A/N: So clearly my main three are this, A Lucky Misfortune, and of course, Millionaire. I'll be updating a lot more consistently now! Anyway, a new chapter of "All Over Again" Should be out tomorrow, so keep an eye out for that! Otherwise, we've got some Charah development here, and a little bit of the mission! From now on, you can TRY to expect an update every 2-3 days, because I've been negligent long enough. Enjoy!

Chapter Ten:

"There is a couple, going by the last name 'Del Toro'." Graham informed them. "They are about your age, agents. The man, Santiago is responsible for transporting the chip. We believe he is going to make the exchange at his party, which will be held in one of his many summer manors."

Chuck glanced at Sarah, who sipped her coffee, listening intently. He sometimes got the feeling she was born simply to do this, as she was always perfect at it.

"His wife, Vanessa, is believed to be a FBI agent on the inside." He added, glancing at the dossier.

Bryce and Carina, perhaps finally over their hazy, drunken stupor smirked. "FBI….What a joke…." Bryce smirked, the two snickering.

Graham rolled his eyes impatiently, mentally thanking god that Chuck and Sarah were there to…..balance out the…stupidity.

"And he's totally unaware?" Chuck asked in slight shock. How could someone possibly lie to their partner like that?

"She hopes to bust him and get promoted." Sarah replied quickly. "The feelings are probably feigned."

Chuck opened his mouth to say more, but Sarah squeezed his hand, knowing they were on a tight schedule. They were equal as agents, but Chuck seemed to be more….human like. Not that the others were heartless…..he was just a special case.

"Walker is right." Graham nodded, glancing wistfully at the other two, who shut up. "You're job will be to assist her in distracting him so that the chip can be taken off…..I'm assuming Miller and Walker can handle that aspect of it. One of you must do surveillance nearby….I'll let you handle the specs, Walker."

Sarah nodded, accepting her duty as team leader.

"The party is on their manor not two hours from here." Graham told them sharply. "I expect you to retrieve the chip and return without any…..scratches, let alone fatalities on this little trip, understood?"

"Yes sir." They chorused, watching him disappear into the next room, filled with hard working analysts.

"Hmm…..How long do you think he'll stay before he misses Langley?" Chuck grinned.

"I'd say after this mission." Sarah guessed, smiling back.

Bryce smirked. "I call not being in the van! And since Sarah and Carina have to go, Chuck….you're it."

Sarah rolled her eyes. "How about this…..You stay in the van or you're off my team?" she smirked, triumphantly teasing him.

Carina smirked, rising and stretching. "Well, let's not break out into a fight in the middle of castle…..save it for tonight." She spoke aloud, heading for the stairs. "I've got a dress to find."

"Ah damn, I've got to go fix my phone before we head out. See you guys in a while." Bryce bade Chuck and Sarah farewell, sprinting out to his car, aware that they only had so little time.

"So…..a trip to my house then your place?" Chuck offered his arm out to Sarah with a smile.

"Sounds great." She knew what was coming.


Sarah sat on Chuck's bed, watching him pull out the night's attire. She liked being in his old room….the nerd vintage look, the smell of his cologne faintly on his sheets…..it was calming, especially before a mission, where she had a lot of excitement coursing through her.

"So…." Chuck sighed as he took a seat beside her, the two facing each other in a somewhat awkward manner.

"You want to ask about Vanessa Del Toro." Sarah stated matter of factly, nodding when she saw him gape.

"Damn….I knew you were a great spy, but-" he was cut off by his girlfriend.

"I know YOU, Chuck." She replied smoothly. "This whole thing about them lying to each other, her lying to him especially…..it bothers you." She began.

Chuck tried to interrupt. "But-"

"And, you somehow fear that something like that might happen to us." Sarah stated again, causing Chuck to freeze. She was the best of best for a reason.

"I don't…..Sarah; I know how ridiculous that sounds." Chuck assured her. "I don't plan on going rogue anytime soon, and I certainly hope you aren't…" he quipped. "But it's just….the whole idea of letting the job get in the way of our relationship….I just never want to let that happen, okay?"

"Chuck…..I'll always choose you over the job." Sarah stated solemnly, "always."

"The CIA…..it doesn't mean anything. Not when you don't know why you're doing it….. Not when you don't have a life to protect." She told him, her voice raw with emotion.

"I never doubted that, Sarah…." Chuck sighed, smiling contentedly as he placed a gentle kiss on her forehead. "I know it's our life….and it's pretty much all we know….but know this: the day the job takes over my life….our relationship, even…..I'd quit in a heartbeat."

