
I had this idea for a while now and I couldn't wait to start writing :D! This is a AU/OOC story, Hope you all enjoy it!

Sebastian walked up the town's hill that hid way back in a forest, hands in pockets as a gust of wind blew past him causing locks of raven colored hair to whip at the side of his face-irritating one of his scarlet colored eyes, causing it to water slightly, as the sun began to set. Sebastian didn't favor winter he always enjoyed the warmth of the summer sun and the breeze that accompanied it.

When Sebastian reached the top of the hill he noticed a dark blue figure snuggled in the meadow of flowers. Sebastian approached it, only to notice that it was a cat with dark blue silk like fur. Sebastian took one of his hands out of his jacket pocket to gently run it across the cat's fur, causing the cat to stir slightly. One big blue eye cracked open and stared into scarlet eyes, then another blue eye opened and before Sebastian noticed the cat was beginning to stand. The cat wavered before falling to the ground once more.

Sebastian scooped the small body into his arms as he examined the wound on the cat's front paw. "Are you hurt? Would you like me to take care of you?" Sebastian held the cat close to his body before patting the head gently. "Don't worry; I'll be with you from now on." Sebastian began to take off down the hill making sure his 10-year old body would be able to handle the speed he was running at.

Reaching his small 2 bedroom house, Sebastian quickly ran inside and into his room setting the cat carefully on his bed. Sebastian lived on his own he lost his mother in a tragic accident when he was only 8, he told teachers he was living with a relative. When open houses came Sebastian would sit at home and ignore the calls he would receive from his elementary school. No matter the offers they would give, Sebastian wanted to be alone; he didn't want anyone else in his house, no one.

Sebastian ran into the small white tiled bathroom, switching the light on. He searched the cabinets under the sink for gauze that his mother would use when he injured his arm. Finding what he needed he took a pair of scissors from the marble counter in his kitchen before racing back to tend to the cats wounds. "I got them, now I can fix you up." Sebastian picked the injured paw up carefully; he didn't want to inflict any more pain to the cat. "Don't move now okay?" Sebastian used his teeth to unwrap the package that held the white cloth inside, then he gently begun to wrap the small paw with the cloth. "There all done." Sebastian smiled after snipping the end of the cloth with the scissors and taping the end in place.

"How does it feel?" The cat began to stand as it gave a small mew. "I guess it feels better then," Sebastian smiled as he petted the cat gently. It purred under his touch as the cat moved closer into Sebastian's touch. "I also take it you're a male, huh?" Sebastian smiled as the cat gave another mew before purring once more. "I won't ever leave your side." Sebastian held the cat up to the side of his face before giving the body a light squeeze, being cautious of the injured paw. "I promise."


A few months passed as Sebastian spend his whole break with his feline friend. Sebastian went to stop by the convince store to pick up some cat food like he did every day on his way home from school, to his dismay pet food was really expensive for him. "That would be 100¥," The store clerk said as he held out his hand. Sebastian searched his small black pocket wallet and quickly pulled out the amount of money. "Thank you." He said before taking the offered bag and dashing out of the store.

"I'm home!" Sebastian called even though he knew the cat wouldn't come. He dropped his book bag on the ground as he ran to his room with the plastic white bag in his hand. "I brought food again," Sebastian pulled at the handle that was atop the silver can, popping it open. "Here you are." He placed the food in front of his friend. The cat sniffed it before lapping at the tuna substance. "I take it you like it, huh?" Sebastian petted the small back as the cat was eating. "You know sooner or later I won't be able to afford food for you anymore, and if I use my food money how will I eat?" Sebastian knew he wouldn't be able to hold up his promise any longer as the economy grew worse and prices rose. "I should probably give you a name," Sebastian stared at the cats back for a while before coming up with the name. "How about Ciel?" Sebastian picked the cat up and stared into blue orbs. "Do you like that name?" Ciel gave a slight mew as he nudged his head into Sebastian's hand. "Okay then your name will be Ciel."


A few more weeks had passed before the prices rose, and before he knew it, he couldn't afford food for his Ciel anymore. "I'm home Ciel!" Sebastian announced as he listened for the pitter patter of small paws running up to him. Ciel came running out of his room and up to Sebastian giving little meows as he ran around Sebastian's legs. Sebastian laughed as he picked Ciel up and gave him a tight hug. "Ciel, I think today will be our last day together." Sebastian could feel the tears begin to well up in his eyes. "I know you probably don't understand what I'm saying right now but I wanted to tell you I love you, and you were my best friend." Ciel purred as Sebastian begun to scratch behind one of his ears.

Sebastian dropped his bag before walking out the front door again with Ciel snuggled against his chest. "I'll miss you Ciel, very much." Sebastian ran through the forest and up to where he had found Ciel. He placed him down in the meadows as he gave a few pets to his head. "I hope I'll see you again Ciel," Sebastian allowed the tears that he held all the way there, to stream down both sides of his face. "You were my best and only friend." Sebastian threw the ball of yarn-he had bought Ciel a few weeks ago, across the meadows. Ciel chased after it and Sebastian took the chance to run down the hill.

"Goodbye, Ciel."

Well this was the prologue, what do you think? Should I continue? This will help with understanding of the story if I continue. Review?