A/N: So I finally updated this story, so it must be Christmas! LOL thanks to my beta Zee Jack, you are amazing to do this for me!

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or any of the songs that was used in this chapter! Enjoy!

Chapter Thirty

Mercedes cleared her throat as she tried not to cry. "Damn you Sam Evans," she said, her voice quivering. "Why do you have to be so perfect?" she wiped the straying tears from her eyes.

He placed a finger under her chin and lifted her head until their eyes met. "I'm not perfect, Mercy," he replied, wiping away her tears with his thumb. "No man is, but I am perfect for you."

"That you are Sam Evans," she sniffed, letting her tears flow freely. "The perfect man for me and I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you."


Sam reached for Mercedes only to discover her side of the bed was empty. He opened one eye and stared out into the semi-darkness of their bedroom. "Babe?" he called out sleepily. "Mercedes?"

When he didn't receive an answer, he reached over on the nightstand and fumbled for the light switch and turned on the lamp. He rubbed the sleep out of his eyes and glanced around the room, he spotted the purple lace baby doll and matching fuck me pumps he had brought her as Christmas gifts strewn across the floor. The memory of the wild passionate sexy time they'd had the night before brought a huge smile to his face. Sam winced in pain as he pulled himself into a sitting position and swung his legs over the edge of the bed, the fresh love marks Mercedes had tattooed all over his body still stung.

"Mercy?" he called out again, putting on his boxers. "Babe where are you?" He felt a gush of air rushing into the room as the sliding door to the balcony opened.

"I'm out here Sam." Mercedes replied, moving back the thin curtain.

His breath hitched in his throat, she was wearing his vintage Star Wars tee shirt of R2D2 and CP3O that she had bought without his knowledge, two days prior on their outing to the small vintage store on the outskirts of town. The tee shirt snugly hugged her curvaceous figure, the hem stopping short of covering up her bountiful ass. With the pre dawn sky in the background, turning the mountains peaks crimson, Mercedes looked every inch the goddess she was.

Fuck! He said to himself, becoming aroused. How in the hell did he end up with someone as gorgeous as Mercedes? "Babe, don't move." He said, looking around the room, he needed to capture the moment.

"Uh…okay?" Mercedes laughed, standing still as she watched Sam run around the bedroom until he spotted what he was looking for.

He held up his camera and grinned at her. "You are so beautiful standing there with the mountains in the background." He complimented her, adjusting the settings on his camera. "You remind me of the love goddess Venus."

"Oh Sam…" she said, smiling bashfully.

"What?" he butted in. "Mercy, why would I lie to you? I have always thought you were beautiful from the first moment I laid eyes on you." He held the camera up to his eye. "And I'm not only talking about your physical beauty because that goes without saying," he grinned. "You are gorgeous on the inside as well and it shows up in your smile..." Click! "Your laugh…" Click! Sam took several more pictures before setting his camera down and joining her on the balcony.

He cupped her face in his huge hands and stared at her intently, with all the love he had for her until Mercedes' cheeks grew warm from blushing. "Have I told you lately how much I love you?" he whispered. "Because I do with all my heart, body and soul."

Mercedes nodded, unable to speak, just when she thought she couldn't love this man more, he always proved her wrong. They walked over to the balcony's railing to take in the beautiful view. Sam stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her, resting his head on top of hers.

"Are you alright?" Mercedes asked, her tone concerned, her markings of ownership all over his chest and stomach looked painful. "I didn't mean to get so carried away, but you knew what you were getting into when you wanted to play Dominate! Nyota and Submissive! Spock. "

"And I don't regret a second of it." Sam growled, pressing his firm body against hers.

Mercedes, feeling his arousal, raised her eyebrows and licked her lips. "Mmmm, I don't either." She tilted her head upwards, Sam dipped his head to meet her half way, they kissed each other tenderly on the lips. "I hope you don't mind me wearing your tee-shirt." she said. "I was kinda chilly when I got out of bed and it was the first thing I'd reached for."

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "Why should I mind? It looks way sexier on you." he said truthfully. "You should wear all my tee-shirts from now on."

She turned around in his arms to face him, her doe eyes twinkling. "Thanks babe." She placed several kisses on his chest and laid her head on his chest and shut her eyes, smiling contently as she listened to Sam's heartbeat sped up.

He absentmindedly began playing with her soft curls as he watched the sun rise in the distance.

"I can't believe how beautiful this place is." Mercedes said, breaking the silence. "Sam, I can't ever thank you enough for bringing me here."

"Babe after everything we've been through in the past eight months, especially with that dusty fucker Peterson we deserve…no needed this…to be as far away from all the crazy to get back to us."

"I wish we could stay longer than two weeks." She sighed. "I'm in no hurry to get back to the outside world and all of its crazy."

"We can stay longer if you want, but you will have to break the news to our moms," he said, smirking. "There is no way I'm telling them that we've decided to extend our vacation."

"Coward," Mercedes chuckled. "I can't believe that you are scared of our moms."

"Damn right I am." He admitted. "Those two ladies are scaring the shit out of me."

"Oh god yes," she agreed. "Which one has been your favorite outlandish idea so far?"

"To have me walk down the aisle with a ball and chain around my ankle, that's some shit Puck would have thought up."

"Actually I think that was Stevie's idea." She laughed softly.

"Dumb ass," Sam grumbled. "Like being married to you will be a jail sentence."

"He was trying to be funny."

"Well it was an epic fail."

"I almost cussed my mom out when she suggested that we have birds fly out of our wedding cake, who wants a cake full of bird shit?"

Sam laughed. "That was pure gold, it kinda makes you wish you had taken me up on my offer of flying to Vegas, doesn't it?"

Mercedes chewed on her bottom lip. "Well…" she began, raising an eyebrow, her lips pursed together to suppress a smile.

Sam's green eyes widened in surprise as it dawned on him. "Hold up, are you reconsidering getting married in Vegas?"

"Not Vegas, but something a little more private?" She suggested, nervously biting her bottom lip. "We can still have the big wedding, our families deserve that, but I want something special just for us."

"A-are you serious?" he asked, his heart leaping for joy.

Mercedes nodded. "More serious than I have ever been," she replied. "Sam, I want to marry you right now, I don't want to wait another two months and two weeks to make you mine…" she felt the tears forming in her eyes. "I love you so, so much. I'm not satisfied with you being my fiancé; I want you to be my husband." She sniffed, wiping the tears from her eyes. "So what do you say baby? Marry me?"

She gazed into his green eyes and waited for his answer…

"Yes." He replied without hesitating, planting soft kisses on her eyelids. "Most definitely, yes." He moved down to her jawline, leaving behind a trail of wet hot kisses. "Hell yes."

"Wow, she sniffed, "You really know how to make a girl feel wanted."

Sam reluctantly stopped kissing her for a few seconds and looked into the beautiful soft brown eyes of his soulmate. "Mercy, you will always be wanted by me." He assured her. "Even when we are old and gray and I have to chase you around with my walker."

"Oh, you are gonna be a dirty old man, Mr. Evans?" she asked teasingly.

"Damn skippy I am!" He replied. "Married to a woman as sexy as you, I will be a horn dog until the end."

Mercedes shut her eyes and bit down on her bottom lip, growling deep in her throat. Her heartbeat accelerated as Sam showered her neck with kisses. Her body, hungry for its mate, grinding against him.

"I want you Sammy," she whispered, grabbing the waistband of his boxers and leading him to the chaise lounge. She pushed him down on the lounge and straddled him. "I don't know what it is about the fresh air of Tennessee, but I can't get enough of you." She stared into his darkened green eyes; her chest heaving up and down in anticipation as she pushed his boxers down his thighs, freeing his hardon.

Sam grunted lustfully as she grabbed his dick and guided him between her legs, they both moaned in pleasure as their bodies connected. He cupped her ass to steady her, licking his lips as she took his entire length in her hot tight sex.

"Damn Mercy, you feel so good baby." He hissed. Her vaginal muscles wrapped around his dick, pulling him in deeper.

She rode him slowly, up and down like a horse on a carousel. Sam reached up and pinched her nipples, sending erotic shockwaves throughout her body. Mercedes tugged at the hem of the tee-shirt with the intentions of taking it off, Sam held out his hand to stop her.

"You look so damn hot, fucking me with my tee-shirt on baby." He moaned, smacking her on the ass. "You are so fucking hot!" He smacked her ass again.

Mercedes whimpered, getting perverse pleasure from the stinging pain. She leaned her head back; her soft curls swaying in the morning breeze as she rode him.


The chaise lounge creaked at every sensuous move she made, threatening to give way at any moment from the punishment it was taking.

She rode him to the edge, but slowed down to barely a snail's pace when she recognized Sam's tell-a-tell signs that he was about to climax. After bringing him to the edge several more times; Sam begged for sweet release.

"I'm ready to cum baby," He panted, thrusting into her slick heat, her sweet essences drenched his thighs. "Please Mercy, I'm ready to explode."

"Are you sure you're ready to cum, my sweet prince?" Mercedes grunted; stroking the fire of her own growing orgasm.

"Yes baby, yes." Sam growled. "I want to cum Mercy."

She tightened her thighs around his hips, Sam swallowed hard as she gyrated her pussy against his hard dick. The muscles in his abdomen constricted with every delicious move, Mercedes felt it and knew it wouldn't be long before Sam came. She cupped her breasts, pinching her nipples as Sam slid a long finger between her legs and rubbed her clit vigorously, determined that they would reach the point of no return together.

"I want you to cum for me Mercy," he said, watching her reaction. "Cum for your Sammy." Mercedes began to quake as her orgasm overtook her.

"SAMMMMMM!" she cried out in ecstasy. "SAMMMMMM!" her voice echoed throughout the early morning stillness.

Sam growled in response, with one stroke, his seed thick and hot spurted deep inside her. He pulled her down on top of him and held her tightly in his arms. His mouth sought hers, kissing her deeply as they floated to heaven and back.

Mercedes laid her head in the crook of his neck, her breathing ragged as Sam gently rocked her in his arms as he too waited for his breathing to normalize. He began to hum an unfamiliar tune.

"What's the name of that tune you're humming?" she asked sleepily.

"I can't remember," he replied. "I had heard it a while back and liked it." He added. "I don't know why it popped into my mind of all days."

"Keep humming," she yawned. "I like it."

Sam kissed her on the cheek and let out a yawn of his own. "We better get some rest." He suggested, his eyes growing heavy with sleep. "We have a very busy day ahead of us, seeing we are going to get married and all."

"Yay," Mercedes cheered, sleepily. "We are getting married Mr. Evans."

"Yay." he muttered before succumbing to sleep.


Mae Jones frowned slightly; she noticed her daughter wasn't fully participating in the wedding plans conversation during their limited Skype session and voiced her concern.

"Mercedes is everything all right?" she asked. "How are things between you and Sam?"

She glanced at her mother than at Mary Evans and plastered a smile on her face. "Yeah, mom," Mercedes replied, nodding. "Sam and I couldn't be happier, why are you asking?"

"You seem to be preoccupied this morning." Mary spoke up on Mae's behalf. "Are you sure everything is okay?"

"Oh…that." she chuckled lightly as she shrugged her shoulders. "I have so much on my mind right now." she explained, planning her secret wedding to Sam had taken precedence at the moment. "There is so much to do in such a short time." she said aloud, thinking about her secret wedding.

"I know dear," Mary Evans agreed with her mother nodding, thinking she was talking about their up coming nuptials in two months. "That is why it will be better for everyone when you and Sam return from your vacation, that way we can all sit down and discuss your wedding plans face to face."

"Where is Sam by the way?" Mae Jones inquired. "He's usually sitting next to you, rolling his eyes at something me and Mary suggest."

"He's on a conference call with his office." Mercedes lied. "The new issue of Punk! is ready to be sent to the presses so he has to make sure everything is perfect…" she shrugged her shoulders, hoping they bought the lie.

They did.

"…and Mercedes you still have to buy a wedding dress." her mother sighed, forty-five minutes later. She looked down at her list of things to do that seem to grow longer by the second. "And have you contacted your wedding party…?"

"Whoa Mom…slow down." Mercedes butted in. "Stop worrying, I have an appointment at Kliensfield in two weeks. I have already talked to Quinn, Tina, Brittany and Santana and it's all arranged, we will meet up in New York City and will be staying at Kurt and Blaine's for that weekend. Rachel will be meeting us there after her last show and Stacie will be coming in with you and Mama Mary, but she will be staying at Kurt and Blaine's with the rest of us." she continued. "As for you and Mary, Sam and I had decided to reserve a room for the both of you at the Hilton."

"Oh," Mary said, looking at Mae smiling brightly. "The Hilton is nice."

"Well we figured that you two deserve a nice weekend retreat."

"Mary, I suggest we use the time away from our husbands to have a little fun." Mae laughed.

Mercedes raised a perfectly arched brow. "What kind of fun?" she asked. "We're not talking about mom gone wild kind of fun are we?"

Mary and Mae looked at each other and burst into laughter.

"I'm being serious," Mercedes said over their laughter. "Daddy and Papa Evans will never forgive me and Sam if you two get into trouble."

"Mercedes, mind your business." Her mother replied.

Sam walked into the room, whistling joyfully. "Great news babe…" he began. "I…"

"Sam..." Mercedes butted in quickly to stop him from spilling any information about their secret wedding. "Is everything set to go baby with the next issue of Punk!? I told our moms that you were on a conference call with your office..."

"Oh…yeah, everything is smooth sailing." he smiled, sitting down next to Mercedes. "Morning Mom, Mama Jones what new and interesting wedding ideas are we talking about?"

Mae rolled her eyes and sighed. "Morning Sam," she greeted. "Unfortunately our two hours are up, so Mercedes will have to give you the information on what was discussed."

"Morning son," Mary greeted. "We will be so glad to see you and Mercedes in a few days, so we can discuss your wedding plans properly."

"Uh…Mercedes didn't you tell them?" Sam asked, raising his eyebrows at her.

"Tell us what?" Mae asked, looking at Sam then her daughter.

"Oh…that…" Mercedes stammered, chuckling nervously. "No, because I thought we could tell them together."

"Tell us what?" Mary asked, eying her son suspiciously.

Sam ran his fingers through his hair and took a deep breath.

"Tell us what?" Mae echoed.

"Mercedes and I had decided…" Sam began.

"…to stay here a little longer…" Mercedes jumped in.

"WHAT?" Mae exclaimed. "What about your wedding plans? We still have a long list of things to take care of!"

"Mom…" Mercedes sighed, rubbing the back of her neck. "Please don't freak out, it was my idea to stay a little longer…and the wedding plans will get done."

Mae took a deep breath and released it slowly, realizing if her daughter needed more vacation time, who was she to demand that she come home like some sixteen year old?

"When can we expect to see you two?" she asked calmly.

"I say in about another week." Sam replied, relieved. "Mercy really loves it here and you should know by now that I can't deny your daughter anything."

"Okay Sam, I will let your father know that you and Mercedes have extended your trip." Mary replied. "So are we still on for another Skype chat tonight?"

Sam and Mercedes glanced at each other. "I don't think so Mom." Sam answered. "Mercy and I have plans and I don't know what time we are getting back."

"So we will chat bright and early tomorrow morning." Mae spoke up.

"Same bat place and same bat channel." Sam quipped, waving his hand at the computer screen. "Later Mom, Mama Jones."

Mercedes quickly signed off and turned to Sam. "That was close," she said. "For a minute there I thought that we were going to get busted."

"If it wasn't for your quick thinking, we would have been." Sam said. "Good looking out babe." He kissed her on the cheek.

"So what is the good news you have?"

"I called the county clerk's office and found out we can get our marriage license today and there is no waiting period, we can get married before the ink is dry." he replied happily. "It will be even quicker if we fill out the pre application online so we don't have a long wait once we get there."

"Wonderful!" Mercedes squealed. "So what are we waiting for?"

Sam typed in the website address as Mercedes anxiously looked on, twenty minutes later the application was filled out and ready to be submitted to the proper department.

"So we are really doing this?" Sam asked his hand on the 'enter' key. "Last chance to back out…"

"Dammit Sam Evans if you don't press enter, so help me God I'll…" she butted in.

Sam chuckled as he pressed the 'enter' key and submitted the application. "I was only teasing babe," he said. "Nothing but death can stop me from marrying you."

A minute later they received the message that their application has been accepted. Sam pulled out his wallet from his jeans and took out his credit card to pay the application and processing fee.

