No Place Like Home

by Criminally Charmed

Disclaimer - And for the last time of this story, I do not own Thunderbirds and since we see characters from Numb3rs - becase these would BOTH still be on the air if I did.


Thanksgiving Day (aka – five days later)

Thanksgiving morning broke over Tracy Island, clouds building in the sky, but Kate had been up for a while – after all, in Los Angeles, they were already watching football, the parades long over.

"I miss you too, Mom," Kate said as she curled up on the couch, a vid phone on in front of her. She smiled up at Scott as he handed her a cup of tea before frowning at the contents.

"Scott -" she whined softly only for her mother to chuckle.

"Kate, I'm sure your doctor has talked to you about the baby not needing caffeine."

"Yes," Kate grumbled. "But it doesn't mean I have to like it."

"What don't you like, Katie?" Charlie Eppes said as he entered the room, smiling at his niece and nephew (by marriage) through the vid phone.

"Emily put her foot down," Scott explained. "Green tea – no caffeine. And Katie - you know it's been helping with the heartburn."

"Emily is a good doctor, so trust her, Cuz," Edward said as he came up behind his father, carrying a large grocery sack. "Hey, Mom – where do you want these veggies?"

Outside the view of the vid screen, the Tracy couple could hear Amita Ramijun-Eppes call out "on the counter, Edward."

Charlie smiled again at his only niece. "So – who's cooking? You, Emily…"

Kate shrugged. "It's a team effort. Onaha leads the troops, but we all have stuff to do."

"Really?" Don said as he entered the room, a tender smile for his baby girl. "And what does Scott do?"

Scott got a sour look on his face. "I'm not allowed in the kitchen while food is being prepared. I can help with clean-up but…"

"You'll be keeping Alan company," Kate soothed him. "Emily said if he is doing well enough, she'll move him from the infirmary to his bedroom and he should be even able to join us for dinner."

"How is Alan?" Robin Eppes asked. She had developed a soft spot for the teenager at her daughter's wedding. Looking at her husband and brother-in-law, Robin could see they felt the same way.

"The worst is over," Scott said grimly, remembering a few rough days Alan had as the pneumonia had run its course. They had to be careful that Alan's cracked ribs didn't become broken ones from coughing. "Emily is still saying there is no way she would ok Alan going back to New England quite yet. But Dad talked to his headmaster and the teachers will help coordinate a home study course for the next month. If he stays here and doesn't overdue it, Allie should be fully recovered and can head back to Wharton's after the New Year."

"Well, that's good news," Don admitted. He worried his lower lip for a moment even as Kate did the same. Their family recognized that as a nervous tick the two shared when they wanted to say something. Finally, Don sighed.

"So – the holidays?"

"We'll be there for Chanukah," Kate said looking up at Scott. "It falls before Christmas this year so we told Professor Hackenbacker we would pick up Fermat and bring him home for Christmas."

Don pressed his fingers to his lips and touched the screen. "We miss you, Katie Bear."

"I miss you guys too," Kate admitted even as Scott wrapped a comforting arm around her shoulders. Leaning into his embrace, she signed off with her family.

"You ok?" Scott asked but before Kate could respond, another incoming call was indicated. "If that is your family again…" Scott muttered before answering the call. When Jean Landman appeared on the screen, Kate giggled.

"Nope, it's yours," Kate said to Scott's annoyance and Jean's confusion.

"Happy Thanksgiving," Scott greeted his long-time friend.

"Back at ya," Jean said lightly before sighing.

"Hey, I thought you had the day off?" Scott asked.

"I do," Jean said. "But something came up yesterday and I was wrapping it up after Mama tossed me out of the kitchen."

"Let me guess," Kate joked. "Jean cooks as well as you do?"

Both Scott and Jean glared at Kate, but Amos Taylor answered from behind Jean.

"Nah – Jeannie can cook when she pays attention. Millie said she was too distracted and to just call you already. By the way, thank your daddy for the vid phone. We've been letting family members contact each other using it. Helps out a lot. Oh, and Jeannie's new SUV will be here Monday."

"Sounds good," Scott said. "How is everyone?"

"Bailey is recovering," Amos sighed. "Oh, and we heard from that man, Adair."

