DISCLAIMER: This story is a non-commercial work of fiction based on the anime series TIGER & BUNNY. Trademarks & Copyright © 2011 by SUNRISE, T&B PARTNERS, MBS. Absolutely no monetary gain has been made with this work.


By Rory


The entire Kaburagi family drove Barnaby to the station, so that he could catch the noon train back to Stern Bild.

Grandman Anju fondly caressed the young Hero's face, as tears welled up in her eyes. "Oh Barnaby...son! Won't you stay for a few more days? I don't like the idea that you're living all alone. I worried a lot too when Kotetsu chose to stay in the city."

"There are some personal matters that I have to sort out, Kaachan. Stuff pertaining to my parents and Aunt Samantha...and even Uncle Maverick. I won't be truly at peace until I've finally settled everything."

"Well, if you should need our help, just call," Muramasa put in, smiling broadly. "You're already part of our family after all. We Kaburagis look out for each other."

Barnaby kissed Grandma Anju's cheek and shook Muramasa's hand. "Thank you very much. I never thought I'd become part of a family again. I'm so happy to have met you and, more so, to have been given the opportunity to get to know you. I will return to Oriental Town, you can count on that."

The young Hero then turned to Kaede, who was standing quietly at the side. There was no mistaking the sadness in her brown eyes.

Getting down on one knee, Barnaby placed his hands on the little girl's shoulders. "I'm so sorry that things didn't work out the way you planned, Kaede-chan."

A forced smile formed on Kaede's face. "It's okay, Barnaby. I'm happy enough that you and Dad remain good friends...although I probably would've gotten killer ratings if the two of you had..."

"Listen. I could still be a second Dad for you. I left my condo and cell phone numbers on your desk, as well as my email. You can contact me anytime you want."

"You promise you'll keep in touch this time?"

Barnaby offered her his little finger. "Let's pinkie swear on it."

Kaede laughed as she curled her own digit around the Hero's and made three emphatic shakes.

At that moment, Kotetsu strode out of the train car and headed toward them. "I've got all your things and some presents for the other Heroes inside your cab. Your goldfish are inside a portable aquarium beside your seat. The TV camera is in there too. Please tell Agnes not to use my kid for any of her ratings gimmicks next time. Oh, one last thing. I spoke to the conductor, and he promised me he'll make sure that you'll have the cab all to yourself."

"Thanks, Kotetsu," Barnaby said in gratitude. Reluctantly, he continued, "I guess I'll be seeing you."

"Finish your business at once, so you can return here. I'm not a very patient man, Bunny. If you don't call or if you stay too long in the city, I swear I'm heading straight for Stern Bild, so that I can haul your bunny buns back here."

"Is that a threat?"

"What do you think?"

At this exchange, the two men burst into laughter. But when the train's boarding signal blared from its speakers, the Heroes became silent, exchanging meaningful glances which did not escape Kaede's intense scrutiny. For a brief moment, she could almost swear that her Dad and his partner were going to embrace.

Great was her disappointment when Kotetsu and Barnaby simply exchanged 'high fives'. With one last call of "Goodbye!" and a fond wave, Barnaby hurried inside the train, the doors sliding shut behind him.

As the train started to roll away, Kaede found herself looking at her father, particularly at his hands which were waving wildly in the air.

"Dad?" she asked frowning. "Why...why are you wearing Barnaby's ring?"

At that query, even Grandma Anju and Muramasa stared at Kotetsu with utter confusion on their faces. Indeed, glinting from the sunlight on his right ring finger was Barnaby's distinctive dark chrome bunny ring.

With all casual innocence, Kotetsu displayed the ring to them. "Oh, you mean this? Why? Didn't Bunny tell you?"

"Tell us WHAT?" his family demanded in unison.

"Bunny and I got engaged at the shrine early this morning. We had to wake up the monk, but he was only too happy to serve as witness. Bunny promised me that he'll return to Oriental Town for our yui-no, to make our engagement official."

A low growl rumbled in Kaede's throat. "Are you telling me that you and Barnaby have been trolling me this whole time?"

Before Kaede could scold her father for not telling her the great news, Barnaby popped his head out of the open window of the train. "KOTETSU!"

Activating his Hundred Power, Kotetsu ran after the train. Springing from the platform, he leaped up and down to keep up with it, just like his daughter had done months back.

Barnaby grabbed Kotetsu's hand and drew him close for a loving kiss which the older man returned with equal ardor.

"I love you, Kotetsu."

"I love you too, Barnaby. Please come back to me as soon as you can."

"I promise I will."

Feeling his power fading away, Kotetsu reluctantly let go. He stood beside the tracks until the train was no longer in sight.

From inside his shirt pocket, he took something out...a glowing blood red cherry blossom petal.

"Thanks for the warning, Touchan," Kotetsu murmured, his heart filling with a sense of foreboding. "I don't know what tomorrow will bring, but on my life, I swear I will not be parted from Barnaby."