The long awaited final chapter! Sorry for the wait, I was moving house, and I had no WiFi for a couple of weeks. Still, here it is. Enjoy:

Chapter 5: The Dance

There it was. Baked in all it's glory, the Peach Creek High gymnasium. A large crowd was already gathered inside. As the trio made their way in, Eddy spoke.

"Look, sockhead - you know the drill by now. Get in, get Nazz, get her in bed. Etcetera, etcetera. Just follow my lead." Eddy winked at Double D, and swaggered in, his strong masculine scent soon to follow (such a shame he left common sense back at home). The nervous Edd was soon to follow, with the bumbling Ed slowly bringing up the rear, looking with anticipation for Wilfred.

"But Eddy, Nazz is so… She's just… She's out of my league, Eddy. She's out of your league. Look at her! Do you honestly think, hope, expect that she will talk to us, let alone dance with us! She has toyed with your heart, she has toyed with mine. Kevin appears to be the next on her agenda." Edd grimaced. "As beautiful as she may be, she is not the one for any of us. You know that. And do you remember what happened at the last dance the three of us went to?" Edd anticipated a response and realisation from Eddy - unfortunately, none came. "The Kankers, Eddy! Surely you remember that Marie ended up dancing with you to try and make me jealous; Lee used Ed as a hammer, and then everyone got stuck on Rolf's costume, and the whole gym collapsed!"

Eddy snickered, before quickly glancing over to where Lee, Marie and May were sitting. Lee was staring right at him, with a seductive smirk plastered across her face as she blew him a kiss. He quickly dodged the incoming kiss, before turning back to Eddward. "Yeah, well, who would you suggest then, Romeo? You appear to know who the fuck you're going with!" Eddy snapped. His fuse, in contrast to his size, had gotten considerably shorter.

Meanwhile, Ed had finally found Wilfred, and remembering to ask Rolf if he may "shimmey-shake the swine", he promptly started dancing out of time with the pig. "Wilfred, do you want my number, darling?" he said - ignorant of the fact that pigs cannot talk.

"Language, Eddy! But… Oh… That's the thing Eddy, I don't know who to ask! Nazz is too high up the ladder, and we can't jump from the bottom rung to the top - that's just prepos…"

"Spare me the lecture, sockhead - just get to the point already!" Eddy interrupted.

"Straight up and front - you must be a real hit with the ladies, Eddy…" Edd sarcastically muttered.

"Never had any complaints."

"Now - we have no chance with Nazz, despite what you think, Eddy - it defies logic, let alone common sense." Edd took a deep breath, hoping he wasn't going to regret what he was about to say. "Why don't we try… How about we ask… The Kankers?" Edd whispered the last two words to Eddy, who promptly burst into hysterics.

"The Kank… Oh, that's a good one!" Eddy spluttered between laughing, but upon seeing the seriousness on Double D's face, he looked shocked. "You're serious?"

"Eddy, think about it - here we have 3 reasonably good looking girls who have huge crushes on us who bombard us with affection like bombs during the Blitz. Understandably, their methods are… Unjust, to say the least. But we do have to bear in mind their home life - they had three fathers, correct? That means one can deduce that their mother is looking more for lust than love, and what she has taught them has clearly reflected on their personalities. People can change, Eddy! Look at Jimmy! With him, we thought that he was going to turn out as a rather stereotypical homosexual - and now he's the King of Peach Creek Junior High! All the girls love him! Give them one chance, Eddy!" Edd practically screamed the last line to a surprised Eddy. Even Ed, who was in his own little world with Wilfred, looked around.

"Ladies first, Double D!" Eddy said, with a hint of nervousness in his voice. And with that, he pushed the unsuspecting Edd right next to his childhood stalker and tormentor. A cat-like grin immediately grew across her face. "Heya, Double D… 'You gonna ask me something?" She waited in anticipation, her grin growing wider by the second.

"Oh my… Um… Well… Yes… I was going to… Do you w-wa-w… Want t-to… D-da-dance?" He nervously stammered, sweating all the while, and blushing furiously.

