Hey guys I'm alive yay! I have no excuses for what took me so long just got caught up with life and everything and never had the time or motivation to write but then I checked my email and saw that you guys were begging for an update so here I am and I'm actually happy to be back into writing :) I deleted the other A/N 's that weren't chapters cause they were just confusing me lol anyways enjoy ~

It's ten after 12 o'clock, the sound of time ticking away matched the sound of Sebastian clicking the computer mouse. Every web page has less information than the last one. The chair squeaks when he lays back and he lets a groan out that echoes through the empty office. "Nothing, no matter where I look there's no information on a Ciel Phatomhive." He runs his hand through his raven black locks as he sips his six cup of coffe. His phone begins to ring and vibrate on the desk causing Sebastian to jump back in surprise. He laughs at himself and picks up the phone "This is Michealis." Silence and then a whimper was heard. "Hello?" Sebastian smushed the phone to his ear and turned the volume up all the way. All Sebastian could hear was light breathing making him feel really uncomfortable. "Look I don't know who this is but I don't have time for your silly prank calls tonight. Goodbye!" Sebastian exclaimed and hung up. He leaned back again in his office chair, starring up at the ceiling. God I really need some sleep.

The dial tone rang in his ear, he left the phone on the coffee table hoping to hear the soothing voice that belonged to the man on the other line again. "I just wanted to hear your voice." Wet blue locks begin to leave a wet spot on the couch. "I needed you to tell me I'll be okay." Ciel stares up at the ceiling and closes his eyes. "I just need you to hold me." Heavy breathing began evened out as Ciel drifted off into sleep.

The morning sun shined in on the small apartment through the crack in the navy blue curtain. Ciel began to stir from his slumber rubbing his eyes. He stretched and to his surprise came in contact with a sleeping man next to him. Ciel let out a small scream and jumped back causing the sleeping man to let out a groan. "I bring you to sleep in my bed and this is how you repay me? By hitting me in the side and then screaming." Sebastian yawns and sits up in bed to see Ciel curled up in his sheets, he laughs at the sight. "I didn't get home until late last night and I saw you curled up on the couch shivering and since I don't have an extra bed or blankets I brought youin here." Ciel fights a smile from creeping across his face. "Thank you." He whispers and gives Sebatian a look of approval. Sebastian smiles and laughs when he hears the sound of Ciels stomach growling. "Would you like some breakfast?" Ciel nods repeatedly.

Sebastian gets up from bed and Winter is already pawing at his leg, he leans over to the small feline and touches their nose together "Don't worry Winter I'll feed you first." Ciel groans and begins eto stares daggers into the kitten. Winter snuggles her head into Sebastian's neck as if saying He's mine. Ciel scoffs and Sebastian walks out of the room with Winter still in his arms. He gets out of bed himself and walks over to the window throwing open the curtains. He smiles to himself, this is the first time he has shown kindness to me. Ciel giggles and skips out the door.

The smell of food hit his nostrils the second he entered the kitchen causing his stomach to growl again. Coming around the corner he saw Sebastian wearing an apron cooking away as Winter sat by his feet with her tail wagging as she lapped up the cat food in her bowl. "Smells really delicious!" Ciel exclaimed. Sebastian turns around and smiles. "Well I hope you like bacon and eggs." Sebastian reached up and grabbed a table set of plates and silverware. "Do you prefer milk or orange juice?"


Sebastian laughed at how fast Ciel answered and how his eyes lit up. "Milk it is then." He walks over to the fridge and grabs the carton of milk and pours it into the glass. "Here you go." Ciel proudly accepted it and smiled. "Thank you for cooking."

After breakfast Ciel helped Sebastian with the dishes as a thank you for cooking. "So Ciel, where did you come from and why me?" Since Sebastian failed at finding out any information on the boy he's just going to have to pull it out of him. Ciel realized he couldn't avoid the direct question and stumbled over himself causing a plate to fall out of his hands and crash on the floor. "I-I'm sorry!" Ciel immediately dropped to the ground and started to pick up the shards of glass. "Don't touch it idiot!" Sebastian exclaimed and pulled him up. "I have a broom and dust pan, I'll sweep it up go get ready." Ciel sniffled. "What are you crying? Don't cry it's alright." Sebastian patted his head and sent him to go change.

Once he disappeared into the room Ciel realized he had nothing to change into, he wasn't giving anything upon arrival and he didn't bring anything with him either. After breaking the plate he didn't want to ask Sebastian for anything while he was the one cleaning up Ciel's mess even after cooking breakfast for him to. He walked over to the phone Paula had left him and called her.