"How is he?" Kate asked, nudging her husband who had tightened his jaw at the mention of the ex-con. She shook her head – no one could hold a grudge like Scott Tracy.

"He heads back to work on Monday," Jean said. "The doctors said he will make a full recovery. The media considered it a three-day wonder and Amy said TJ is back to the obscurity he so loves. But when people heard about those quilts he had gotten for the shelter? The shelter received more linens than they could use and the attached food pantry is now fully stocked. Of course," Jean grinned, "some of that could be from a donation from the Tracy Trust."

Scott looked surprised before glancing at his wife. "Did you know about that?"

Kate shrugged. "Emily, Sarah and I decided that would be a good reward. And before you say anything, your father agreed. Now hush."

Sighing, Scott looked back at Jean. "Any word on a certain idiot in a red rag top?"

Jean sighed as well. "That is the main reason for the call. We found her."

"So," Kate mused. "What is Tara White being charged with? Reckless driving? Leaving the scene of an accident – twice? Vehicular assault? Or failure to respond?" Jean had previously informed them that security footage from the bus accident had shown that Tara's car had approached the scene only to turn around and drive in the opposite direction. The law insisted that someone with medical training – i.e. a nurse like Tara – was required to offer aid. Her failure to do so was something that could see her losing her nursing license.

"Nothing," Jean admitted grimly.

"What?" Kate snapped. She had already been infuriated that Ana Nevada had only received a slap on the wrist for trespassing, the "assault" on Scott being written off as an accident. But it had helped Jeff get a restraining order against the journalist.

"We were pulling your Daddy's rental car from the river when the diver spotted something a bit further downstream," Amos said. "Turns out, Tara White never left Bailey. An autopsy will determine the details, but I would say she didn't die easy."

"She drowned?" Scott asked, seeing Kate pale.

"Looks like it," Jean sighed. "Seems that she had a higher punishment coming her way. I guess I don't have to kill her after all. Well," the deputy brightened, "that's one thing off of my to-do list."

Amos smacked the back of Jean's head with his hat. "Idjit. Go back to your Mama's. She'll be expecting you."

Jean sulked as she rubbed her head. "Just you wait until Billy and I get our house. See if you get invited to a holiday dinner again."

"I will 'cause your mama will make you," Amos asserted before smiling at Scott and Kate. "You go take care of your family, Scotty. We'll handle things here."

"Oh Sheriff?" Kate asked before Scott could sign off. "What about Deputy Dumba- I mean, Dutton?"

"I would have suspended him," Amos admitted, "but we need all hands right now. Let's just say, he'll be working third shift until further notice. It's for his own good – Jeannie would hurt him if she got a chance."

Scott chuckled. Yeah, that sounded like Jean. When the screen went dark, the couple stood up and crossed the compound to the main house. He was looking forward to spending some time with Alan…and lots of food a few hours later.

Kate had called down to Scott to help Kyrano secure a few things as a thunderstorm was about to pass through the area. Alan took the opportunity once his smother-hen of a brother was gone to try and get back to work on his comparative literature paper.

Alan leaned back against a pillow as he set his text book down. He would need his lap top if he wanted to verify some facts…

"Alan Sheppard Tracy!" Tin-Tin admonished as she came into the infirmary, bouncing Elizabeth on her hip. "Don't even think about getting out of that bed."

"I didn't get out of bed," Alan said defensively.

"No, but you were thinking about it," Tin-Tin argued as she lay Elizabeth on the bed. Alan started playing with his niece's toes, making the infant giggle with joy. Tin-Tin watched her boyfriend indulgently before sitting on the other side of the bed.

"You're good with kids," she smiled before gently kissing him.

Alan kissed her back before returning his focus to Elizabeth. "Yeah, I can't wait to have one of my own."

"And that had best be a long way off," Emily said as she entered the infirmary. Looking over her youngest brother-in-law, she nodded before making notations in the chart.

"OK," the young physician finally said. "Things look good and since today is Thanksgiving, I think we can finally spring you from this joint."

"Seriously," Alan said excitedly. "I'm finally out of here? I won't be tied to a bed anymore?"

"For three hours," Emily said firmly. "You stay on the couch when not eating and then you are still on restrictions for at least another week."

