Disclaimer: Glee belongs to Fox and the song 'In My Head' to Jason Derulo and associates.

Putting Sebastian and Rachel together in a relationship has intrigued me. To be perfectly honest, the fact that I find Sebastian (Grant Gustin) incredibly attractive is a big motivating factor ;) I'd like to contribute to this very interesting ship, so let me know what you think!

"Rachel Barbra Berry. What in the name of fashion are you wearing?"

Kurt Hummel had often made this (and several other similar) types of comments to her over their years at McKinley High. Rachel never even bothered to entertain the thought that once they actually became friends Kurt would stop insulting her fashion sense.

"Kurt," Rachel huffed, her hands going to her hips. "I wore this to school today and you never said anything."

Kurt sighed. "That's the point, Rachel." He then turned around and yelled to the car waiting for them on the street. "Give me ten minutes, Blaine!"

Kurt then yanked Rachel back inside her own house and dragged her up to her room.

"Kurt, we're going to be late," Rachel protested but didn't make too much of a fuss as he proceeded to rifle through her closet.

"Then zip it and let me work. I'm not allowing you to go out in the same outfit you went to school in," Kurt sniped.

"We're going to a gay bar. What would I need to change for?" Rachel continued to whine.

"Put your jeans on, then. That's my concession."

"That's not a concession!" However, Rachel obediently went over to her dresser and got out her, as Kurt very well knew, only pair of jeans. While Kurt frequently insulted her clothes, only in very rare occasions did he actually go through the effort of changing her outfit himself. When he started ordering her into clothes, she knew it was easier for everyone to just accept it. Besides, even Rachel had to admit that she looked good after she put on whatever ensemble Kurt arranged.

"Here," Kurt said, placing some of her clothes on top of the jeans in her hands and shoved her into the bathroom. "And hurry up or we're going to be late!"

Rachel huffed again but didn't respond except to close her bathroom door and start taking off the clothes that were just as school appropriate as gay bar appropriate, in her opinion. Normally she would put up more resistance – a fight worthy of a diva – but she didn't have the heart knowing that Kurt was merely on edge about his boyfriend being near the smirky meerkat again.

Because yes, the Warbler Sebastian Smythe had invited Blaine out to Scandals - again. And yes, Kurt had been baited into accepting the invitation – again. But this time Kurt was bringing Rachel as backup. Finn had been invited along as well so Rachel wouldn't be bored with only her mission of keeping Sebastian away from Blaine, but he had declined as to avoid the many awkward situations

So here Rachel was changing her outfit for her best friend Kurt Hummel before headed out with him and his boyfriend to a gay bar to help run interference for the epitome of evil that is Sebastian.

Rachel stepped out of the bathroom in the new outfit and Kurt gave a nod of approval before handing her a pair of black heels.

"Kurt," she sighed, but gave in and accepted the shoes. She had to admit, they did complete the outfit with her dark jeans (which fit her very well, if she dare say so) and the flirty burgundy blouse. Simple but she could admit it had a touch more sophistication then her previous attire.

"Now that I've fixed you, let's go," Kurt said. Rachel grabbed her coat and the now properly dressed pair headed back downstairs to where Blaine was waiting in the car.

Rachel had never been to Scandals before, for obvious reasons. Why would she need to go to a gay bar when she wasn't even of legal drinking age? But Kurt (through Puck) had procured her a fake ID and with lots of convincing from Kurt, here she was. Her term that someone be a designated driver (Kurt) was easily accepted and Blaine had promised to go light on the alcohol after what had happened last time. Rachel had also promised herself that nothing like that disastrous party at her house would happen again. Kurt had promised to keep her under control.

After all, she had penchant for kissing gay men when she was drunk. Kurt had spent a lot of time convincing her to come to a gay bar where gay men would be in abundance after she shared that thought.

Honestly, when Rachel walked into the bar she wasn't impressed. While she obviously couldn't be amazed with security that allowed minors with fake IDs (and she really looked nothing like the woman in the photo), the man at the door had stared at her for several minutes. A female presence at the establishment may be rare, but shouldn't he have more tact?

She imagined the ones in New York would be much more…not glamorous, but at least have more character. When she went out for drinks with her cast, they definitely would be better than this one – the fact that it was gay notwithstanding.

