Karkat Vantas.

You wake up in a pile of ripped scalemates and stuffing. Groaning, you stretch, and looked around. All was well... wait. She's talking to him. God damn coolkid, he has no idea... and look at her, just chugging away with her "H3H3H3"s and her 'oh I'm so blind protect my hot flirty ass'. I mean, sure she did have a pretty nice ass, but... No! Gog dammit Vantas, focus! He's hitting on your matesprit! She already talked to him more than she did with you... but of course your conversations with her had to be more meaningful! Yes of course, that had to be true.

She giggles, seeming embarrassed. He smiles at her, and she blushes.

This... is not happening. No, it can't be.

Wait, did you just see a glare off of his shades? He turned? Toward you? You get up, intending to show that fucking asslicker what's what. She stops smiling as he says something else, slightly nodding toward you. She turns, smiling wide and jogging over. The coolkid slinks away, after giving a slight scowl in your general direction. She gives you a hug, and you wrap your arms around her waist, pulling her close. The blond is still watching you two, so you take a chance, and peck her on the lips. After that, you don't notice him.

"Hey, what was that for?"

"What? Am I not allowed to kiss my fucking matesprit?"

"No of course you are, it was just pretty unlike you if you ask me." she retorts, with a slightly mocking tone, but she gives you that alligator grin that you love so much as well, so you just have to take another taste. "I-mmph! Mmm..."

Over this past year on this fucking meteor, you've grown. Everyone had, mostly for the better. Especially Terezi, she... well lets just say she wasn't exactly lacking in the looks department, in fact, she was so un-lacking she should've probably opened a store with all that look, and named it "BL1ND B34UTY". She was definitely more curvy, and her body had matured... very nicely. She was also infinitely more outgoing with the concupiscent side of the quadrants, and that came with all the perks of the filial parts too. And that both pleased and worried Karkat. Pleased because... well... the obvious reasons, and worried because of a particular Dave Strider, who he was certain was dying to get some of that fine blind ass. Karkat too was far more outgoing with the filial stuff, but of course had to be a gentletroll at least some of the time.

You glide your tongue over her lips, sending a slight shudder through her body. In response, she slips hers to dance just behind your fangs, teasing, feeling... You "accidentally" fall back into the squishy scalemate pile, and she pulls back, laughing.

"Could you be any more forward? You do know that we're still in public, right?"

You smirk, of course you know, that's the point! Where else to make your mark than where other people can see it?

"Then maybe we should take this to a more private location...?"

"Oh, is that what you want now?" She asked, rather sneeringly. She was smirking, and dancing her fingers on the back of your neck, just a light touch, but enough to send waves of very sensual energy through your body. How is it that this much love and lust could be present in one troll?

"Oh how you know me so well, you sexy blind bitch."

"I know you soooo well that I think you might be able to handle waiting just a little longer."

You scowl. Damn, you were so close! She's probably just saving it for that perfect moment, like all girls do... or most girls... Nonetheless, you're the only guy around here (save Gamzee) that hasn't gotten tail yet... Unless Dave hasn't... and from how he acts, you think he hasn't. That makes you smile, thats why he wants it so bad. But he does seem to have this... effect on her... makes her almost drunk. Worries you to death. She's told you that it would be her first... and if he took it before you could get to her... Heads would roll.

But of course, so would tears. No matter how much you want her... you'd have to deal with it. It would destroy you, sure... but you just love her that much.

You lean in and give her another kiss, letting her take control. It's fun, seeing how she can make you react to what she does with her tongue...

But what's more fun, is being with her.