A note of warning: this story begins in late S5, with all that implies, based on spoilers/current storylines. However, this is still a Chuck/Blair story, and any other relationships will be incidental and limited.

Chapter 1

Remember we used to dance
And everyone wanted to be
You and me
I want to be too…


Blair gazed out over the dance floor, her eyes drifting over the sea of tuxedos and richly-hued formal gowns. Couples turned and swayed, their movements guided by the lilting melody of a waltz, as they moved across the polished hardwood in unison. Conversation and laughter peppered the air, mingling with the sounds of the string orchestra and the chime of silver against fine china.

If she unfocused her eyes and let her mind wander, it was just another gala, another formal affair in a lifetime full of such events.

But her eyes were drawn to one figure in particular. He circled the dance floor with ease, moving with an effortless grace that almost disguised the deliberation of his movements, the taut control that emanated from every inch of his body.

The impeccable cut of his tuxedo, the thick, dark wave of his hair, the sharp definition of his jaw, all gave him the look of a man from a bygone era. The star of an old Hollywood movie, perhaps.

Blair watched as Lily leaned in to murmur something against his ear, the shine of her platinum hair contrasting handsomely with his dark locks- and he chuckled in response, with that affectionate little quirk of his mouth and softening of his eyes that she knew so well.

She missed seeing him smile like that.

She missed making him smile like that, she admitted to herself.

Suddenly their eyes met, the contact producing a spark of electricity even across a crowded ballroom- and in an instant, she saw the happiness fade from his expression. It was replaced with guarded wariness, a tight-lipped smile of acknowledgement that didn't quite reach his eyes.

She felt her heart pound painfully in her chest, and her eyes dropped down to her plate, staring blindly at the uneaten appetizer that lay before her.

When she glanced back up, Chuck and Lily had disappeared once again into the rotating throng of dancers, only the tops of their heads visible through the crowd.

The sound of a loud throat clearing snapped her out of her reverie, and she looked over to find her boyfriend regarding her with a mix of resignation and annoyance.

"Can I help you?" she asked defensively.

"My apologies," Dan replied in a sharp tone. "I didn't mean to interrupt you staring at your ex. Please, do continue."

Her eyes widened at the curt- and surprisingly honest- response. Must be the liquid courage, she decided, eyeing his empty champagne flute. Normally he just pretended not to notice.

"I wasn't staring at anything," she defended herself. "I was just… admiring Lily's gown. It's from the new Valentino collection."

He looked back at her, eyebrows raised in skepticism.

"Besides, it wasn't even my idea to come tonight," she pointed out, taking a long swig from her own glass.

"Lily thought it was important that the whole family was here," he reminded her.

Not that the "whole family" was even together, of course- Blair and Dan had been seated with Eleanor and Cyrus, several rows back from the van der Woodsen's table.

The table where Chuck was now rejoining Nate and Serena, who had beckoned him over with a little wave of her hand. He leaned forward between the two blonde heads, looking at the cell phone display Serena held up, and shook his head with a wry grin at whatever he saw. Serena laughed, the melodious sound ringing through the air around her, while Nate shielded his eyes with one hand, an expression of good-natured embarrassment on his face.

Blair couldn't help wondering what was so funny.

Trying to stifle the little pang of regret in her chest, she speared one paper-thin slice of beef with the tines of her fork and began slicing it into even smaller pieces.

"Not enjoying the carpaccio, Daniel?" Eleanor's imperious voice cut through the tense silence, and Blair looked over to see that his plate was still untouched.

"Oh, uh… it's a little… undercooked for my taste," Dan replied with a self-deprecating grin. "I'm afraid it may start mooing again at any moment."

"Mmm." Eleanor looked unamused.

Blair sighed, taking a tiny morsel of her beef and chewing on it mechanically, finally washing the bite down with another swallow of champagne.

Her mother had never been particularly adept at hiding her disdain for people she didn't like.

"You know, Dan, I didn't much care for carpaccio either, until I tried it at the very restaurant that invented it! It's this charming little café in Venice…" Cyrus launched into one of his animated monologues, and Dan smiled awkwardly, looking relieved that someone else at the table was willing to fill the uncomfortable silence.

Blair drained the rest of her glass in one long gulp and got to her feet, announcing to no one in particular that she was heading for the bar.

She drummed her manicured fingernails impatiently along the glass surface, waiting for the bartender to return with her drink, when a quick sideways glance left her staring straight at a familiar mane of blonde hair.

"Serena," she blurted out before she could help herself.

Serena pivoted towards her, blinking in surprise.

"Hey Blair," she replied coolly, winding her fingers around the stem of her empty martini glass.

The silence stretched out between them as Serena averted her gaze and Blair tried desperately to think of something innocuous to say.

"I, uh… I love your dress," she offered, casting an admiring glance over the deep blue gown.


Serena's tone wasn't rude or hostile. It was just… distant. As if they barely even knew each other.

Blair had thought that she could deal with any amount of anger- the yelling, the insults, the dirty looks that accompanied a typical girlfight- but this time had been different. They hadn't fought, hadn't shouted at each other. No one had pushed anyone into a cake.

Serena had just pulled away, let go of their friendship.

And the distance, the ever-widening gulf she could feel between them… that was what hurt more than anything.

"I heard you're taking some classes at Tisch this summer," Blair said at last, offering a tentative little smile.

Most of what she heard about Serena these days came from Lily, via Eleanor, so it was mostly impersonal details about work and school.

"Yeah, cinema studies and dramatic writing," Serena replied with a nod. "I'm actually transferring there in the fall, I just got the letter in the mail yesterday."

"Transferring?" Blair echoed, feeling her breath catch.

"Well… now that I know what I want to study." Serena shrugged. "NYU is just a better fit."