Someone waved to them from the bar. Blaine waved back, so clearly this guy was Sebastian. Blaine led the way toward him and Rachel evaluated the threat to Kurt and Blaine's relationship.

She was glad the bar was dark because it hid her blush; this guy was hot.

Kurt had a reason to feel threatened - Finn would be jealous even knowing this guy was gay. His smile (though Kurt was right, it was more of a smirk) was directed at Blaine but had her heartbeat going just a little bit faster.

"Hey Blaine!" she heard Sebastian say when they got close enough. His smile turned even more into a smirk though when he greeted, "Kurt."

"Sebastian, this is Rachel. She's a good friend of ours. Rachel, Sebastian," Blaine introduced. He was either oblivious or ignoring the glares traded between Kurt and Sebastian.

Rachel gave a big smile, wider than usual due to Sebastian's attractiveness, and offered her hand. It's a good thing Finn wasn't here and a very good thing Sebastian was actually gay.

Sebastian shook her hand but condescendingly said, "You do know this is a gay bar, right?"

"I am perfectly aware of where I am, thank you," Rachel said, a bit put off by the comment. Well, Kurt had warned her.

Sebastian raised his eyebrows but said nothing more.

"Let's get some drinks," Blaine interceded. "Rachel, what would you like?"

Once again, the darkness hid her blush. What would she like? How was she supposed to know? She hadn't had alcohol since her last party – and she really didn't even know what exactly she had been drinking then.

"Oh…um. Whatever you're having is fine, Blaine," Rachel responded. That was the safe answer.

Sebastian smirked again – he clearly saw through her and knew how inexperienced she really was with the whole scene. He would probably be laughing at her if Blaine wasn't still there. She desperately wished he wasn't so attractive.

Blaine moved towards the bartender, and that's when Sebastian struck.

"Are you sure you know where you are?" he mocked.

"Leave Rachel alone, Craigslist," Kurt sniped at him as he grabbed Rachel's arm and led her to an empty table. "See why I hate him?" he said to her as they sat down.

"Yeah," she sighed. "Life would be so much fairer if people like him weren't so hot."

Kurt glared at her. "All I can see when I look at him is a jumped up meerkat who spent too much time at a salon."

Rachel gave him a sympathetic look. It was like when the Cheerios were after Finn…but she didn't want to think about that.

She looked around the bar and found several people blatantly staring her. Normally this wouldn't discomfort her at all but these people definitely realize the talent that she possessed so why…?

"Why is everyone staring at me?" Rachel asked, looking at the table to avoid eye contact with her spectators.

"They're trying to decide if you had a sex change or are just a really really good drag queen," came from Sebastian as he and Blaine approached their table with drinks in hand.

"Oh." She definitely wasn't sure how to react to that.

"I thought Wednesdays were drag queen days?" Blaine asked as he handed her and Kurt their drinks. Rachel wished she had asked for whatever Kurt had – a brightly colored drink in a cute glass – instead of Blaine. Now she had an ugly colored bottle that matched his with very little desire to drink it.

She saw Sebastian watching (and smirking) though, so she took a sip and put on a showface so he didn't see her wince at the burn down her throat. Hah. That showed him.

"What are Fridays?" Rachel asked Sebastian, deciding she should start attempting to divert his attention away from Blaine right from the start. She and Kurt should really have chosen their seats at the table more wisely. Because they had sat next to each other, now Blaine and Sebastian were sitting next to each other.

"Karaoke night," Sebastian said calmly, keeping his eyes on Blaine.

"Really?" Rachel squealed. "That's so great! I can convert more ignorant crowds to the wonders of Broadway," she explained to Kurt who didn't look nearly as excited as she was.

Sebastian scoffed at her (again!). "I'm looking forward to it," he said sarcastically. "But Blaine, we should do a duet. See what might have been if you had stuck around at Dalton, right?" he said in what Rachel had to admit was a very charming manner.

She felt Kurt kick her, and while it hurt she clearly understood the signal. "Sebastian!" she interrupted before Blaine could answer. "You're our competition now that we've won our Sectionals. I insist that we duet as leaders of rivaling clubs," an innocent, charming smile on her face.

