DISCLAIMER: This story is a non-commercial work of fiction based on the anime series TIGER & BUNNY. Trademarks & Copyright © 2011 by SUNRISE, T&B PARTNERS, MBS. Absolutely no monetary gain has been made with this work.

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This is the first story in the LUNAR PHASES TRILOGY. It was originally run in its raw, unedited form in my Livejournal for the reading pleasure of the Tiger & Bunny LJ Community. The version of Part 8 that you will be reading here is the ABRIDGED version, owing to the prohibition of sexual content in this site. Unfortunately, that particular scene is integral to the story because it will give you an idea of what Wild Tiger's "ability" would be in the next two stories of the trilogy. If you want to read the complete version, you can find it in my Archive of Our Own page. You can find the link in my profile.


By Rory


They were so young back then, that boy and girl. Filled with idealistic dreams of becoming Heroes – of performing great deeds, saving lives and protecting people.

During that cool spring evening, however, those lofty ambitions took a backseat to the more down-to-earth but intoxicating promise of first love.

There was a sweet smile on her face as she slipped her hand out of his tender grasp to walk toward the lone cherry tree standing at the top of the hill behind their High School building.

"Have you ever heard about the legend of this cherry tree?" she asked him, running long, graceful fingers over the rough bark.

"You mean the one about the vicious ronin whose head was cut off by a samurai?" he asked in turn, a teasing grin on his handsome face. "That his headless body could be seen on dark moonless nights digging through the dirt with his katana because the tree had his head trapped in its roots? They say you could hear an eerie voice coming from the ground itself, moaning 'My head! Myyyy heeeeaddddd!'"

Laughing, he ducked quickly as a rock sailed above his head.

"Not that, silly!" the girl exclaimed with a shudder. Her eyes sparkled as she trained her gaze up to the rustling leaves on the branches. "The town elders have been saying that there was only one time when cherry blossoms bloomed on this tree. Two lovers were unsure of their feelings toward each other, and were very close to drifting apart because of the fear and uncertainty. But the tree knew the truth inside their hearts. On a moonlit night – just like this – this tree blessed their love with a shower of cherry blossoms."

A knowing smile curled up the corners of the boy's mouth. In truth, he knew the REAL story about the cherry tree, but it was a tale that was not meant for her to hear, given the absolute certainty of the feelings inside his heart.

Still, he could not resist commenting, "A very pretty story... But, somehow, I find it hard to believe that, in this day and age of NEXT and Heroes, you would still be entertaining notions of pure romantic fantasy."

"It's exactly because of the fact that Heroes exist that I believe all my dreams and fantasies can come true." She looked at him meaningfully, the light of the full moon giving her beautiful form a silvery aura. "I met you, didn't I? My brave, passionate Hero... That's one fantasy fulfilled."

The boy could only blink back at her, speechless, although a rosy blush was filling his tanned cheeks.

With a sigh, the girl pressed her face to the tree trunk. "But this tree...just this once...I wish I could see..."

As she said this, a miracle happened. Sadly, it was a miracle that was only reserved for the boy's eyes. Oh, my beloved! If you could only see what I am seeing right now...

The girl never got to finish what she was going to say, as she felt strong, comforting arms wrap around her waist. She was gently turned around so that she could gaze into loving amber eyes.

As their lips met in a tender kiss, the boy whispered, "You don't need a silly old tree to tell you that my feelings for you are true...Tomoe."