"Do you want to look at the list of available dates that are opened? We can get married at the old courthouse if you want."

"Uh…at the courthouse?" Mercedes said with a tone of uncertainty in her voice. "Well I-I don't know Sam, it seems so impersonal." She ran her fingers through her hair. "But, I might change my mind once I see it."

An hour later…

"Uh…no." Mercedes said firmly, looking at the old courthouse up close and personal. The old red brick building wasn't what she had in mind for her secret wedding to Sam. The building itself was quaint but it didn't feel right to her to have their wedding there. She turned to Sam. "What do you think?" she asked, wanting his honest opinion. "Am I wrong about this? There's nothing wrong about getting married here, but…"

Sam shook his head in agreement. "You're right, this is not us." He spoke up. "Far from it." She placed her hand in his and laced her fingers with his; she looked up and beamed at Sam. "What?" he asked.

"We actually got our marriage license." She replied, giddily. "You're going to be Mr. Mercedes Jones." she teased.

Sam rubbed his chin and looked upward as if he was in deep thought for several minutes. "Ya know, Sam Evans-Jones does have a nice ring to it." he chuckled.

"I won't do that to you Sam," Mercedes said. "I'm a modern woman, but on some things I'm old fashioned, like taking my husband's last name." To Sam's amusement, she let out an unexpected squeal. "I'm so happy right now, I feel like singing." Mercedes cleared her throat. "Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married…" She sang softly, nudging Sam with her hip. "Going to the chapel and we're gonna get married…" Sam wriggled his eyebrows at her and nudged her back. "Gee I really love you and we're gonna get married… Going to the chapel of love…"

Sam took her in his arms and twirled her around.

"Sam!" she squealed, laughing loudly, falling into his arms.

"Because we're going to the chapel and we're gonna get married." He sang boldly as they continued to dance down the steps of the courthouse and towards the parking lot as people around them shook their heads and smiled. "Gee I really love you and we're gonna get married…Going to the chapel of love…"

"Yeah, yeah…" Mercedes chimed in.

"Going to the chapel of love…" they sang in unison.


They went to look at several wedding cottages, although the cottages were beautiful and the people were friendly, Mercedes didn't get that special vibe she was looking for and neither did Sam. feeling disappointed about not finding a place, Mercedes and Sam decided to returned to the cabin.

"That was a waste of time." Mercedes pouted, staring out the window. "Maybe I'm being too picky, but I want everything to be perfect."

Sam smiled at her from the rear view mirror. "Mercedes you are not being too picky." He assured her. "I wasn't feeling anything special either." He reminded her. "Yeah those places were great, but they're not us." To lift Mercedes' spirit, Sam stopped by a small barbeque place he had been meaning to try and ordered take out. He was going to take her on a picnic.

Once they returned to the cabin, Sam gathered what was needed and grabbed Mercedes by the hand and led her out the door. "Come on love, I'm taking you on a picnic." He said.

"Sam, I'm not in the mood for a picnic." She protested, trying to go back into the cabin.

"Come on babe, humor me." he said, blocking her way. "I promise you won't regret it."

"All right…if you say so…" she concede, pouting.

Mercedes felt her mood changing for the better as they walked along a small clear path; they came upon a small bridge that stretched over a babbling brook and crossed over it.

"We're almost there." Sam sang, winking at Mercedes.

"And where is there?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

"It's a surprise." He said, mysteriously. "You still love my surprises, right?"

Mercedes nodded, laughing softly. "Your surprises are the best." She confirmed.

A few minutes later, they stood in front of a cottage that looked as if it belonged in an enchanted forest.

"Is this for real?" Mercedes gasped her doe eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes." Sam chuckled. "Want to take a look inside?"

"Yes." She answered, quickly. "Wait a minute are we allowed to?"

"Yes." Sam smiled. They climbed the few steps; he twisted the knob and opened the door.

"Ohmigod…Sam!" Mercedes breathe, walking over the threshold, she stopped in her tracks. Her heart beat rapidly as a feeling of magic overwhelmed her. "Ohmigod, Sam!" she turned to him, tears welled up in her eyes. "This is it!" she sniffed. "This is the place, don't you feel it?"

Sam placed the picnic basket down and wrapped his arms around her. "Yes Mercy, I do." He answered, kissing her on the side of her neck.

"How come you have never mentioned this place before?" she looked around the cottage, imagining how it would look decorated in flowers and candles.

"I have to keep you on your toes." Sam chuckled, loving Mercedes' reaction. "Now that we have a place, when do you want to get married?"

"Well… once we have the okay from the owner…"

"We will have no problems from the owner, believe me." Sam assured her, butting in.

He took out the tablecloth from the picnic basket and spread it on the ground while Mercedes gushed as she envisioned the two of them having their wedding ceremony there.

"Kurt will walk me down the aisle to join Sam," she said to herself. "With the rest of our friends as wit…" "Oh shit!" she gasped out loud. "Shit, shit, shit, Sam…"

Sam looked at her concern written all over his face. "What's the matter Mercy?" he asked, stopping in the middle of preparing her plate, he moved next to her and draped his arm around her shoulders.

"Babe, we need witnesses." Mercedes said. "I don't want strangers standing up for us, I want…"

"Kurt." Sam finished for her. "Along with the rest of the whole crazy crew."

Mercedes nodded furiously. "Kurt will never forgive us if we do this without him; after all he was instrumental in getting us back together."

"Call him." Sam encouraged her. "I'm sure he and Blaine will be on the first flight out of New York."

"Okay." She said excitedly, fishing in her pocket for her phone. "Sam to have Kurt here to share this with us…"

"Call him." he repeated. "And while you're on the phone with him, I will give everyone else a call and see if they can join us on such a short notice."

Mercedes took out her cell phone and pressed Kurt's number. He answered after the second ring.

"I can't believe Sam untied you from the bed." Kurt greeted his bestie with a smirk. "How much time do we have before you two go at it again?"

"Ha, ha," Mercedes giggled, rolling her eyes. "We have to eat sometime." She quipped.

"So how's the vacation?"

"It's wonderful, this place that Sam has chosen is so wonderful and romantic," she winked at Sam and blew him a kiss. "I fell in love with it."

"I'm glad that you and Sam are having a great time, you two so deserve it."

"I agree…Kurt I have something important to tell you, but I don't want you to freak out, okay?"

"You're pregnant!" he blurted.

Blaine, who was listening in the background, dropped the salad bowl and ran to his husband's side. "Is she really?" he said, gleefully. "Let me speak to her." he grabbed for Kurt's phone.

Kurt slapped his hand away. "She hasn't confirmed it yet." He informed Blaine. "I'm assuming she is."

"Cedes, do you and Sam have the fertility god statue with you?" Blaine yelled in the background.

Mercedes couldn't help but laugh. "Kurt, tell Blaine that I'm not pregnant…yet, but it's not for the lack of trying."

Kurt turned to Blaine. "Sorry babe, Cedes isn't pregnant yet."

Blaine frowned in disappointment. "Tell Cedes to feed Sam oysters and bananas."

"Cedes…" Kurt began.

"I heard him." she giggled. "Thank Blaine for the information…I think?"

Kurt relayed her message. "If you're not pregnant then what's the big news?"

She took a deep breath to calm herself down.


"SamandIaregettingmarriedthisweekandsinceyouaremybestieandmanofhonoryouhavetoherebecauseIcan'tdothiswithoutyoubymyside." She said in one breath. "How fast can you get here?"

"WHAT THE FUCK!" Kurt screamed into the phone once he realized what she said. "YOU AND MY PRETTY ARE GETTING MARRIED THIS WEEK?" He grabbed his chest and took several deep breaths. "OHMIGOD…CEDES!"

"THEY'RE GETTING MARRIED?" Blaine echoed. "But what about the big wedding two months from now, has that been cancelled?" he asked.

"Kurt I told you not to freak out." Mercedes was smiling so hard she thought her face would crack. "But yes, Sam and I are getting married this week and you have to be here. And to answer Blaine's question, the big wedding is still on, this is something we want to do for ourselves."

"Where is here?" he asked, reaching for a pen and paper.

"I'm going upstairs to pack!" Blaine shouted. "Do we have time to buy another wedding gift?"

Mercedes bit her bottom lip to stifle her laugh. "Here is the Smokey Mountains of Tennessee, let me give the phone to Sam and he can tell you exactly where in the Smokey Mountains we are located."

"Okay," Kurt said. "But before I speak to Sam, I want to know what changed in the last two weeks that made you two decide that you couldn't wait any longer?"

"It was me." she admitted. "I love him, Kurt," she gazed adoringly at Sam. "I love Sam so much that my heart aches whenever I think about him, which is often. I woke up yesterday morning and realized I didn't want to spend another day of my life without making him completely mine, we came so close to losing each other because of…" she refused to taint her love for Sam by mentioning Peterson's name in the same sentence. "So I asked the love of my life to marry me as soon as possible and he accepted it."

Sam leaned over and kissed her softly on the lips.

"Well shit, Cedes." Kurt said. "Sometimes, you can be full of surprises, have you picked a theme for this impromptu wedding?"

"Simple romance," She sighed dreamily, her eyes glancing around the cottage. "You have to be here Kurt; I know if I got married secretly without you, there would be hell to pay." She chuckled.

"You do know me so well." He chuckled. "Who else is going to be at this top secret wedding besides Blaine and myself?"

"Everyone…well we are hoping everyone can make it, if not…we will see them at our official wedding in two months."

"I will call Rachel and Finn and tell them the news; you know Rachel will not miss a chance to shine even if it's for five minutes."

"What about Rachel's play?" Mercedes asked. "I thought The Woman. The Knife. The Penis is moving to a bigger venue."

"Rachel lost her role to her understudy," Kurt informed her. "It seems the investors of the play agreed to move it to a larger venue only if the understudy kept the part as leading lady." He explained further. "They did offer her the understudy's part, but Rachel being Rachel turned her nose up at the demotion and left."

"What is she doing now?"

"She is preparing to audition for the lead in the revival of Funny Girl, so she's good… enough about Rachel, I have an impromptu wedding to help plan so hand the phone to Sam so Blaine and I can catch the next flight to Tennessee."

"Thank you Kurt, I love you."

"I love you too, Cedes."

Mercedes and Sam exchanged cell phones.

"I'm on the phone with Mike and Tina; I think Tina is having a meltdown." He explained.

Mercedes held the phone to her ear; Tina was talking incoherently, due to her sobbing. "Tina…Tina honey…" she said softly. "Why are you crying, sweetie?"

"Oh M-Mercedes," Tina sobbed. "It's so romantic; you know I am such a sucker for this sort of thing."

"So does this means you, Mike and my goddaughter will be here?" she asked, glancing at Sam as he talked to Kurt.

"Flying monkeys couldn't keep us away." she sniffed. "I have to change some things around but that will be no problem."

"Great…" Mercedes replied, relieved. "Sam and I really want you and Mike to help us celebrate."

"You know I will not let you get married without us." Tina sniffed a watery smile on her face.

Mercedes chuckled. "No I suppose not."


"Say that again Aretha?" Santana asked, not believing her ears. "You and Trouty Mouth are getting married this week, did I hear you right?"

"Yes Satan," Sam laughed, speaking for Mercedes. "It will be great if you and Brittany can make it."

Satan took the phone from her ear and stared at it – shocked.

"So that means no big splashy wedding in two months?" Brittany chimed in.

"We are still having a wedding in two months," Sam replied. "But Mercedes and I don't want to wait that long so we decided to get married ASAP."

"Well I have an important dance audition that I can't miss." She said. "If I get the job, it can lead to bigger things."

"You go girl," Mercedes replied. "We don't want you to miss out on an important opportunity."

"That doesn't mean Brit and I won't be there." Santana said finally rejoining the conversation. "It just means that we will be delayed a day or two."

"And Lord Tubbington can finally visit the new cat spa in town; he has been bugging me about it ever since his best friend bragged about all the pussy he's getting."

Sam crossed his arms and bit his bottom lip to keep from laughing at Brittany's statement. "Well Lord Tubbington does love his pussy…" he smirked.

"Yeah he does." Brittany replied innocently, unaware of the unintentional joke she'd made.

Mercedes shook her head and refused to look at Sam, afraid she would burst out laughing if she does. "So…uh…" she stammered, trying hard not to laugh. "S-Sam and I c-can't wait to see you two."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "And Brittany, break a leg."

"Thanks, you guys, see ya soon."

They dissolved into laughter as soon as they hung up.

"That's Brittany, the unknown comedic genius." Mercedes quipped, wiping her eyes.


Their final call was to Washington D.C. to their trio of friends who were living there.

Quinn answered the phone, she sounded as if she had ran several miles. "Hello?" she greeted breathlessly.

"Hey Quinn," Mercedes greeted. "I have you on speaker phone; did Sam and I catch you at a bad time?"

"Hey Mercedes, hi Sam." she greeted. "And the answer is no."

"Are you sure we haven't interrupted any Partiquinn sexy time?" Sam smirked.

"Uh…no," she chuckled, tucking her hair behind her ears. "Hold on a sec…" Quinn picked up the phone and walked into the kitchen where she, Puck and Artie were in the middle of cooking supper.

"Who's on the phone babe?" Artie asked, looking up from the vegetables he was chopping for their salad.

"Sam and Mercedes." she replied, placing her cell phone on speaker. "Say hey guys."

"Dude." Puck greeted. "Hey Hot Mama."

"S'up." Artie greeted.

"Hey Puck and Artie," Mercedes sang song. "It's so nice to hear your voices again."

"How's it going?" Sam chimed in.

"Great," Puck answered for the trio.

"So what do we owe this pleasure to?" Quinn asked, changing the subject. She checked the sauce for the spaghetti and turned off the burner.

Sam and Mercedes looked at each other and smiled…

"Mercedes and I are getting married this week in a secret ceremony…" Sam began.

"…And we were wondering if you guys can attend." Mercedes finished.

"WHAT?" Quinn squealed. "WHAT?"

"We know it is on very short notice," Sam continued, laughing at Quinn's outburst. "But we really want you guys to be here, to help us celebrate if it's possible."

"A secret wedding," Quinn gushed. "How romantic."

"I know." Mercedes agreed, smiling. "Will you guys be able to attend?" she asked. "If not all three maybe one of you?"

"Quinn we know you are busy slaying the competition…"

"I've quit my job!" She blurted.

"What!" Sam and Mercedes yelled in unison.

"Cedes, I'll tell you and Sam the gory details once we get there." She explained. "All you need to know right now is that I have never been happier with my life than I am at this moment." she winked at her two lovers.

"So Sam you couldn't wait to shackle yourself to Hot Mama huh?" Puck said, teasingly.

"I'm counting down the seconds." Sam replied, grinning at his future wife.

"And you can count on us being there." Artie said, joining the conversation. "Just give us the info and we're there."

After the last phone call to Quinn, Artie and Puck, Mercedes looked around the cottage again and sighed dreamily. She tucked her soft curls behind her ears as she stared at Sam with a huge smile on her face.

Sam popped opened the bottle of wine he had bought along for their picnic. "What?" he asked after a few minutes.

She shook her head. "Are you sure the owner won't mind if we use this cottage to get married?" she answered with a question.

"Babe, I can assure you." He replied, handing her a glass of wine. "The owner will have no problems with it."

"I really would like to meet the owner of this magnificent property." She said, taking a sip of wine.

"You really like this place don't you?"

"I love it here." She corrected him. "I don't know what it is about this place, but I can't seem to keep my hands off you," She smiled wickedly. "It's like the Smokey Mountains are a natural aphrodisiac."

"You will not get any complaints from me." Sam said with a smirk on his lips, thinking about their morning sex session on the balcony.

Mercedes giggled before taking a bite of the delicious barbeque pork rib. "I know what you're thinking mister." She said knowingly.

"And what am I thinking about, hmmm?" He raised an eyebrow, gazing at her lustfully.

"Me…You…Naked…" she began, "Under the Christmas tree, on the couch, on the kitchen table, under the kitchen table, in the tub, on the balcony…just to name a few." Her doe shaped eyes became dark with passion. "Am I right?"

"I didn't know you were a mind reader Ms. Jones." Sam growled lowly. "What am I thinking now?"

"Me…You…Naked…under the Christmas tree, on the couch, on the kitchen table, under the kitchen table…" she repeated, teasingly. "Shall I continue?"

"When you're right, you're right." He said, raising his glass to her. "To my baby, I love you Mercy more than life itself."