Sebastian mentally cursed at himself. This has to be karma for thinking I could get any information out of him if I was generous enough. He thought to himself. After sweeping up the mess Sebastian walked around the corner and knocked on the door before entering the room. "I don't remember you coming here with any bags so you can wear some of my clothes from high school." At this point in time Sebastian patted himself on the back for being a hoarder of useless things. "Paula is on her way she said she'd take me to get some things." Ciel said quietly. "Oh great well did she say when she'd be here so I can get the hell out of here before she shows up." The doorbell rang and Sebastian mumbled to himself. "Too late."

"Oh Sebastian darling!" Paula ex lame and tried to jump on Sebastian. He moved out of her way causing Paula to fall to the ground. "Oh how could you be so mean and let a lady fall to the ground. I could've hurt myself!" He rolled his eyes. "Maybe if you'd stop trying to throw yourself at me you wouldn't hit the floor so much." Ciel laughed at the the couple and immediately covered his mouth. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt." Paula shot up and ran over to Ciel yanking him off the ground pulling him into a hug. "My Ciel you look so adorable in Sebby's old clothes!" Ciel was wearing a black t-shirt with a cat laying on his back on the front with a coffee mug next to him with the caption I hate Monday's over him and a pair of ripped up dark blue jeans. "I figured Sebby would've had some old clothes from high school being the hoarder he is but I knew his feet would be too big for you and your sneakers looked a bit torn up so I brought over a pair of my little brother's old sneakers for you to wear, I hope they fit." Paula smiled and Ciel shoved his feet into the sneakers. "They're the right size." He smiled and bowed to Paula. "Thank you very much." Paula squealed and jumped up and down. "Oh my god you're just the cutest! Sebastian I'm so glad you decided to keep him!" This grabbed Sebastian's attention from his pretty feline friend who was curled up in his lap purring. "About that Paula, can I talk to you for a minute?"

"Of course Sebby! Anything for you!" Paula followed Sebastian into his bedroom closing the door behind her. "So what's eating at you darling?"

"I hope you don't think I plan on letting him stay here." Sebastian crossed his arms and spoke in a serious tone. "I don't know anything about him and did I tell you that our first time meeting each other he pointed an accusing finger at me claiming that I left him." Paula laughed and patted Sebastian's shoulder repeatedly. "My my Sebastian what did I say about drinking too much and having one night stands! Poor thing probably caught feelings for you!" Paula wiped a tear from her eye that escaped from her laughing so much. "That's the thing! I don't remember him at all and you can't tell me that I don't remember all of three one night stands." Sebastian shrugged out of Paula's touch and sat on the bed. "But I don't want to kick him out, he said he has no where to go and I don't want to be the asshole that sends him to his possible doom." Paula sits next to him and sighs. "Listen I know you guys met in a weird way but give the guy a chance, look at it as now you have a human companion that can help around the house and with rent."

"He doesn't even have a job." Sebastian said and rubbed the head. "I just hope he won't murder me in my sleep and I'm going to have to get him blankets for the pull out bed." Paula let out a scream of joy and hugged Sebastian. "I'm positive you won't regret this Sebby! He seems like a great person and he's cute!" Paula whispers in his ear "I also bet he's single." Sebatian shoved Paula off of him. "That's not funny Paula."

A few weeks later and Sebastian still has not learned anything about Ciel Phatomhive, not even a birthday and everytime he tried to ask a question about his past Ciel would curl up and freeze claiming he didn't know anything. Sebastian confirmed this kid has a serious case of amnesia. "How about this?" Sebastian said causing Ciel to look up from his plate. "Since you don't remember your birthday how about we give you one?" Ciel smiled and nodded his head. "Okay then how about this weekend? I'll plan something for you." Ciel was getting excited. A birthday that Sebastian was going to plan just for him! "I'm going to take a wild guess and say you're what, about 19?" Since Ciel was avoiding everything else Sebastian had asked about him he decided to agree with him on this one. "About to be 20 this weekend then." He laughed and Sebastian followed. "Then this weekend we'll celebrate." Paula was right the kid didn't seem so bad, it's been a few weeks and he was still alive and breathing.

His cell phone started to ring and Sebastian excused himself from the table. He picked up the phone while walking into the kitchen to get Ciel more milk. "What do you want Claude?"

"Well that's a rude way to answer the phone, especially when I have some information that you've been searching for." This grabbed Sebastian's attention. He gave Ciel the glass of milk and walked onto the patio closing the door behind him. "What kind of information is that?"

Claude smirked. "Information on the freeloader that's staying at your house."

well well well I wonder what our devious little Claude knows about our confused friend Ciel! I'm sorry that this chapter seems a little rushed I typed it up on my phone during a meeting that was running far too long for no reason. But expect a more juicer chapter soon! I just wanted to give you guys a little something something before I disappeared for another 3 years. Haha jk I'll update soon! ~ give me some motivation and review! You guys will dictate on if I get a chapter out this weekend mwhaha aren't I just the devil!