
I don't own Teen Wolf, this is just work created by my warped mind.

"I'm going to tell mom about us when she get's home"

"Are you sure?" Danny asked.

"Yeah - I don't want us to hide this" Danny placed a quick kiss on his lips "I need to tell Stiles too"

"Is it okay if I tell Jackson?"

"Of course it is, don't be stupid"

"Thank you" Danny replied kissing him again.

He started to think back to that training session, at the time he hated Scott for hurting him the way he had but now he was thankful. If it hadn't have happened they wouldn't be together now. He was still wondering what had happened that day, Scott wasn't usually like that. Lacrosse can get a bit physical but again Scott wasn't a rough player. Maybe he was tired, it was rather late, the moon had started rising... It then clicked.

"Scott?" Danny asked "That day, during lacrosse, it was a full moon wasn't it?" He felt Scott tense up, he reached down and rubbed soothing circles on his chest "It's okay"

"Yeah it was, but that's no excuse for what I done"

"Stop worrying about it - If it hadn't happened we wouldn't be together now" He held Scott close again "Next full moon - We'll get through it together, you, Stiles and me"


"You what?" Stiles asked "When? How? When?"

"Last Friday - I went to apologise to him. We were talking and drinking and then he kissed me and I couldn't stop myself, I kissed him back. I thought that maybe it was just because of the alcohol but then we.. we... Yeah and it felt so right"

"How can you even get drunk Scott? You're a werewolf! We tried getting drunk and the healing thing stopped it affecting you"

"I'm not sure, it..." Scott started but was cut off by Stiles.

"And how did you manage to fuck him? You couldn't even jack off without turning... Hell you said you turned just by making out with Allison!"

"The first time Danny..."

"And what about Allison? A week ago she couldn't even fart without you blowing in the breeze..." Stiles winced, there must have been a better analogy he could have used "And now not only are you 'in love' with someone else, it's Danny... A Guy?"

"You're freaking out"

"Of course I'm freaking out! My best friend has just told me he's gay!"

"I should go"

"Yeah... Good idea... That's probably for the best"

"Stiles please..."

"Just go Scott!"

Scott stood a moment looking at Stiles, their friendship had been through some ups and downs but Stiles had never asked him to leave like this before. He hadn't freaked out when Scott had told him about being a werewolf... Technically it was Stiles who had told Scott but still he'd been fine then, why was this such a problem?

Scott had run from Stiles house to the charred remains of Derek's family home, not realising that Danny was outside Stiles' waiting in his car for Scott.

When Scott got to Derek's, he stood in the clearing at the front, no longer trying to stop the tears that were running too freely down his face "Derek!" He was panting, trying to catch his breath and rubbed at his stinging eyes "Please I need to talk" Stiles had brought up a couple of very good points during his rant, points that Scott couldn't understand and he was hoping that Derek would have the answers.

A few minutes later Derek came out of the house, scowling "What do you want?"

"I need your help"

"Why come to me? Your mouthy friend usually answers..." Derek paused, Scott started crying harder and was starting to change "What's happened?"

"He... Stiles... I think... He hates me and I.. I don't know why... I do know why but... But I'm not sure why.."

"Slow down, start at the beginning" Derek replied. He wasn't really interested in their lovers tiff but this was getting to Scott too much and it could be dangerous.

"The full moon, I hurt a guy during Lacrosse - I apologised to him and we were drinking... And then we started kissing and it went further... We had sex. I told him I'm a werewolf and he accepted me and we're kinda dating now - I told Stiles and he freaked and now he hates me - Because I'm seeing a guy"

Derek wasn't interested in their problems but at the same time he knew what it was like to fight with your best friend, he'd been there - Yeah it was such a long time ago but he still knew what it felt like. The hurt and pain being intensified by the wolf inside. That didn't mean that he knew what to do now though "I'm not sure how I can help, it's between you and Stiles - I'm sorry"

"It's not just that" Scott said, he wasn't sure how there were still tears, he'd been crying since he left Stiles bedroom and now he was shaking too "He said about me getting drunk and having sex without changing"

"I don't understand"

"I haven't been able to get drunk, the healing stops it from doing anything and then the sex, I turned just kissing Allison but I managed to go all the way without anything happening - How is that possible?"

Derek thought for a moment, he wasn't completely sure what was going on. He had a slight idea but he wasn't certain - And he wasn't certain if Scott was ready for it.

"You know something?"

