Little Moments;

Pairing: Madara x Natsume

Rating: K+

Disclaimer: I don't own the lovely series or characters mentioned in this drabble ;A;

Summary: In the morning, when Natsume was well again, the quips and the sarcastic comments would fly once more; but for now, they had this moment and it was all they needed.

When Natsume was little, he would always get sick. It was more so the fault of his weak body, but he was blamed for it regardless. That, and the fact that everyone thought he was strange probably contributed to the fact that he had been shipped from home to home so much—but like his weak body, Natsume certainly didn't ask for it.

Grown up now and Natsume is thankful that he has such caring guardians who are willing to stay with him until he gets better. Touko-san, for example, had come up to check on him in between making meals and cleaning the house. Shigeru-san even went out in the middle of the night to buy him medicine when Touko-san announced that there wouldn't be enough for the next day. They cared for him, and his heart warmed at the thought as he let them coddle his weak, good for nothing body.

At night though, when spirits are more prone to showing their face, Nyanko-sensei steps in. The whole day that Natsume is sick and the pudgy lucky cat is nowhere to be seen; but now, Natsume could feel his presence in the room. His sensei gives off a feeling of safety, so Natsume knows that it's him before he smells the constant scent of faint alcohol and the fresh summer breeze.

While sick, he could only turn and smile at his pudgy sensei, petting him lightly to show his thanks. His body doesn't have enough energy to do anything else and he absolutely hates it. Nyanko-sensei doesn't say anything though, no words of blame or calls of weakness. He just stays silent and moves closer, a constant ball of heat near Natsume's body.

Being sick doesn't give him passage from his nightmares though, and a particularly vicious one from his childhood pops out. Tears and jeers, horrible names thrown his way and whispers that he had to pretend that he didn't hear. The cruel memories sprung forth, and when he awoke to darkness, the tears were already running freely down his cheeks.

This time it's different though. This time, he manages to relax, the feeling of safety and warmth stronger from his sensei. His sensei, who was currently wrapped around him in his human form, staring calmly at him before pulling him back into the futon—back into his arms.

They don't say anything, of course. They never do during these moments where Natsume is the weakest. Nyanko—or Madara, simply keeps his silence as he runs large hands through Natsume's hair. His body warmth is like a lullaby in itself and soon, Natsume finds himself slowly drifting back to sleep.

When his eyes flutter closed though, he feels the warmest touch of something soft on his lips, and he softly presses back for a couple of moments. Words aren't needed for Natsume to know that it was Madara, but the soft smile and the rose pink blush on his cheeks are enough signs for Madara to pull him a little closer. In the morning, when Natsume was well again, the quips and the sarcastic comments would fly once more; but for now, they had this moment and it was all they needed.

- Fin.

A/N: FINALLY! I have stepped into the Natsume Yuujinchou fandom! :'D & with that said, please don't tear this into pieces ;A; I don't think my heart will be able to take it. Thank you for reading & reviewing :'D