Mercedes raised her glass to Sam. "To my Sammy, there are no words invented yet to describe how I feel about you."

They each took a sip of wine from their glasses and sat the glasses down on the blanket. Sam reached for Mercedes' hand and slipped it in his.

"I'm happy that you're smiling again." he said, lacing their fingers together. "The picnic was a great idea after all."

"Yes it was," she agreed. "If you hadn't thought of it, I wouldn't have seen this magical place. Thanks babe, you never cease to amaze me."

"The one thing I can promise you Mercy is that we will never have a dull moment, we are going to live each day to the fullest."

"I'm going to hold you to that promise when I'm eight months pregnant and ready to kill you if you look at me the wrong way." She chuckled

"I'm going to be looking at you because you are going to be the most beautiful mom to be ever." He said.

"I will remember you said that when I am suffering from morning sickness." She quipped.

After a wonderful picnic, they packed up the picnic basket and made their way back to the cabin, in which they continued making preparations for their secret wedding that was going to take place in a few short days.

"I can't wait for everyone to get here." Mercedes said. "We are going to need all the help we can get."

"Yeah," Sam agreed. "It's going to be great seeing everyone again…including Rachel." He chuckled.

"Oh lord," Mercedes said, rolling her eyes. "Whatever song she wants to sing will be perfectly fine by me." She sighed. "I can't have her up in my face asking about a three minute song when we have so much to do."

"Don't worry babe," Sam wrapped his arms around her and kissed her gently on the neck. "I'll make sure that Finn keeps her busy."

"Thanks babe." She turned into his arms and laid her head on his chest.


The next morning Sam and Mercedes called their mothers respectively and informed them there will be no more talk about wedding plans until they were face to face. They explained to their mothers that they wanted to enjoy their last week not thinking about wedding plans. Although Mae Jones and Mary Evans were disappointed, they understood.

"I feel bad lying to our moms." Mercedes said to Sam after hanging up with her mother. "But…" she shrugged her shoulders. "It couldn't be helped." She glanced at her watch. "What time did Kurt say that he and Blaine will be arriving?"

"In two hours." he said, glancing at his own watch. "Mercy we have to get a move on, I still have to find my way to the airport."

Mercedes grabbed her purse and walked towards the door. "It might take us two hours to get there," she said. "Knowing how much you hate to ask for directions." She quipped.

"It's not manly to ask for directions." Sam countered, grinning. He grabbed his wallet off the table and stuffed it in his back pocket. "Ready to go babe?"

"Yeah, I got everything."

Sam followed her out the door and to the parked rental car. Mercedes' brown eyes twinkled as he opened the door for her.

Sam, knowing his future wife so well, nodded. "Yeah," He said, answering her silent question aloud. "We are actually getting married."

They made it to the airport twenty minutes before Kurt and Blaine's plane landed. Mercedes became excited about seeing her bestie face to face once again.

"Do you think Blaine brought the nursery plans with him?" Sam chuckled, he too was anxious to see Kurt. If it wasn't for Kurt's devious scheme, he would never have gotten his Mercy back.

"I wouldn't be surprise." Mercedes giggled.


Mercedes and Sam headed towards gate ten and waited for Kurt and Blaine to walk through the gate. Several minutes later the couples were face to face, embracing each other.

"Dammit My Pretty," Kurt said, holding on tightly to Mercedes. "Couldn't you have picked a more country ass place to take Cedes? I half expect to hear dueling banjos at any moment"

"Kurt, this place is not so bad." Mercedes said, defending Sam. "In fact I love it here."

Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Are you serious?"

Mercedes hit her best friend playfully on the arm. "Yes I am." She assured him. "Wait until you and Blaine see the cabin…"

"A cabin?" Kurt butted in. "As in Lincoln Logs?"

Sam rolled his eyes.

"I think this is a great getaway, Sam." Blaine said, silencing his husband with one look. "I'm sure the cabin is very cozy and romantic."

"I'm sure it is too." Kurt replied. "Anyway let's change the subject." He looped his arm in Mercedes' as Blaine and Sam grabbed their luggage. "I can't believe you and Sam are getting married on the spur of the moment." He began. "How very impulsive… I like it."

She nodded, giggling like a schoolgirl. "I know right?" she replied. "I can't believe it myself."

"We have a ton of things to do," he said. "The first thing we are going to do is buy your wedding dress."

"Before we do that, I want you to see the cottage where Sam and I will tie the knot." Mercedes said. "I really need your expertise on decorations."

"Never fear bestie, I am here and we will throw you and Sam the most fantabulous secret wedding in the history of secret weddings."

"And don't forget to make time to go over the nursery plans with me." Blaine said over his shoulders.

Sam and Mercedes exchanged knowing looks and smiled.


On the ride to the cabin, Kurt apologized to Sam for the crack he made earlier when he realized how beautiful and serene their surroundings were.

"I think we should plan a trip here." Blaine suggested to Kurt, he laid his head on Kurt's shoulder and kissed him gently on the cheek. "I know you don't like the country, but look at this place." Blaine gazed out the window. "Don't you smell the romance?"

"I'll think about." Kurt replied, knowing in his heart he had already made up his mind to tell him yes.

Mercedes reached across the consol and placed a hand on Sam's thigh and gave it a gentle squeeze. Sam glanced quickly at her and licked his lips, which didn't go unnoticed by Kurt or Blaine.

"The Smokey Mountains makes you horny doesn't it?" he asked bluntly, staring at Sam through the rear view mirror.

"Well…" Sam said, shrugging his shoulders. "Mercedes…?" The mega watt smile on his face said it all.

Mercedes stared out the window and laughed. "I love it here." She replied, feeling the warmth settling on her cheeks.

They stopped at the small country market several miles from their destination to buy fresh fruits and vegetables and other food items that was needed. Kurt foundthe place country chic, marveling at the kindness of the people.

"It's called southern hospitality." Sam quipped as they got back into the car. "Something that New York is sorely lacking."


"This place is absolutely beautiful." Kurt whispered in awe as he stared out the huge bay window, in his and Blaine's bedroom, mesmerized by the waterfall in the distance. "How in the hell did Sam find this place?"

"You know Sam, when it comes to romantic gestures he goes all out."

Kurt nodded.

Blaine let out a soft yawn and stretched out his arms before plopping down on the king sized bed. He kicked off his shoes and rubbed his tired eyes. He looked at his husband, smiling sleepily. "Join me?" he asked, patting the empty space next to him.

"Jet lag finally kicking in?" Kurt asked, joining his husband. He too kicked off his shoes.

"Yeah." Blaine answered, stifling a yawn. He fell back on the comfortable mattress taking Kurt with him.

Kurt reached down and pulled the covers over them before laying his head on Blaine's chest and letting out a contented sigh, letting the tranquil sound of the waterfall lull them to sleep.


As Kurt and Blaine napped, Sam and Mercedes started supper. A few minutes earlier they had received word from Artie that he would be picking up the rest of their friends in his private jet and to expect them no later than tomorrow night.

"I can't believe that this time tomorrow everyone will be here for our secret wedding." Mercedes said giddily, bumping Sam with her hip. Sam looked up from his homemade sauce and grinned at his future wife.

"Are you ready for a great party?" Sam asked, bumping her hip in return.

In response Mercedes turned on the radio and sauntered over to the love of her life and dipped her pinky finger into the bowl of homemade sauce and brought it to her mouth and flicked her tongue over her finger seductively. "Mmmm…delicious…" She growled lowly in her throat.

Sam raised an eyebrow, licking his lips as he watched her lick her finger clean.

"Remind you of something?" she purred, glancing between his legs.

He felt the crotch of his pants tightened. "You are so wrong for that Mercy." He said, combing his fingers through his blond locks. "I am so gonna get you back." he vowed.

"I sure hope so." She dipped her finger into the bowl of sauce again and coated her plush lips.

Sam grabbed her by the waist, pulled her closer to him and kissed her passionately, leaving her in a stupor. "That baby, was a preview of things to come." He managed to say, between gasps of breath, when they came up for air.

Mercedes stared up at him, licking her kiss swollen lips. "Make sure you make plenty of sauce," she said, squeezing his ass. "It is going to come in handy later."

"Yeah?" Sam replied, reaching down and smacking her on the ass.

"Yeah." She laughed, returning his smack on the ass.

"Ya know I could go for an appetizer…" he smirked, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively.

"Sam…" Mercedes ran her fingers through her hair, eyeing her man's sexy body. "Do you think we have time?"

Sam poured a small amount of sauce in a container and refrigerated the rest. He grabbed hold of Mercedes' hand and led her upstairs…


The moment Mercedes slammed the bedroom door behind them; Sam grabbed her and lifted her in his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist, locking them at the ankle. He assaulted her plump lips with kisses.

"Remember Sam, this is only the appetizer." Mercedes reminded him, running her nails against his sensitive scalp.

"I remember, I remember." He panted, walking them towards the bed. He placed the small container of sauce on the nightstand before they tumbled on the bed.

They divested themselves of their clothes. Sam growled lowly in his throat as Mercedes attached her lips to his neck and sucked hard. She reached for the sauce and dipped two fingers into the bowl; she spread the sticky golden brown sauce along his collar bone. His breath hitched in anticipation as all kinds of naughty thoughts ran through his mind.

Mercedes slowly flicked the tip of her tongue across the length of his collar bone.

"Damn babe," Sam grunted, biting his bottom lip. "That feels good." Goosebumps formed on his body as Mercedes continued to lick the sauce off him.

"Mmmm," Mercedes moaned, smacking her lips. "It tastes good too."

Once Mercedes licked the last of the sauce off his collar bone, Sam dipped his fingers into the bowl and smeared the sauce over both breasts; he licked his lips in anticipation. Mercedes cupped his cheeks and guided his mouth to her breasts; her heart pounded loudly in her chest as his breath caressed her skin. Sam slowly licked and kissed the tasty substance off her breasts, Mercedes arched forward as he took turns taking her breasts into his mouth…

The sensation of Sam's tongue making love to her breasts brought Mercedes to new heights. "Oh God! Sam!" She gasped, grabbing a fistful of short blond locks on the back of his head. "Sam!" She was so turned on; she had to open her legs slightly; to seek relief from the throbbing of her clit.

Sam looked up at her, smirking. "Baby, I don't think I can stop at appetizers." He said, kissing his way down her belly, he swirled his tongue around her navel which elicited a few moans from Mercedes.

"I don't think can I either," she breaths in agreement.

He grabbed the bowl from the nightstand and poured a small amount of the sauce in his hands and rubbed it between her legs, covering her pussy. Mercedes arched her pelvis upward, loving the way Sam's large fingers felt on her pulsating clit.

"Sammy no…!" She protested when he withdrew his fingers all too soon.

"Relax Mercy," he said, lowering his head between her legs. "I think my tongue will be far better suited for what I have in mind."

Mercedes chewed on her bottom lip, anticipating the feel of his tongue on her clit. Sam threw her thick legs over his shoulders, he took a deep breath and inhaled her sweet scent, mixed with orange sauce and growled lustfully. He licked his lips and dove in.

Mercedes bucked up and curled her fists into the sheets as Sam's tongue whipped inside her liked a snake. She locked her legs around his neck and let out a pleasurable whimper. "Oh fuck…" she gasped, grinding her pussy against his mouth. "Sam…"

Hearing his name rolled off his sweet Mercy's tongue delighted Sam. He hummed against her sensitive flesh, knowing the vibrations will drive her wild.

"Oh God," she hissed, her thighs trembling as he brought her closer to the point of no return.

Sam dipped a finger inside her slippery heat, her essence dripped down between her ass cheeks, forming a pool beneath her. Mercedes raked her nails against his scalp as she writhed beneath him, speaking incoherently as she exploded into his mouth. She fondled her breasts and sighed contently as he swallowed every drop of her nectar down his throat.

Once satisfied he had licked her clean, Sam kissed her inner thighs before making his way up the bed and collapsing next to her. Mercedes turned to face him with a smile a mile long on her face. She kissed him passionately, tasting her nectar on his tongue.

"Mmmm…" Sam groaned, sliding his hand into her soft tresses, his erection jerked in excitement as Mercedes reached between his muscular legs and played with his balls. She took the last of the sauce and coated his erection; he hissed, teeth bared. His butterflies increased as her small hand slide up and down his length.

Mercedes broke the kiss and stared into her lover's darken green eyes and smiled with a mischievous glint in her brown ones. "I'm going to make you feel so good." she sing-song, inching her way down his body.

Sam's breathing got a bit shallower as Mercedes' warm mouth covered his cock. He shut his eyes and shifted his hips slightly, causing her to take as much of him down her throat as she could, and what Mercedes couldn't take in her mouth, she wrapped her hand around. She licked the underside of his sensitive manhood with the tip of her tongue, Mercedes smiled as she felt him jerked slightly under her ministrations.

He became lost in the sensation of his woman making love to him with her mouth; he placed a hand on the back of her head and cradled it lovingly as she settled into a steady rhythm.

"Mercedes, babe…" he groaned. "Don't stop, Mercy it feels so good."

Mercedes sucked harder, knowing that Sam will not be able to hold on for much longer. Soon Sam was calling out her name, his legs locked around her neck as he spilled his hot seed down her throat. His soft cock slid out her mouth, she showered his inner thighs with kisses before marking him as hers. She crawled up his body and planted a kiss on his lips.

"I love you, Mercedes." he whispered, rubbing himself against her soft flesh until he was hard again. He flipped her on her stomach and positioned himself between her legs. Sam reached down between her thighs and parted her pussy lips with his thumbs. He thrust his fingers into her slick heat several times, coating his finger with her sweet nectar.

"Oh…" Mercedes moaned.

Sam withdrew his fingers and rubbed her essences on his cock as lubrication.

"Yassss." Mercedes hissed in delight as Sam entered her, filling her with his length. They gently moved together. Sam leaned forward and placed soft kisses up and down her spine. Mercedes purred in contentment, she glanced over her shoulder and looked at Sam; the expression on his face was pure bliss.

Sam bit back a moan; he loved the way Mercedes' body responded to his, her vaginal muscles wrapped themselves tightly around his thick manhood, pulling him in deeper and deeper…

"Oh, god yes, Sam that's it, don't stop baby!" Mercedes cried out as Sam continued to hit her g-spot. "I'm so close babe, so close…"

They continued their dance of love, Sam held on to Mercedes' waist as she bucked wildly beneath him, soon she felt the stirrings of her climax building in her stomach. She arched her back and let out a cry; her body shuddered as her orgasm washed over her. Sam grunted, speeding up his pace as he felt her hot essence gush out of her, running down his balls and onto his thighs. Pumping furiously, Sam felt his seed leaving his body a few minutes later.

"Mercy…!" Sam cried out, holding her close to him.

He pulled her damp curls aside and kissed her neck and collapsed on top of her - exhausted. Sam stayed in that position until he had the energy to roll off of her, Mercedes turned on her side to face him. She reached out and traced the outline of his full lips with her index finger. Sam captured her finger between his teeth and sucked it in his mouth.

"We don't do appetizers do we?" she asked, smiling lazily.

He shook his head in agreement. "That's because when it comes to each other, we are way too greedy." he smirked, sucking the remaining orange sauce off her lips.


After a well deserved nap, Kurt and Blaine showered, changed and joined Sam and Mercedes into the dining room for a meal of grilled chicken breasts marinated in orange sauce with coleslaw and herb and garlic grilled potatoes as side dishes.

"Smells delicious." Blaine said, sniffing the air. He didn't know how hungry he was until he laid eyes on the table. "Everything looks delicious too."

"I hope it tastes as good as it looks." Sam replied, handing Blaine a glass of wine.

"Sam did most of the cooking," Mercedes explained. "I mostly supervised."

Kurt glanced around the table and raised an eyebrow. "Since when does my blond friend cook?" he asked. "The last time he tried, he burnt the hell out of a pan of hot water."

Mercedes and Blaine giggled.

"My cooking skills have improved greatly since then." Sam countered, pouring a glass of wine and handing it to Kurt.

"Like everything else." Mercedes mumbled under her breath only loud enough for Sam to hear. She caught his eyes and winked.

"Enough talking about Sam's improved cooking skills," Blaine said, pulling his chair from the table, sitting. "I'm famished, let's eat."

The rest followed his lead and sat down. Sam blessed the food and the foursome dug into the scrumptious meal before them.

