01. Spider Lily
(all prompts courtesy of the lovely SynesterStar)

If there was a reason for there to be a pair of spider lilies on his wife's pillow, Yamaguchi Sesshomaru didn't quite know what that reason was.

Reaching out, he pressed a palm against the bed sheets. Cool, he mused, and a cursory glance at the clock read nearly 9 am. Kagome, Sesshomaru knew, did not get up any earlier than ten during the weekend, so it was obvious that whatever she had in mind, it was important. Very important.

He sat up, and the lily rolled from her pillow with the movement, and that was when he realized what his clever little wife had done; twisted together so tightly that there was no beginning and no end, the petals of one of the flowers had been joined with the leaves.

He smiled.

Author's Note: The spider lily represents the dead, or a pair of doomed lovers, never to meet again (the leaves and the petals of the spider lily never touch). And since I couldn't really use that meaning, I added my own little symbolic twist. Literally. *grin* Anyway, thanks for reading, and I hope you enjoyed!

Word Count: 133