Chapter 32 has been posted! I'm sorry it took me a little longer than usual to post this chapter but I was having a hard time getting this part right. Now the rest of the Glee kids get to see Rachel, and then they all head home, except for a few who stay and help keep watch over Rachel.


"He tried to kill her twice before!"

"He almost killed her!"

"She nearly died, she didn't kill him!"

"She's not a murderer!"

All these statements and more flew around the room, coming from Finn, Blaine, Kurt, Hiram, LeRoy and Mr. Schue.

"Gentlemen, please, until we have all the evidence processed and all the facts straight, we have no other choice than to arrest Miss Berry! She was the only other person in that room!" The other detective explained, and Blaine strode over to Rachel and yanked the blanket off.

"Do you see her injuries?! Look at her! Do you see them!?" He demanded, and then added harshly, "She didn't give those to herself, Sebastian Smythe did when he tried to kill her. By-the-book self-defense. One of them was going to leave that bathroom in a body bag. End of story."

"I'm sorry, but until the evidence confirms Miss Berry's story, she is under arrest and when she heals fully, she will be transferred to the jail downtown,"

"You can't do this to our baby!" LeRoy bellowed, and the detectives began walking out.

"If it makes you feel any better, we would have had to do the same to Sebastian if the roles were switched. And I mean completely switched," The detective said, and then left the room.

"I am calling those damn FBI agents right now," Hiram said, striding out of the room with his cell phone, and LeRoy hurried after him.

"Rachel, Rach, baby, look at me," Finn pleaded, gripping Rachel's free hand. Her chest began rising up and down rapidly like before, but she managed to tear her eyes away from the door and latch onto Finn's eyes.

"I-I-I," She stammered, and Finn put his hands on her face and pressed his forehead against hers.

"Look at me, sweetheart, look at me and breathe, that's all you need to do, okay? I'm right here, and I sure as hell am not going anywhere. I love you,"

"L-love you t-too," She said slowly, doing as he instructed and she began to calm down.

"None of us are going anywhere, Rach, I swear to God," Mr. Schue muttered, shaking his head in disbelief.

"The FBI agents will sort everything out, and that'll be the end of it." Blaine said rationally, and everyone slowly nodded.

"Can…can I see everyone else now?"

"Of course, sweetie, I'll go get them," Finn said, and Rachel gripped his hand.

"Then you'll come right back?" She asked vulnerably, and he smiled, kissing her softly.

"I promise,"

He got up and left, and Kurt took his spot on the side of Rachel's bed. "Don't worry, Rach, I'll find some fuzzy material to put on this damned thing," He said, caressing the hand that was encased in the handcuff.

"Thanks Kurt," Rachel said with a chuckle.

Meanwhile, Finn went out into the waiting room and saw everyone waiting for him. "Rachel wants to see all of you, but first you need to know something okay?"

"Did it have something to do with those cops that came busting through here by chance?" Quinn questioned, and Finn nodded angrily.

"Unfortunately yes. They handcuffed Rachel to her bed and were threatening to take her to the local jail once she heals, because until the evidence supports her side of the story they have to arrest her."

"Bullshit!" Puck exclaimed, and Finn nodded.

"I agree, but we can't do anything to change their minds. So when you guys go in, don't stare at the cuffs or anything, don't bring it up, okay?"

"No problem dude," Sam said with a nod, and then they all made their way to Rachel's room. None of them really cared about the doctor's orders of only a few people in the room at one time; they had broken that rule more than once anyways.

Mercedes was the first one in the room, and Rachel's eyes lit up when she saw one of her best friends. "Mercedes!" Rachel said with a grin, and Mercedes immediately enveloped her in a hug, one that Rachel was only able to return with one arm.

"Don't you worry about a thing, missy, because we're gonna take such good care of you, you'll be healed up in no time," Mercedes said with a grin, and Rachel chuckled dryly.