Emily and Tin-Tin waited for the argument but Alan had learned by now. Restrictions meant no leaving the house – mainly no leaving his room – and definitely no pool, beach or otherwise endangering his health. But it was better than the infirmary.

"Listen to them picking on your Uncle Alan, my little sunshine," Alan cooed to the baby. "They are so mean to your favorite uncle, aren't they?"

"Mean?" Emily scoffed. "I let you out and…"

Emily stopped and stared as Elizabeth let out a small grunt as she pulled herself upright, sitting up for a few seconds before flopping back down.

"Oh – my – god!" Emily squealed. "Did you see? She sat up!"

Alan grinned at his niece. "Well, aren't you the little over-achiever?"

Tin-Tin snorted, "Well, she'll fit right into the family."

Still grinning at his niece, Alan allowed his girlfriend and sister-in-law to help him into a wheelchair. Looking between her daughter, the baby stretching her arms towards Alan, and her youngest brother-in-law, who was using puppy-dog eyes of his own, Emily sighed before picking up Elizabeth and settling the baby into Alan's arms.

"Great," she muttered as she followed Tin-Tin, who was pushing the wheelchair towards the exit. "Like Little Miss Thing needs lessons in having the family wrapped around her little finger. How many weeks until the New Year?"

Thanksgiving dinner had been, like all of Onaha's meals, delicious. A heavy rain outside had made sure that the meal was consumed in the dining room before everyone (except Alan and Elizabeth), helped to clear the dishes and clean up in general – a requirement since the boys were little.

Wiping his hands on a dish towel, Jeff leaned into the living room to see if Alan wanted anything. With a smile, he motioned to the rest of the family to come and see…

"Oh that is so adorable," Sarah murmured at the sight of Alan asleep on the couch, the baby curled up on his chest, her tiny diapered bottom sticking up.

Gordon was about to go crashing in when Kate grabbed him and hissed, "Quiet! You'll wake the baby."

"Which baby?" Virgil snickered as he entered the room.

"I'm awake," Alan murmured from the couch.

Jeff made his way over to the couch, leaning his son up before sitting, allowing Alan to use his lap as a pillow. John picked up his daughter, who fussed for a moment before she realized it was her beloved daddy holding her. Elizabeth cooed and cuddled closer to her father, who had immediately headed to the other couch, curling up with his wife with their daughter between them.

Still standing in the doorway, Kate looked at the family, a bittersweet smile on her face.

"You miss them?" Scott asked as he wrapped his arms around her, his hands resting on the soft mound that was their unborn child.

Kate nodded but raised her face for a kiss. "Yes, but I wouldn't trade this for anything."

"Not even the candied yams your mother used to make?"

Chuckling, Kate nodded again. "Can you imagine the lecture Emily would give if I brought yams with marshmallows to the table?"

Over by the piano, Sarah and Virgil had sat on the bench, Virgil beginning to play. With the music playing in the background and the soft chatter of his family in the foreground, Gordon continued to stand by the door to the kitchen. Tin-Tin had joined Alan and Jeff on one couch, while Kate and Scott had joined Emily and John on the other. Kyrano was starting a fire in the fireplace – a rare treat, but the weather made it a good idea.

Onaha came up behind Gordon and placed an arm around his shoulder. With the way Alan had shot up, Gordon was the only Tracy brother the woman could still embrace like this. "You should join them," the housekeeper-slash-surrogate mother murmured to the red-headed Tracy son.

"I like watching them," Gordon said with uncharacteristic solemnest. "There was a point last week I wondered if we would get a chance to be like this again." Looking at his only younger brother, Gordon sighed as tears pricked at his eyes.

"I don't know what we would do if we ever lost him," Gordon said.

Onaha looked over at her daughter, who was resting Alan's feet on her lap even as she pulled an old quilt of Grandma Tracy's over her boyfriend as she talked to Jeff. It was obvious that Alan had drifted off again but his father and girlfriend were both taking comfort in being able to just hold him.

"The family does have much to be thankful for," Onaha murmured.

Giving the older woman a quick peck on the cheek, Gordon returned her hug.

"Yeah, Onaha," Gordon softly said as he watched his – their – family. "We sure do."

