It had been two weeks since Gibbs's incident at the diner and he had not been sleeping well. Tonight however he was exhuasted. They had a huge case. Dead marine half the base was suspect turned out to be his step-dad merely cause the boy chose Navy over Army. Gibbs fell asleep almost as soon as he lay down and had a strange dream. Similar to his one at the diner except this time he saw the world with things going the way they did.

Tony ran through the corridor of the hospital.

"Did I miss it?" He asks.

"Nope" Abby replies

"you are just in time" Tim adds.

Tony runs in the room he sees Ziva in the bed yelling swears and flailing like a mad women. She turn to Tony and yells out


"Sorry the case ran long" Tony gasps.

Just as the doctor orders Ziva to push.

"Baby A!" the doctor announces "a healthy girl 18ins 5lbs 6oz!"

Two miniutes Baby B is born a healthy slightly smaller boy arrives 16ins 4lbs 9oz.

Three miniutes after that another girl is born Catlin Arianna 16ins 4lbs 2oz

"Shaloam Talia Jennifer DiNozzo" Ziva says.

"Hi there Anthony Jethro DiNozzo" Tony adds.

"Hello Catlin Kelly DiNozzo" they say together. Both smiling.

"Gibbs!" Abby cries as she runs into the basement followed by McGee and Ducky.

"Oh I've missed you!" she says hughing him.

"Sheesh Abby I've only bern on vacation a week!" Gibbs said laughing "and I come back tomorow." Now how's the baby?" Gibbs asks.

"Whuch one?' Abby asks. "Talia Jennifer?" " Anthony Jethro" Catlin Kelly?" or "Catlin Grace?"

"I only know Katie Grace." Gibbs replies

"Wait Tony and Ziver had there babies?" "When?" Gibbs asks.

"Yesterday" McGee replies.

"We would have told you sooner but, from what I understand your phone got on the wrong end of a sledge hammer for not working properly" Ducky explains.

Everybody laughs and Gibbs smiles.

Gibbs wakes up and looks around his house smiling. Though it may not be exactly what happens he likes the future he likes it alot.

At four am he sends an email that simply reads

"Rule 12 is no more"