The bartender returned, handing Serena a fresh martini- extra dirty, with two olives, the way she'd always liked it. She stirred the toothpick around in leisurely circles, gazing down into her drink, while Blair regarded her with consternation and sadness.

She couldn't help remembering the fight they'd gotten into over Serena attending Columbia, the summer before sophomore year.

It all seemed so unimaginably petty now.

"I should get back to the table, I think they're about to start with the speeches," Serena said impassively, lifting her gaze back upwards. "It was good to see you, Blair."

The finality in her words echoed through Blair's head as she watched her former best friend walk away, and she had to blink rapidly to keep her eyes from filling up with tears.

But she could see the conductor bringing the small orchestra to a halt, and one of the BI board members crossing the stage towards the spot-lit microphone, so she turned and made her way back to her seat.

Cyrus, apparently, had not stopped talking the entire time she'd been gone. Which was probably for the best, she thought. At least it would prevent Dan from making more uncomfortable jokes while Eleanor studied him with barely-concealed derision, as if his very presence still baffled her.

As if it were Passover all over again and she didn't understand why the cater-waiter was sitting down to eat with them.

"Good evening, ladies and gentleman," the gray-haired man addressed the crowd, pausing to adjust the height of the microphone stand. "On behalf of the board of Bass Industries, I'd like to thank you all for coming tonight."

Blair noticed that her appetizer had been removed and replaced with a salad, the mixed greens dotted with goat cheese, candied pecans, and a bright raspberry vinaigrette. She picked up her salad fork and prodded disinterestedly at the leaves, mostly to avoid making eye contact with anyone around her.

"We're here to celebrate a successful year at BI- one that saw a 30% increase in sales and a significant rebound in stock prices. After struggling through a rocky economic situation as well as some… internal strife, this company has emerged stronger than ever, proving the value of a solid business strategy.

"And to that end, I would like to introduce the man largely responsible for this turnaround. A man whose strong leadership and forward-thinking investment tactics have steered this company through very uncertain waters, and thus leave it poised to make even greater strides in the coming year. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome… Mr. Charles Bass."

With that, a round of polite applause rang out through the ballroom, welcoming the tuxedo-clad figure striding towards across the stage.

When Chuck began speaking, his low, smooth voice reverberating through the crowd, Blair gave up pretending to eat and turned her attention towards the front of the room. Part of her was grateful that she had an excuse to look at him, for at least a little while, without having to employ covert sideways glances and feigned nonchalance.

While he detailed some of the company's achievements over the previous year- the Brooklyn hotel project proceeding ahead of schedule, takeover and renovation of several midtown nightclubs, and the impressive profits from their new investment properties- Blair couldn't help feeling her heart swell with pride.

Even after taking over this company under the worst possible circumstances, when he'd been in no way prepared to do so. Even after a lifetime of emotional neglect and self-loathing, obstacles that a weaker man would never have overcome.

He stood now in front of the crème de la crème of New York society, no longer the spoiled playboy, the unrepentant delinquent… but as a successful man who commanded their respect and admiration.

Her eyes swept over his distinguished figure, the proud slant of his features, the charisma that kept every eye in the room fixed on him- and she tried to silence the little voice in the back of her head.

The little voice telling her that he was no longer hers to be proud of.

Because that thought felt so incongruous, so wrong… she simply couldn't accept it.

She took another long swallow of champagne, trying to stifle some of the tension and anxiety that was roiling her stomach.

"And tonight, it is my pleasure to announce the last, and most ambitious, component of our three-part investment strategy for the coming fiscal year." Chuck paused for emphasis. "The acquisition of the Maybourne hotel chain in London, which was just finalized this very morning."

A chorus of excited murmurs moved through the crowd, and Blair sat up straighter in her seat, her interest piqued.

"To dispel any concerns that we may be taking on too much too fast, or spreading our resources too thin," Chuck continued. "I would like to assure you that I will be relocating to London to oversee this project personally for the next two years."

Several seconds passed, the words echoing through her head, before Blair fully absorbed their meaning.

Her heart plummeted in her chest.

"Leaving the New York operations in the very capable hands of Mr. Richard Morgan." He tipped his champagne flute in the direction of the man who had introduced him.

"I do trust that the board will continue to behave itself under his watch," he added with a wry grin, and several chuckles could be heard throughout the audience.

Relocating to London.

For the next two years.

Blair swallowed the lump in her throat, desperately trying to keep her composure as Chuck concluded his speech to a resounding burst of applause.

"The Maybourne group?" Eleanor sounded impressed despite herself. "That's quite a move. Did you know about this, Blair?"

"No," she responded quietly.

She watched as Chuck returned to his table, greeted by a friendly hug from Serena and a pat on the back from Nate. Their reactions were cheerful, enthusiastic… but not surprised. The announcement clearly wasn't news to them.

Blair returned her gaze to the bubbling ivory liquid in front of her, avoiding the eyes boring questioningly into the side of her face.

She knew that if she looked at Dan, he would see the tears shimmering in her eyes, the riot of emotions whirling through her mind. All of the fear, regret, and guilt she'd been repressing for the past few months.

But at the moment, all she could do was hold it inside... and wonder how everything had gone so horribly wrong.



A/N: So, apologies for the DB pairing- rest assured that I hate them together even more than you do, and this will not be written as any sort of triangle. It's just my way of fixing the mess the writers have made of Blair's character and Chuck and Blair's relationship. It'll be a relatively short story, probably about 6 chapters.

Thanks to Terrabeth, for being my beta/sounding-board/amused victim of my angry rants.

And do consider leaving a review :)

This song for this story, btw, is taken from a Dave Matthews song on the Live at Radio City Music Hall album. I highly recommend it, it's gorgeous.