Yes, it's me again, with the next installment in the Imperfectly Perfect universe.

If you have not read 'Imperfectly Perfect' and 'A Re-Rebooted Life and Still No Map to Be Had', you will not understand what is going on so please go catch up before you jump into this.

This will be rated T, for now. The rating may change to M later, so consider yourself warned.

Oh, and imagine a clever disclaimer right here * since we all know who really owns Doctor Who.

Sean would have loved this Rose muses silently while she languidly strokes the dark green shell of her slumbering TARDIS Though I can't say that he'd have been taken with River, considering the way she pops in and out, wearin' her superiority like she was the queen or somethin'.

River had been making life exceedingly difficult for the Time Lady as of late. Each time she's appeared over the past few months, her opinion of Rose has become ever more clear, and there was nothing nice about her assessment.

"Who knew being given your own sonic screwdriver could cause such trouble?"

Not a soul answers her though, as River had appeared earlier in the night and guilt-tripped the Doctor into visiting Kataa Floko, a planet that allegedly has coral reefs composed entirely of diamonds.

Since the still grieving woman had no desire to have yet another non-confrontation confrontation with the haughty archeologist, she had rapidly-but no less truthfully-bowed out of the trip with the excuse of needing to spend time with her young ship.

One less awkward moment for the ever growing list.

Feeling her irritaion on the rise, the Time Lady pushes her thoughts out towards the farthest parameters of her mind and allows the emptiness to be gently washed away by the sounds teeming throughout the meditation garden.

"You know Rose, once the TARDIS is ready, I'm going to show you all of the wonders he never could," Sean flashes her his "foxy" smirk while puttering around the ship's newly completed central console, "No more hitching rides with passing aliens to take us anywhere."

Rose shifts around the most recently acquired boxes of spare parts and seats herself on the one resting closest to her husband, "Maybe we could find out if the universe has its own version of new, new Earth and I can finally have my way with you in that field of apple grass the way I've always dreamed of."

"I like the way you think Mrs. Tyler," he winks and flips his sonic in the air once before pocketing it, "Then again, I could always take you to Barcelona, like I'd promised."

"The planet, not the city," she chuckles and catches the bottle of water he tosses her way, "Where the dogs have no noses and the beaches literally stretch from horizon to horizon, I remember. Why not Catrigan Nova though? Mayhap the whirlpools here are made of silver instead of gold. Ooh, maybe even Florana, the one you said had the fizzy oceans."

Sean leans over and silences her increasingly energetic babble with an adoring kiss, then rests his head against hers, "I'll show you them all, my hearts, I swear."

The soft rapping of approaching feet draws her out of her reverie.

When a familiar mop of curls emerges from the foliage, she feels herself tense, "River-"

"You can't take him from me, I won't let you!" the other woman bellows, her face twisted with fury.

A single gunshot shatters the serenity.

Somewhere, the Doctor hears a wolf howl.

Yes, this is going to be longer than the other two.

No, do not expect a dozen rapid fire chapters (like the last two stories) since I like to maintain a buffer zone between what I'm writing and what has been posted.

Also, this is un-beta'd so any mistakes are mine, but I do my best to root them out and fix them as soon as I find them.