Sarah hugged him, comfortably leaning into his warmth, resting her head against his solid chest. They did have a mission to prep for, but it could wait.


The team met up in the van, everyone in stunning formal wear, even Bryce, who was ready just in case he needed to leave the van and enter the party.

Chuck had a hard time focusing on Sarah, who was in a shorter black dress, make up done with Carina. He glanced at her again. Catching him staring, she rose a brow, smirked, and then continued talking to Carina.

"So…" Chuck cleared his throat, cheeks awfully red from being caught staring at his girlfriend. No matter how close they were getting, there was still the chemistry of unfamiliarity between them. It made her heart beat faster, and their entire relationship was better as a whole.

"What's our cover for the night?" Chuck asked, watching as Bryce smirked from the wheel. Apparently, everyone knew but him.

"You're….ah…..going to be a sort of-"Sarah couldn't finish, as Carina interrupted with a smirk.

"You're going to be our rich playboy, Chuck." Carina smirked. "Those are the kind of people who are going to be at this party."

"A what?" Chuck cried, glancing back at Sarah, who bit her lip innocently. "And you failed to mention this…how?"

"Well, we knew you'd be surprised, and we didn't want to freak you out unnecessarily…" Sarah replied sheepishly.

"But Bryce is more of that guy! Why can't he do it?" Chuck asked helplessly. Suddenly, the thought of Bryce escorting Sarah instead hit him. Immediately he shook his head. "Never mind…." He sighed. "I'm good."

"That's our boy." Carina smirked, reaching up to put a hand on his shoulder. "Who knows….you might even enjoy it….."

Sarah shot her a glare. Carina just laughed playfully as Chuck almost jumped forward.

Bryce pulled the car two a stop, a little ways away from the party. "You guys ready to get that chip?" he smirked.

"Let's just do this…." Chuck mumbled, opening the door for Sarah and Carina.


"Sarah?" Chuck asked as they entered into the hall of the beautiful beach mansion.

"Yes Chuck?" She murmured.

"How is playboy low key?"

"Watch and learn, Chucky." Carina smirked, as either girl took his arm. Upon entering into the crowded, festive looking main party room, Chuck discovered that everyone there seemed to be in a similar situation.

"See?" Sarah told him quietly.

"Alright, guys. Blend in." Bryce's voice crackled over the comm. link.

"Let's have some fun, Carmichael." Carina smirked, eager to get Walker jealous and have some fun doing so.

"Remember to keep an eye out for Vanessa." Sarah warned wearily, watching Carina do her thing.

"If you see her, try and corner her. Let her know you're CIA and you're here to help." Bryce reminded gently. "Sarah, why don't you try to find Santiago?" He suggested, adjusting all the equipment in the van.

"Maybe we should switch?" Chuck tried, wanting to be with Sarah so much more. Carina had already began to make him feel uncomfortable.

"Uh….sure." Bryce shrugged, making sure their links were secure and their cameras were ready to go.

Carina shrugged and broke off. "I'll find him and keep him busy until you guys find Vanessa and bust him."

The team split, Sarah now arm and arm with Chuck, who'd grabbed her a drink.

Smiling, Sarah leaned against him. "That's not protocol…"

"I'm a rebel." Chuck teased with a gentle smile, holding her close. The cover was almost too perfect. Chuck leaned in, making sure their mics were off. He placed gentle kisses on the side of her neck, causing her to shudder and close her eyes.

"Chuck, the mission…" she sighed, wanting nothing more than to drag him back home, of they could even make it that long.

"I know, I'm sorry…" he smiled, pulling away. Glancing around, he noticed that they only fit in more by being intimate like that.

"Don't ever be sorry for that…" Sarah smirked, leaning up to place a last, gentle kiss on his lips.

Chuck savored it, leaning back as he caught sight of a beautiful, tan woman, coming down the stairs with a flute of champagne in one hand, surveying the busy crowd.

"We've got our mark." Chuck murmured in her ear, feeling Sarah stiffen slightly against him, seeming to go into agent mode.

A/N: So, here we are. We'll see how this all plays out. We saw some Charah development and a tiny emotional display, so hopefully that turned out okay? You guys always compliment me so graciously about my Charah, but in reality...I feel as if I make it awkward or choppy...Let me know. :) Next is "All over Again" and then "Taking Risks" after that, so sorry about the huge wait. Anyway, they should be out sometime tomorrow, so until then, thanks a million for reading and reviewing, and as always….have a great one, guys.