

Rated PG13

Short Ditty

Change of scene in Unending. What if Daniel had reacted differently when Vala showed up with those handcuffs? Vala's POV.


It's not that I couldn't sleep. I mean, it wasn't insomnia. It was... it was Daniel-somnia. Or whatever the Tau'ri word for aching for Daniel so badly I couldn't sleep would be. I had to do something. Something I of course had packed for, but decided wasn't going to work and abandoned until this particular 'I couldn't sleep' episode. So... here I am in the corridor.

I practice my pose, my eyes on the 'someone's at the door' mechanismI am about to manipulate. I admit my rapid heartbeat is a product of my fear of rejection more than anything else. However, there is the tiniest bit of anticipation that somehow my darling warrior archeologist will awake to his true nature as well as his hidden yet undying love for me.

So here I go. I'm going to push that thingie and then jump back. Slam my hand on my hip and look irresistible.

I'm so excited. Really. It's possible.

The door is coming open. The handcuffs are slightly projected forward. I am going to have an orgasm just imagining this!

Hmm. He doesn't look exactly excited. So much for the orgasm. Pouty. I adore that, that pouty look. Sexy. Now the heartbeat is a bit exaggerated by his sheer presence. I cock one brow in invitation, my smile ever so seductive and I study the black T-shirt I'd like to pull off with my teeth!

I continue my perusal of his extraordinary handsomeness. His hands are in his pockets. Lucky hands! His eyes drop and flick up to give me a once over as he pretends to be totally unaffected. Then he raises a hand and goes for the 'close the door' mechanism.

I remain posed, poised and pertinacious.

As the door slowly slides together I keep a close eye on that face framed by the door. A bit of a cocky attitude in Cameron fashion. A little like Muscles in an attempt to appear stoic. However, there is an appreciative grin right under the surface and it makes my heart soar.

There is barely an instant that the door closes over him before it starts its very slow opening sequence.

Keeping my pose as best I can, I move forward a step. "Change your mind?"

"Maybe." He says, hands still deep in his pockets.

"May I come in?" I'm already moving past his guarding stance.

"I suppose."

"Here." I hand him the cuffs as I walk past him indifferent to that look he has that says things that I long to hear out loud.

I went straight to the bed and tested its bounce with one hand. "This will do." I say, but before I can continue my well thought out plan Daniel tosses me onto his bed, slaps the cuff on my wrist, clamps it to the bed and smiles down at me.

"Enjoy." He said grinning as he turns to leave.

"I wasn't expecting that!" I yelled.

"I know," trails back on a chuckle as the door slides shut behind him.