A/N – Last responses of the story.

Scott – OK, I am here with a not-so-secret weapon to TRY and keep that psycho Criminally Charmed away from my baby brother. And here is that weapon, my beautiful wife, Kate.

Kate (Still reading notes in front of her) – Uh, huh. You still are in trouble mister.

Scott – OK, first response of the final chapter is from ThunderbirdMom who writes, "Maybe Ana N. will learn her lesson about not messing with the Tracys - NOT!
Good to see things coming together for TJ. I'm with Jean in seeing Amos deal
with Keifer, should prove interesting. Good to see John getting into the action. Maybe a belated birthday party for Scott?"

Kate – Ana Nevada wouldn't be a problem if you let me have my way.

Scott – Kate, I am fairly sure your way was illegal.

Kate – Only if they find the body. And as you heard, Scott did get his belated birthday.

Scott (with a dopey grin) – Yeah, and Kate gave me the best present.

Kate (blushing) – OK, and next review was by Thera-Rocklynn who said, "Amazing and awesome chapter! I love this story! I can't wait to read more of your amazing and awesome and exciting story! Have a great and wonderful day." OK, save that one for some friends of mine from the DEA.

Scott – Kate!

Kate – What? I just mean here is an example of what someone sounds like when they are, um, high on life. Shows enthusiasm and joy.

Scott – Sure. Next letter is by GilbertBeilschmidtsgirl "Loved it yet again. I wish you would have let Ana go through John then they wouldn't had to have deal with her." Yes, for one thing, that would be very bad PR for International Rescue.

Kate – And two, the paperwork would suck. Better to let the lawyers have a go at her.

Scott – ANYHOW "And yay for Scott and Kate!" Thanks. "Oh I now love
Gordon and am going to kidnap him and make him watch Lord of the Rings with

Kate – Got it, sending a message to Dad. And now for the next response to Susan M. M –

Scott – Hey, isn't that Gordy's fixation of the month?

Kate – Actually, it's been a couple of months. Now stop interrupting. "Even the Tracys watch Bill Bixby." Actually, I think it was the Avengers movie and a smart ass comment CC made. "I do like the way you refuse to let supporting characters be cardboard cutouts." As a so-called supporting character, I concur. "And the
Thunderbirds are kidnapping the Tracys? Puh-leeze! Even Ana can't believe that
nonsense; she's just vexed not to get an exclusive with Jeff or Alan"
She got that one right. "Dutton had no authorization to give you authorization," that's a great line and Amos managed to say it with a straight face."Actually, CC actually heard an authority figure say that. And they had no clue how silly it sounded.

Scott – It was kinda funny. Anyhow, Darkflame's Pyre said, "Epilogue already? Drat. I want more. And still no Jean!" Hey Jeannie gets another story soon. "Kate, I love you, but I really want Jeannie and Scott to do reviews. I don't think that it'll ever happen now."

Kate – She does realize CC is going to write more stories, doesn't she?

Scott – Well, CC is taking the summer off.

Kate – I don't think CC had told anyone that.

Scott – Um, oops?

Kate (glares at her husband) – Next review is laurashrub "Wow and I thought Ana getting punched in the face was satisfying. Having her be arrested just made my day!"

Scott – Too bad she got off.

Kate – Yeah, well – it did give time for someone to really mess up her credit rating.

Scott – Katie, I think that's illegal.

Kate – Only if they prove it. (Clears throat) To continue "I have grown very fond of Jean Bates over the course of this story. Pretty pretty please can we have a glimpse of her chewing out Dutton?" Sorry, no such luck. Read CC's Thunderbirds/ Supernatural crossover for that "Let's be honest, no matter what Amos says she is very protective of the Tracys and even if she isn't allowed to say anything she might imply it in very creative manners." And that is my job.

Scott – And you do it so well. Ah, the next one is from John's stalker.

Kate – Not funny.

Scott – Yes, it is. (Ignores his wife's glare and starts) OK, Sam1 writes, "Whilst not a grisly demise, I'm okay with Ana being locked up."

Kate – Too bad it was in a secure place like Bailey.

