Title: A Delicacy Pt. 2

Pairing: Erik Lehnsherr and Charles Xavier

Fandom: X-Men: First Class

Rated: M

Reviews are love!


1. Above his right eyebrow.

2. Above his left eyebrow, slightly higher.

3. Under his right eye, on his cheek.

4 + 5. Oddly placed on the center of his nose.

And those were just his favorites.

The first time he caught a glimpse of the professor shirtless, the unthinkable happened: He froze in total awe. It was nothing like Sean's freckles, overpowering and many like a typical ginger, no, no it was just right. Little brown specks littered the man's shoulders as if God himself simply dipped a toothbrush in maple syrup and pulled his finger across the bristles to spray the sugary topping ever so gently on that beautiful pale skin.

"Sweet perfection."

The first time he accidentally walked in on Charles stark naked, the unimaginable happened: His jaw dropped in complete astonishment. Three little flecks formed a triangle on the left buttocks and his hips were lightly sprinkled with the sweet brown sugar. Of course, the view didn't last for long, Charles let out a straggled "gahhhh" (you make such lovely sounds, my dear) and covered himself with the pajama top already in hand. They had kissed once by this point, but that was not nearly enough preparation for either of them to be put in this situation.

"You look just so apetizing, Charles."

Charles now lay in his arms, sleepy and nude, tucked away warmly against Erik's firm body. He wanted to kiss them, those caramel sprinkles; kiss them, bite them, lick them, savor them. Savor them. Definitely savor them. Anytime someone referred to Charles as sweet, Erik had to force back a smile, because Charles Xavier was sweet in more ways than one and only he had the privilege to taste it on his tongue and lips.

"So intoxicatingly delicious."

"Erik, I'd appreciate it if you stopped comparing me to food. I adore the sentiment, really, but I'm afraid you may actually think I'm edible and try to literally eat me in the near future."

"Nonsense, liebling. I simply have a demanding sweet tooth."