1 Wherefore Art Thou, Ash? Err, Romeo?

Ash, Misty, and Brock are still on their way to Olivine City! Getting one step closer everyday! But what's this? This certainly wasn't on their schedule…

Ash, Misty and Brock seemed to be standing in front of what appeared to be, some sort of theatre.

"Hmm, it looks like a theatre!" Ash stated the obvious, slowly making his way towards it in pure curiosity. "Pika pi!" Pikachu chimed in.

Misty and Brock nodded in unison. "They probably put on productions," Brock stated.

"Probably, seeing as it is a theatre," Misty said with an edge of sarcasm. "Hey, I wonder what productions would be showing?" she asked no one in particular.

"Hey guys, look at this!" Ash called from somewhere in front of them.

"Huh?" Misty and Brock asked in unison, walking towards what Ash was referring to.

"Hey, it's some kind of board which shows what show are playing!" Misty exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Ash skimmed through the list. "Let's see here…there's 'When Starmie Attacks'…" Ash began. "No way! Horror shows and me, DON'T MIX!" Misty warned, clutching Ash's backpack in fear. Ash continued, "The Pokemon Master of the Rings…" Brock shivered. "I pass." Ash proceeded, "Poke-kids," Misty raised an eyebrow; "To young!" "And…Romeo and Juliet," Ash finished.

"Romeo and Juliet?!" Misty gushed. Her eyes began to get all starry. "That's one of the best productions ever! It's so tragic….yet romantic and touching!"

Everyone face faulted, except for Misty. Her eyes were still all starry, when Brock spoke up. "It is very romantic, and I guess it wouldn't hurt to see it…," he said.

Misty smiled. "Great, let's go then!" But then frowned, noticing Brock was staring at the ticketmaster near the door. She had long flowing blonde hair and big blue eyes.

Ash sweat dropped. "Here we go again," he muttered, as Misty pulled Brock's ear. "We'll go if you want to sit with US not you're new GIRLFRIEND," Misty said with an edgy tone.

Misty dropped Brock by letting go of his ear, and he hit the pavement. "So Ash, what do you think? Wanna go see it?" she asked him.

Ash innocently shook his head. "Do I have a choice?" he managed to say, as Misty linked arms with him. "Not really," Misty grinned, leading the way to the theatre, Brock trailing behind them while sulking.


The show neared the end, as Juliet spoke her heart-breaking final quote, as she stabbed her "happy dagger" into her chest, violently.

Misty and Ash were in tears, clapping furiously. "It's so beautiful," Misty gushed. Ash nodded, and kept clapping with the rest of the crowd.

Brock was too busy gawking at the actress of Juliet, to say anything. Everybody came out and took a bow.

Juliet seemed to smile at Brock, and Brock's heart skipped a beat. She was so beautiful!

The audience clapped and clapped until they were all clapped out. (A/N: ^_^")

"That was fantastic!" Misty smiled in utter approval.

"It was pretty good," Ash admitted.

"Come on guys," Misty stood up. "Let's go meet the actors and actresses!"

Ash nodded in agreement. And, well, so did Brock … but much more eagerly … and while he was blushing, too.


Once they arrived backstage, much to their surprise, there was nobody asking for autographs… or anything!

Misty politely approached "Juliet" and "Romeo". "Um…" she awkwardly started. She didn't want to interrupt them, while they were well … it looked like they were … packing suitcases!

"Um," she repeated. "I loved the show! You guys are great at this acting stuff!" she politely complimented.

Romeo turned around. "Oh, well thanks, miss. But this is the end of acting for us!"

"Yeah," Juliet nodded. "As fun as it is, we can't keep up with all of this, anymore. It's just so... stressing!"

Ash and Misty's jaw's seemed to drop. "What?" they both exclaimed in unison. "You can't stop! You guys are so good! And … where are you going to find other actors and actresses, on such short notice to replace yourselves?" Misty asked, bewildered.

Romeo and Juliet seemed puzzled. "Why would we find other actresses and actors to take our places?" Juliet questioned.

"Because the show must go on! It's so… touching!" Ash admitted. "You can't just quit, and at the same time, altogether quit the performance!" Misty nodded in agreement.

The silent-up-until-now, Brock, spoke up. "Yeah my friends are right!" He grabbed Juliet's hands in utter affection. "You should listen to them! You can't just quit…and quit the show! You should pick new actors and actresses to take on your roles!"

Juliet sweat dropped. "Well, I guess you guys are right…"

Misty smiled sweetly. "W-we'd be willing to fill in for ya!" Juliet and Romeo looked a little taken back. "You? But you're just Pokemon Trainers!"

"Just Pokemon Trainers? JUST Pokemon Trainers!?" Ash challenged. "I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town, and I want to be the world's GREATEST Pokemon trainer!" he exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Misty chimed in, putting an arm around Ash. "I'm Misty! I travel with him, and I want to be the world's best Water-type Pokemon trainer!"

