A/N: This is my first Sky high fic.
Just a few notes: it isn't specified if Warren is one or two years older than Will and the Gang, so I made him one year older. Also, it never mentions any details on his mother, aside that she was a hero, so I gave her a name and powers.


Chapter 1

I stood at the front door, waiting impatiently.

"Come on, Warren! We're gonna be late! I don't want to be late on my first day!" I whined, well it was more of a yell with a whiny tone, but that's beside the point.

"Just give me a second, okay?" My brother yelled back at me.

I sighed. At this rate we'd be at school by tomorrow. I checked to make sure my jet black hair was still presentable and not falling out of its ponytail in the front hall mirror. After readjusting my blue t-shirt and white button up which, ironically, was unbuttoned, I grabbed my backpack. Now all I had to do was get my brother down here so we could go.

"WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!" I yelled impatiently.

I heard thumping on the steps, and moments later my brother appears in front of me. He gives me a deadpan look before putting on his shoes and quickly walking out the door.

"You coming or not?" he asked over his shoulder. "I thought you said you didn't want to be late?"

"Hey!" I yelled, putting my sneakers on in record time, before running out the door to catch up with my brother.

Warren was halfway to the bus stop by the time I caught up.

We didn't say anything to each other when we got to the bus stop, we just waited.

Once the bus pulled up, we got on and I watched Warren walk over to some guy with brown hair and a girl, who I assumed, was his girlfriend. He greeted them with a half smirk, along with a nerdy looking black kid with glasses, a goth girl with what looked to be purple in her hair, and a peppy white guy with bleach blond hair.

"You were the last ones, so I suggest you take a seat." The bus driver informed me.

I nodded my head slightly, before shuffling to the back of the bus, past my brother and what looked to be his friends, to the far end of the bus and sat down.

The bus gave a jolt as it started down the street.

I could see the ramp up ahead. We were almost there. I held on tightly, waiting for the eminent drop and the quick pull up as we shot into the sky. I grinned, hearing the other freshman scream and the older students laughing and pretending the bus was a roller coaster. I wasn't screaming though, I had known what would happen and I wasn't scared.

In what seemed to only seconds we landed. The bus skidded to a stop on the floating high school, and we all got off. The freshmen were being herded into one group so they could be given a tour and everything. Following suite, I looked over my shoulder and gave my brother a small wave that he returned before mouthing See you after school. I nodded and turned back around to see a guy with jet black hair, wearing a simple black t-shirt and jeans, staring at me and then at Warren.

"Were you talking to Warren Peace?" he asked, falling into step beside me as we were herded into the school.

I shrugged. "Maybe I was, and maybe I wasn't" I replied smoothly.

"Well you shouldn't" he told me sternly. "That guy is trouble; his father was a super villain, Baron –"

"– Battle. Yes, I know." I cut him off. "But I also know that his mother was none other than the famous super hero, Rahnette Peace." I informed him.

"Oh yeah, I heard about that. She's that hydrokinetic, water and ice lady. But the thing is Warren got his fathers' powers. I think he's going to go bad as soon as he steps out of this place. You should stay away from him. My name is Sam, by the way. Sam Omber." He told me, proud of his information gathering skills.

"I don't think he'll go bad once he gets out of here, I think he's going to become a great super hero and totally show up ou-... I mean, his father." I said, quickly covering up the fact that I was related to him.

Sam looked at me strangely for a moment before talking animatedly again.

"You never told me your name, what is it?"

"It's Rachel." I told him, and my voice implied not to ask any further questions. Unfortunately for me, he didn't notice and asked any ways.

"Rachel… Nice name, but what's your last name?" Sam asked excitedly. "Do you have any super powered parents?"

"…" What should I say; I don't think I should tell him I'm related to Warren…

"…Look, I don't really want to talk about it."

"Okay… well if you do, I'm the man!" he informed me.

I sighed, I guess I had just made a friend, although if he learns who I am and who I'm related to… I don't even want to think about it…

I realized we had stopped walking and we were in the gym.

A man stood on a platform, the infamous Coach Boomer.

He stood silently for a second before, wouldn't you know it, boomed at the class. "QUIET!"

The group was quiet after that. About a second after Coach got the freshmen under control; a bright light soared though the air and turned into a woman, Principle Powers.

"Welcome to Sky High," she greeted us. "I am Principle Powers, and I am going to go through a few rules." I started to zone out for the rest of her speech, although thankfully it was only a few minutes.

"… Now I will let Coach Boomer start with the sorting, and I wish you all a wonderful year at Sky High."

And with that, she turned back it an orb of light and shot off out of the gym.

Coach Boomer, a middle-aged guy with hair beginning to gray, and wearing a blue track suit and matching baseball cap stepped up to the platform.

"ALRIGHT! LISTEN UP!" he said, in an overly loud and annoying voice. "I'M COACH BOOMER, AND I WILL BE SORTINGYOU GUYS INTO HERO OR SIDEKICK! GOT IT?" he yelled. "Now let's get started." He looked around the room. "Hmmm… You there, brace face, the one in red, not blue." He pointed to a weaker looking boy, wearing red and had braces. The boy in question slowly walked up onto the platform.

"What's your name, boy?"

"F-f-Fre-eddy" he stuttered.

"Okay, let's see what you got."

Freddy took a nervous breath, and then jumped as high as the roof would let him. He held onto the banister of the gym roof for a second before dropping down and landing without a sound.

"Hero!" said Boomer. "Next!" and so it continued, soon it was time for lunch.

"Okay, it's time for lunch. I want all of you to come back after lunch and we're going to continue, starting with… you." He said pointing at Sam.

With that said we all headed out the gym to the cafeteria.

Sam and I were lagging behind a bit and we ended up exiting the gym last, just as the bell rang.

Students came streaming out of theirs classes. I noticed most of them were heading in the same direction.

"Come on let's go get lunch." I said to Sam, who was behind me, as I followed the crowd.

"Wait, how do you know where we're going?"

"I'm following the crowd, smart one." I told him, as I walked down the hallway.

"You coming or not?" I asked over my shoulder.

"Yeah, wait up!" he said jogging to catch up.

A/N: So, I thought I add a little explination on the names.
Rachel: I just thought it fit, I dunno...
Rahnette Peace: Rahnette is supposed to be pronounced like rain-ette, I gave her that name because she is a hydrokinetic (contols water/ice) technically hydrokinetic is only water manipulation, but i don't remeber what the "scientific" term for ice manipulation is, so I'm leaving it at hydrokinetic for water and ice. And her last name is Peace cause Warrens last name is Peace, and he has his mothers last name.
I won't explain Sam's name, cause it's related to his powers, see if you can guess what they are ;)
Feedback greatly appreciated ^_^ and a rate or review