I'm only gonna say this once. J.K. Rowling owns The boy who lived.

Note: I know I put down history of magic twice. I'm a lazy jerk and won't change it. No. The real reason was becuase deleted the document and then read the reviews. I meant herbology, potions, history, and defence. So he could learn about the things that may try to kill him.

Dear Reader AZ: The reason the Dursleys hate Harry even though he is a squib. Would you be scared if a guy had a unloaded gun. Then again, do the Dursleys know what a squib is?

If you perceived something as less then human, why would you send them to school?

Do you remember anyone teaching to read. It's just something you just pick up. I'm probably wrong.

Chapter 3

Harry walked into Gringotts. His near weightless backpack was on his back.

He walked up to a teller and began talking.

"I'd like to return somethings."Harry began, quietly. He never had anyone to talk to, so he was very quiet.

"What objects did you borrow from us? Or do you mean that you want some items appraised?" The goblin asked.

Harry took off the backpack and pulled a short sword out.

The goblin was nearly speechless.

"I,You," The goblin said, startled. "You'll have to see the manager."

Harry was then led to a fancy room where a goblin was sitting behind a desk. The desk had a deep wooden look on it and the area used for papers was made out of iron.

"It seems that you want to return some weapons." The goblin said hopefully,"I'm getting ahead of myself. My name is Grings."

"Yes. My family." Harry began, saying with surprising venom. "No my ancestors, didn't return them after the user died. I know that the makers aren't around anymore, but maybe it can give their family some, I don't know, hope or something. "

"Your mature beyond your years." Grings said.

"I wasn't given a real childhood. I don't think I ever was a true child. I had to mature quickly."

"You don't need to explain Mr. Potter.

"Please, I would like you to call me Harry. I don't like the Potters." Harry said.

"I have to thank you Harry. The Goblin nation hasn't had any thing returned it it's creator in the past two centuries." Grings began. " I'd have to give you something to you for this."

"But, it's rightfully's the goblin's. I couldn't take anything." Harry said. It was their standards.

"I have to give you something." Grings said. "Let me show you some other parts of the buildings."

He then led him back into the lobby. He then was brought into a separate set of cart tracks.

"These are tracks to the non-bank parts of our facility." Grings said. "Climb in. There are many parts of the place humans haven't seen in many decades."

He hopped in the cart and Grings climbed in it.

Harry was shown several offices, goblin homes, a odd underground farm, a sparring arena, and lastly the forges.

"This is where all goblin weapons are made." Grings explained. "Ores are refined and smelted into the right basic shape. Then they are sharpened and ready for use."

Harry took off his bag and began pulling weapons out.

He pulled out several helmets out, with faded plumes.

He pulled out several swords and a shield.

After pulling out half an armory, he laid them all down on a blacksmith.

Grings was amazed. He would be overjoyed if the child gave him a simple sword. But no. He had given him millions of galleons worth of weapons.

He had to find a way to repay him.

Then he pulled out a one and a half sword. The bastard sword. He put it down with a sigh.

"Is this one your sword?" Grings asked.

"It's the goblin's now." Harry said.

"Keep it. It's just another weapon." Grings said.

"Take this too." Grings said. He passed his a simple dagger.

"Why?"Harry asked, confused. Now he was giving him, weapons. Wasn't the other way around.

Harry took the sword and it's scabbard. He put it back into the bag and strapped the bag on.

"I want to take you to your vault." Grings said, motioning to the cart.

They both lept back in and enjoyed a ride to a deep vault.

"Is this my parent's vault?" Harry asked.

"No. Your parents decided to give you one knut because it is nearly impossible to spend. Their idea of a joke." Grings said.

Grings took a key out of pocket and put it into a large door.

"This is one of the vault your parent have obtained over the years." Grings said after the door opened.

It was a pretty large vault.

"Now the bank isn't allowed to give out money, but you'd be surprised at what we can do with a knut." Grings said.

After leaving the bank, Harry managed to come out with several galleons. He had taken out a loan of 50 galleons. Half of it was invested with some of the best goblin accountants.

He ignored Ollivanders. He was a squib after all.

He entered Madam Malkin's for his robes.

"Another one for Hogwarts. Just sit down. I'll be ready for you in a couple moments." Malkin said.

He sat on a stool next to a enclosed booth. Malkin entered the booth next to him.

"So your going to Hogwarts then." A boy said in a snobish tone.

"Yes." Harry replied, immediately disliking the boy."

"My parents both went to Hogwarts. I belong to one of the best pureblood families." The boy said. "Your parents are our kind right."

"I don't want to speak about my parents." Harry said.

After the boy had his robes fitted Harry obtained his robes.

After getting the rest of his required items, he thought about getting a pet.

'No. I don't need one.' Harry thought.

He then managed to get back to his house through the floo powder.

The next month was a time of study. The books he bought were read quickly and he looked through a lot of theory.

He lamented the loss of his dueling partner. Despite the fact it only trained him, it was like a a friend.

He was brought out of his thoughts by a yelling downstairs.

"I WANT A PHOENIX!." He heard his brother yelled.

"Damn it Henry." Harry whispered to himself.

Harry looked down at the front hall. A beautiful snowy owl was in a cage. Hera was shaking it. The poor owl was shivering in it's cage.

Harry knew that it would be impossible save the owl now. He just hoped that it would survive long enough.

That night he walked cam out of the dungeons and found the bird sleeping. He took the cage and brought it down to the dungeons.

