Author's Note: Hey-ho everyone! We've finally come to the last chapter of this story! I am still thinking if I could pull a sequel for this story... Anywho, I just want to say a very heart felt 'thank you' to everyone who has read and reviewed this story! You guys are the best! So, without further a-do, here's the last chapter for 'Red Head And Oh-So Irish'! :D

Six months later, Jasmine got a job to work for WWE's brand, Smackdown, all thanks to a little string-pulling from Stephen. She moved into his house in Tampa, Florida, but like Stephen, Jasmine wasn't home often. Even though they see each other every day, it didn't make the two of them sick of each other. They were in fact falling more and more in love with each other; if it is even possible.

They finally stopped in Honolulu, Hawaii for the Smackdown world tour. Jasmine promised to meet Stephen at his locker room after she finished the preparations. So, he sat in his locker room, preparing for the event. Phil and Paul came in with their gym bags and sat down next to him.

"Yo, Ste. Where's Jasmine?" Phil asked
"She's getting some preparations done." Stephen replied

Paul noticed a small, black velvet box in Stephen's hands and asked, "Stephen… What's that?"

Phil looked in Stephen's hands and smiled before taking it out from his hand.

"You're a cheeky fella! You're going to propose to her!" Phil said
"Give it back, Phil." Stephen said
"I will only give it back if you answer the million dollar question." Phil answered

Stephen sighed and ran his hand through his ginger hair, "Yes… Ah'm going to propose to her."

Paul smiled, "Congratulations, man!"

Stephen smiled as Paul pat his back, to congratulate him. Phil smiled and returned him the box.

"That's something to be proud of! Why do you look so petrified?" Phil asked
"Ah'm nervous… What if she doesn't want to marry meh?" Stephen said

Phil laughed and shook his head, "I've seen the two of you together. Jasmine loves you. You love her. If she didn't want to go far with you, she would have initiated a break-up already. I mean, look around! We're all three-quarter naked around her but she doesn't look at us."

Paul nodded, "Yeah. Phil's right. Heath has tried getting her attention, but she really doesn't give him the time of day."

"See? There you have it, buddy. Everything will be fine. Just do it." Phil said

Stephen nodded and took a deep breath before putting the box back into his gym bag as he resumed talking with Phil and Paul.

Jasmine was on her way to meet Stephen at his locker room and she arrived just as Paul and Phil were talking about some strategies for the match. She stood by the side and waited until Paul noticed her.

"Oh! Hey, Jas! Is it time yet?" Paul asked

Jasmine shook her head, "Nope. I just came to meet Stephen."

"Oh! Right!" Paul said
"Yes. Meet Stephen, here. We'll leave you two to it then." Phil said, giving Jasmine a wink before walking out with Paul.

She walked towards Stephen and said, "Why are the two of them behaving weirdly?"

Stephen shrugged, "Ah don't know. They're always like that."

Jasmine chuckled and sat down next to Stephen.

"So, are you ready for your match?" Jasmine asked
"As always." Stephen replied
"Well, whatever it is… Even if you do lose, which I hope you won't, don't be upset, okay?" Jasmine said

Stephen nodded and reached over to take Jasmine's hand.

"What's wrong?" Jasmine asked, sensing a sudden shift in Stephen's behavior.

With his other hand, Stephen reached into his gym bag to take out the small, black velvet box. He got off the bench and bent on one knee in front of Jasmine.

"Stephen… What are you doing?" Jasmine asked, not wanting her excitement to show.
"Ah don't know how to do this… So, forgive meh if it isn't up to yer expectation." Stephen replied

Before Stephen could continue, Jasmine used her other hand to touch his cheek.

"Stephen, I don't have any expectations when I'm with you because you always exceed them." Jasmine said

Stephen smiled and finally felt the courage he needed. He opened the small box that held a small cut diamond ring.

"Will yer marry this red-head, pale skin, Irish man?" Stephen asked

Jasmine smiled and leaned into kiss his lips before saying, "You have no idea how awesome those words sound."