For the most part Scott was dumb, or at least acted it, but when it came down to the important things, the stuff that really matters, he didn't miss anything "I'm not completely sure..."

"Derek you have to tell me!"

"I may be wrong - Werewolves have mates, the one person you're meant to be with. When you're with them things are different, you're so much stronger but you have more control over it"

Scott stopped to think, this wasn't possible - They'd only just found each other, how could they be mates? Danny isn't even a wolf "How can it be? We only just realised we like each other"

"It takes most wolves years before they find their true mate, some don't even find them, and if they do it takes months for the bond to grow. It's surprising that you've found yours so soon but it's not impossible"

"What about Danny?" Scott asked "He's not a wolf, how will it affect him?"

"If he loves you then he'll accept it" Derek could see that Scott was trying to process it all, but there was something he had to know "You have to tell him about this"

"No! It might scare him away"

"The longer you're with him the stronger your connection to him will be, if he can't handle it you need to know now so you can end it"

"I can't lose him!" Scott replied, he had shifted again and the tears that had briefly stopped had now started harder than before. It left no doubt in Derek's mind that Danny was Scott's mate "I won't lose him!"

"Scott, please..."

"Shut up!" He was starting to get dangerously angry now.

Derek heard a car coming up the track to the house, he had no idea who it was but he knew that they couldn't see Scott like this "Scott you have to calm down, someone's coming"

The car pulled up in front of the house and the driver soon got out. Derek had never seen him before but knew who it was, the scent was the same one that had been clinging to Scott.

"Scott?" Danny asked walking up to him, Scott turned to look at him, revealing his wolf features for the first time. Danny was taken back for a few moments until he realised that Scott had been crying, and still was "What's wrong?" He took Scott into his arms, holding him close. Scott silently cried into his chest "Hey" Danny held the back of his head, his fingers running through Scott's soft locks "It's alright" Scott was shivering now, there was a chill in the air and he was distraught to say the least, Danny looked over to Derek asking an unspoken question.

"Let's go inside" Derek said heading toward the house. Danny lead Scott in, not loosening his hold on his boyfriend.

When they were inside, they sat in the living room - Or what was left of it, there were two sofas which were old and tatty but had been added after the fire. None of them said anything for a while and it didn't take long for Scott to fall asleep, his head resting on Danny's lap.

"Would you like a drink?" Derek asked. Danny nodded and carefully got up without disturbing Scott, Derek placed a blanket over him before leading Danny into the kitchen "I'm sorry, all I have is water... or beer?"

Danny thought for a moment, a beer sounded good and Derek didn't seem to be worried about him being underage "Beer please" Derek took a couple of bottles out of the fridge which again had been replaced since the fire "Thanks" They both took a few sips of the beverage before Danny spoke up again "What happened?"

"I'm not completey sure, he came here upset. He said that he'd told Stiles about you guys and that he hadn't taken it too well"

"Oh god not again" Danny replied. Was this what Scott was like after he told Danny he's a werewolf?

"What do you mean again?" Derek asked "His mom?"

"No, no she's fine with it - After we first.. Got together, he told me the next day he's a werewolf and I freaked out like a 12 year old girl. I didn't talk to him for a week and it... It was like it broke his heart" Danny couldn't begin to imagine what he was feeling like now, Stiles is his best friend "Scott loves Stiles - He needs him"

Derek wasn't sure what to say or do. He didn't know Scott or Stiles very well and now Danny had been brought into the equation and he knew even less about him "Did you want me to talk to Stiles or something?" Perhaps a threat of ripping his throat out would sort him out?

"I'm not sure, I don't think so. If Stiles is going to be okay with it then it has to be because he wants it, not because it's been forced - In the long run that could do more damage"

"Yeah I guess you're right" Derek replied. He noticed it starting to get dark out and looked up at the clock "It's getting late, did you guys want to stay here tonight?"

"Thanks, that would be good, I don't want to wake him"

"I'll sort out a spare room for you, as you can guess it's not going to be luxurious"

"It's okay, thank you" Danny replied "I'll call his mom and tell her he's staying at mine"

"What about your parents?"

Danny snorted "They're probably working or out partying or doing something that involves not aknowledging they have a son - Even if they are at home I doubt they'll notice I'm not there"

After Scott and Danny had gone to bed, Derek lay in his bed thinking about the pair. After watching Danny all evening, he felt sure that he would accept being Scott's mate. To be safe he still thought it best that Scott explained it to him but that could wait, the main problem they had now was that idiot Stiles.