My very first Glee story! This starts out at Regionals (speaking of which I cannot wait for the new episode! Since I haven't seen it, obviously no spoilers for it). Sebastian plays a huge part in this, and he might be a little OOC but all I know about him is that he's evil, and that's how I portrayed him in this story. Warning: this is extremely sad and heartbreaking for our Glee characters, especially Finn.



Regionals had finally arrived, and New Directions were sitting in their designated room, just waiting for their cue to go on. Rachel got up and Finn rose too until she said with a gentle smile, "I'm going to the bathroom, Finn, you don't have to follow me," He grinned sheepishly and sat back down as she left the room.

As she reached the bathroom, a familiar voice could be heard from behind her. "So you've decided to compete,"

She spun around and saw Sebastian walking towards her. "Yes. You can't scare me off, Sebastian, I don't care what kind of pictures you post on the internet."

"Yeah, I figured as much. I decided to go for something a little more personal this time to get you to not compete," Sebastian said, getting close to her.

"Like what?" She asked, her hands on her hips.

He just smiled evilly at her and thrust the knife that he had into her chest. Her eyes widened with shock and pain as she slowly dropped to the ground. Sebastian quickly stepped away and as he passed by the New Directions room, he yelled,

"Someone might want to go check on Rachel,"

Finn immediately got to his feet but Mr. Schue held his hand up. "I'll go, Finn, I'm done dealing with this Sebastian boy,"

Mr. Schue walked up to the girls bathroom and saw a group of people crowding around someone lying on the floor. He could hear them whispering things like,

"I called 911,"

"She looks bad,"

"Is she in one of the clubs?"

"Who would've done this?"

"Isn't that Rachel Berry?"

At the last question, he shoved past everyone and stopped in his tracks. There was Rachel Barbra Berry, lying there on the cold, hard floor with a knife handle sticking out of her chest. Blood soaked her dress and was pooling on the floor.

"Rachel!" Mr. Schue bellowed, and he immediately knelt by her and grabbed the handle of the knife.

"No!" Someone called, reaching over and stopping Mr. Schue from pulling the knife out. "You pull that knife out and she's going to bleed to death,"

Mr. Schue's shaking hands relinquished the knife and instead circled the wound, trying to keep any more blood from spilling. "Stay with me, Rachel," He said in a worried voice, and she opened her eyes.

"Mr. Schue…" She gasped, and he shook his head.

"No, Rachel, don't talk,"

"Hurts…so bad…" Rachel breathed out, his fists clenched at her sides.

"I know, Rach, I know," Mr. Schue kept glancing around for the paramedics, and to his relief they came jogging up a few moments later. One of them shoved him out of the way but he grabbed onto one of her hands and she squeezed tightly, refusing to let go.

"Sir, you need to let us take her to the ambulance," One of the medics said as they put her on a stretcher. He jogged along with the stretcher and when they reached the ambulance, he leaned over and looked Rachel straight in the eyes.

"You fight, Rachel Barbra Berry, you hear me? You fight for your life as if it's the audition for Elphaba on Broadway," Mr. Schue demanded, and he was relieved to see the familiar spark in her eyes.

"I will," She promised, and then he let her hand slip through his as they loaded her onto the ambulance.

"Where are you taking her?"

"Cleveland Receiving," Another medic said and then hopped into the ambulance. Quickly Mr. Schue ran back to the New Directions room, and when he stepped into the room there was a piercing shriek from Mercedes.

"Oh my God, Mr. Schue, are you okay?" Finn asked with wide eyes, and he held his hands up.

"It's not my blood, guys," He said hoarsely, and Kurt immediately asked,

"Whose is it?"

He took a long look at all of the faces of his Glee club, and then said in a quiet voice, "It's Rachel's."

"No," Finn whispered, staggering back. Puck and Blaine managed to grab onto him before he fell backwards, and Mr. Schue explained,

"She was lying by the girls bathroom with a knife in her chest. She's being taken to the closest hospital and we will all go after we perform."

"I can't lose her," Finn mumbled, sitting down on the couch.

"I know it's hard when your girlfriend is fighting for her life, Finn, but…" Mr. Schue started to say, but he didn't get to finish his sentence.

"How much time do we have?" Santana suddenly asked, and Mr. Schue looked at the clock.

"About three hours, why?"

"Because I think we need to ditch our song list," Santana said firmly, and Blaine saw where she was coming from.

"Santana's right. We need to help Rachel fight for her life."

