Im just going to get to it.


"I used to kill people for a living" he said with this eyes focused on me.

I believed him. I didn't even have to thoroughly think about it; I just had to look in his eyes.

I saw the sincerity and earnestness in his eyes and I just didn't knew that he actually did used to kill people.

So the validity of the situation was not the issue, it was my feelings.

How did I feel?

How are you supposed to react when someone who you love tells you that they used to kill people for a living?

Wait… love?

Do I love Jacob? And if I do love Jacob do I still love him now? I mean what type of sane person loves a killer?

Well, that girl from that vampire movie but that is irrelevant.

How do I feel?

Before I could finish evaluating my feelings I felt Jacob standing up and leaving my side. I immediately felt cold where he was no longer touching me.

I felt lonely and empty and I couldn't help myself from going after his hand to keep him close to me.

"If you are going to report me, I should just let you know that they won't find me and even if they did, I wouldn't stay in jail for more than 48 hours."

He spoke to me with his eyes even darker than usual which I could tell was a scare tactic to get me to leave him or not report.

I guess what he didn't know was that I would never, in a million years, even consider turning him in.

When he was out of town for the week or so "handling business" every moment felt lonely and void.

I never wanted to feel that way again.

I guess that proves it. I love Jacob.

I don't want to admit it and I am in no way happy about it… but I am.

The feeling that washes over me when I am in his presence makes me feel new and like all the problems of my past have been resolved.

Not cleaned and not erased but resolved. It feels like everything I went through was so I could get to this point were I could thoroughly say that I am happy and content.

With Jacob's warm hand still held tightly inside my smaller one I began to pull him down towards me. His eyes began to soften as he got closer to me, now being able to read my true intentions.

When we were finally close enough to feel the warm breath of the other we kissed.

We put our lips together and began our dance of passion on the floor.

I felt his tongue wrap around mine, dominating me to show that he was in control. Showing me that he didn't just own my body but that he owned my heart.

He could see that now and I felt myself begin to smile with the thought of it.

I don't care what I have to got through, I don't care how much trouble I might get into, I want to be with Jacob.

I want to wake up every morning to his dark eyes and chiseled body and I want him to whisper in my ear that he loves me.

Does he love me?

I didn't know and that's what brought me back to reality.

What the hell am I doing?

I am mentally telling myself that I would give up everything for this man and for all I know he could just be using me for a young piece of ass.

I am mentally declaring my love and he could not at all feel the same.

I need to take control of my emotions and stop letting them control me.

I reluctantly pulled away from the hot kiss and moved my face as I saw him chasing it avidly with his lips.

"What's wrong?" he said with lust in his voice.

I looked back at him and sat silently for so long I could tell he was about to re- ask the question.

"Nothing. I got ahead of myself."

He was about to ask about that, I could see it in his face, but I cut him off before he could.

"I will see you tomorrow Mr. Black."

I got up and walked away leaving him confused on the floor but I didn't look back.

I would not allow myself to be put in such a vulnerable state anymore.

Well, not until I know his feelings.

How will I learn his true feelings though?

Time to talk to Alice.



"What do you mean why wont it work?! I can name at least three reasons just off the top of my head!"

"Name them then, Ali" he said looking at me with eagerness and his stupid adorable kid grin.

"Well for one, if Edward found out he would beat your ass" I said bringing up my fingers to count off the reasons of why this was such a stupid idea

"Are you kidding me? I am not scared of your puny pale ass stepbrother. Next?"

I looked at him and rolled my eyes before continuing, "Bella will have an actual reason to fuck with me and I would prefer to limit my face time with that bitch… no offense."

"None taken… well… kind of, whatever. Look, Bella wont find out and neither will Edward so that is irrelevant. "

"Dude she will be pestering me all day about it and I don't have time for her!"

"The point is for her to be in your face! Duh! Just like Edward will be in mine."

I once again rolled my eyes thinking about the ridiculousness of this. Seth had devised this plan in which he and I would pretend to be dating to make both Edward and Bella jealous. I think he was just watching too many cheesy romantic comedies.

"Ok another reason, we are not going to be able to fake a couple! And even if we did it would be so obvious that we are doing this to make them jealous. As much as I can argue against this point, they are no stupid."

Seth cocked his eyebrow at me causing something to jump inside my stomach. What the hell is this?

He began moving closer to me and I could feel my heartbeat pick up. He leaned down so that he was at my height with his mouth right at the corner of my left ear. He breathed and I shook with an unknown pleasure.

"I don't know Ali, after the other day's twist in the sheets, I think we can play a pretty convincing couple."