Stephen chuckled and kissed Jasmine before slipping the ring onto her finger. He got up and with his guidance, she stood up too. Not able to contain his excitement, he hugged Jasmine and lifted her up.

"Alright, Stephen!"
"Congratulations, Jasmine!"
"Way to go, buddy!"
"Someone's already a blushing bride!"

Stephen put Jasmine down and they turned to the locker room entrance to see their friends gathered there. Phil, Paul, the Bella twins, Eve, Alicia and Barbie were crowded by the entrance, clapping and teasing them.

"You two make such a cute couple!" Stephanie said
"I hope to be a part of your bridesmaid entourage!" Brianna said

Jasmine smiled, "Definitely."

"Whatever, girls. Stephen's already got us secured as his best-men." Phil said
"Ah haven't ask yer yet…" Stephen said
"No need to, buddy. I'm instantly your best man." Phil said

Stephen laughed and gave Phil a bro hug while the girls talked about Jasmine's wedding dress and the upcoming preparations for the wedding. About 10 minutes later, everyone left to return to their respective locker rooms for the start of Smackdown. Jasmine had to stand at the entrance, where the superstars ran out, so she left Stephen's locker room to assume her position.

As she was approaching her spot, she spotted a blonde standing there. As the girl turned, Jasmine immediately recognized her as Maryse. She approached her cautiously, switching on her head set, just in case she needed help.

"Hi." Maryse greeted
"Hi…" Jasmine greeted, hesitantly.

Maryse took a deep breath and said, "Look… I know what happened 6 months ago was entirely stupid of me and I don't need you to forgive me. Cause, I wouldn't if that happened to me. But, I just wanna tell you that I'm sorry. I know I should have apologized immediately but… I have a huge ego and I was still not able to process what I did. So… I'm really sorry for doing what I did to you and if you are not going to forgive me, that's okay."

Jasmine looked at Maryse and smiled, "You're forgiven. Do I look like such a petty person?"

Maryse looked at Jasmine and smiled back too.

"No… And I can see why Stephen loves you so much. I heard the congratulations just now coming from your locker room…" Maryse said

Jasmine smiled fondly at the thought and nodded, "Yeah… Sorry about that… They can get a bit loud."

"Well, it's cause for celebration. I've been waiting a long time for Michael to propose but he still hasn't done it yet." Maryse said
"I'm sure he will soon." Jasmine said

Just then, someone called for Jasmine on her headset, interrupting their conversation.

"Oh! I've got to go. Duty calls." Jasmine said
"Yeah. Sure, no problem. I'll go and wish Michael luck. See you around." Maryse said

Jasmine smiled and watched Maryse walk a few steps before she stopped.

Maryse turned around and said, "Oh, before I forget… Congratulations on your engagement."

Jasmine nodded and smiled just as Maryse smiled back at her before turning around to head towards Michael's locker room.

Jasmine had the list of wrestler names for the night's show and started to go through them as Smackdown started. A half an hour into the show, it was Stephen's turn to head out. She muted her headset and smiled as she ticked his name off.

"Good luck, Mr Farrelly." Jasmine said

Stephen smiled and asked, "No kiss?"

Jasmine laughed slightly and kissed Stephen on the lips.

"Thank yer, Mrs Farrelly. I'll see yer later." Stephen said

Jasmine nodded as Stephen heard his theme music and he walked out. He was in a match with Jack Swagger and as usual, he won. After the match, Stephen headed to his locker room to get cleaned up before returning to keep Jasmine company at her spot. When she was down to her last act, she was off duty.

Jasmine stretched, "Done for the night!"

Stephen smiled as he watched Jasmine pull off her headset and passed it to one of the staff. He looked at her and pulled her in for a kiss.

"Guys, get a room after dinner!"

The two of them turned around and saw Eve standing there with the others.

Stephen laughed as he stood up with Jasmine's hand in his and led her towards the group.

"You two better keep things PG or I would have to put myself between the two of you." Phil said

Stephen laughed and nodded, "Yer have my word, fella"

He looked at Jasmine and smiled as he squeezed her hand lightly and kissed it, happy to have scored a girl that is truthful and loving to him as he'll always be to her.