Hope you like this. Oh, and parkour is a sport (kinda) that originated in France where people run up walls and flip off of trucks and roofs and fences. It's pretty cool, so look it up on YouTube. Oh, and when all of the parkour action starts, I advise you listen to this amazing song. http :/ www . youtube . com /watch? v=FZRSCzW5Gu4 I think it just goes so well with the story that I have planned.


Aang smiled as he swung his dorm key, heading for his room to get a good night's rest. Tomorrow was his first day at his new Parkour School. Ever since he was little, he liked doing flips and spins off of trucks and buildings. It was a talent of his. As he headed to his dorm, he took off sprinting, running up the nearest wall and flipping backwards. He was in that kind of spirit. As he flipped, his grey hoodie fell over his eyes and he ended up stumbling backwards, knocking something – or someone – over.

"Hey!" the person – sounding something like a girl – yelled. "No flipping in the halls! Save it for the gym equipment and testing!"

Aang turned around. "Oh I'm so sorry."

Once Aang was fully turned, he stopped dead in his tracks and everything froze. There, bending down and picking up a box full of stuff, was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. She was wearing a loose cut-off baby blue half-tee that hung just above her belly. Her ripped jean shorts were so high, Aang was sure they were three sizes too small. Her chocolate brown hair was in a messy medium high ponytail with bangs hanging down the right side of her head framing her heart-shaped face. Her hair was partly covered by a blue bandana that had sunglasses propped on her head. And her eyes . . . oh, her eyes were the brightest blue he had ever seen. In all, she was gorgeous.

As a last minute thought, he bent down and scooped up the rest of her things and carefully placed them in the box.

"Oh yeah," the girl shot back. "Well, be a little more careful next time. You could have hurt me."

"Again," Aang said, "I really am sorry. This is my first day here and I was overly excited."

"Well, in that case," the girl began, "I forgive you. And my name is Katara - one of the top honor students here and almost a full master at parkour. Welcome to Paris, France."

"Thanks," Aang said as he extended his hand. "My name's Aang – new student and not yet a participant in any classes, but considered good at what I do."

Katara took his hand and shook it. "Why don't you come in for some hot chocolate and pastries? And maybe you could help me with this box. I got some more stuff to get in here from Alaska and then maybe I could help you with your dorm."

"Sounds good," Aang agreed, taking a box from the side of her door and walking in.

"This is my dorm," Katara said as she set her box down on a chair. "All dorms look like this. My roommates should be home from practice any moment. I think Toph is still wondering around Paris trying out the new buildings that were just put in. Suki must be out shopping with my brother or Yue. So, who are your roommates?"

Aang put down his box on top of hers and took a sheet of paper out of his pocket and looked at it. The names were written in messy calligraphy by the lady that was at the front desk. He couldn't really read it, but it did show up.

"Some guy names Sokka and another guy named Zuko," Aang answered after he stuffed the paper back into the pocket of his ripped jeans.

Katara was now in the kitchen at the stove, preparing something that smelled like the inside of a candy shop. Ah, how Aang missed that smell back home in the US. This place sure was different in a good way.

"Ah," Katara sighed, not taking her eyes off of what she was doing, "you got my brother and his friend. Well, good luck to you and whatnot. They're real idiots when it comes to parkour. But, you gotta love em."

Aang laughed as Katara handed him a chocolate filled doughnut and a little espresso cup filled with thick and creamy hot chocolate. Aang just laughed again.

"You sure do like your chocolate," he chided, taking a bite of his pastry.

Katara laughed along with him. "Chocolate was a rare delicacy back in Alaska. We just lived in little tents and igloos, so anything that needed to be melted and then baked was rare, so I favor chocolate over any other candy in Paris."

Aang smiled as he walked over and sat down in a chair at the mini kitchen bar. Katara followed him with her drink and sat down next to him. Finally, Aang took a sip of his chocolate. The stuff was good but had the consistency of mud. The drink probably had more chocolate in it than anything he had ever tasted in his life.

"Enough about me," Katara waved as she took a sip of her hot chocolate, "tell me why you're here."

"Well," Aang started as he put his drink and pastry down, "I lived in California most of my life, traveling the state by foot mostly. When I was traveling, I picked up a few parkour tricks and started going to a gym school where the instructor said that I should go to Paris and go to this school. I took up the offer and came here to master the art of parkour."

"Sounds nice," Katara mused. "I came here when I was fourteen to get away from the ice and snow of Alaska. When I came here, I picked up the tricks of some of the people who did parkour on the streets and worked my way to get into this school. I've been here for almost six years."

"Interesting," Aang said as he ate the last of his doughnut and looked at his watch. "Well, I better be going now. I still need to unpack and meet those friends of yours. I hope to see you in classes tomorrow and around campus."

"Bye, Aang," Katara waved as he got up and headed for the door, making his way down the hallway to his new dorm room.

Katara watched as the guy in the ripped jeans and grey hoodie left for the dorm room diagonal from hers. Of course she just had to bump into the cutest and nicest guy on campus. She could really become friends with someone like him.


Tell me what you think in your reviews! And I will update The Dance/The Interview/Into The Darkness/all of my other stories soon. I just had this idea and I needed to post it.