Okay, I'm back! Sorry for the wait, one of my best friend's dads passed away so I have been spending most of my free time with her. I had some free time and wrote this, and I really hope you like it! Here is the mystery date!

Chapter Eight


I checked the clock hanging over the door and smiled. It was just past three, so I knew that Mrs. Montgomery would not have a class. I needed to talk to her before tonight. I left the office, locking it up after me, and headed towards my car.

When I got to Rosewood High I parked in the closest spot I could and walked quickly to Ella's classroom. The door was slightly open, but I knocked to be safe.

"Come in," She replied.

I walked in and she smiled at me. "Hello Jason. What can I do for you?" I smiled back and walked until I was just in front of her desk.

"I was wondering if I could bring Aria to Philadelphia tonight? For a date?" Ella looked ecstatic at the prospect and nodded her head.

"Yes! Of course! What are you planning to do there?" She asked eagerly.

"Well I was thinking about taking her to Longwood Gardens." Ella sighed with a faraway look on her face.

"It's perfect, she will absolutely love it!" I smiled enthusiastically.

"I hope so! And for dinner I am going to bring her to that new restaurant overlooking the river. Blue Water." Ella looked positively over the moon at the description of the date. He decided to ask for her help though. "She does not know. Can you make sure she is dressed by four thirty? I will need time to drive us in." Again Ella nodded with enthusiasm. We talked for a little while longer before I bed her goodbye and left to pick up another something special for Aria.



I was in my room after school when my mom came in, a secretive smile on her face. "Aria, you need to get dressed!" I was confused. I was dressed, in the same jeans and jean jacket I wore to school today.


"Dressed. Here, let me help you pick something out!" My mom hustled to my closet and started riffling through its contents. I stared on in confusion.

"Why?" I asked, my tone suspicious.

"Because I say so." She said teasingly. I shook my head and sat at my desk chair, watching her look through my dresses.

"This one!" She held up sequin-sy white and black dress (PLEASE, go to my profile NOW and look at the link! I really cannot describe the dress, so you need to see it). It was literally backless, but had straps running along my back. The front was high, but had cut-outs. I had bought it as a whim, but had never worn it. It was too much for school, too much for anything other than something fancy.

"Where are we going?" I ask, eyeing the dress. Mom didn't answer, content on going through my shoes. She came up with a pair of nude colored heels that I had gotten earlier that month. They were gorgeous and would look phenomenal with the dress.

"Just get dressed!" She left the room and I changed. I was looking in the mirror when I heard my mom call me. "Come downstairs!" I left my room with furrowed eyebrows. Once I turned the corner at the foot of the stairs I came face to face with Jason.

"You look beautiful." He said, kissing my cheek and handing me a bouquet of peach roses, my favorite.

My cheeks flushed and my eyes locked on his amazing green ones. "Thank you." He grins, and I take the time to give him the once over. I am pleased with what I saw. He was wearing a grey suite, with the top three buttons of his white shirt undone. He wore no tie and his hair was ruffled and dishevelled. He looked like a freaking model.

I took his hand and led him to the kitchen where I looked around for a vase. After I had the flowers in water and had bid goodbye to my parents he led me out to his car. After a few minutes of driving he made it clear that we were going to Philli, but he would not tell me where. I quickly gave up on asking and settled for holding his hand and talking.


We pulled into a parking lot and he helped me with the door. He held my hand as he led me into the building, but I had no idea where we were. I had been to most of the restaurants in Philadelphia, but I had never seen this one before.

Jason gave the host his name and we followed as the young man led us to a secluded table in the back by the window. After having a seat and ordering off the fancy menu Jason caught my hand on top of the table.

"Thank you for taking me here, it's fantastic." I said, smiling up at him. He grinned and gave my hand a squeeze.

"It's no problem. Thank you for coming." He lifted my hand to his soft, warm lips and I bit my lip to keep the goofy grin off my lips.

