"My," Sherlock had sobbed into his brother's shirt, "I'm so sorry My."

It worried Mycroft, Sherlock was never like this - logically the boy's senses were probably still dulled from the drug, but still. Worrisome.

"Shh, Sher, shh. It's okay. It's going to be okay, I promise. I'll make it okay." Mycroft gently led the boy over to the bed, lying down and pulling Sherlock close to him. Extremely odd for him, but Sherlock needed to be taken care of, and God only knows Mycroft will do anything for Sherlock. Speaking of Sherlock, the boy had snuggled his head into Mycroft's chest and fell asleep tucked against his brother. It left Mycroft time to think, time that had been much needed. Yes, they were going to need to talk, he knew that much, but how? He'd give anything to be interrogating a prisoner rather than dealing with this, but Sherlock needed someone. Mummy had failed them both, and their Father had never even been in the picture - it was absolutely up to Mycroft to help him now.

"My?" the sudden noise made Mycroft jump - Sherlock had been quiet and still for hours. It was a nice change, he had to admit.

"What, Sher?"

"Do we have to talk about it?"

The older man sighed, sat up, and nodded. Sherlock paused for a moment and then climbed back into his older brother's lap - Sherlock could have passed for a cat, Mycroft swore.

"I got it from someone in an alley downtown - yes, My, I tested it first to make sure it was clean. It was. Cocaine. Yes, I'm positive the needle was clean. It was my needle in the first place. About three hours ago. Here, of course. And I was bored."

Mycroft paused to digest the information. "Sherlock, it was still dangerous, even if you think you had it under control. I don't care if it was your own damn needle," he hadn't meant to let his language slip, "I'm still taking you in for HIV testing. No buts, Sherlock."

The last one was more difficult to address. Mycroft shifted Sherlock's position, making it more comfortable for both of them, sighing softly.

"We have to figure out how we're going to deal with this boredom. In the least harmful way possible, okay, Sherlock?"

"Come back when you find something." he was starting to put his defenses back up, and Mycroft knew that he didn't have long till Sherlock was completely locked away in his mind again.

"Sherlock, you know I love you, don't you?"

"Of course I do, My. Of course I do."