Scott – Katie! (Clears throat) "Sneaky Virgil slipping that sedative in with the antibiotics...Good that he knows his dad so well and is looking out for him." Yes, well, Sam1 has never been sedated by my brother. (At Kate's raised eyebrow, he hurries on) "Can hardly wait to read about the Smother henning Alan is going to have to deal with." I am not a smother hen – I mean, a mother hen.

Kate – Yes, you are. (Ignoring her husband's glare, she picks up a new note) Trillianaus wrote, "Loving Jeannie Bates! That chick- what a battle axe! ( meant in the most
loving way)."
Uh-huh. Send Trill a bullet-proof vest?

Scott – Nah. Jeannie prefers her first or a blunt object. OK, this is from JoTracy123 – no relation – who writes "really enjoying this story but so sad its coming to an end. so make sure you update. And yes i think that Sarah would make a great mum. Any chance of that happening any time soon?" Not until Sarah finishes her Physician Assistant's training.

Kate – Yeah, we try to keep the hugely pregnant a bit apart and I am not due until early May. Wait a bit. OK, here is another Jo = Jo1966 writing "Brilliant. Loved the chapter. I know I shouldn't but I enjoyed Scott being knocked on his ** by Ana and John coming to his rescue." Snicker – personally, I kinda liked it to. (Grins at her husband's annoyed look) "Alan's safe now (I hope). Can't believe another story is at the end. I hope you've got another planned."

Scott – Scarily enough, I think CC always has more planned. And here is one from thunderbird5 –

Kate – John wrote one?

Scott – No, that is someone's pen name. "Oh, I love Rascal Flatts too. Nice song ma'm. Alan is lucky." For the song or the lullaby?

Kate – Probably both.

Scott (shrugs) "Lord of the rings? Don't like that much. Awe Virgil. What else do you want Gordon to do? And shame. Gordon is a good pilot too." One, don't let Virgil hear you say that. And two – all of my brothers are good. But Gordon doesn't like us piloting Four, either.

Kate – He doesn't mind me piloting Four. You on the other hand, I will never go near One again.

Scott – And you shouldn't be going near Four while you are pregnant, Katie.

Kate – Spoilsport. Next - BELLA X STARFIRE7745231 "Awesome chapter!(:" Yes, yes it was.

Scott – How come you get the short one?

Kate – I'm on light duty, remember? Fine, I'll read another. mizz-shy-gurl writes "Ah, the story's almost over. Can't wait for the update." And here you are. "I think Ana got off very lightly, and I laughed at John's Hulk impression."

Scott (snicker) Trust me – we all did. Alright, this is from Bookfanatic67 "What a wonderful surprise to find after getting home from taking my Girl Scout Troop to DC this weekend. Everyone is safe and headed home. I love that, but hate that it means the story is coming to an end." Well, you can't get everything. Kate, what are you glaring at?

Kate – A review from your stalker. sammygirl1963–who better keep her mitts to herself -

Scott – She's just kidding.

Kate – No, I'm not. And if you try to blame hormones again –

Scott – Of course not honey, but you need to read – Sammy writes long letters.

Kate (huffs) Fine. "Ya know, I would say that Ana is lucky that John was the ne who got to her first after she assaulted Scott with that heavy case. Had it been Jeannie, she
would have definitely knocked Anna on her a** and maybe blackened her eye
before reading her rights"
OK, so what is wrong with that idea?

Scott – It is considered assault.

Kate – That's what the lawyers are for. To continue – "Love the song that Sarah Jane sung to Alan! I listened to them as I was reading the chapter for the third time, and it brought tears to my eyes thinking how much those words really applied to the Tracy family and how they take care of Alan! You couldn't have chosen a better song!"

Scott – Nothing there?

Kate – It was a good song.

Scott – We done?

Kate – Yep, we are.

Scott – Any chance I am out of the dog house yet?

Kate – No, you're not.

Scott – By the time CC publishes again?

Kate – Depends if you make anymore comments on how "cute" I look with the baby weight.

Scott – Aw, Katie…

Kate – And it is your baby curving me up, not the chocolate cake from your birthday, Scott Carpenter Tracy! (Storms off.)

Scott – I can't win. (bangs head) I think I am safer with CC than a hormonal wife.

Kate (off-screen) – I heard that!

Scott – Definitely can't win. OK, folks – until next time…