Sam waited until Kurt took his first bite of chicken breast before he began eating. Kurt beamed at him, giving him a thumb's up.

"I have to admit, my precious, that this is good." he said, around a mouthful of food. "The sauce is heavenly."

"Isn't it?" Mercedes agreed. "It tastes good on everything, doesn't it babe?" she replied, smiling innocently.

Sam felt the heat creeping up his neck and settled on his cheeks. "Mhmm," he moaned, licking his lips with a shit eating grin on his face.

Kurt and Blaine looked at their friends suspiciously. "Are we having two different conversations about the same thing?" he asked.

"Don't mind us." Mercedes giggled, shrugging her shoulders. "We aren't in our right minds at the moment…"

"Who would be with a wedding that is supposed to take place in how many days?" Kurt asked. "Speaking of which, what are your wedding plans, or are you two just making it up as you go along?"

"Like I told you over the phone Kurt, we are keeping it simple," Mercedes replied. "Simple and romantic."

"After supper, Mercy and I will take you the cottage where the ceremony will take place." Sam said. "I believe once you and Blaine sees it, you will understand what we want."

"Okay." Kurt said, taking a sip of wine, not truly convinced.

"Why don't we have our dessert there?" Mercedes suggested. "It'll give you a chance to see the rest of this gorgeous property, plus Sam and I want you and Blaine to get a real feel for the place."

"Okay." Blaine said. "Sounds great."


Once the dinner dishes were cleared away and put into the dishwasher, Mercedes dished up four bowls of her no bake strawberry shortcake. Taking the half bottle of wine with them as well as a blanket, Sam and Mercedes led Blaine and Kurt along the small pathway that led to the cottage.

Blaine sighed dreamily, taking his free hand and sliding it into Kurt's. "This is beautiful." He whispered, looking around. "Don't you feel the romance in the air?"

Kurt turned to his husband and nodded in agreement, Kurt had to admit he was feeling something wonderful stirring in his soul. Sam and Mercedes glanced back at their friends and smiled. As they reached the babbling brook and the small wooden bridge covered with wild flowers Blaine audibly gasped.

Mercedes turned to Blaine. "I know right?" she beamed, agreeing with his reaction.

"How much farther?" Blaine asked, excitedly.

"It's right over the bridge." Sam replied.

Minutes later, the four of them stood outside the cottage, the beauty of the simple house took Mercedes' breath away once again. She rested her head against her fiancé's arm and gushed.

Kurt's blue eyes widened. "Wow," he gasped, gawking at the cottage. "This is…this is…" he was lost for words…

"Perfect…" Blaine finished for him. "Can we go inside?"

"Of course." Sam chuckled; they went inside the cottage.

"What do you think?" Mercedes asked, looking at Kurt expectantly. "And don't lie to me."

Kurt turned around in the one room cottage, taking it all in. He laughed softly and shook his head, he ran his fingers through his hair and turned to his best friend and grinned. "Blaine's right." He finally answered. "This place is perfect for your wedding; this is you and Sam..."

Mercedes nodded in agreement, trying hard to hold back her tears. "That's why we have to get married here…" she turned to Sam and gazed adoringly at him. "Right baby?"

Sam responded by tilting her head upward and kissing her passionately.

"Alrighty then," Kurt spoke up, clapping his hands as the engaged couple continued to suck face, hoping to get their attention. "Uh…Sam aren't you afraid you are going to suck Cedes' lungs out?"

"Uh…sorry about that…" Sam grinned, licking his kiss swollen lips once he and Mercedes came up for air. "I can't help it that I'm addicted to my sexy lady."

Mercedes smiled bashfully and buried her head in his chest.

"Okay now on to the wedding plans." Kurt said, changing the subject. "Sam, Cedes I see you two saying your vows in front of the hearth." He said, shifting his focus on the huge fireplace.

"And the entire room is lit up by white lights." Sam added as he refilled everyone wine glass.

"And wild flowers…" Mercedes gushed, taking a sip of wine. "…simple and romantic."

"Alrighty then," Kurt said, around a mouthful of dessert. "That's one thing we can check off the list. Cedes, we have to talk about your wedding dress…"

"I have an idea on what I want to wear." She said. "I'm thinking tea length kind of Jackie O-ish, what do you think?"

"I think you will look beautiful…is there any place around here to buy a wedding dress?"

"I'm sure there's a boutique in town." Mercedes assured him. "If not, I will make do, as long as I marry Sam, I don't care what I wear."

Sam smiled lecherously, the thought of Mercedes walking down the aisle in his favorite pair of fuck me pumps and a leather corset suited him just fine. He was brought out of his thoughts by a warm hand rubbing his inner thighs. He looked down at Mercedes' hand and into her brown eyes and raised an eyebrow.

'I know what you're thinking.' Mercedes mouthed, she cleared her throat and glanced down at the bulge in his pants.

He chuckled. 'Do you blame me when I have the universe's sexiest woman marrying me?' he mouthed back.

Mercedes giggled softly to herself. Sam always knew exactly what to say to make her feel desirable.

After finishing their dessert at the cottage, the foursome made their way back to the cabin. Mercedes and Kurt thumbed through several bridal magazines looking at tea length dresses while Sam grabbed his sketchbook and began drawing as Blaine looked on.

"So, I have been meaning to ask," Kurt began, looking up from the current magazine in front of him. "What's with the Christmas tree?"

Mercedes smiled brightly as her face lit up. "Sam and I had a Christmas do over, to make up for the one we missed last year when we were apart." She answered, dreamily. "Can you imagine my surprise when he opened the door and there stood the tallest, the most gorgeous tree I had ever seen in my life?" her eyes welled up with tears. "He did this all for me…for us so we could erase those horrible memories away…" Kurt reached over and wiped a stray tear from her eyes. Mercedes grabbed her best friend' hand in hers and squeezed it gently. "I love Sam so much." she declared. "If it wasn't for you and your manipulative ways, we wouldn't have gotten back together." she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek. "Thank you Kurt."

Kurt gave her a toothy smile, his heart filled with joy seeing his friend so happy. "You and Sam would've found your way back to each other." he assured her. "After I had your crazy ass committed I would've made sure Sam visited you in your padded cell until you regained your sanity."

"You weren't really going to have me committed were you?" Mercedes chuckled.

Kurt raised an eyebrow, his face dead serious. "What makes you think that I'm kidding?" he replied. "Cedes I would have rather you living in a straitjacket than be with that slimy fucker Peterson." He said bluntly. "That's how much I love you."

She studied her best friend, her lips pursed. "Well I be damned," she said, not really surprised. "Kurt, you crazy fucker."

"Yes, I am especially when it comes to my family and you know this to be true."

"Yeah I do." She said, biting her bottom lip. She reached up and ruffled his perfectly coifed hair. "I love you too, you piece of shit."

"Hey don't mess with the hair." Kurt laughed, slapping her hand away. Mercedes rolled her eyes and went for his hair again. "Cedes! Sam, come and get your woman!"

Sam looked up from his sketchbook and smiled. "Babe, play nice with Kurt or you will not get a special treat later."

"Okay, fine." she huffed, laughing. "I'll stop, only because I love my special treats."

They continued to glance through one bridal magazine after another until Mercedes laid eyes on a white tea length vintage style dress by Maxine Fellini, one of her favorite designers, and began hyperventilating.

"Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Ohmigod! Kurt this is it!" she squealed jumping up and down. "I found it!"

"Calm down Cedes before you pass out!" Kurt warned her.

Mercedes nodded, taking deep breaths. She slid the magazine towards him and pointed at the dress, excitedly. "This is what I see myself wearing!"

Kurt stared at the photograph, then at Mercedes, then at the photograph again before breaking into a huge smile. "I can see it." he said. "I hope we can find it at the boutique. I think you need to have a second choice just in case?" he suggested.

"Okay Mercy, what do you think?" Sam asked, walking over to the table with his sketchbook. Mercedes quickly flipped over the bridal magazine as he placed his finished sketch in front of her. "This is what I imagined the cottage to look like once decorated."

Mercedes was speechless….

"Mercy, babe are you all right?" Sam asked, after she didn't respond immediately.

She began to bawl like a baby.

"You hate it don't you," Sam sighed, rubbing the back of his neck. "Tell me what you don't like and I will change it."

"D-don't you dare." She sniffed. "I-I love everything a-about it, Sam Evans…" The sketch was very detailed with the white LED lights hanging from the ceilings down to the fire in the hearth. "So beautiful…I'm going to frame this."

Kurt took the sketchbook and studied it. "Damn Sam, this is gorgeous." He complimented. "All you need is Tinkerbelle and her friends flying around in the background."

"Sam, I can't wait to see your and Cedes' vision of your wedding come to life." Blaine said.

"Thanks Blaine." Sam said, he turned to Mercedes and smiled. "You really love it Mercy?" he asked softly.

"Yes I do Sam." she replied, taking the sketchbook from Kurt. "This is more than I can ever hope our secret wedding to be."

"We'll make it happened baby, I promise."

"Sam's right Cedes, you two are going to have the wedding of your dreams." Kurt agreed.


Their first stop the next morning was to visit Mi Amour, the wedding supply store. Sam and Mercedes along with Kurt and Blaine had a lot to do before the rest of their friends arrived later on in the day.

"We shouldn't have to spend more than an hour in here." Kurt said, as they got out of the car.

The Mi Amour parking lot was nearly empty so they shouldn't have any problems with crowds. The bell on the door rang as they walked into the store, informing the staff that someone had entered the store, right away a young woman who appeared to be in her mid twenties greeted the small group with a bright smile on her face.

"Good morning and welcome to Mi Amour, my name is Ashlee and I will be more than happy to help you to make your shopping experience here pleasurable." She paused to take a breath. "What can I help you find today?"

Kurt raised his eyebrows looking at the woman with a smirk, wondering how many cups of coffee she had consumed to be that perky. "Hey Ashlee." He said. "We are here to purchase white LEDS lights can you help us with that?"

"Sure." She replied, grinning. "It will be my pleasure, follow me please."

The group followed Ashlee to a large selection of white LED lights. "We have a variety of white lights as you can see." She said. "Do you have a specific kind in mind?"

Mercedes shook her head. "I thought I did when I walked into the store, now I'm not so sure."

Ashlee giggled. "A lot of our customers say that."

"What is your best seller?" Sam asked.

"Well…" she replied, tilting her head to the side to think. Ashlee walked over to the display of crystal fairy lights. "We can't keep these in stock." She said, turning on the string of lights to show off their brilliance.

"We'll take them!" Mercedes and Sam replied in unison.

"Sam, they are going to look so pretty." Mercedes gushed dreamingly.

"I know babe." He agreed.

Ashlee laughed at their enthusiasm. "Okay," she said. "Will there be anything else?"


Ninety minutes later, the last of the lights were loaded in the trunk of the car.

"Okay tomorrow the furniture will be ready for delivery by ten a.m.," Kurt said, checking the items off his list. "I hope they will be able to read your directions to the cabin."

"Well the driver has my number if he gets lost." Sam replied, sliding behind the wheel, he glanced at his watch. "When was the last time you heard from Artie, babe?" he asked Mercedes.

"Yesterday," She replied. "Maybe I should give him a call to make sure they are on their way?" she suggested, grabbing her cell phone out her bag. She dialed his number.

He answered after the second ring.

"Hey Gorgeous," he greeted. "Does your future hubby know that you are calling the man of your dreams?"

"Hey Artie," she laughed. "Hold on I'm going to put you on speaker phone, Blaine and Kurt are already here."

"Hey Artie." Blaine and Kurt said in unison.

"They arrived yesterday."

"Hey Bro," Sam greeted. "What's this about the man of Mercy's dreams?" he asked, jokingly.

"Com'on Sam, ya know I didn't mean nothing by it." Artie replied, laughing.

"I know that," Sam laughed. "So have you guys left DC yet?"

"Yeah," he replied. "We had taken off about a half hour ago. We will be arriving in New York to pick up Finn and Rachel in another thirty minutes before heading to Chicago for Mike and Tina. Once we arrive in LA, for Satan and Britt, we are going to have a slight delay." He informed them. "The ladies have to go shopping; they refuse to show up for your wedding without a new dress."

Mercedes giggled. "Let me speak to Quinn."

"Sure sweet thang." Artie handed his phone to Quinn.

"Hey Cedes." Quinn greeted. "Excited?"

"Yes." Mercedes answered. "I can't wait to see everyone. Artie tells me that you're going shopping once you land in LA?"

"Yeah, you need something?"

"Sure, lots of lingerie," Sam spoke up with a twinkle in his eyes, "preferably from Fredricks of Hollywood."

"Sam…" Mercedes laughed, hitting him playfully on the arm.

"What? I'm not kidding." He winked at her. "Quinn please informed Tina and the rest of my request please."

"Sure thing." Quinn laughed. "What style is your favorite?"

"Quinn!" Mercedes gasped as she heard Artie and Puck laughing in the background.

"All of them." Sam answered, ignoring his future wife's glare.

"Don't even waste your money," Mercedes said. "It's not like I'm going to be in them long any way." She muttered, shaking her head.

"Exactly." Sam replied, smiling lustfully.

Mercedes tried not to smile but couldn't help herself.

"We may get our baby yet." Blaine piped up from the backseat.


"Sam, Mercedes, we need to talk about food, especially your wedding cake." Kurt began as he Google the information he needed on his iPad. "I was able to have a brief conversation with Ashlee about the pastry shops in town and she recommended two places." He paused to read the names of the shops. "The first one is Edna's Sweet Tooth…and then there's Wal-Mart." He said the latter rather hesitantly.

"Edna's Sweet Tooth." Blaine, Sam and Mercedes replied in unison.

"Good choice." Kurt chuckled; he read the directions to the shop out loud and glanced thru the wedding cakes selection on Edna's Sweet Tooth website. "They have are some very interesting cake flavors." He said, passing his iPad to Mercedes.

Mercedes read thru the list and giggled at the last flavor listed. "White Chocolate…Sam, could you be the inspiration for that?" she joked.

Sam grinned and shrugged his shoulders. "Could be who knows?"

Edna's Sweet Tooth pastry shop was easily to spot once Sam turned right on the busy main street, it was the only building that looked as if it was modeled after the famous pastries shops in France. It didn't surprise them that a small crowd was gathered outside the shop, the aroma that seeped under the door was incredible.

Twenty minutes later, the door to Edna's Sweet Tooth opened and the crowd pushed forward. Pastries were flying off the shelves as soon as the staff restocked them.

"May I have your order?" the young man standing behind the counter asked Mercedes, he was dressed in a black polo shirt with Edna's embroidered on the right pocket and a pair of black skinny jeans.

"I would like to order a wedding cake." She replied as Sam nodded.

"That will my m…uh boss," he grinned sheepishly. "She's busy in the back right now, but if you are willing to wait, I will inform her that you are out here waiting to talk to her." He gestured for Sam and Mercedes to step aside for the next customer. "Be back in sec." he disappeared into the back.

Ten minutes went by before the young man reappeared with an older woman that closely resembled him. She took one glance at Sam and Mercedes and held out her hand. "Hi, you two must be the happy couple." She greeted with a warm smile. "I'm Marge, owner and chief baker of Edna's Sweet Tooth."

"Hi, I'm Mercedes Jones and this is my fiancé' Sam Evans." Mercedes said, shaking her hand. "And this is my best friend and Man of Honor Kurt Hummel-Anderson and his husband Blaine Hummel-Anderson."

"It's nice to meet y'all." Marge replied. She stared at Mercedes for a few seconds. "Sorry for staring, Ms. Jones you look very familiar…have you ever been on television?"

"No, I don't think so." Mercedes said, hoping her cover wasn't blown. "People are always mistaking me for that actress on that show Being Mary Jane, Raven Goodwin."

Kurt rolled his eyes and bit his bottom lip.

"That could be it." Marge said, ushering the four of them into her office. "Please have a seat." She closed the door to her office to drown out the sounds of the outside world. Sam and Mercedes sat in the loveseat offered to them while Kurt and Blaine sat on the couch. Marge grabbed a notebook off her desk before settling in the plush leather chair. "I hope this doesn't sound strange, but before I bake a wedding cake for my couples I like to know a little about them." she said, explaining the reason for the notebook. "I like to jot down notes, it just a way for me to get to know who I am baking for."

"Uh…okay." Sam said. "What you think Mercy?"

Mercedes shrugged her shoulders. "I don't mind."

Marge flipped to an empty page and smiled. "So Sam and Mercedes, tell me how did you two meet…?"