"Yeah, out of here and straight into a jail cell,"

"That's not gonna happen," Mr. Schue said firmly, and Rachel sighed. Mercedes knew she was breaking Finn's rule but she grabbed the little diva's hands and squeezed them, saying,

"Listen to me, okay? We'll get this taken care of, and you will not spend one single moment in that jail cell. I promise you that."

"Thanks," Rachel said ruefully, hugging her friend again.

Mercedes stepped aside so Sam could see Rachel. "Oh thank God," Sam sighed before enveloping her in a hug.

"I'm good, Sam, I promise," Rachel assured him, and Sam drew back for a moment.

"I know. You just, you scared me, scared us all, you know?"

"I know," Rachel said warmly, and he dropped a kiss on the top of her head before stepping back. Tina rushed up and threw her arms around Rachel, although Mike tried to hold her back.

"I th-thought y-you were g-gonna d-die," Tina stammered, and Rachel squeezed her as tight as she could.

"I know, and I'm sorry, Tina, I really am,"

"Nothing for you to be sorry for," Tina mumbled as she drew back and wiped her tears away.

"So I've been told," Rachel said, squeezing her hands. Tina smiled at her and then stepped aside so Mike could give Rachel a hug.

"Thanks for not giving up on me," She whispered in his ear, and he drew back, shocked.

"You, you could hear me?"

"I heard bits and pieces of everyone when they were talking to me," Rachel said with a shrug, and Mike grinned at her before squeezing her hands and drawing back.

Artie wheeled up with Sugar next and Sugar threw her arms around Rachel. "I'm so glad you're okay!" She exclaimed, and Rachel laughed as she hugged the enthusiastic girl back.

"Me too,"

Sugar backed away so Artie could reach over and grab Rachel's hands. "Don't worry, Artie, you're the first person who gets a hug when I get out of this bed," Rachel promised him with a smile, squeezing his hands tightly.

"Hey!" Finn protested from the corner and Artie shot him a smug smile.

"That's right. I'm the man," Artie said with a chuckle, and everyone laughed, especially Rachel.

And there was only one more person left in the Glee club to greet Rachel back to the land of the awake.

"Where's Quinn?" Rachel asked, looking around the room for the blonde.

"Right here," Quinn's voice said quietly as she let go of Puck's hand and walked over to Rachel's side. Rachel raised one eyebrow and Quinn rolled her eyes, saying, "Don't give me that look Berry,"

"Then I better get some kind of explanation Fabray," Rachel teased, and Quinn laughed before sitting on the bed and wrapping her arms around Rachel.

"I'll tell you later," She whispered in Rachel's ear, and then drew back.

"All right, now you all need to go home and get some rest. From what Finn's told me, you all haven't left in over 24 hours, and that is ridiculous, so get the heck outta here, I'm okay," Rachel commanded, and that was the moment that they all realized just how tired they were.

After goodbye hugs, the Glee kids slowly filed out, promising to return as soon as possible. After a few minutes, the only people left were Mr. Schue, Finn, Kurt, Blaine and Santana.

Santana walked up to Rachel and sat down awkwardly. "What's up Santana?" Rachel asked with a smile, and Santana cleared her throat.

"I…I need a favor,"

"Sure, anything," Rachel assured her, and Santana glanced at Kurt.

"I talked to Kurt already and he said it was up to you, but I was hoping…you'd let me come with you to New York. We talked about maybe getting an apartment somewhere instead of living in the dorms because it'd be cheaper, and…"

"That sounds really awesome," Rachel said happily, and Santana's eyes grew wide.

"Seriously?" Santana said in confusion, and Rachel nodded with a laugh as she hugged the Latina.

"I'm so excited! You, me, Kurt and Finn all in New York City! We are so taking that place by storm," Rachel insisted, and Kurt snorted,

"Just keep the noises to a minimum, please,"

"Hey!" Finn protested, and Rachel blushed.

"Alright, I'm gonna get some sleep, you should too," Santana said, getting to her feet.

