A/N: So I'm at it again, and am writing another drabble. I have a good portion of this prewritten and will be posting anywhere from two to four chapters a day until this is completed. Banner for this can be found in my FB group (lvtwilight09s lovers) and on my blog: lvtwilight09(dot)blogspot(dot)com

Also, unless otherwise stated, all chapters will be told through Bella's POV.

February 14, 2012

Today was supposed to be a good day.

A romantic day.

We were supposed to be going out to a nice dinner and then go dancing.

He was supposed to give me flowers…tulips to be exact, because they were my favorite, and he always got them for me every year.

Tonight was supposed to be the beginning of us trying to grow our family.

We were ready.

We wanted to have a baby, and according to the ovulation test, I was ready.

What better sign could we ask for that it was meant to be than me being ready on what was supposed to be the most romantic night of the year?

Today was Valentine's Day…it wasn't supposed to be like this.

I wasn't supposed to have two police officers showing up at work.

I wasn't supposed to be feeling like I was losing my mind or trapped in a nightmare.

I wasn't supposed to be at the coroner's office, identifying my dead husband's body.