Sam turned to Mercedes, they smiled adoringly at each. "Mercy, shall I begin or you?"

Mercedes bit her bottom lip to stifle her laugh; memories of her sixteen year's old self flooded her mind. "I'll begin…" she took a deep breath. "We met in high school in glee club…but, by no means was it love at first sight…."

"I liked what I saw when I laid my eyes on you for the first time," Sam interjected. "You were shaking that glorious booty of yours…" he added with a smirk on his lips. "Something that I will never forget for as long as I live…"

Sam and Mercedes told Marge the cliff notes version of their epic love story, boxes of tissues was passed around as they laughed and cried over their special memories. Sam stunned Mercedes when he slipped off the loveseat, got on one knee in front of her and grabbed her hands in his and began to serenade her.

"Looking out across the night time…

The city winks a sleepless eye…

Hear her voice…

Shake my window…

Sweet seducing sighs…"

Mercedes recovered from the shock by the second verse and joined him…

"Get me out…

Into the night time…

Four walls won't hold me tonight…

If this town…

Is just an apple…

Then let me take a bite…"

They were taken back to the turning point in their young relationship…

Back to the auditorium at McKinley…

When they both knew…

Come hell or high water…

They were destined to spend the rest of their lives together…

"If they say…

Why? Why?...

Tell 'em that is human nature…"

Blaine laid his head on Kurt's shoulder and wrapped his arms around him. Kurt stared at his bestie and her forever soulmate as they ended their duet with a sizzling kiss. He couldn't wipe the smile off his face if he tried.

"Beautiful," Marge sniffed, blowing her nose. "Simply beautiful…" Marge quickly jotted something down before closing her notebook. She grabbed a handful off fresh tissue and dabbed at the corners of her eyes. "Who's in the mood for a little cake tasting?" she asked with a watery smile.

Kurt checked 'purchase wedding cake' off his list.


After a long tiring day and with most of the to-do-list done, it was time to go back to the cabin and prepare for the arrival of their extended family. As Kurt and Blaine volunteered to make up the beds, Sam and Mercedes were in the kitchen making a light buffet style supper.

They were in the middle of setting the food out on the table when the call from Mike came, announcing that they had landed at the airport and was loading up in the cars and should be there shortly.

"Oh yeah, just a heads up, Satan is already on a roll," he chuckled. "She can't believe that Sam brought Cedes out the middle of no where…"

"Sam, if I see a group of blond children standing in middle of the highway, wanting to barbeque my ass for a sacrifice, your ass is mine!" Santana shouted in the background.

"Sorry Santana, but Sam's ass already has an owner." Mercedes laughs, speaking up. "We can't wait to see you too boo!"

"Yeah, we are really looking forward to it." Sam added.

"We should be there in thirty." Mike chuckled. "And I hope there is food and plenty of it."

"We got your back." Sam assured him. "So hurry up and get here and watch out for those blond children." He joked before disconnecting the call.


Brittany stepped out of the car and looked around. "San, this place have very good vibes." She said, reaching for her girlfriend's hand. "It is so peaceful and full of warmth. Sam had chosen a great place."

"I don't know about that babe," Santana replied, humorlessly. "I'm not feeling this out in the woods crap."

Mike chuckled upon hearing Santana's response. "Satan, I am sure Cedes will not be here if she didn't like the place." He assured her. He took his daughter, Patrice, from his wife's arms and helped her out the car. "I don't know about the rest of you, but me and my family can barely keep our eyes open from the long trip. I am ready to get my grub on and sleep until the middle of next week."

Tina grabbed the baby bag from the back seat before tucking her arm in Mike's. "Let's get inside, my feet are killing me." she said, walking quickly towards the door.

Mercedes heard her goddaughter's cries and quickly opened the front door. She grabbed the baby out of Mike's arm and kissed her chubby cheeks. "Hey gorgeous," she cooed. "Did you miss your Auntie Mercedes?"

The toddler looked into Mercedes' brown doe eyes and grinned.

"Hey Tina, hey Mike, we are so happy that you could join us." Mercedes leaned forward and gave Tina a kiss on the cheek.

"Welcome to our little slice of paradise." Sam greeted, wrapping his arms around Mercedes and their goddaughter. "Hey Satan, did you see any groups of blond children on the way here?" he quipped.

Santana rolled her eyes as she hit him playfully on the arm. "Yeah I'm glad to see ya too, Trouty." She kissed Mercedes on the forehead. "Are you sure you want to marry him?"

Mercedes laughed. "More than anything." She replied.

"Damn Sam, this is one hell of a man cave." Puck complimented looking around the front room. Finn, Artie and Mike nodded in agreement. "Would like a tour of the place but first I need food."

"Follow me; the food is in the dinning room." Sam replied.

"Hey dude what's up with the Christmas tree?" Artie asked.

Sam turned to Artie and answered his question with a huge smile.

Everyone gathered into the dinning room to recoup from their long journey as well as to catch up with what was going on in each others lives since the last time they were all together.

"Babe, I'm going to take the guys on a tour of the place." Sam explained, as he piled a plate with food. "See ya in a bit."

"Okay," Mercedes gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Have fun….So Quinn what this about you quitting your job?" Mercedes asked, once the girls were alone.

"What?" Tina, Brittany, Santana and Rachel gasped in unison, surprised by the news.

"Quinn, why would you do something so stupid?" Rachel spoke up. "You were working at one of the most prestigious law firms in the country!" she shook her head in disgust. "I'm so disappointed right now..."

"Shut the fuck up, Rachel." Tina cut in. "Quinn must have had a good reason to quit her job, right Quinn?"

Quinn nodded her blond head as she rolled her eyes at Rachel. "As usual you don't know what the fuck you are talking about." she replied, taking a sip of wine. "My career is going fabulous…. unlike yours." She quipped.

Rachel looked at her as if she had been slapped.

"Why did you quit?" Santana asked, smirking at Rachel.

"I was told by the senior partners that I didn't represent the proper image their clientele expected for a law firm of their reputation." She explained, humorlessly.

"The old farts found out about your living arrangement." Tina suspected.

Quinn nodded, confirming her reply. "My law firm threw a party after winning a major case and I took Puck and Artie to the celebration. I introduced them as my boyfriends…I wasn't going to lie about our relationship, I'm not ashamed of it." She took a bite out of her sandwich and smiled at Mercedes who was rocking the baby in her arms. "You look so natural," she said changing the subject.

Mercedes grinned, looking down at the sleeping toddler. "Thanks." She kissed her goddaughter on the forehead before handing her back to her mother.

"Quinn, please don't leave us hanging." Santana said, changing the subject back to Quinn. "After you told those old farts to kiss your ass, what did you do?"

"I started my own law firm." she laughed. "You should've seen the shocked looks on their faces when I walked away with three of their biggest clients."

"Serves them right," Brittany replied. "Happiness and dark clouds do not mix."

"Speaking of dark clouds," Santana began. "Rachel I heard you lost the lead in your former play to your understudy? Apparently she's more talented than you?"

Rachel rolled her eyes at her. "Who told you that, Kurt?" she huffed. "Of course it was him; I was in the process of resigning any way, that bitch had poisoned the cast and crew against me…" She paused to take a deep breath. "She told everyone that I, Rachel Barbra Berry-Hudson, was trying to sabotage her career, which of course was a lie." She dabbed at her eyes.

"What did you do, pulled a Sunshine?" Mercedes asked, not believing her fake tears for a moment.

Rachel avoided eye contact as she flipped her hair over her shoulders.

"Rachel…?" Brittany asked.

Rachel huffed again as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I didn't plant the drugs in her car." she replied. "I was no where near her car, I swear it."

"Yeah right Rachel," Quinn smirked. "You did it."

"I can't believe not even my oldest and dearest friends don't believe in my innocence." She said indignantly.

"That's because we know the real you," Tina replied. "We know exactly what you are capable of when you feel threatened of being pushed out of the spotlight."

"Anyway I'm auditioning for the lead in Funny Girl," Rachel informed them, changing the subject. "I have a good chance of getting it too."

"So Brittany how was your dance audition?" Mercedes asked, turning her attention towards the sleepy blonde woman who was leaning against her girlfriend.

"I got it." she smiled sleepily. "Rehearsals start in a week."

"That's great Brit." Mercedes replied proud of her friend's success. "Tell us about your new gig?"

"I will be a dancer for a new variety show on ABC and if I'm really good I can get a couple of speaking parts in the future."

"I'm so proud of my baby." Santana said, kissing Brittany's cheeks. "You should have seen her; Brit danced her cute ass off, leaving the rest of those wannabe's in the dust."

"I was good wasn't I?" Brittany giggled. She returned Santana's kiss with one of her own.

"So tell us Cedes now that you and Guppy Lips had lured us out in the middle of nowhere, when's the wedding?" Santana asked.

Sam walked in on the tail end of the conversation. "What was that again Santana?" he asked.

"I was just asking Cedes when you are getting married." She repeated.

Sam walked over to Mercedes and wrapped his arms around her. He stared into her beautiful brown eyes and grinned. "Mercy?"

"In two days." She replied, kissing Sam on the lips.

"Great that gives me enough time to practice the song I will be singing." Rachel chimed in. "Tina, Brittany, Santana and Quinn I will need you ladies to sing backup for me…please?" she pleaded.

"Only because it's for Cedes and Sam." Tina replied.

"Where will the ceremony take place, in the living room near the Christmas tree?" Finn asked.

"What's up with the Christmas tree?" Santana asked. "Christmas is a long way off."

"No, in a cottage not far from here." Sam replied, ignoring Santana's question.

"Wait until you see this place," Blaine butted in. "You are going to love it!"

"A cottage?" Quinn asked her curiosity piqued. "Can we go see it now?"

"I think it will best to see it tomorrow after everyone has a good night's rest." Kurt suggested. "So with that, Blaine and I are off to bed."

"Kurt is right." Artie said. "I don't know about the rest of you guys but I can barely keep my eyes open."

"Okay, let me and Sam show everyone to their rooms." Mercedes said, getting up and stretching her legs.

"I've already showed them babe, when I took the guys on a tour of the place." Sam replied. "All except for Santana and Brittany."

"I'll take them to their room." Mercedes said. She turned to the sleepy couple. "Are you two ready?"

"God yes," Santana replied, hugging Brittany tightly so they wouldn't fall over. "Show us the way."

Mercedes led them to the smallest bedroom on the second floor that had a spectacular view of the Smokey Mountains on all sides.

"This is beautiful." Brittany complimented, yawning. "Wow, maybe we will see a unicorn galloping down the mountain at dawn." She giggled sleepily. "I can see why you love this place…it feels magical."

Santana reluctantly agreed with her girlfriend, the view was gorgeous. "Okay, so maybe Sam didn't do such a bad job, finding this place." She said. "But if you ever tell him that I will deny it until my last breath."

Mercedes laughed. "My lips are sealed." She vowed. "Goodnight you two and I'll see you in the morning."

Sam was in the shower when Mercedes entered their bedroom; she quickly shed her clothes and joined him.

"Hey there Mrs. Sam Evans to be." He greeted, his dark green eyes roaming down her voluptuous full figure.

"Hey there yourself sexy," she giggled softly, standing on her tip toes to give him a kiss on the lips.

"Did Satan and Brit settle in okay?"


"Good, I'm glad." He squeezed a generous amount of body wash into the palm of his hand and rubbed the silky lubricant over her body until it formed a rich lather.

Mercedes moaned under his touch.

"Damn Mercy, why do you have to be so damn sexy?" He groaned, bending his head down to nibble her neck. Sam pressed his hard, naked, wet body against hers, making sure Mercedes knew what affect she had on him.

"I can say the same about you." She countered, sliding her hands down to his cute ass and squeezing it. "Everything about you makes me hot."

"Are you trying to start something with me?" he growled, pressing his lips against her earlobe.

"Yassss." she replied, reaching between his legs to fondle his balls. "What are you going to do about it?"

"I'm gonna take you in the bedroom and shag you senseless, what do you think about that?"

Just the thought of Sam pounding her into the mattress sent chills up and down her spine. "I'm looking forward to it."


Bacon, waffles, sausage, scrambled eggs and fresh fruits were on the menu as Mercedes and Sam treated their friends to a hearty breakfast.

"Are you making homemade biscuits tomorrow?" Santana asked spearing another piece of bacon with her fork. "I can really go for some right now."

"No I'm afraid not." Mercedes replied. "I'm getting married tomorrow."

"Pity." She replied, poking her lips out. Brittany nudged her in the side. "What?" she looked at Mercedes and grinned. "Cedes knows I am happy for her and Blondie."

"Are we going to see this cute little cottage Blaine was gushing about last night?" Quinn asked, drinking down the remains of her orange juice.

"Sure right after breakfast." Kurt chimed in, "Which means you have to move your asses. I have a lot of work to do if I want to throw my bestie the best private wedding this side of heaven."

"And don't forget we have to make time for rehearsal." Rachel reminded the girls.

Tina rolled her eyes as she fed her daughter a piece of waffle, "How can we forget when you remind us every chance you get?" She huffed.

"Because when it comes to me, you have a tendency to forget." Rachel retorted. "Ever since high school you had always been jealous of my…"

"Shut. The. Fuck. Up." Tina interjected. "This is not about you."

"Ladies only good vibes are allowed." Brittany said, feeling the tension between Rachel and Tina, rising. "We are here for Sam and Cedes' wedding, so Hobbit, check your ego."

"I couldn't have said it better myself." Quinn agreed, running her fingers through the toddler's hair.


After breakfast, the group walked to the cottage where the ceremony would be held. Brittany swore she saw several unicorns galloping among the field of wild flowers.

"There are magical creatures here." She added, looking around. "I can feel them."

"It's beautiful." Tina whispered, laying her head on her husband's chest.

"And intimate." Rachel spoke up. "What a perfect choice for a private wedding."

"Simple and Romantic." Blaine confirmed.

Sam brought along the sketches he made and showed them how the cottage would look, once decorated. "Any comments?" he asked.

"Nah dude." Puck replied. "This is your and Cedes' wedding, our opinions doesn't matter."

"Same here," Artie chimed in. "So when do we begin to make those drawings a reality?"

Sam took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. "So what are you guys doing for the next several hours?"


Sam and Mike unloaded the lights from the trunk of Sam's rental car. Kurt was on the phone with Ashlee from Mi Amour, making sure their delivery was on route to the cabin.

"Please don't worry Mr. Hummel-Anderson; your delivery should be there shortly." Ashlee assured him.

"Good," Kurt nodded, glancing at his iPad as he looked up directions to any and all bridal boutiques in the area. "And you're sure that all the items are in the truck?" The last thing Kurt needed was for his best friend to have a crappy wedding.

"Yes sir, I had made sure of it personally."

"Thank you Ashlee."

"You're welcome sir and if you need anything please don't hesitate to call."

"Okay Sam, the delivery truck from Mi Amour is on the way." Kurt informed him, disconnecting the call with Ashlee. "I hope nothing is missing, despite what Ashlee says."

"Relax Kurt; everything is going to be fine." Sam assured him, singing softly to himself. "Have a little faith."


Mercedes applied her lipgloss and checked her appearance in the full length mirror; she inhaled deeply several times to calm her heart which pounded loudly in her chest.

I'm getting married tomorrow! She said to herself. I'm finally going to marry the love of my life! She suddenly burst into a fit of nervous laughter. This time tomorrow, I'm going to be somebody's wife! Images of Sam waiting for her at the altar brought tears to her eyes. Who knew that the green eyed, big lipped southern boy from Tennessee was going to marry her some day?

Well Sam knew…


The hallway of McKinley after glee club, Sam is walking Mercedes to her locker…

Sam: Pretty romantic huh? Think you're going to get married some day?

Mercedes: After I win my first Grammy.

Sam: You have any idea who the guy is going to be? 'Cause I know this awesome dude who's great at impressions and totally into you…

End of Flashback…

Mercedes dabbed at the corners of her eyes. "Well Mercy you might not have that Grammy yet,but you won the prize of a life time." She sniffed.


Kurt tapped his right foot impatiently against the floor, he had told Mercedes to be ready to go almost fifteen minutes ago, and she still hasn't shown up yet. God knows it was going to take a miracle to find her the wedding dress of her dreams and there still was the issue of who will he get to cater a first class dinner… he was snapped out of his thoughts by Santana's raised voice coming from the game room.