Sebastian looked at her and she could feel his eyes scouring her body, checking her out. She repressed the instinctual shiver at the sensation when his eyes (a very startling bright green) met hers. It was obvious that he now understood what she was doing here, what her entire purpose for the evening was.

Even though Blaine introduced her as a friend to both him and Kurt, she was here as Kurt's backup. She was meant to interfere with every move Sebastian made towards Blaine. Bring it on, she thought forcefully.

"Of course," Sebastian said coolly. "I could never turn down a challenge. Next time, then Blaine."

Blaine gave a non-committal noise as he took a drink. Kurt was alternating between smiling at her and glaring at Sebastian. Really, this situation was all sorts of awkward.

"Shall we go pick a song?" Sebastian said in a charming tone but with his usual smirk. Clearly he had a plan that Rachel was not going to approve of.

"Of course!" Rachel said brightly as she hopped off her chair and followed Sebastian towards the stage.

"I know why you're here," he said bitingly as soon as they were out of earshot.

"Good," she snapped right back. "Because I know exactly why you invited us – or should I say Blaine – here too."

He chuckled. "And tell me, Princess, if I wasn't interested in Blaine how long would it take before you jumped me?"

Rachel blushed. Sebastian had clearly noticed the effect that he – or at least his looks – had on her. Life was so unfair.

"Never," she retorted, not going to allow such a smarmy boyfriend-stealer to get the better of her. "Once you started talking I found I couldn't stand you."

"We wouldn't be talking."

Rachel could feel the heat of her face as his words called up images and sensations that she really shouldn't be thinking about. This guy was such a jerk! But what was she supposed to say to that?

"As the challenged, I call song choice," Sebastian said, redirecting the conversation. His smirk was even bigger than before, if that was possible.

"Fine," Rachel spat as they finally made it to where the listing of potential song choices for the night where.

They evaluated the listings and Rachel saw some of her favorites. She gave a resigned sigh that Sebastian had the choice. It would've been fun to make him sing some classical show tune. She wasn't worried at all about what song he might pick. She really could sing anything…

Sebastian was taking his time with his decision. He had narrowed it down to a few, Rachel noticed, as he kept glancing at specific sections repeatedly.

"Don't you dare," Rachel hissed, immediately on guard as she saw one of the songs he was looking at with a calculating look.

"Blaine has a soft spot for Katy Perry, did you know?" he teased.

"I will not stand up there and sing 'Peacock' with you," Rachel said angrily in a low voice.

"Maybe I'll save it for my duet with Blaine instead," Sebastian said with that infuriating smirk. "I think this one may be just as much fun anyway."

She stared at him, horrified, as he signed up them as duet to sing that song. But really, what could she say? He had the choice of song…

He laughed – she liked to think it was an exceptionally evil one – as they made their way back to the table. Her face was bright red, thinking of the situation she had gotten into (for Kurt!) and exceptionally glad that no one else she knew especially Finn was here to watch her.

Fortunately there were several more people who were singing before them. She was going to need a bit more alcohol to get through this performance.

Finally, the time had come for her and Sebastian's duet. Kurt and Blaine asked them what they were singing but Sebastian refused to answer, saying it would be a surprise. Rachel couldn't honestly admit to what she was about to perform. She didn't want to see the look on Kurt's face – if he even appreciated the sacrifice to her dignity that she was making.

The pair made their way back up to the stage.

"Going to back out yet?" Sebastian taunted.

"Not a chance," she bit back.

Rachel Berry did not back down from a challenge, especially not a vocal challenge. The alcohol she had been drinking helped her find the boldness and courage she would need to make it through this performance. She was a professional. She could do this. Sebastian Smythe was not going to get Rachel Berry to back out of singing one simple song, right?

Time to channel a bit of Santana, perhaps. She might as well go all out for this one.

They walked onto the stage which received a fraction more light than the rest of the bar. Rachel grabbed a microphone and turned to Sebastian, her determination written all over her face. His eyebrow rose in a taunt and the smirk still hadn't left his face. He was definitely enjoying this entire situation.

Rachel resolved that at the end of this he wouldn't be enjoying it.

