Ordon is a quiet town. It always has been, for as long as Link can remember. It probably always will be. He used to hate it, waking up every day knowing that nothing eventful would happen. Now, a year of adventure later, he can't think of anything better than waking up and knowing, without a doubt, that he is safe.

So he brings Midna to the dock by the river and they sit, dangling their feet into the water and letting the breeze wash over their faces. Midna leans her head on his shoulder and his arm settles around her. They don't need to talk. They just watch the water move quietly, and for once, Link isn't worried about killing monsters and saving people.

It feels like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders and he thinks maybe—maybe—he can stop being a hero and just be an eighteen-year-old herding goats and sleeping in late and watching over the kids.

For a short time.

He knows everything won't be as it was. Link is changed, too changed, to stay in his tiny village forever. Heroes don't just forget and turn back into farm boys. He knows he'll want to leave eventually, and Midna will too. But he has a place to return to, his own bed to sleep in, his neighbors and friends to greet him when he comes home.

"Hey, Link?" Midna says.


And then he feels her hands wrap around her neck and he leans in and kisses her. It's filled with all of the words neither of them know how to say, warm and forgiving and passionate and Link would be happy to live in this moment forever.

"I think it's all over now," Midna says quietly. She rests her forehead against his and stares at her with glowing crimson eyes. She smiles and Link realizes he's never seen her this happy before. He's never been this happy before, either.

"I don't think it's ever over," Link says. "Not completely. But for now…I think we get a break from saving the world."

Midna laughs, lightly, and she looks so beautiful in the golden light that he has to lean in and kiss her again.

Maybe their work isn't finished and never will be. Maybe heroes are always needed.

But they can enjoy the peace, together, while it lasts.


For those of you who have reviewed, thank you sosososososososo much. I love you all (even though I know nothing about you actually).You're what kept me motivated to finish this thing. Although Return of Zant is over, MidLink is my OTP. It always will be, just like Twilight Princess will always be my favorite game. This is it. What I'm trying to say is that you came expect more Midna and Link fanfiction from me, I'm just being sentimental about it. So I'm not going to drop off the face of the Earth, guys, don't worry!