"Damn it Rachel, I am not going to sway in the background!" Santana hissed. "I think it's time to take a leave before I give you another fat lip." She suggested. "Besides, Mercedes need our support as she goes dress shopping." Santana laced her fingers with Brittany and rushed out the room and ran into Kurt. "Hey Kurt, where's the bride?"

"But, we've only been rehearsing an hour…" Rachel protested, calling after her. "Okay, we will pick up where we left off when we return." She conceded.

"Save your voice for the actual ceremony." Quinn advised her.

"But…" Rachel chewed on her lip as she stared at Tina in hopes she would agreed with her.

"Quinn's right." Tina responded as she gathered Patrice in her arms. "Come on precious lets go find Auntie Cedes." She cooed.

Rachel walked out the game room feeling dejected. "Kurt…" She pouted as she laid eyes on him.

"Not now Rachel." He quickly replied. "We are running behind schedule and that is not good." As if on cue, Mercedes walked into the room. "Thank goodness you decided to show up." Kurt said, quipped. "I thought I might have to send a search party after you."

"Sorry I was having a moment."

Kurt's demeanor soften, he draped an arm around her shoulders and guided her towards the front door. "Come on, the nearest bridal shop is forty-five minutes away."

"Who's driving?" she asked.

Kurt chuckled. "Honey, we're riding in style." The limo driver acknowledged them with a nod as the ladies strutted towards the car. "Courtesy of Blaine and yours truly."

Mercedes kissed him on the cheek. "Thanks Kurt and thank you for being my impromptu wedding planner."

"Anything for my best girl." He said, returning the kiss. "Everyone get in and have a glass of champagne…apple juice for you Patrice."


Once the lights were hung up in the cottage, Sam called for a ten minute break. He opened the cooler he had brought from the cabin and handed everyone a beer.

"Hey bro, when you and Cedes said that you two were getting married, I was expecting to party." Finn began. "Not working up a sweat."

"I know dude, but thanks for helping out." Sam said, taking a swig of beer. "Mercy and I really appreciates everyone stepping in to help us out."

Finn slapped Sam on the back. "You know that I was kidding right?" he replied. "We're family man, whenever one of us needs something, we are right there, no questions asked."

"Good, because guys I am scared to death." Sam confessed.

"Don't tell me you are getting cold feet." Artie spoke up. "And thinking about leaving Cedes at the altar, because if you are, we are gonna stomp your ass."

"Fucking A." Mike replied. "You and Cedes have been through too much with that crazy-ass ex-manager of hers kidnapping her and shit and now the motherfucker is MIA without a trace."

Sam looked at them as if they had gone bat shit crazy. "Let's get one thing clear; I am not going to leave Mercy at the altar." He assured them. "I love that woman too much…what I mean is that I am so scared that I'm going to let her down with this marriage thing." He explained.

Finn and Mike glanced at each other and burst into a fit of laughter. "Shit is that all?" Finn managed to say between bouts of laughter. "Dude, there's not a married man alive who hasn't had that thought."

"He's right Sam." Mike added. "Before I walked down the aisle with Tina I all but decided to move to South America and change my name to Tattoo."

"Hell, even I thought about joining the circus before marrying Rachel." Finn laughed.

"I had no such thoughts," Blaine said, causing Mike and Finn's eyes to roll. "I couldn't wait to marry Kurt."

Sam felt a thousand times better listening to his friends' confessions. He knew that marriage was hard work and with the examples his parents and Mercedes' parents set before him – he was going to be alright, they were going to be alright.


The senior wedding consultant of Venus Bridal Boutique greeted Mercedes and her friends as they entered the elegant store.

"Hello and welcome to Venus Bridal Boutique." She greeted the group. "Who's the lovely bride?" she asked, looking around the group.

"I am." Mercedes replied, giddily.

"And your name is…?"


"Nice to meet you Mercedes, my name is Tara and I'll be your wedding consultant for the day." she gestured for everyone to sit down. "Now Mercedes do you have any idea what you are looking for in a wedding dress?" Mercedes nodded, she pulled out the photo of the Maxine Fellini's vintage style tea length wedding dress she had torn out of the bridal magazine and handed it to Tara. "Maxine Fellini." She said, nodding her approval.

"I am hoping you have this exact dress in my size in stock." Mercedes said. "If not, I'm wearing jeans and a tee shirt."

"Over my dead body," Kurt blurted out. He smiled at Tara. "She's joking. If you don't have the dress in stock, we will find something just as gorgeous. "

Tara nodded in understanding and went to find the dress of Mercedes' dreams.


Sam thanked the delivery guy from Mi Amour for helping them set up the tables and chairs.

"Okay guys we are done here for now." Sam said, wiping the sweat off his brows. "Kurt can finish with the decorating when he gets back…thanks a bunch for helping me out."

"No problem bro." Mike said, reaching into the cooler for another beer.

"Say Sam, I'm starving," Artie said. "What do you have to eat?"

"I'm sure there's some leftovers from last night, if not I don't mind cooking up burgers."

"Sounds good," Finn said, rubbing his empty stomach. "Lead the way."

The leftovers from the night before were scarfed down in minutes after Sam took the food from the fridge.

"Damn y'all weren't playing." Sam chuckled, taking a huge skillet and placing it on the stove. He reached into the cabinet on the opposite side of the stove and grabbed two king-sized bags of Doritos. "There's dip in the fridge." He offered.

Puck hopped on the kitchen counter and watched as Sam seasoned the ground beef, he grabbed a handful of chips and stuffed his mouth. "So Evans," he began, chewing loudly. "What are you wearing tomorrow?"

Sam looked at him, his eyebrows furrowed. "I've got a black suit hanging in the closet." He said with a shrugged. "Why you're asking?"

Puck chuckled, shaking his head sadly. "Dude, I'm trying not to act like a vagina, but do you really think a black suit is going to cut it for your wedding to Cedes? I mean she is going all out to buy the perfect wedding dress."

"Besides, Kurt is not going to let you ruin his bestie wedding by looking like a bum." Finn added.

Sam looked at the two of them strangely. "What the hell is Kurt going to do? Ban me from my own wedding?"

"Nah," Mike spoke up. "What Puck is trying to say is that while we were in California, I got a text from Kurt stating that you needed a tux…something kind of retro and gave me your measurements…so…." He shrugged his shoulders, smiling.

"So… we bought you a tux." Artie finished. "No big deal, but we couldn't let you look like a bum standing next to Cedes, Satan will never let you live it down."

Sam, touched by their kind gesture, cleared his throat to keep the tears at bay; this reminded him of how the glee club had pooled their money together to get his guitar out of the pawn shop.

"Does Cedes know about this?"

"No," Blaine replied. "Kurt made sure she was busy while I got your measurements."

"You're not going to cry are you bro?" Puck asked. "If you are, I'm going to punch your lights out."

Sam laughed, shaking his head. "Nah dude, no crying from me…" he flipped the burgers over and wiped his eyes.

Puck stared at Sam intently. "Dude was that a tear I just seen?" he asked accusingly.

"No," Sam replied. "Incase you haven't noticed, I am standing over a hot ass stove trying to cook you jackasses some food."


"Where's that wedding consultant?" Santana huffed, sipping on her glass of complimentary champagne. "She's been gone for nearly thirty minutes, if she isn't back in the next five I'm going to hunt her down."

"Santana shut up and drink your champagne." Quinn hissed, she gestured to a worried Mercedes, who was nervously playing with the hem of her robe.

Rachel scooted next to Mercedes and patted her gently on the forearm. "Remember how long we waited for my wedding consultant to find the dress I wanted?" she said, in hopes of calming her fears.

Mercedes raised a perfectly arched eyebrow and scoffed. "You had that poor man twisted in knots; I had never seen a grown man cry in relief when you finally said yes."


Mercedes reached out and patted her forearm. "Thanks Rachel, I appreciate what you're trying to do…"

"No, that is not acceptable!" They heard Kurt hissed into the phone, he was standing a short distance from the group, who ever was on the other side of the call was getting their ass chewed out. "I don't give a fuck what the problem is…" he continued. "All I know is that I dropped a shit load of money plus extra so why are we having this conversation?" The person on the other end must have said something Kurt liked because a wide smile appeared on his face. "That is exactly what I want to hear…" He turned to face Mercedes and winked.

Mercedes watched as he disconnected the call without another word to the person on the other end and walked towards the group. "Is everything okay?" she asked, her voice full of concern.

He rubbed the back of his neck and nodded. "Everything is great Cedes." He assured her. "Now where is that wedding consultant?" he asked, looking around.

As if on cue, Tara sprinted towards Mercedes with a look of relief on her face. "Sorry for the delay," she apologized.

"Took you long enough." Santana grumbled, reaching for another glass of champagne.

"Were you able to find the dress in stock?" Mercedes asked, ignoring her friend's rudeness.

Tara nodded. "Are you ready to try it on?"

"Yes." Mercedes replied.

"Follow me please."

Mercedes stood up. "I'll see you guys in a few." She said before following Tara to the dressing room.

"I hope this dress is everything Cedes hoped it to be." Brittany said after she left. "I would hate for her dream to be dashed."

"Maybe we should start looking for a second dress?" Tina suggested. "Juts in case…?"

Kurt shook his head. "Let not get ahead of yourselves." He warned them, running his fingers through his hair. "I'm sure she is going to look fantastic."


Mercedes' heart beat rapidly in her chest like a jackhammer against a sidewalk as she walked into the dressing room and laid eyes on the Maxine Fellini's tea length wedding dress still in its clear garment bag.

"Ready to try it on?" Tara asked softly.

Mercedes nodded wordlessly, unable to take her eyes off the dress. She slipped out of her robe and tossed it aside as Tara carefully unzipped the bag and took her time taking it off the hanger. She smiled as Mercedes took several deep breaths to calm down as she helped her slipped the dress over her head and down her body.

She gasped, pleased how well the dress fitted Mercedes' body. "Turn around please." Tara replied. Mercedes turned around to face the mirror. Mercedes stared at her reflection, unable to take her eyes off how beautifully the dress complimented her figure. "What do you think?" she asked, smoothing down the tulle material.

The back of Mercedes' eyes burned with unshed tears. "Ohmigod…" she whispered, twirling around to get a better look at herself from all angles. "I knew it would be perfect, but…" A single tear fell down her cheek. The strapless dress was everything Mercedes imagined it to be, simple, romantic while simultaneously sexy, flirty, fun and spunky; the tulle skirt reminded her of old Hollywood with a modern twist… "Ohmigod…" she repeated. "Ohmigod…"

Tara laughed as she quickly handed Mercedes a tissue. "Shall we show your friends?"

"Yes." Mercedes sniffed.

Tara opened the dressing room door and stepped aside to let Mercedes exit the room first.

Santana and Brittany was surfing the net on their cell phones while Tina and Quinn entertained Patrice. Rachel was singing silently to herself while Kurt was busy looking at wedding accessories when Mercedes approached them with a 1000 watt smile on her face.

Kurt was the first to notice her. "Ohmigod Cedes…" he gasped. He couldn't take his eyes off his bestie as she stood there looking like the classic Hollywood bride.

"What do you think?" she asked no one in particular.

Santana let out a low whistle. "Step aside Dorothy Dandridge, here comes Mercedes Jones." She replied.

"Gorgeous." Brittany complimented, grabbing a handful of tissue.

Tina and Quinn cupped their hands over their mouths, agreeing with Santana…

"Vintage Hollywood is your style Cedes." Rachel spoke up.

"It's Elegant." Kurt added. "And it fits perfectly."

"I know right?" Mercedes sniffed. She began to cry tears of joy. "I can't wait for Sam to see me in this dress."

"Honey, he is going to be as speechless as we are." Quinn replied, dabbing at the corners of her eyes.


"How about stopping some place nice to eat?" Santana suggested once they were back in the limo. She turned to Mercedes. "Is there a decent place to eat around here?"

Mercedes, mesmerized by her wedding gown, didn't answer her.

"Cedes." Tina laughed, bumping her on the shoulder. "Snap out of it."

"Huh? What?" she asked, coming out of her daze. "Uh…sorry what was the question?"

Quinn and Rachel laughed softly to themselves.

"Santana asked if there was a decent restaurant around here." Brittany replied.

"Oh…yeah there's several." Mercedes replied. "What do you have a taste for?"

Santana shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, as long as it's decent I'll eat it."

"There's this cute little restaurant that sells the best barbeque I had ever tasted." Mercedes suggested. "Want to go there?"

"Sure why not?"

Mercedes gave Kurt the name of the restaurant and he passed it on to the driver.

"Would you mind if we get take out instead of eating in?" Mercedes asked. "I'm sure the guys would love some barbeque especially after working on the cottage."

"That's a great idea." Kurt agreed. "There lots to be done before tomorrow and we really don't have the time to waste…sorry ladies."

"I don't care as long as I eat." Santana said.

Mercedes fished her cell phone from her bag and called Sam, a smiled already spread on her lips before he answer the call.

"Hey babe," Sam greeted seductively. "Were you able to find the perfect dress?"

"Hey yourself stud," She giggled. "And yes I was able to find my dress; I can't wait for you to see me in it."

"I know I'm going to love seeing you in it…and out of it."

"You would say something like that."

"What it's true, I love my sexy baby."

"And I love you too." she gushed.

Santana rolled her eyes, "Oh lord, she must be taking to Guppy Lips."

Mercedes flipped her the bird and turned her head for privacy.

"Are you on your way back?" he asked.

"Yeah, but first we gonna get take out for everyone." She answered. "How are things going at the cottage?"

"Well me and the guys did our part." He said. "I'm not touching the table setting, I'll leave that for Kurt."

"So what are you doing now?"

"Waiting for my baby to get back so I can love on her."

"Awww," she giggled. "Aren't you sweet."

"Yep, she is definitely talking to Sam." Tina laughed. "Hear how soft her voice has gotten?"

Mercedes gave her the side eye, "Like you don't go all schoolgirl crush when you're talking to Mike." She countered sticking her tongue out at her like a small child.

"Is everything alright?" Sam asked on the other line.

"Yeah," Mercedes assured him. "I'm getting teased because I get turned on whenever I hear my man's sexy voice."

"You know it goes both ways don't you?" Sam replied, grinning from ear to ear. "I can't function whenever I hear your angelic voice, it does something to me."

"I know right?" Mercedes giggled, agreeing with him. She began toying with her engagement ring. "I love you Sam, will you marry me tomorrow?"

"Who's going to stop me?" he answered with a question. "In case you couldn't figure it out, the answer is yes."

The limo came to a halt; the driver opened the partition and announced where they were.

"Sam, we are now at the restaurant, do you want anything special?"

"Uh…you served to me naked on a silver platter."

"Hmmmm, maybe that can be arranged." She said coyly, licking her bottom lip.

"Cedes will you please stop with the porn and com' on." Santana spoke up, getting out of the backseat. "I'm starving."

"Babe, I'm being summons by Satan," she sighed, "I have to feed her before the real bitch comes out."

"Okay, love you."

"Love you too…bye." Mercedes disconnected the call and climbed out the car.


Kurt turned getting Mercedes' wedding dress out of the car into a full convert operation. She rolled her eyes in annoyance when Kurt shouted for Sam to back away from the car as if he was a bank robber trying to jump into the get away car.

"Kurt what the fuck…?" he asked, confused. "I'm just coming to help my lady with her bags."

"Back away from the car." Kurt repeated.

Sam turned to Mercedes and shrugged his shoulders. "Mercedes?"

"Just do as he says." Mercedes replied, not amused. "Humor him just this once, I'm tired and these heels are killing my feet. Please babe…I promise you can kill him later."

"He's afraid that you're going to see Mercedes' wedding dress." Tina explained, holding her sleeping daughter in her arms. "You know the bad luck thing?"

"Oh," Sam replied, scratching the back of his neck. "Why didn't he just say so?"

"You know Kurt; sometimes he out drama queens me." Rachel replied, with a smirk on her lips.

Once the dress was safely inside the cabin, Mercedes reluctantly handed her wedding dress over to Kurt for 'safe keeping'.

"But-but…" Mercedes protested.

"Wouldn't you rather be safe than sorry?" Kurt countered, butting in. "I'll just hang it in my closet, safely tucked away from green prying eyes."

Mercedes sighed, rolling her eyes. "You better be happy that I love you…"

"I knew you would see it my way." He added quickly. They heard music coming from downstairs. Kurt gave her a peck on the cheek and nudged her gently towards the staircase. "It seems like someone is having a party, go join Sam and I'll be down in a few." He said, heading towards his and Blaine's bedroom.