The music started and she completely tuned out everything but the song and Sebastian. She was definitely going to turn this into a show and he was going to regret ever thinking he could mess with Rachel Berry.

Taking a deep breath, she started:

Everyone's looking for love oh oh

Ain't the reason you're at this club oh oh

Sebastian broke in:

You ain't gonna find it dancing with him oh oh

Gotta better solution for you girl oh oh

As Sebastian continued, Rachel proceeded to dance around him in what she considered a fairly tantalizing manner. It didn't really matter, right? Really, they were in a gay bar and he was gay himself after all. The managers might even toss them both out for daring to sing this song together when they weren't two men.

Just leave with me now say the words and we'll go

I'll be your teacher I'll show you the ropes

You'll see a side of love you've never known

I can see it going down, going down

Sebastian was following her movements with some of his own. He was still even now attempting to increase the sexual awkwardness of the situation. She took a steadying breath for the next part where she really planned on raising the bar.

They sang together:

In my head, I see you all over me

In my head, you fulfill my fantasy

Then she stopped and let Sebastian continue:

You'll be screaming

And then Rachel tried to moan the 'oh' convincingly into the microphone. She continued on her own as Sebastian seemed too shocked at her daring to sing:

In my head, it's going down

In my head, it's going down

They continued on to the rest of the song, Sebastian getting his bearings back. He really did have a spectacular voice, she had to admit. It was smooth and quite sexy…but that was something she really couldn't think about when singing this song…

In my head, I see you all over me

In my head, you fulfill my fantasy

She was never going to be able to listen to this song again without turning a bright red. Yet as it was, she was having more fun as she and Sebastian continued to dance around each other in an increasingly sexual manner. He would grip her hip or she would fist his shirt and pull the other closer, etc. She still didn't have the strength to look over at where Kurt and Blaine were at the table, though.

As Sebastian sang to her you singing to me baby in my head right now she couldn't help but admit that they were actually sounded very good together. Very good. She couldn't help but admire the chemistry they seemed to have and the sexual tension that she herself was feeling when he was gay and completely uninterested in her! The looks he was giving her were completely selling this performance.

Along with the fact that she was staring into his eyes whenever she (sexily?) moaned her 'oh' part.

In my head, it's going down

In my head, it's going down

She was very glad no one she knew was seeing her act like this. She was definitely flirting with Sebastian on stage, even though he didn't play for her team. They had even practically grinded in some parts, she thinks. He really was just too attractive for his (her) own good.

As they belted out their last notes in perfect harmony, Rachel almost wished that she could sing with him again…on a different song, of course. The alcohol in her system allowed her to admit that Sebastian had a much better voice than her usual duet partner, Finn.

They finished and rousing applause, along with some catcalls that were probably directed at Sebastian, broke into her performance haze. She gave a wide smile and a quick bow to the audience before following Sebastian off-stage. At least they weren't going to throw them out.

Once they were back in the dim lights, Sebastian turned to her and gave her a look which sent tingles racing up and down her body. She cursed his hotness…she had a boyfriend and only her boyfriend's looks should do that to her!

"That," he said in a low, husky voice, "was unexpected. And hot."

Her breath hitched at his tone and blushed as heat pervaded her entire body. "Y-you're gay," she said, not quite as strongly as she intended.

"I don't like labels," he said in that same deep tone as he obviously checked her out. "And I don't discriminate."

Her head conveniently popped up with the label – bisexual. So while he was attracted to Blaine, he could also be attracted to her. Her safety net throughout that entire performance was that he was strictly gay. If she had known…there's no way she would've been so bold.

"I have a boyfriend," she said. She didn't stutter that time, but it still wasn't as strong of a statement as she would've liked. It wasn't something that built a wall between her and Sebastian and saved her from his eyes.

"Doesn't bother me if it doesn't bother you," he said with a smirk. He took a step towards her and she could practically feel the heat radiating off of him and sending a constant thrum throughout her body.

"It bothers me," she whispered before whirling around and quickly making her way back to the safe haven that was Blaine and Kurt. No wonder Kurt was worried about Sebastian pursuing Blaine.

She could feel Sebastian following her back to the table and wasn't all so sure that she could withstand this man herself.