We ate, talked and laughed and when the bill is paid Jason leads me back to his car. It does not take long for me to realize that we are not going back to Rosewood.

"Where are we going now?" I ask in confusion. He gives me a sly smile and winks.

"That's for me to know and you to find out." I shake my head and look out the window, trying to guess.

Before long we pull up in front of a beautifully lit stone building. It seemed surreal in the dwindling light, like a fairy tale.

"Longwood Gardens?" I asked in shock. Jason nodded and helped me out of the car, pulling me into his side. We walked through the door and he talked to the man behind the desk for a moment before he came back to me. He gave me another one of his heart-melting smiles and took me in his arms again.

He led me through the door leading to the back. I was dazed. The gardens at night were spectacular. The pathways were lit by dim lights, the fountains glowed, and the whole effect rendered me speechless. "Jason…" I breathed out in astonishment.

Jason kissed my temple lightly and led me down the path. There were a few people milling around, but it felt like we were in a world all out own. I stopped when we came to a stone bench that seemed hidden the bushes around it. There was a fountain on one side, and flowers that I couldn't name all around.

I sat on the bench, pulling Jason with me. We sat close to each other, the bench only made for one person. His strong arms were around me, his smell engulfing my senses. My head came to rest in the crook of his neck and I sighed in pure bliss.

"Thank you." I murmured, tilting my head to I could kiss his cheek. Before I could, however, he moved so my lips landed on his. It was slow, sweet. He kissed me as lightly as a butterfly's wing, carefully as a painter streaking his canvas. He made me feel beautiful, radiant even.

One of his hands moved from my waist to cup my cheek. I let myself melt into his strong chest. Once we had to, regrettably, breath he pulled away. He kissed my forehead tenderly and held me close, resting his cheek on my head. The air was getting chilly, but I was so warm in Jason's arms.

"Why did you do all of this?" I ask. I see hurt flash across his face and I quickly back track. "I mean I love it, no one has ever done something like this for me. You are so sweet. But I just don't get it." Jason stared at me, his eyes holding vulnerability.

"I did this to show you something. I think we could be great together, Aria. Will you be my girlfriend?" I gasp, my eyes widening in delight.

"Yes." I breath. Jason smiles tenderly at me, taking my hand and pulling so we are both in a standing position.

"Thank you." Her murmurs in my ear as he pulls me into his arms. I keep my eyes trained on his as he leaned in to kiss me. I met his half way, letting my hands tangle in his blonde hair. His hands rest on my lower back, thumbs lightly tracing patterns on my exposed skin. The feeling has my nerves on fire, my senses on high alert.

He is kissing me so passionately that I don't even notice when his hands leave my waist and slip into his coat pocket. I don't notice anything until I feel a chain being draped over my neck. With a final peck he moves away to look at me with a smug smile on his lips.

I look down and my breath hitches. On a delicate chain is a pink pearl set in silver. It's simple beauty and sophistication stuns me. "Jason, you didn't have to…you shouldn't have." I feel flustered. Jason smiles hugely, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear.

"Of course I didn't, but I wanted to. I want you to know how special you are to me. It's important to me that you know that. Now we should probably get going, I need to get us back to Rosewood." Before he could pull away I threw my arms around him and kissed him with a passion that took my breath away. He responded with just as much zest, and his talented lips made me moan into his mouth.

I pulled away to breath and let my lips kiss the hollow of this throat, behind his ear, along his jaw. Jason caught my chin and crashed his lips back to mine, his tongue taking my mouth with rugged force. But despite the raw passion he was careful with me. He made sure to keep it at a manageable level, and I was grateful for that. At least one of us has self-control.

Okay so that was chapter eight, please let me know what you thought. I will be getting more into 'A' business soon, since the season finale gave me something to work with, so if you are not up to date in the series there will be spoilers soon. This was a bit of a filler chapter, but please leave a review with any ideas you may have! Review make a world of difference!