"Here she is!" Brittany cheered, clapping her hands as Mercedes walked into the den. "Here's the bride!" She sprinted eagerly to the table and grabbed a rectangular shaped box wrapped in silver with a purple bow which was among the stack of gifts that appeared out of no where.

"MERCEDES!" Everyone roared.

She looked around the room, a huge smile spread on her lips, copies of pictures of her and Sam in high school decorated the room. "I don't believe you guys." She said, shaking her head. "I was only upstairs for ten minutes." She felt the tears welling in her eyes.

"Ten minutes was all we need." Finn spoke up.

"Damn you guys are good." she sniffed. Rachel handed her a glass of champagne. "This is the last party of your single life so you better enjoy it."

Mercedes nodded as she took a sip of the white bubbly liquid, wondering how in the hell they snuck it in under her nose. Sam approached her wearing a tee shirt with a picture of a ball and chain with the words THE MISTER printed under it.

"That has Puck written all over it." she chuckled, referring to his tee shirt.

Sam shrugged his shoulders. "I like it."

Brittany skipped over to Mercedes and handed her the rectangular-shaped box. "This is for you."

Sam held her glass of champagne as she ripped opened the box, inside was an oversized tee-shirt with the words THE MRS printed across it in huge purple letters and a white veil. Mercedes laughed as she slipped the tee-shirt on and placed the veil on her head.

"Awww, how adorable," Quinn cooed, she grabbed a deposable camera and snapped a picture. "I can't believe you two are getting hitched tomorrow."

"Yep, I'm taking this incredible hunk of the man off the market." Mercedes said, standing on her tip toes to plant a scorching hot kiss on Sam's lips.

"Woo! Hoo!" Mike and Artie cheered. "Get it Cedes!"

They came up for air; Sam's licked his kiss-swollen lips staring lustfully at his wife to be.

"Bring it down a notch, lover boy." Santana said. "Save all that for the honeymoon."

Mercedes chewed on her bottom lip, giggling like a naughty schoolgirl. "Is it hot in here or is that just me?" she asked, staring at Sam.

"That's you." Rachel, Tina and Finn replied.

"Better cool your hot tail down with another drink." Santana smiled wickedly. She grabbed an opened bottle of champagne and refilled Sam and Mercedes' glasses. "Drink up!"

"Why do I get the feeling Satan is trying to get us drunk?" Mercedes asked Sam.

"You get that feeling too?" he replied, drinking down the entire glass in one gulp.

"Hey Sam, wait for me." Mercedes chugged down the champagne and gave him a high five.

"Wanna refill?"

"Sure why not," she replied, holding out her glass.

Mercedes' ears perked up as she heard the piano intro to one of her favorite classic love songs playing in the background. She took his empty glass along with hers and placed the crystal flutes on the edge of the dinning room table. "Dance with me?" she offered.

"Whatever you want sweetheart." Sam replied, accepting her request.

Mercedes laid her head on his chest, her ear over his heart; Sam wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close…

Her tears were already stinging the back of her eyes as they began swaying to the music…

"You are so beautiful to me…"

Mercedes sang along with Joe Cocker…

"You are so beautiful to me…"

Sam's eyes filled with tears as his heart pounded loudly in his chest…

"Can't you see…?"

Tears of joy, love, happiness, adoration and passion rolled down Mercedes' cheeks as she continued to sing to her Sam…

Her only love…

"Everything I hope for…"

Sam thought about all the heartache, trials and tribulations they had gone through to get to where they are now…

"You're everything I need…"

Mercedes is HIS One…

Sam is HER One…

"You are so beautiful…"

What therefore God hath joined together, let no man put asunder…

"…to me…"

And as they continued to dance, there wasn't a dry eye in the room…

"Dammit you two," Santana sniffed, dabbing at the corners of her eyes. "You would have to ruin my makeup."

"Hey I thought that this was a party!" Kurt replied, strutting into the room.

"It is." Tina sniffed.

"Then why the long faces?"

"The dance and Mercedes singing to Sam…it was just beautiful." Rachel explained, giving him a watery smile.

"Yeah man, even I had a tear or two in my eyes." Puck admitted. "That shit was powerful."

Mercedes glanced up into Sam's shiny green eyes. "Are you okay?" she asked softly.

He nodded, tightening his arm around her shoulders.

"How about we open presents?" Brittany suggested. "I'll be Mrs. Bridal Claus!" she headed for the presents.

"You're who?" Mike asked.

"Mrs. Bridal Claus." She repeated as if it was quite obvious who she was. "Mr. Bridal Claus wife." She rolled her eyes. "Really Mike you're married; you should know these things."

The dance instructor turned to his wife – puzzled.

"Let me help you with the presents." Santana said, walking over to her girlfriend.

Brittany smiled at Santana as she handed her the smallest gift box.

Santana smiled wickedly as she held up the gift, Quinn and Tina sucked their bottom lips into their mouths to prevent themselves from laughing.

"Sam, Artie had informed us that you wanted us to shop for Cedes at a certain shop is that true?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

Sam straightened up in his chair, a lecherous grin from on his lips. "Why yes Santana, I certainly did." He quipped.

"You guys didn't…" Mercedes spoke up, shaking her head. "Please tell me that you didn't listen to Sam."

Santana giggled as she handed Mercedes the box. "You are gonna love this." She teased.

Mercedes stared at the box for a few seconds, wondering what in the hell did they buy her.

"Aren't you going to open the box sweetheart?" Sam asked, eager to see what he will be ripping off her body soon.

She took a deep breath and carefully peeled off the wrapping paper.

"Dammit Cedes just open the damn box." Tina chimed in.

Mercedes glared at Tina as she continued to take her time.

"Com'on babe…"

She let the wrapping fall to the floor and opened the lid to the box and peeked inside. "Are you guys fucking for real?" She reached in and pulled out a crotchless leather thong.

Everyone let out wolf calls, Mercedes felt the heat creeping up her neck and settling on her cheeks.

"Thank you who ever bought this," Sam said, picturing Mercedes in them. "You are forever in my good graces."

Mercedes hit him playfully on the arm. "You perv."

Sam grinned lecherously and wiggled his eyebrows.

Brittany handed Sam the next present, unlike Mercedes he quickly ripped off the wrapping paper and tossed it aside. He looked inside the box and licked his lips.

"What?" she asked.

Sam pulled out the barely there purple lace chemise and dropped it in Mercedes' lap.

"Oh god," she said, chewing on her bottom lip. "You guys have done it now."

"We are going to have so much fun…" Sam sang, he ran the tip of his fingers slowly up and down her thick right thigh. The bundle of raw nerves between her legs began to throb. She discreetly squeezed her thighs together in a futile effort to stop it.

Santana handed her the next wedding gift it was heavy and rattled when she shook it. "Is this a sex toy?" Mercedes asked, her cheeks growing warm from embarrassment.

There was a lot of snickering but no one answered.

"I guess I have to open it to find out." This time around she ripped off the wrapping paper; she burst into a fit of laughter once she reached inside the box and pulled out a penis enlarger kit.

"Hate to break it to ya guys, but I won't be needing this." Sam bragged. "Hey Finn catch!" he said before tossing it in his direction.

"And what makes you think that I need it?" Finn chuckled, tossing it to Artie.

"Finn I don't why you are tossing it to Artie," Santana remarked snidely. "I know from experience how little…"

"Really Santana?" Finn butted in. "Do you have to go there?"

"Cool it Satan." Rachel hissed, coming to her husband's defense.

"Fuck off Hobbit; you're just mad because I took his V card." Santana retorted.

"Hey guys tone it down," Tina chimed in. "this is getting out of hand."

"She started it!" Rachel whined. "Always have to be the bitch…"

"Tina is right; this is getting out of hand." Mike agreed.

"Rachel. Satan. Finn. Shut the fuck up!" Blaine blurted out, shocking everyone. "We are here to celebrate Sam and Mercedes' wedding, not drudge up old high school shit." He fumed. "The last thing they need is for you three to ruin their party over something that happened ages ago!" He went around the room and filled everyone glass with champagne. "Now drink up and no more talk about Finn's little dick."


Six empty bottles of champagne later, the party came to a close and with tradition, Sam and Mercedes reluctantly agreed to sleep in separate rooms.

The future husband and wife shared one last passionate kiss before slowly pulling apart.

"Night Mercy." Sam said sadly. "See you in the morning."

"Goodnight Sammy." She sniffed. "See you in the morning too."

He cupped her cheeks in his hands. "Sweet dreams."

"Same to you."

"Come on you two," Kurt huffed. "Stop acting like it's the end of the world." He took his bestie by the arm and guided her towards the bedroom. "Cheer up Cedes, it's only for tonight."

"I don't care," she pouted, on the verge of tears. "I can't sleep without him." she looked at Sam's retreating back with such longing Kurt almost changed his mind. "Okay one more kiss and off to bed." He said.

"Thanks Kurt." She said. "Sam! Sam!"

Sam turned around and huge smile spread across his face as he watched Mercedes run up to him.

"Did you change your mind?" he asked hopefully, holding her tightly against him.

She shook her head. "We can do one night right?"

Sam stared into her doe shaped brown eyes and nodded. "We're not wimps."

"Good, now kiss me okay?"

She didn't have to ask him twice…

He kissed her with everything in him and then some, when they finally pulled apart due to lack of oxygen, they both felt a little light headed.

"I love you Sammy with all my heart."

"And I love you with everything within me, Mercy."

Kurt cleared his throat. "Hurry up Cedes you have to get your beauty sleep if you're going to look gorgeous for your wedding day." He reminded Mercedes.

She rolled her eyes. "I gotta go…"

"Yeah, me too."

She quickly kissed him softly on the lips and walked away.


Kurt groaned sleepily as his cell phone buzzed, he reached over on the nightstand and grabbed it. "Hello?" he greeted without looking at the Caller ID. "This is Kurt speaking."

"Good morning Mr. Hummel-Anderson." The person on the other end greeted warmly. "We are waiting outside and ready for further instructions."

Kurt quickly sat up in bed and checked the time, it was 8:30. "Alright." He said, jumping out of bed. "Give me five minutes and I'll be right down."

"Okay Mr. Hummel-Anderson."

Blaine sat up in bed and rubbed his eyes. "Who was that?" he asked sleepily.

"The crew I hired." Kurt answered, zipping up his jeans. "They are here to cook Sam and Mercedes a fabulous wedding feast as well as to finish decorating the cottage."

Blaine smiled. "How sweet of you."

"I'd promised Cedes that she was going to have the most fabtastic private wedding ever and I meant every word." he leaned across the bed and kissed his husband. "In case I get too busy to tell you how much I love you."

Blaine blushed, giving his husband a scorching kiss on the lips. "That's to remind you how sexy you are to me."

Kurt smiled as he slipped his feet into his sneakers and winked at Blaine on his way out the door. "After I get Sam and Cedes married, you and I are going to have a little vow exchange service of our own." He promised, grabbing his iPod off the dresser. "See you in a few." He added before rushing downstairs to the front door.


Today is my wedding day! Mercedes said to herself with a huge smile on her face. Today I am getting married to the love of my life! She glanced up at the ceiling and inhaled deeply, her butterflies were already working overtime and she wasn't out of bed yet! As she exhaled slowly, the bedroom door suddenly flew opened with a loud bang as it hit the wall, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin.

"Wakey, wakey, our little bride!" Tina sing-song as she, followed by Rachel, Quinn, Santana and Brittany rushed into the room and jumped on the bed. "Today is your very special day! Wakey, wakey!"

Mercedes clutched her chest. "Are you guys trying to kill me before I run down the aisle?" she asked.

"Stop being so damn dramatic and get your ass out of bed." Santana said. "Lover boy is downstairs whining more than Patrice because he hasn't seen you in eight hours." she smirked, shaking her head in pity.

"My poor Sammy," Mercedes replied. "I miss him too." she pulled the covers back and slid out of bed. "I must see him."

"Hold it!" Rachel said, shaking her head. "Sorry Cedes you are not laying eyes on Sam until you are walking…"

"Running…" Cedes corrected her.

"Okay, running down the aisle." She informed her. "But you can call him."

"Gee thanks." Mercedes huffed, grabbing her phone off the nightstand. She heard noises coming from outside and walked towards the window. "What's going on out there?" she asked, pulling back curtains and stepping out on the patio. Her eyes widened in surprise as she saw several vans parked in the driveway and Kurt talking to several people. "Who are those people and why are they doing here?"

"Never mind them." Quinn said, pulling her away from the patio. "Kurt will explain what is going on once he's through with whatever he's doing. You missy just focus on getting yourself ready for Sam." she smiled.

"But-but…" she sputtered.

"Focus." Rachel reminded her. "First call Sam and tell him how much you love him and how you can't wait to marry him."

Mercedes took a deep breath, nodding in approval as she phoned Sam.

"I love you baby," Sam greeted, picking up after the first ring. "I love you so, so much."

She smiled, tears welling in her eyes. "I love you too, Sammy." She said.

Sam gushed dreamily, running his long finger through his unkempt hair. "I want to see you but these assholes who I call friends are blocking my way upstairs." He glared at Mike, Finn, Puck, Artie and Blaine.

"Yeah? Well these bitches up here are doing the same thing." She said, glaring at her friends. "I say we take our chances and kick their asses."

"I'm all for it." he agreed.

"Me too, but lets do it after we say I do."

"Good idea babe, no need in messing them up before the ceremony."

"You are so right, but after that all bets are off."



They began to laugh in unison.

"Do you know what Kurt is up to?" she asked. "There's a bunch of strangers here and I don't like it one bit."

"No, but I won't worry about it Kurt won't do anything foolish."

As they continued to talk, there was another knock on her bedroom door, everyone turned around to see who it was. It was a delivery man standing on the other side of the threshold with a large box tucked under his arm.

"Hold on Sam, some guy is standing outside my bedroom door with a huge box."

"Why is this guy standing outside of your bedroom? He better not be ogling you or I will kick his ass."

"Sam, relax I have five people here that will do it for you if he gets out of hand."

"Yes? May I help you?" Brittany asked the young man who was obviously uncomfortable with his surroundings.

"I'm sorry ma'am," he began. "But the guy outside said for me to come up here and deliver this to the bride?" he glanced around the room before setting his eyes on Brittany again. "Ma'am is that you?"

"No that will be me." Mercedes replied, stepping forward.

He handed Mercedes the box.

"Thank you," she said, wondering who sent it. She placed it on the dresser as she grabbed for her bag.

"Ma'am no tip is necessary," he said quickly. "it has already been taken care of." He nodded his head and took a step back. "Have a great day ma'am."

"Thank you."

The young man hurried downstairs.

"What is it?" Santana asked.

"Give me time to open the box and see." Mercedes said, placing the box on the bed.

"Mercy are you still there?" Sam asked on the line.

"Yes Sam I'm still here." She replied. "I'm about to open the box." Everyone watched as she carefully lifted the lid, Mercedes gasped as she reached in and pulled out a bridal bouquet made of wildflowers. "Ohmigod," she sniffed. "How beautiful."

"What?" Sam asked on the other line. "What are you talking about?"

"Someone sent me a bouquet made of wildflowers." She answered, searching the inside of the box for a note. She found the small purple envelope and immediately knew who sent it. "Samuel Evans I have no words for you…" she opened the envelope and pulled out the note.

Their beauty can not compare to the one who is holding them.


She read out loud.

Sam chuckled. "I'm only telling the truth." He said softly.

"Okay Cedes it's time to say goodbye to Lover boy." Santana said. "Time is ticking away."

"Sam, I have to go…" she said. "Satan is bringing out the whip."

"I love you Mercedes, I can't wait to marry you."

"I love you too Sam, see you at the altar."


After a breakfast of orange juice and half a crescent, Mercedes took a hot shower when she stepped out the bathroom; she was happy to see Kurt sitting on her bed waiting for her.

"Morning beautiful, are you ready to get married?" he asked, getting up to give her a kiss on the cheeks.

"Kurt what is going on?" she asked. "Who are all these people I see trampling about outside?"

"They are the catering company I had hired to prepare you and Sam the most fabtastic wedding meal ever." He answered, smiling. "Yes you're welcome."

"Kurt, this is supposed to be a private wedding!" Mercedes protested. "I don't want the tabloids to find out about this and if Sam and my parents finds out about this…" she shook her head.