"Sounds good. Let's get to work," Mercedes ordered, and the New Directions buckled down and started hashing ideas out. Finn sat there for the longest moment and then grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil and started writing furiously.

After an hour, the group had come up with two songs. Now all they needed was a ballad of some kind. Finn spoke up and said, "I wrote something, I don't know if it's any good," He passed it to Blaine.

"This is perfect," Blaine said, glancing at Finn. Everyone else thought so too, and they started working on choreography. Before they had to get ready to go onstage, they had a whole new song list worked out.

"I'm so proud of you guys, win or lose," Mr. Schue told them as they waited backstage.

"We're doing this for Rachel," Kurt said firmly, and everyone nodded their agreement. New Directions were called to the stage, and Finn took a deep breath, glanced toward the ceiling and then stepped out onto the stage, heading to the microphone.

"This is for Rachel Barbra Berry."

"If I got on my knees

And I pleaded with you

Not to go but to stay in my arms

Would you walk

Out the door?

Like you did

Once before

This time

Be different

Please stay

Don't go

If I called out your name

Like a prayer

Would you leave me alone with my tears

Knowing I

Need you so

Would you still
Turn and go

This time

Be different

Please stay

Don't go

Please stay

I loved you before

I even knew your name

And I wanted to give you my heart

But then you came back

After leaving me one time

I knew that the heartache would start

If I called out your name

Like a song

That was written for you

You alone

Would you still

Hurt my pride

Oh hey

How I cry

This time

Be different

Please stay

Please stay

Don't go

Please stay

Don't go

Please stay"

He received a standing ovation and he stepped back, joining Puck, Blaine, Kurt, Mike, Sam and Artie, who had sung backup vocals. Finn quickly wiped the tears from his face and Blaine, the closest person to him, touched his shoulder in support. The guys prepared themselves for the next number, and then the music started.

They sang and danced their way through a mash-up of "When You Come Back To Me Again" and "I Won't Let Go"

When New Directions finished their performance, Mr. Schue came on stage, clapping hard and tears streaming down his face. He grabbed the microphone and reached over, placing his hand on Finn's shoulder.

"If anyone didn't know, there was an incident that happened outside of the girl's bathroom earlier, and Miss Rachel Berry, a member of our New Directions, was rushed to the hospital because she was stabbed in the chest. In case any of you know her, I hate to be the bearer of terrible news but the hospital has informed me that…" His voice broke and he had to collect himself for a moment. "Rachel's gone."

"NO!" Finn bellowed, instantly backing away from Mr. Schue, his eyes wide and disbelieving.

"I'm so sorry, Finn,"

"It's not true!" Finn yelled before his back hit the wall and he slid down, sobs wracking his frame. Kurt hurried over to his step-brother with his own tears streaming down his cheeks. Puck staggered back at Mr. Schue's words and covered his eyes with his hands, bowing his head and saying a Jewish prayer under his breath for his little Jew Princess. Mercedes let out a wail and Sam immediately hugged her, tears in his own eyes. She sobbed on his shoulder while even Santana covered her eyes. She and Brittany hugged while Quinn just sat on the ground, shock written all over her face. Tina and Mike were in each other's arms while Tina was crying softly, and Blaine was standing there, frozen. Artie had his fist in front of his mouth, obviously trying not to cry.

Everyone in the audience could felt the Glee club's grief as they mourned the loss of one of their own. Mr. Schue wiped his eyes and a sob shook his shoulders before he managed to pull it together and walked over to Finn. "We have to get off the stage," He said quietly to Kurt, and together they pulled Finn upright. Blaine wordlessly followed them off the stage, along with Mercedes and Sam. Quinn still sat there until Brittney and Santana walked over to her and pulled her to her feet. Together the three girls walked off the stage, and then Tina, Mike and Artie followed. Puck was last, with a lost, broken look on his face.

Mr. Schue led them to their room, and as soon as he shut the door Santana started cursing in Spanish. "That hijo de brujo killed her!" Santana shrieked, leaping at the door. Mr. Schue stood in front of it and wouldn't let her out as she banged on the wood and yelled, "I want his f**king blood!"

Sorry, forgot to warn about that one bad word that I used, but I figured it was in Santana's character. Well, what do you think? I hated to kill Rachel, but I had to for the plot of the story. Don't worry, this story is at least 10 chapters long, something else is gonna happen.

Next chapter: We find out who won Regionals and dealing with the loss of Rachel Barbra Berry.

Thanks so much for reading, I hope you liked it!