My body quivered as his words registered in my head and all these images of our night came flashing by.

If I could say nothing else about Seth, I could say that he was one hell of a bed mate.

I moved my head slowly to look at his face and the lust was immense in its absoluteness.

I felt our bodies moving closer together and before I could stop and think about the error of my ways my lips were connected to his soft, warm ones.

Our tongues moved together like a game of chess each making a move to see who would win. Well, I would never play with Seth because they way he moved his lips I knew that he would dominate and destroy, not just in chess .

That thought had me shaking with lewd ideas but I could not help it. For the moment I had no thoughts of Edward, Bella or even my sis Nessie, I only cared about Seth and the way he made me feel.

I could feel his bulge pressing against my thigh and I instantly became hot with desire.

Seth was mine in this moment and I the streak of possessiveness hit me so hard I was baffled.

I guessed that Seth felt the same way because he pulled away from my lips to press his lips harshly all over my face, giving me the short seconds to take a breath.

He moved his lips down to my neck and I began to shiver as he sucked eagerly on my neck.

The thought of him claiming me in such a way turned me on a lot more than I had expected.

I was breathing harshly and wanted him even more than I did the other night. He brought his lips back up to mine and I couldn't stop myself from jumping up and wrapping my thighs around his back.

I trusted him to catch me and he did immediately bringing me up to the wall of his bedroom to continue ravishing me.

Once again he removed his lips and I found myself whimpering from the lack of contact. I was not hungry for long though because as soon as I began to truly desire the heat of his lips they returned to me… but not on my lips.

He was kissing and nipping at my cleavage and if I wasn't aware of how hot and bothered I was before then the pool of juices in my pink lace panties were a sure indicator.

My legs were wrapped so tightly around him that when he did remove his hands from my back to unbutton my blouse and unclasp my bra I was still steady and still. Except for the constant wiggling I did as he continued nibbling on me.

As soon as my bra fell to the ground with my shirt hanging off my arms, Seth attacked my nipples with his hot, big tongue.

I moaned so loud it was embarrassing; luckily Leah and Sue were out.

I was moaning and quivering in his arms when my phone buzzed in my pocket. I wasn't going to answer but then it buzzed again and so did Seth's.

We both looked at each other with suspicion but with hot lust still burning in our eyes.

He slowly put me down and, without putting my blouse back on, I pulled my phone out of my jean pocket. Seth walked to his bed were his jacket was lying with his phone in the pocket.

We both looked at each other before looking to read the text messages.

Sorry, I can't meet with you later. I'm busy.


I read the message again and I was shocked. Not by the anger or disappointment but the lack of those emotions.

The whole time I read the message I just imagined all the things I could do with Seth with my newly acquired time.

I looked to Seth to see what his message was about but truth be told I had already guessed.

He looked at me and then rolled his eyes before lifting his phone and showing the screen. I squinted my eyes before being able to see the actual text;

Sorry Seth. I am busy. See you tomorrow?


I found myself rolling my eyes too. Obviously they didn't know we were together, or if they did they were stupid to think that these cancelled plans are coincidental.

They were obviously sneaking off together.

Apart of me was now a mad. I had devoted so much of my time and life to pleasing Edward and had hardly ever complained and he still does this shit to me. He still ditches me, lies to me, and then sneaks until my bed smelling like Bella's perfume and makes me feel like he really cares.

Well fuck it.

I looked to Seth and I guess he read my thoughts all over my face because he immediately put on that devious smirk.

I returned it before opening my arms, allowing him to fully see my firm breast and taut nipples.

"Come here Seth-y poo!" I said in my sing song voice and he chuckled.

"That's my girlfriend."

He came into me and went right back to our make out session which turned into another evening of passion all over his bed.

Oh yes, Alice is going to have some fun.



I will say right now that it has been way too long since I updated and I apologize but I have been busy with weather and my anatomy class that it's just… sigh.

Anyway I feel bad so I want to do something special for you … A ONE SHOT! Give me some ideas and I promise that I will do a one shot of whatever Twilight couple you want. Whichever couple gets the most and whichever idea I like the best I will shot out the idea and I will write it.

I was thinking maybe a New Years Eve or Christmas fic but you guy's opinion is what matters.

Also as a side note Their Love 2 will have a chapter soon but…THERE ARE ONLY LIKE 5 MORE CHAPTERS! AWWWWW!

It's sad but all stories must come to an end.

I have to leave so I will hit you guys up with the next installment soon. Love you.

Review and Be Happy in the name of Cheez- Itz