"Cedes don't you think I don't know that?" he asked. "I had everyone signed a legal binding contract, if word of your wedding gets out I am going to sue the shit out of the company and god help the person who opens their big mouth…lets just say what I did to Sebastian will look like a walk in the park!"

Mercedes looked into her besties' blue eyes; she knew that he wasn't making an idol threat.

"I trust you Kurt." She said, giving him a hug. "Right now my nerves are shot." She confessed. "I never thought I will be so nervous about getting married to Sam."

"You will be alright, diva." He said, kissing her on the cheek. "I have it on good authority that Sam is just as nervous."


"Really." He confirmed. "Now I have one more surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"I had hired a beauty team to make you look extra gorgeous on your wedding day if that's possible." He replied. "They should be up here any minute."


"No need thanking me, you are my best friend Cedes…well more like my sister and I couldn't ask for a better one."

"You are determined to make me cry, aren't you?"

"Well…" Kurt rolled his eyes. There was a small tap on the door. "Enter."

The door opened - it was the beauty team.

"Is the bride ready to be pampered?" the burnet woman asked.

"Yes." Mercedes said excitedly.

Kurt kissed her again. "Relax and enjoy yourself, I'll come back with your wedding dress once I checked on a few things."

"Okay and Kurt?"

"Yes Mercedes?"

"Thank you for making this day even better."


Sam stared at his reflection in the full length mirror, the tux fitted him perfectly. He ran his fingers through his newly trimmed haircut – thanks to Kurt and grinned. He turned to face the group of guys who was standing around watching him gawk at himself in the mirror and struck a pose.

"So do I look suave and debonair like Bond, James Bond 007?" he asked doing his best Sean Connery impression.

"You look a'ight." Artie replied.

"You'll pass." Puck said matter-of-factually.

"Yeah," Mike agreed. "You'll pass."

"I agree with everyone else." Finn said shrugging his shoulders.

Sam rolled his eyes and rubbed the back of his neck nervously. "Really guys?" he replied. "I was hoping for 'you look nice Sam' or maybe 'you clean up very nicely'."

"Well Sam I think you look very handsome." Blaine said. "And if I wasn't married to a hot guy and if you were gay I'd do you."

Sam raised an eyebrow. "Uh…thanks for the compliment, I think?"

Puck chuckled as he slapped Sam on the back. "Come on dude, you look great." he said. "Cedes will not be able to take her eyes off you."

Sam's green eyes light up. "Yeah? You think so dude?"

"Take my word for it."

"How about one last drink as a single man?" Finn suggested.

"I can go for a cold one." Mike replied.

"Me too." Artie seconded.

"Well lead the way." Sam said, stepping aside to let everyone leave before him. He turned once more and checked out his appearance. The next time he will look at himself in the mirror he will be a married man…finally!

"Sam, are you coming?" Blaine called over his shoulder.

"Right behind you bro." he said, doing an about face. "Just had to make sure I look on point for Mercy."


"Now Cedes, you promise no crying." Rachel warned as she finished zipping up Mercedes' wedding dress. "You don't want to ruin your flawless make up."

Mercedes took a deep breath and nodded as she exhaled slowly. "I promise." She said. "Can I have a look now?"

"Sure hon." Tina replied, smiling softly. "Take a look."

She slowly turned around and faced the full length mirror; an audible gasped escaped her as she stared at herself in disbelief…

She looked stunning…

"It that me?" she questioned softly. "Do I really look that good?" she couldn't believe that she looked like someone that had stepped out of an old Hollywood glamour magazine. Her hair was styled in a breathtaking up do of curls with her bangs sweeping loosely to the side, giving her a classic yet modern look which perfectly complimented her dress.

"Yes you do Cedes," Quinn answered softly. "Pure classic Hollywood."

"You're not gonna cry are you?" Santana chimed in, studying Mercedes' reaction.

Mercedes shook her head, willing herself not to tear up. "I promised didn't I?"

"Sam is going to go crazy when he sees how gorgeous you look." Brittany laughed. "And you do look gorgeous Cedes."

Mercedes turned from the mirror and looked at her girlfriends; they were dressed to perfection themselves, including baby Patrice who looked adorable in her ruffled lavender dress and matching socks.

Kurt walked into the room, checking his list for the umpteenth time. "Cedes, I just received a text from Blaine, Sam is on his way to the cottage…" he stopped in midsentence. His blue eyes turned misty as he laid eyes on his best friend. "…Wow…" he whispered. "Wow…"

Mercedes smiled weakly, she swallowed the huge lump in her throat before speaking. "Don't you dare cry!" She warned him. "Because if you do, I'm going to start crying and it will start a chain reaction and I will hate to kill you because my makeup will be ruined…" she furiously waved her hands in front of her eyes to stop the tears. "Don't you dare, Kurt Hummel-Anderson!"

Kurt cleared his throat in an effort to do just that. "Well…uh," he began, biting his bottom lip to keep the emotions out of his tone. "Fuck…oops sorry Patrice." He chuckled glancing at the toddler. "Mercedes Jones you are beyond gorgeous, standing there in your wedding dress." he continued. "I just have one thing to say…"

"What is that?" Mercedes asked softly.

"Let's get you married off."

The room filled with giggles.

"Yes, lets!" she agreed, picking up her bouquet.

Kurt quickly sent Blaine a text…

Blaine's phone buzzed in his pocket, he fished it out and noticed he had a text from his husband. He laughed as he read it.

"What's so funny?" Sam asked, he was getting more nervous by the second.

"The text is from Kurt," he began.

"What did he say?"

"Here comes the bride."


Mercedes linked her arm in Kurt's as they began the short journey to the cottage where Sam was waiting for her at the altar, each step she took brought her closer to her dream of marrying the only man she had ever loved.

"I think we are going to see unicorns today." Brittany said excitedly, squeezing Santana's hand. "They love to come out for happy occasions."

"You think so?" Santana asked, she loved Brittany outlook on life even if at times it didn't make sense to anyone but her.

"Of course," Brittany sighed happily. "What could be happier than a wedding? Except for a child being born?"

"You know what Brittany I hope we see a dozen unicorns dancing in the fields today." Mercedes spoke up, smiling brightly at her.

"You know it is never too late to turn around and go back." Kurt said once they got nearer to the small wooden bridge.

Mercedes look at him as if he was crazy. "Kurt, you know that there's no way in hell I will ever leave Sam. That would be like cutting out my own heart and expecting to live."

"I thought you would say something as dramatic as that." he teased.

"Then why ask me?" she answered, smiling.

"Because as your best friend and man of honor it's my duty to ask."

Her butterflies within her erupted into a full fledge assault as they walked over the bridge and spotted the cottage up ahead.

"We are in the enchanted forest." Brittany announced excitedly, causing Patrice to squeal in delight, the toddler clapped her small chubby hands as she babbled cheerfully as if to agree with her Auntie Britt.

"The atmosphere has definitely changed." Tina agreed, she shook her head wondering if Brittany's colorful insight of the world had finally rubbed off on her.

"That's because this place is magical." Mercedes replied, the overwhelming feeling of love washed over her.

Quinn picked up her pace, bypassing the bride and the man of honor. "I'm going ahead to announce your arrival." She called over her shoulder. "See you there!" she flashed Mercedes a beautiful smile and let out a loud whoop. "The bride is coming! The bride is coming!" she singsong at the top of her lungs. "The bride is coming! The bride is coming! Sam! Are you ready?"

Soon she was joined by Tina, Santana and Brittany; Rachel tried to act all sadity, claiming she would ruin her voice for her upcoming solo. Tina told her if she didn't remove the stick out of her ass and let loose, she will be short three backup singers. That seemed to do the trick.

Mercedes and Kurt laughed at them as they made their way to the cottage and stopped outside the door to smooth down their dresses before entering, and once again announcing that the bride was coming…


Sam stood at the altar and stared at the cottage door as he anxiously waited for Mercedes to make her grand entrance. The minister, who was officiating the wedding, placed a gentle hand on Sam's shoulder and squeezed lightly.

"Son, if you don't calm down you are going to pass out before the ceremony." He advised him.

Sam took a deep breath and smiled faintly at the minister, thanking him for his advice.

"Dude relax." Finn chuckled, who was fidgeting with his collar. "Cedes will be here shortly."

Artie poured iced water in a cup and handed it to Sam. "Here drink this; you look like you can use it."

Sam gulped down the cup of water, feeling much better as the cold liquid went down his throat.

"Man if you pass out I will never let you live it down." Puck said, teasingly.

The room suddenly fell quiet as the door to the cottage opened and in come Quinn, followed by the rest, announcing Mercedes' arrival.

Sam felt as if his heart was about to jump out of his chest when he realized that at any second, his soulmate was going to walk through that door and become his wife. He took a deep breath and let it out, a nervous smile plastered on his face as he kept his eyes on the door…


Mercedes and Kurt finally made it to the cottage, Mercedes eagerly reached out to open the door, but Kurt slapped her hand away.

"What the hell, Kurt?" she whispered, giving him some serious side-eye.

Kurt sighed deeply and shook his head. "Before we go inside, take several deep breaths okay?" he replied. "I want you as calm as possible, is that too much to ask?"

She shook her head.

"Good and while you are doing that, let me check your hair and makeup and smooth down your dress…perfect, we can proceed." He tucked her arm in his and opened the cottage door…

They stepped over the threshold and paused. Mercedes' brown eyes widened in surprise, the cottage was decorated far more beautiful than she could ever imagined, but all that couldn't compare to seeing her sweet, sweet Sam standing there waiting to become her husband.

The back of Sam's eyes began to sting as he watched Kurt and Mercedes walked over the threshold and paused. She looked stunning! And for a moment Sam wasn't sure if he was in the middle of a fantastic dream or if it was really happening!

"Son, are you ready?" The minister asked, kindly.

He responded with a nod, unable to speak…

The minister cleared his throat as he looked around the room at the group of close friends… some were already dabbing the corners of their eyes while others was trying their best to keep their tears at bay…

"Please stand for the receiving of the bride." He announced.

Everyone rose to their feet…

"There is no music." Rachel whispered as she watched Mercedes take her first step towards the altar. "She should be walking to music." she said.

"Shut up Rachel." Quinn whispered in return.

"It's not right…and being that I am the only one here who has ever been in a real play, I feel that it is my duty not only as an up and coming star but as Cedes' closest friend to stop her wedding from becoming a complete disaster." She explained, dramatically.

"You already have a solo." Santana reminded her. "No need spreading yourself thin." She said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Thank you for your concern Santana but, I must do something…"

"Please Rachel not now." Finn interjected.

Rachel rolled her eyes at her husband as she poised herself to sing, as she opened her mouth to belt out the first note, Sam's voice filled the room loud and clear…

"Have I told you lately that I love you..?" He softly crooned.

Sam's released the breath he didn't know he was holding as he locked eyes with Mercedes. Damn how in the hell did he get so lucky? He knew he had asked himself the same question over the years and more in the recent months and days and he probably will never get a straight answer to his question, but he knew one thing…his love for her was everlasting and not a day will ever go by without her knowing how much he loves her.

"Have I told you there's no one else above you…"

A lump immediately formed in Mercedes' throat as she recognized the tune, Sam has been humming it for the past several days! Duh, she should have known he had something up his sleeve whenever she asked him the name of the tune he would ignore her question and quickly changed the subject.

"Filled my heart with gladness…

Take away all my sadness…

Ease my troubles that what you do…"

"Aww fuck, Sam would do something like this." Kurt whispered, trying to keep the emotions out of his voice. "Why am I not surprise?"

Mercedes nodded in agreement, never taking her eyes off Sam's…

"For the morning sun in all it's glory
greets the day with hope and comfort too
You fill my life with laughter
and somehow you make it better
ease my troubles that's what you do…"

"How beautiful is that?" Tina sniffed. "A groom serenading his bride as she walks down the aisle?"

"There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one…"

Kurt and Mercedes finally made it to the altar and stood before Sam as he continued to sing.

"There's a love that's divine
and it's yours and it's mine like the sun, like the sun
And at the end of the day
we should give thanks and pray
to the one, to the one…"

Kurt kissed her on the cheek and whispered in her ear. "Go get your man." He placed Mercedes' hands in Sam's and kissed her once more before stepping aside.

"Have I told you lately that I love you…?"

Sam lovingly squeezed her hands as they continued to gaze into each others' eyes.

'I love you.' He mouthed.

'I love you too.' she mouthed in returned.

"Dearly beloved," the minister began. "We are gathered together before God and these witnesses to join this man and woman in holy matrimony. Who gives this woman in marriage to this man?"

"We all do." Everyone replied in unison, surprising Sam and Mercedes.

The minister raised a brow and laughed silently to himself before continuing. "Marriage is not a game, it is hard work and should not be entered into lightly; it is a serious commitment that you have vowed to keep for the rest of your lives. And for what I have gathered while listening to Sam and his friends talk, this marriage was a long time in the making…"

"You got that right!" Puck shouted.

"Amen!" Artie seconded, raising his praise hand.

Sam and Mercedes giggled nervously.

"Do you Mercedes…" the minister continued.

"Excuse me sir, but I have something I want to say…" Sam said, butted in.

"Go ahead."

He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Mercy I love you, I love you with all my heart and with everything I own. I have been in love with you ever since we were in high school. You are my one. I know that I have told you this many times, but when me and my family were going through some really hard times, you were the one that made things better. Your love and kindness that you had shown not only me but my family during those dark and bleak times made me love you all the more.

You have shown me what real love feels like. I am living my dream today because you were always there next to me, encouraging me, even when I wanted to give up on myself, you my beloved never let me. I promise here and now that I will always be there for you in the good times and the bad, in sickness and health, for richer and poorer…" he said, getting all choked up.

"I know that sometimes I forget to let the toilet seat down or leave the cap off the toothpaste or have mistakenly washed a red sock with the white clothes turning everything pink." He chuckled. "But know this…I love you Mercedes Elizabeth Jones until my last breath."

"Oh Sam…" Mercedes sniffed. "I love you so much; my heart beats for you and only you. I never knew that the dorky blond boy who was a bit fanatical about all things sci-fi would be the one who captured my heart. You are the sweetest, kindest, gentlest and most romantic man I know. Babe, in the past months our love has been tested in ways we could have never imagined. Those who wanted to hurt us were sadly mistaken, what was meant to break us only made us stronger…unbreakable.

I am living my dream because of you, without your love and support I would have never achieved all that I have now. And while I might find video games a tad boring or yell at you for leaving the toilet seat up especially at night after I fall in or you hogging all the blankets…I love you forever and always, in good times and bad times, in sickness and health, for richer and poorer…You are mine for the rest of my days…I love you Samuel Joseph Evans until my last breath."

"Mercedes and Sam you two are making my job so much easier." The minister joked. "May I please have the rings?"

Sam dug into his suit's breast pocket and fished out the two simple gold band rings.

The minister said a silent prayer over the rings asking God to bestow His blessings on their marriage. "Sam repeat after me…" he began. He handed Sam's Mercedes ring. Sam lifted Mercedes' left hand to his lips and kissed it softly. "I, Samuel Joseph Evans…"

"I, Samuel Joseph Evans…"

"Give thee Mercedes Elizabeth Jones, this ring as an everlasting symbol of my love and commitment to you. I choose you to be my wife forevermore."

"Give thee Mercedes Elizabeth Jones this ring as an everlasting symbol of my love and commitment to you. I choose you to be my wife forevermore. " Mercedes swallowed down the lump in her throat as he slid the ring down her finger.

"Now Mercedes repeat after me…" he handed Mercedes Sam's ring. She lifted Sam's left hand to her lips and kissed it. "I, Mercedes Elizabeth Jones…"

"I, Mercedes Elizabeth Jones…"

"Give thee Samuel Joseph Evans, this ring as an everlasting symbol of my love and commitment to you. I choose you to be my husband forevermore. "

"Give thee Samuel Joseph Evans this ring as an everlasting symbol of my love and commitment to you. I choose you to be my husband forevermore." Sam winked at her.

"By the power invested in me by the state of Tennessee, I now pronounce you husband and wife…"

The room erupted in applause and cat calls as everyone stood to their feet…

"Samuel Joseph Evans, you may now kiss…"

Sam took Mercedes into his arms and kissed her senselessly…

Giving Mercedes her first memorable kiss as husband and wife…


A/N: Yeah this was really fluffy...sighed they are married (my babies). Thanks for reading!