A/N Hi all! *Waves* I wrote this some time ago and I have been debating on whether I should publish it or not for some time now. Whilst updating another story, I thought about this one and decided well, why not? So, here it is. I have no idea where the idea for this came from. Anyway… Moving on.

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. But, I do own my OC Kimu. She is mine. I created her.

Kimu: Well said. *High Fives* On with the story!

Natsu, Gray, Erza, Mirajane and various other members of the guild were all talking about their childhoods together. Lucy, unfortunately, wasn't able to take part as she was in bed ill. The last mission she went on was to a very cold place.

"I remember my first love. I was nine maybe ten at the time, but she never noticed me." Wakaba proclaimed sadly.

"I remember mine too." Mirajane spoke next. "I was around the age of fifteen. It was absolutely amazing. We got along so well. That was, until he had to move to another country…" Mirajane began sobbing quietly.

Elfman reached over to comfort his sobbing sister. "Don't cry over it Mirajane it was a long time ago. A man who doesn't stay with his girl doesn't deserve to call themselves a man."

After a while Mira's sobs eventually ceased.

Then Natsu said straight out of the blue: "I remember my first love."

Everyone in the guild froze rock solid. Even Cana froze her constant drinking. Gray & Erza's mouths flopped straight open. Mirajane, Elfman and everyone else stared at Natsu with a mixture of shock and disbelief written across their faces.

"What?" Natsu looked around not quite understanding what the big deal was. "Was it something I said?"

"Aye. I think it may have been what you said, Natsu." Happy chimed in as he continued to stare at everyone in shock. "Wow. I've never known the guild to be so quiet…"

"What I said?" Natsu thought aloud. "But all I said was-"

Natsu was cut off be everyone's late reaction. "What?" This was asked out by everyone in the entire guild. Even Master Makarov got involved this time.

"D-Did you just say that you remember your first love?" Erza stuttered to begin with, but soon was able to re-gain her tough composure.

"Uh-Huh." Natsu nodded calmly; still not realising what everyone's problem was.

"Do you even know the meaning of the word 'love'?" Gray questioned as he began to unbutton his shirt for no apparent reason.

"Yeah I do." Natsu answered back.

"What does it mean then?" Gray asked again not believing what he was hearing.

"It's when you have a great affection for someone. Falling in love is when you feel a strong emotional attraction towards another person." Natsu spoke perfectly; still managing to remain completely calm.

"Where did you learn that, Natsu?" Happy had wings now and was flying near Natsu's head.

"Igneel taught me."

"Okay okay. Who was your first love then?" Erza asked curious now.

"Yeah! Who was it? Tell me! Tell me please!" Mirajane sung happily; the suspense was causing her to spin around the guild.

"Well… It happened quite a long time ago actually…" Natsu trailed off deep in thought.

"I don't care! Tell me please! Tell me, tell me!" Mira sang again.

"Okay. It happened just after Igneel disappeared. Here's what happened."


A young boy was wondering through the woods; alone. He was screaming out repeatedly "Igneel! Igneel! Where are you, Igneel?" At this point the salmon haired boy collapsed on the floor. Tired from fatigue. He had been hopelessly wandering the woods for days. Determination brought him back to his feet again and he continued his search, only to trip on a tree root and be sent flying.

"Ow…" The small boy muttered as he rubbed at his sore angle.

"Hold on. Don't move. I think you've sprained your ankle." The boy looked up at the sound of this new voice. And came face to face with the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. A young girl around his age was examining his ankle. She held it carefully as she traced her cool fingers across it.

Her long shiny emerald coloured hair lay in folds on the floor and her liquid, golden-honey eyes sparkled as they caught the light of the setting sun.

"Yeah, you've definitely sprained it. Hold still." The girl took off her rucksack and searched through it until she pulled out a small first aid kit. She opened it up and pulled out a thick roll of bandage which she used to wrap around the boys injured leg.

"W-Who are you?" The boy finally managed to ask.

"My name is Kimu. It means 'gold' in English." Kimu didn't look up from her work on his leg.

"I-I'm Natsu." Natsu said. "Why are you helping me?"

"I was walking past here when I heard someone shouting." Kimu packed her first aid kit away and met Natsu's eyes. "I came in to see what was going on and saw you trip. My mum used to be a nurse so I immediately came over to help."

"Oh… T-Thanks…" Natsu muttered out.

"What were you doing all the way out here anyway? If you don't mind me asking." Kimu said politely as she met Natsu's jet-black eyes.

Natsu blushed slightly as he met the girl's gaze. "My foster Dad Igneel… He disappeared a couple of days ago. I've been searching for him since. But, I can't find him…" Natsu trailed off as his eyes began to water.

"Hey, don't cry." Kimu wrapped her arms around Natsu's sobbing shoulders.

"I-I don't have any real parents…I-Igneel… H-he's a dragon… He found me and looked after me… H-he taught me how to read, write and use m-magic. And n-now h-he's gone…" Natsu's voice broke again and he couldn't hold himself together any longer.

"It's okay. I believe you. I know how you feel."

"R-really?" Natsu asked as he looked up.

Kimu nodded. "My mother died a few months ago and my dad left that same day. I've been by myself since then wandering around, travelling and getting to know the world." Tears slowly began to fall down her cheeks.