"I'll name you Hedwig." Harry said, to the bird.

Today was the day he was going to Hogwarts.

He however, had no way to get to King's cross. He couldn't apparate with his family.

He had flooed to the closest floo location and flagged down a taxi.

He got in the back after hauling his trunk next to him.

"So kid, where are you goin'."The taxi driver asked.

"King's Cross." Harry said, blankly.

The driver tried to start a conversation.

"So, where are your parents?"The guy asked.

Harry didn't want to talk about his "family".

"I paid you. Just take me to where I want to go.

Harry casually walked on to the train. He had never had any friends so he'd want to avoid people. So he searched out for the least populated area. The compartment that had the least amount of people had the one person on earth he actually wanted to see.

"You were at the zoo. You made the glass go away." Harry said. He was never good at talking. He never had any friends. "What's your name?"

"Hermione Granger." She said, holding out her hand.

Harry shook it and had a totally foreign feeling. It was like the warmth of fire. Providing comfort. It was friendship.

"Your Henr-" Hermione began. "No. Henry doesn't need glasses."

During this entire event, she didn't notice the look on his face.

"I'm Harry. His sibling." Harry explained.

"Your a squib, right?" She asked questionably.

"Yes." Harry said blankly. While most people would say it was rude, HArry didn't care. It was a question.

"Then how did you talk to that snake?" Hermione asked.

"I don't know."Harry said. He had no idea.

At that point Henry walked into the compartment. He was flanked by Hera and a red haired boy.

"Oh. It's our idiot excuse for our brother." Hera said in a smug way.

"So that's him. Looks like a fool." Ron said in a content fool. He was trying to seem cool to his new friends.

"I see you have tried to expand your fan base Henry," Harry said to him. "Seeing that your friend has to try to be your friend."

Hera's eyes wandered to Harry's things.

"You stole my owl!" Hera screamed.

"You didn't want it."Harry said.

'And you wanted to killed it' he finished in his head.

Hera drew her wand, followed by the others.

"Your gonna pay for saying that!" Ron yelled in forced fury.

Harry didn't really want to fight them. However, he had dealed with bullies before. Simple reporting them, or apathy would make the situation. The only way to deal with them was to embaress them.

Harry lept to them. He punched Ron in the gut while he grabbed Hera's wrist. He twisted Hera's wrist and the wand flew out of it.

During that Ron head was lowered. Harry using the opportunity, Harry kneed his. He pushed the boy into Henry with force.

He grabbed Henry's wrist and slammed his hand into the door frame. He dropped the wand and fell to the ground, clutching his hand.

The three scrambled out of the room.

"I saw everything that happened. I'll say what happened. They won't get you in trouble." A heavyset boy said. He had short brown hair. He was lugging trunk behind him.

"Thanks." Harry told the boy. He took this as a welcome to sit down and put his trunk down.

"All the other compartments were full." Neville explained.

"Where did you learn how to do that Harry?" Hermione asked.

"I picked it up. I'm a squib, so I have to learn how to defend myself." Harry explained. In reality the training dummy had taught him how to fight using nearly anything.

They seemed to accept that, so Harry didn't elaborate.

"How are you gonna take classes being a, well you know?" Neville asked.

"First, squib isn't an insult. It's not a slur or derogatory. It's a simple word to describe someone in a magical family with no magic. You don't need to feel guilty using it, Mr..." Harry explained before he realized that he didn't know the boy's name.

"Neville, Neville Longbottom." Neville said.

"Neville, I have to ask my head of house about it."Harry said.

Hermione, wanting to start a conversation, asked, "What house do you want to get into?"

"I'm gonna be a Hufflepuff for sure." Neville said.

"It doesn't matter." Harry said. He didn't care.

"I hope I'm going to be in Gryffindor. Dumbledore himself was in that house. But Ravenclaw doesn't sound bad." Hermione said.

"Ravenclaw!" The sorting hat yelled, with Hermione under him. She hopped off the chair and walked to the Ravenclaw table. She glanced quickly. He gave a small nod to her.

The process continued as Harry watched lines of students get sorted.

"Greengrass." Called a professor.

"Slytherin." The hat bellowed.



"Longbottom." McGonagall exclaimed.

Neville walked to the stool and stand down nervously.

After a minute of Neville looking scared and him mouthing words.

"Ravenclaw." The hat yelled. Neville put the hat back on the stool before walking down the steps and half tripping on the last step.

Laughter quickly expanded in the hall. A majority of the laughing was extinguished with looks from the teachers that spelled, Do you want detention?, while the Slytherins continued for a few more seconds.

"Malfoy," The teacher yelled.

The blond boy calmly walked up to the stool and put the hat on his head. The hat barely touched his hair before yelling, "Slytherin!"

Draco put the hat back down and walked to the table, with a smug look.

The sorting continued until a professor said, "Potter,Harry."

Harry walked to the stool and had the hat put on his head.

"I can tell, your going to be hard to place. You would make a decent Gryfindor. Brave."The hat whispered into the back of his mind. "Oh, I see. That's true. Your siblings would get sorted there. That wouldn't end well for you."

"You have ambition. A want to prove yourself. At least to yourself." He continued. "You have loyalty to nobody but yourself, at least now. You are a hardworker."

"You want to learn. You spent your entire childhood learning and training. Where to put you?" The hat asked.

End of Chapter. Where do you think Harry should go? I pretty much have decided, but I'd like to hear everyone's opinion and their reasons.

Please leave a review.