down the short flight of steps from his room to the main part of Gaius' chamber. Gaius was already up and cooking breakfast, which as far as Merlin could tell, was a fairly disgusting clumping of herbs and oats. Swallowing his appetite, the servant began perusing about the room to gather up all of Arthur's things. Helmet, Chest plate, almost set. Sword, laundry, all cleaned and ready.

"Merlin?" Gaius began, quizzically. "Do you have somewhere to be?" He gestured towards a full bowl of mashed breakfast.

"Ah...No." He said, quickly shaking his head as he slumped into the wooden chair. As Gaius watched, Merlin took a large spoonful, and grinned what he hoped was a believable smiled before rapid-fire spitting the mouthful into a napkin the moment Gaius turned away.

After talking Gaius' ear off about how angry Arthur would be if he were late, Merlin finally made his escape.

"Rise and shine!" He shouted as he flung back the dark curtains, filling the chamber with radiant spots of light.

"Ah, Merlin!" Arthur half shrieked as he shoved a pillow over his annoyed face. Then, without warning, he shot out of bed, and flung the of his covers.

"Are my best clothes washed?" Confusion nipping at his expressions, Merlin looked over at the pile of things he had brought back from Gaius' room. Among them was the red leather jacket, and a white Cotton shirt which Arthur had just vaguely referred too. Pulling the folded clothes out of the pile, Merlin handed them to Arthur, who was now just behind the divider.

"What's the occasion?" He asked swinging a pair of brown pants over the divider. Grabbing the pants, the King began to explain.

"Today, a very important guest is arriving." Taking a glance at himself in the mirror, Merlin spoke up.

"Do I have to dress up?"

"Why? Would it really make an improvement?" Arthur's snark caused Merlin to scowl.

"So who is the 'important guest'? Foreign King? Foreign Noble?"

"If you must know it's an old friend of my Father's. Queen Anya." A loud crash echoed the room. Popping his head from around the side, a sneer riddled across his lips, Arthur groaned in displeasure.

"What are you doing?" He said as he saw his breakfast spilled across his floor. Merlin, on the other hand, seemed far more interested in looking at the floor then cleaning up what was on it. Finally shaking his head, Merlin went about cleaning up the mess. But Arthur couldn't help noticing the curious look that had passed across Merlin face.

"Are you alright?" He asked, coming out, fully dressed, from behind the divider. Merlin nodded, as his face flushed back to its normal colour. Deciding it was just Merlin being...Merlin, Arthur stopped in front of the mirror, admiring his chiseled features, and buff figure, before walking towards the door.

"When you're finished with that, meet me in the Throne Room. I want you present when I greet her." As soon as Arthur left, Merlin felt his knees sink to the ground.

Would she remember?

As Merlin entered the room, he could see Arthur already seated on his Throne. Upon reaching him, Arthur cleared his throat, and jerked his head to the left, indicating where Merlin was supposed to stand. Gaius already stood there, alongside Gwen. As soon as he took his place, the doors began to open, letting in a moderately tall middle-aged woman dressed in rich, but not gaudy clothes. Her lips were tightly pressed as she walked closer to the present King.

"You're Highness." She curtsied, and Arthur bowed his head.

"Queen Anya. It's a pleasure to have you in Camelot." He would have continued but the Queen held up her hand.

"I have not as much time to stay as I would have hoped. I wrote of spending a fort-night, but I am afraid raids on my castle have gotten worse since my husband's death. I am sorry to say I can stay no longer the two days before I am required back at court." Arthur nodded his head in such a manner, that Merlin almost mistook him as looking regal. Yet the Queen continued.

"I was hoping we could settle the matter of our treaty sooner rather than later." As she spoke the words, Arthur rose from his seat.

"I am as eager as you are to renew our treaty. We may begin this evening if time is of the essence." Smiling a curt smile, Queen Anya curtsied once more, and thanks his highness.

"You're very welcome. But you must be tired. My servant, Merlin, will be more than happy to show you to one of our finest guest rooms." He said, gesturing his hand towards Merlin. Swallowing hard, Merlin bowed his head slightly, and her look of disapproval changed to a tight smile.

As Arthur left, the court bowed, before following him out. All except Merlin, and Anya, who remained perfectly still until the room was emptied. No one noticed, nor did they care, that there was a solemn war taking place in each of their minds.

Only when the room was finally clear of all the people, did the Queen move. She walked painstakingly slowly up to Merlin, before circling him like a vulture.

"It's been so long. I hardly recognized you." She almost whispered. "But I am sure you remember me." Merlin's face remained unchanged as she finished her first loop around him.

"I would think you would be more formal towards me. You being in this kind of position." She continued, before pausing momentarily near his right shoulder. "But perhaps you are right. Let us not get caught up in our act and end up liking each other. Perhaps you will be more interested in why I'm here."

"To re-sign a peace treaty with Arthur." He said, sharp, and bluntly. A quick laugh passed through the Queen's lips.

"I see your intelligence is still about the same. Indeed, I am here to re-sign the treaty my husband and Arthur's father wrote. And you must admit, that is a very good excuse for having to come here. No, what I have come for is far more useful to myself. It may even prove useful to you. I am here to clear your name in my Kingdom." For the first time, Merlin's head swerved over to at her, who was now by his left shoulder. He looked closely, before his expression turned skeptical.

"At what price?" Anya began to circle him again, still speaking.

"You remember where you were born. You know the traditions, the festivals, the tournaments. Don't pretend you don't know what day is coming up. What events are about to happen. The danger, the honor, the loss. You know what I am speaking of." He hesitated.

"The Hunger Games."


"But what has that got to do with me. We left the district."

"Do not suppose running away means you are not eligible. You are just lucky that your name has not been called for the past few years, or they would have found you. But I am afraid that is about to change. You see, as mayor of your district, I am sorry to say that my poor people are starving worse than any other district."

"What am I supposed to do about that?" Merlin asked, worry seeping into his skin.

"We need food. We need a champion." Finally, the circling stopped. As she looked directly at him. Merlin's eyes grew wide.

"What? Are you insane? There is no claiming that I will be picked, and even if I do, the chances of winning are one in twenty-four." He shouted anger coursing through him.

"I don't care how you win," She spat, raising her eyebrows slightly. "But you will do it. And you will not be picked, you will volunteer." Her smile was wide, and wicked.

"Or, I can arrest you right now, and execute you in such a manner as I see fit. Your choice." Merlin began to stalk of towards the door.

"I will see you in the square on reaping day. And you will do as I say, or I can make more than just you pay for not obeying."

He paused, only for a second as he reached the door. He tried to swallow the lump that had appeared in his throat, only to make it worse. He knew he didn't have a choice.

He would be District 7's Tribute. Whether he wanted to or not.


A/N: Greetings. This is to be a multi-chapter cross-over between Merlin and The Hunger Games. The time difference between both events are enormous, I know, but it is FanFiction, so just use your imagination. I won't be crossing any time-lines, meaning this is all happening in Merlin's Time, and I am afraid I have no official 'ship as of the present moment.

Thanks for reading, and please review. I can't get better if you don't tell what I am doing wrong.