"Of course I do sweetie! But first… C'mere, you!" And with that, she grabbed him; Double D prepared for a bombardment of kisses, but they never came. Instead, she pulled him into a hug. "I used to dream about you asking me for a dance, Oven Mitt." She whispered into his ear, and as if on cue, Double D started blushing more - he was about as red as Marie's lipstick. "You're so cute when you're flustered, you know that? Come on, sit down… I want to talk to you before we head up to the floor, Babe."

"S-sit… D-do-down?" Double D shyly repeated. Marie nodded her head, and when he hesitated again, she pulled him onto the bench; and to prevent him from getting back up, she reclined onto him, smirking all the while.

"You need to stop worrying all the time," she said to him, as she started stroking the side of his face. "I'm not going to bite you - unless you want it kinky." She purred, and somehow managed to scoot even closer toward her crush. "But that's not the point, Dreamboat… What I want to know is, is why did you come and ask me? To be honest, I thought you hated me."

"N-no M-Ma-Marie. I've n-n-never hated you. Y-you intimidate me b-beyond belief, but I've never truly hated you. I d-do-don't truly hate anyone." Edd confessed. He started feeling a bit more relaxed. "As y-you know, ever since middle school, I have had a fairly large crush on N… Nazz. And, as you know, during my final year, I did m-man-manage to date her. But she used me! I was a toy to her. She took my heart right out and shoved it down my oesophagus. But y-you… You have n-never given up on m-me. That is highly c-commendable, particularly after you even went as far as to save Ed, Eddy and I from that foul monstrosity that is Eddy's brother, as well as th-the kids who were chasing us." Feeling a burst of confidence, Edd put his hand on her shoulder. "Y-your frequent chasing of what you have coined me as 'Dreamboat', 'Pumpkin' or 'Oven Mitt' has b-brought out my feelings towards y-you." Marie listened intently, and her usual confident smirk grew into a big smile. She felt the need to kiss him there and then, but she fought against it - she wanted to hear more. "Y-y-you are a… P-pretty girl, Marie; there is no denying it. As unexpected and unfair the… Kiss attacks may have been," Edd let out a light chuckle, "I couldn't deny to myself that I did… Enjoy them slightly. Eventually, that just grew to anticipation."

The cogs in Marie's brain began to turn. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?" She giggled cutely. Edd dumbly nodded his head. "So if I kiss you, say, now… You would…" She motioned with her hand, and Edd knew precisely what she meant - he started nodding his head, and as if on cue, Marie attacked his lips with hers.

Surprised by the sudden force, Edd nearly fell off the bench. His hands slowly wrapped themselves around her back. Realising that her eyes were shut, and knowing he would look like a complete fool if he didn't shut his as well, he did the same; pressing his mouth back.

It was certainly different, and not what he had come to expect from one of Marie's kisses. Her mouth was so soft against his, and it was clear she had been practising. Whether it was on her pillow or with another guy, one thing was certain - she was amazing. This was a night Edd would never forget.

For Double D, the rest of the night was a blur. He remembered dancing throughout it's entirety with her, and they kissed once again in the middle of the dance floor at the conclusion of one of the more slower, romantic songs.

As for Eddy, he left early - he just couldn't bring himself round to asking Lee to dance. And the unsuspecting Ed hadn't noticed that Wilfred was long gone, and it was May who was now dancing with him, he was enjoying it so much that only when the lights had come back on at the dance's conclusion did he realise who he was dancing with. Blushing, Ed started backing away, with May giggling, following him. She gave him a quick peck on the cheek, before running off back to the trailer park.

The next morning…

Edd awoke. Vaguely remembering last night, he rolled over in his bed, and came face to face with Marie, who was smiling at him. "Heya, dreamboat."

Edd let out a shriek, and fell out of his bed. It was then he realised that he was completely naked - his clothes, along with Marie's, were scattered all over the floor of his bedroom.

This would take a lot of explaining to his parents..

A/N: D'awwww...! Well, it's been fun. Adieu.