Their captain had been gone for 2 week, he told them firmly he'd be back and they believed it firmly.

"Where do you think he went?" Nami asked nervously.

"I don't know" Zoro answered

"he'll be back I just know he will" Chopper said.

"Of course, he's Luffy" Sanji added

"he's our Luffy, the pirate king" Robin commented

"yeah, he's SUPER!" Franky added

"he will be back" Brooke confirmed.

They waited for a day then were happy to see their captain approaching the ship with the usual grin on his face.

"Where did you go?" Usopp asked

"I just paid a few visits to some friends" he told them, Luffy had changed a little in these years.

He was now 33 and just a little bit more mature but his character was still fun loving and slightly immature.

"We couldn't have come along?" Robin asked, Luffy grinned

"you could have but I wanted to make it quick" he told them.

This was strange since Luffy didn't do anything in a hurry.

"So, who did you go see?" Zoro, the best swordsman in the world asked nonchalantly

"a few people from my home town and some others, nothing too special" Luffy answered.

"Oi, Sanji" he told him, Sanji looked up and looked at him.

"Are we fully stocked for food?" Luffy asked, Sanji stared curiously

"yes" he answered.

"Good, lets have a party" Luffy suggested, everyone looked at him then got all exited Sanji smiled

"ok!" he agreed.


The entire crew stood in the shadows as their captain was shoved onto the public podium with two swords held to his neck. Just like Gold D Roger a smile never left his face.

There was hundreds of billions of people in the town, many were pirates and thousands were anything but and either way a lot of people also cared for Luffy.

The guards were determined not to let him talk after what happened with Gold D Roger who had led them to a pirate era.

Luffy didn't speak or anything which was strange but his crew had something up their sleeve. Luffy had come to them the day before and told them everything he was going to do.

They had objected but once Luffy made up his mind, he would never change it.

"Ready?" Robin breathed to the crew who all nodded trying not to cry for their captain.

"Now!" Nami shouted, the crew shot into action, they reached the podium in seconds and knocked the guards away.

"Now, Luffy!" Zoro shouted.

Luffy grinned

"I'm not going to tell anyone about my treasure or anything but if you want some last words, here they are" Luffy started the crowd was silent holding onto his every word.

"When I was ten I vowed to become Pirate King, people laughed but here I am, that was my dream and now…you all should find yours" he told them.

The crowd burst like a bubble popping, everyone screaming their own dreams to him, he grinned right until the moment the guards shoved back the crew.

They were forced to fall back as their Captain was executed, all of them had tears in their eyes as memories rushed through all of them.

He had helped them find their dreams, each and every one of them. Now, with his words there was another era not only a pirate era but more than that.

An era to where people would follow their dreams.


Pirates from all over were there, in a place where only those who knew Luffy could go, the strong would go.

The crew stood in front of the head stone that was placed there, Monkey D Luffy.

Suddenly the huge crowd parted, all parted for a woman to move through the crowd.

Hancock walked proud and tall, she wore not her usual tight clothing but a long flowing navy blue dress.

Her eyes gleamed but she did not look sad, Nami held out the straw hat to her, tucked under the red sash around it was a note.

She took it out then smiled, in Luffy's slightly messy but adorable scrawl was 'to Hancock' she blushed letting a tear escape from her eye.

She didn't bother to wipe it, she bent down to the grave and stared at it.

She turned around with her back facing the grave, she unzipping the back part of it to show the grave her mark she never wanted anyone to see.

She then zipped it again

"only you, Luffy" she gently said then placed the straw hat on her head.

Everyone smiled tearfully, what they failed to notice,

however was that she was placing a hand on her stomach.

O.O I hope you guys get it, so how you do you like it so far? Good, bad?