Romeo seemed to form a "perfect picture" motion with his fingers, sort of resembling a diamond, as he nudged Juliet. Juliet smirked.

Brock jumped in the picture. "And I'm Brock! I want to be the world's best Breeder!" he blushed slightly, while putting an arm around Ash and Misty; causing them to squish into each other.

Juliet and Romeo sweat dropped.

"Well it's nice to meet you all," Romeo smiled warmly. "Including Brock," Juliet added, with a smug smirk plastered on her cute face.

Brock blushed. "It's nice to meet you, too!" Misty grabbed him by the ear. "Come on Romeo!" and then realized what she had said. "Ha! Romeo, get it?"

Ash sweat dropped. "Anyway, could we help you out in any sort of way?" he helpfully questioned.

Romeo and Juliet exchanged excited glances. "You can do more than help…" they said in unison, with a mischievous tone.

"Huh?" Ash and Misty said in unison. "Especially you two…" Romeo added.

Ash and Misty exchanged glances. "Huh?" they repeated.


"I'M GONNA BE JULIET!" Misty pranced around, chanting. "I'm actually gonna be JULIET!" she continued with her chanting and prancing.

"WHA?!" Ash abrutedly yelled in nervousness and fear, as he was backstage with Romeo and Juliet.

"Don't worry Ash! You're the perfect little Romeo!" Juliet smiled, and gave him a quick peck on the cheek.

Ash blushed. "Aww, do you really think so?" his spirits were already lifted.

Romeo jealously glanced at Juliet. "Ya…do ya?"

Juliet giggled, and kissed Romeo fully on the lips.

After recovering, a dazed Romeo replied with, "I guess I'm still you're Romeo!"

"Aw man, I have to suffer through this!?" Ash thought to himself, as Romeo and Juliet embraced in a tight, loving hug.

Ash rolled his eyes, and then it hit him…

"Wait a second. If I'm Romeo… who's going to be Juliet?" Ash asked. Juliet smiled. "You'll see," she said in a singsong voice.

Then Misty pranced into the scene. "Hey Ash," she tried not to jump all over him in excitement, but just couldn't hold it in.

"Guess what? I'M GOING TO PLAY THE PART OF JULIET!" Misty nearly squealed in delight. "Isn't that great!?"

Ash's eyes grew extremely, uncannily wide. "Y-you're going to be … JULIET!?" he blushed.

"Yes! Isn't it gr - hey wait a second – don't be pulling anything on me Ash!" she waved a finger. "And no teasing, either!" her mood then changed right back. "But who cares if you tease me, anyway?" she smirked, "it'll just show your jealousy for how cute I am, and how I got a main roll in the play and you didn't!"

Ash got a little frustrated. "Why would I tease you? And what do you mean how cute you are, and how you got a main roll in the play! I could easily come back at you!"

Misty raised an eyebrow. "Uh-huh. And how do you plan on doing that?"

Ash closed his eyes in a matter-of-fact kind of way. "Because it just so happens that I have a part in the play, too!"

Misty looked surprised. "You do?" and then looked at him in disbelief. "No you don't!"

Ash smugly smirked and replied simply with, "I'm Romeo."

Misty looked surprised again. "YOU?" she blushed. "B-but…you…" she stammered.

"Uh-huh! And you're Juliet," he added, "So I guess we'll have to perform together!"

Misty blushed. "I-I guess…" she managed to say.

Romeo and Juliet laughed. "Enough with the dumb-founded remarks! Let's get practicing!"

Misty and Ash looked at Romeo and Juliet, and then each other. "Okay…here goes nothing!" Ash said.


After an hour of practicing, Ash and Misty go relax for a while; out of costume.

"Man, that's a lot of work!" Ash breathed heavily, out of breath from all of the events that had been taking place.

Misty nodded. "Yeah, but we can pull it off," she said confidently, with a warm smile.

It was Ash's turn to nod. "Yeah!"

Suddenly, Brock whirred around the corner with a mixed expression. "Hey guys, I'm in the play too!" he smiled.

Ash and Misty smiled. "That's great!" Misty said encouragingly. Brock frowned, "Yeah but I'm Montague ~ Ash's father!"

Misty and Ash sweat dropped. "Wow, really?" they said slowly in unison.

Brock hung his head. "I don't even get to be Romeo! I mean, what does Ash have that I don't?"

"Well for starters, he's nice, and kind, and thoughtful, and cute…" Misty trailed off, noticing Ash and Brock were staring at her, as she blushed three shades of crimson.

"You think I'm cute?" Ash blushed.

Misty blushed deeply. "A heh! Did I say cute? I meant –"

Brock cleared his throat. "…Guys, we're in the middle of a crisis here!"

"It's not a crisis," Ash started, "things just happen that way, Brocko!" he tried to cheer him up.

Brock slowly nodded but didn't look up from staring at his feet. "I guess," he mumbled jealously.