"Kimu…" Natsu trailed off.

Kimu wiped her eyes. "Come on. I know somewhere where we can spend the night. Tomorrow I'll help you look for Igneel."

"Really?" Natsu couldn't believe what he was hearing.

Kimu nodded. "Come on. Let's go." She stood up and reached her hand down.

Natsu accepted it gratefully and Kimu helped him to stand.

"Come on. Put your weight on me. It'll help to ease the strain on your ankle."

Natsu nodded and together they walked out of the woods.

The next day the young girl and boy were back in the woods calling out. "Igneel! Where are you?" Together, the two of them searched till dusk.

"I'm sorry Natsu, but I don't think we're going to find him here." Kimu watched Natsu limp on; he was determined not to give up. "Natsu, be careful if you keep trying to force your ankle you'll collapse-"

Kimu ran forward and caught Natsu just before he hit the floor. "Careful. Your ankle still needs more time to heal."

Natsu didn't respond.

"I'm sorry that we couldn't find Igneel, Natsu. But he's a dragon. I'm sorry to say this but he's probably long gone by now. I know a place where you can go. They'll take care of you, Natsu. They'll help you to become stronger. And then, maybe one day, you'll meet Igneel again."

"You think so?"

Kimu nodded. "I believe that there was a reason why you met Igneel. I believe that there is a reason why he left. I also believe that your destiny's will enter twine again someday. But for now you need to find somewhere to stay. I know the perfect place, Natsu. I ran away from home once and ended up there. They looked after me and fed me. They didn't send me back until I was ready to go back. The Master is really nice. Everyone is nice."

"What's the place called?"

"It's a guild for mages it goes by the name of Fairy Tail."

"Mages? Are you a mage, Kimu?" Natsu asked.

Kimu nodded. "I can control nature."

"Control nature? Really? Can you show me?"

Kimu nodded. "Okay. Watch that dead flower closely." She pointed at a dead wilted flower. She closed her eyes and hovered her hand over it. "Mother Nature. Please help this flower grow and flourish." A green light shone from Kimu's palm and the plant burst into life. It grew upwards towards her palm slowly at first before gaining momentum. It then burst open into a beautiful red tulip.

"Wow! That's amazing, Kimu!" Natsu said completely amazed.

"Thanks. Come on let's get you to Fairy Tail. I'll hire a carriage."

"Wait. I get motion sickness really easily."

"Hold on. I have something for that." Kimu routed around in her bag and pulled out a small bundle of herbs. "Here eat this." She pulled out one of the herbs and handed it to Natsu. "This will cure your motion sickness for at least twenty four hours. By that time we should be in Magnolia."

"Okay." Natsu took the herb and ate it. "Alright let's go!"

Kimu nodded and helped him stand.

The next day at around mid-day Kimu and Natsu stood in front of a grand building. The sign across the top read: 'Fairy Tail.'

"Well. Here you are, Natsu. The greatest mage guild in the world. This will be your new home."

Natsu turned around to face her. "What are you going to do now, Kimu?"

"I'm going to continue my travels."

"You're leaving?" Natsu was crestfallen.

Kimu nodded. "It was great to meet you, Natsu. I really enjoyed spending time with you." Tears flowed down Kimu's cheeks.

"But I want us to stay friends!" Natsu cried out as he hugged her.

Kimu hugged him back. "We will stay friends, Natsu. I'll never forget you. And, someday I know that our paths will cross again someday."

"You think so?"

Kimu held him back at arm's length. She nodded. "I know so. See you later, Natsu! Take care of yourself! And I wish you the best of luck with finding Igneel!" With that she began to walk off; waving the entire time.

"Take care of yourself to! I wish you the best of luck on your travels!" Tears rolled down his cheeks and hit the floor as he watched her till she was out of sight. He cupped his hands around his mouth and shouted as loudly as he could: "I'll never forget you!"

"What's all this ruckus?" The door to the building swung open and there stood a small and very old man.

*~End of Flashback~*

Everyone in the guild was in tears.

"That was such a beautiful story!" Mirajane wiped tears from her eyes with a huge smile on her face.

"Kimu… She was such a nice girl…" Master Makarov closed his eyes lost in his memories.

"Huh?" Came the reply from everyone in the guild.

"You remember her, old gramps?" Natsu asked.

Master nodded. "How could I ever forget? She was such a sweet girl."

"I don't remember her, Master." Mira asked confused.

"Well I wouldn't expect you to. This happened nearly eleven years ago. She was such a small, fragile girl. She stayed here a week, before finally deciding to go back home. She was so small and so quiet, half the time I didn't even know she was there." Master laughed at the old memory.

"Emerald hair and golden eyes…" Erza trailed off deep in thought.

"Huh? Is it ringing any bells with you, Erza?" Natsu asked hopefully.

"I met a girl who fits that description earlier on this morning in a small village to the East of here."

"What?" Natsu shouted out. "Take me there!" Natsu slammed his hands down on the table; shocking everyone.

A/N Well there you go. ^^ The next chapter is half written and if I ever get around to finishing it I may post it here. Please let me know what you think of this by dropping a review or sending me a PM. I love getting feedback. Constructive criticism is also welcomed. ^^ Well, until next time!