"I will," Rachel said with a nod, and Santana left. She glanced around the room and narrowed her eyes. "Now it's time for all of you to go home too, and get some sleep,"

"I'm not going anywhere," Finn said firmly, and Rachel didn't dare argue with him, not with that look in his eyes. Although, truth be told, she didn't want him to go either, but she wanted him to get some rest. He'd been way too stressed out lately, and Rachel knew she was the cause of it.

"Me neither," Mr. Schue added, pulling another chair over and sitting in it.

"I'm not leaving you," Kurt insisted, and Blaine nodded, squeezing Kurt's hand.

"This is insane, you can't all just sleep here!" Rachel burst out, and Finn sighed.

"Rach, baby, we don't want to leave you here alone,"

"Why? It's not like I'm going anywhere anytime soon," Rachel said bitterly, yanking at the handcuff on her wrist.

"I'm not leaving your side for a second, because those bastards are not gonna come in here and take you to a jail cell," Finn said in a low voice, and Rachel finally understood why the four didn't want to leave here.

"You guys," Rachel said, tears filling in her eyes. "You don't have to do that," She whispered, and Finn pressed his lips to her hand.

"Yeah we do," Blaine said quietly with a smile, and Rachel smiled.

She reached over and pressed the button to call for the nurse. A few moments later a nurse came in and said, "Miss Berry? Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I was just wondering if you can bring four cots in here for my friends please? They're my bodyguards for the night, so to speak," Rachel said with a winning smile, and the nurse nodded with a soft smile.

"No problem, I'll be right back,"

Soon the nurse came back with a few other nurses and four cots. "Thank you so much," Rachel thanked them, and they all nodded before they left and shut the door.

"There's blankets and pillows in the closet," Finn said with a half-smile, and as Blaine, Kurt and Mr. Schue went over to the closet.

"How did you know that?" Rachel questioned, and Finn shrugged.

"You looked cold earlier so I went looking for an extra blanket,"

"You're so adorable," Rachel said with a soft grin, and Finn leaned forward and kissed her.

"Alright, none of that crap while we're spending the night in here," Kurt complained, and Blaine snickered.

"Same goes for the two of you," Rachel retorted, and Kurt opened his mouth to argue when Mr. Schue held his hands up.

"Enough of that, all of you, I'm ready for some sleep," Mr. Schue said firmly, and they all settled down on their respective beds beside Finn.

"You need to sleep," Rachel said quietly, gently touching the dark circles under Finn's eyes.

"Scoot over and I will," Finn said with a smirk, and Rachel's eyes grew wide.

"You're not supposed to…I don't want you to get in trouble,"

"I don't give a damn, I'm holding my wife for the night," Finn said firmly, and Rachel beamed at him as she scooted over. He climbed into bed as quietly as he could and as carefully as he could, avoiding all the machines and tubes she was hooked up to.

Carefully he wrapped his arms around her and they both got comfortable. "I love you," Rachel whispered, and Finn pressed his lips to her temple.

"I love you more,"

"Lies," Rachel murmured as she drifted off to sleep.

Finn blinked as the sunlight hit his eyes and he sat up the best he could, yawning and stretching as he looked down at Rachel. His heart nearly stopped as he saw her lifeless body staring up at him, her skin paper white and her still chest.

"Rach?" He gasped, feeling his entire life just fall apart. A faint flatline could be heard, and Finn took deep breaths as the flatline slowly morphed into a scream.

Finn gasped as he sat up abruptly, and heard someone saying, "No, no, get away from me, please no, no!"

He looked down in the darkness and saw Rachel in the throes of a nightmare. He quickly hugged her close and murmured in her ear to soothe her. Soon she was back asleep, and Finn sighed in relief. It was just been a nightmare.

He glanced over at the three cots and saw that Rachel hadn't woken any of them up, and he wrapped his arms around Rachel as tightly as he could and drifted off again.

I'm still trying to decide if I should start winding this story down or if I should stay sort of true to the show and *gasp* kill Finn. You guys are the readers, you let me know what you think! Thanks so much for reading and I promise I'll update soon!