Summery: What if when Snape found Lily's dead body instead of crying over her he took the crying baby and runs away. What would the Wizarding World do when they think that both Harry and Voldemort died that night? Harry Potter goes to Durmstrang as Evan Prince. Based off of one of Snape's memories in HP7part 2. Slash

Pairing/s: EP (HP)/Dark male OC (Nikolaus Desmund), NM/SS/LM, DM/HG/BZ, VK/Dark female OC(Catherina Romanov),Dark female OC(Anastasia Blishwick)/OW(Oliver Wood)

Warnings: Father/Mentor! Snape, Brotherly Draco, Manipulative Dumbledore, Smart! Independent! Durmstrang! Dark! Harry. Slash, Threesome, and more.

Disclaimer: If I owned Harry Potter, Hedwig, Fred, Snape, and Dobby would not have died and Harry wouldn't be Dumbledore's man he'd be independent and smart. Oh and Harry would be in Slytherin.


Now Beta'd by Makurayami Ookami

Chapter Three: Summer Before

Three more years passed in the Prince/Malfoy household andthose years brought even more happiness for the family. Narcissa Prince-Malfoy was now pregnant with both Lucius and Severus child and they where all overjoyed. Draco and Evan got along a little better since Evan had found his own group of friends. Evan had become very close friends withAnathat he spent most of his time waiting for letters to talk to her. Luckily for the other members of the Prince/Malfoy family the other three members of Evans gang would be home today. Viktor Krum had declared himself Evan's older brother. But of all the people Evan had grown close to, he had grown closest to Nikolaus Desmund. Evan had spent most of his time when he wasn't training or flying with Viktor, talking and joking with Nikolaus. Last year when both Nikolaus and Viktor went to Durmstrang Evan had been very upset.

Severus and Evan apparated to the Wizarding Station in Saint Petersburg and were currently surrounded by a sea of children running into their parents arms. Nikolaus's mother had to work so they were there to pick him up.

"Dad, do you see them," Evan said bouncing in excitement.

"No, I'm sure will be seeing them soon," Severus said nodding.

Evan was looking through the crowd and he had already caught sight of Catherina and Viktor.

Once they spotted him they both ran full speed to the boy.

"Evan, look at you," Catherina cooed.

"Where is Nick," Evan asked looking around.

"Talking to zat girl… Cat vat vas her name," Viktor said look at Catherina.

"I zink zat her name is Alexandra Rosier,"Catherina nodded.

"Oh,congratulations on ze baby Lord Prince," Viktor smiled.

"Thank you Viktor, I will tell my wife you send your congratulations."

Evan felt his insides twisted when he saw Nikolaus walking towards them with an attractive girl around 11 or 12 but he quicklyshrugged off the feeling of jealousy. Alexandra and Nikolaus parted ways as Nick made his way over. Nikolaus smirked in amusement as he noticed Evan staring at him.

"Hello, Lord Prince," Nick said purposely ignoring Evan.

"Hello Nikolaus," Severus nodded.

"Hello Raven. Did you miss me dreadfully," Nikolaus said with a smirk, his violet eyes dancing with amusement as he saw Evan's cheeks redden.

"Yes," Evan said bluntly ignoring the growing embarrassment.

"Aren't you a bit bold now?"Nikolaus grinned.

Evan's redden cheeks betrayed his confident tone and everyone knew it. Nikolaus's bright violet eyes sparkled with amusement as Evan embraced him. Evan buried his head into the older boy's chest taking in his natural scents of sage and peppermint. Nick let out a soft chuckle;

"I missed you too, Raven."

Evan sighed, and turned his gaze, his green eyes meeting the beautifulviolet eye looking down on him. Severus said his goodbyes to Catherina, Viktor, and his family and placed his hand on their shoulders and disapparated.

As soon as they entered Prince Manor Evan grabbed Nikolaus's arm and pulled him away. Evan ledNikolaus out to the garden. The garden had one beautiful oval table decorated with a maroon and sliver table cloth and different shaped cupcakes.

"Awe Raven did you do this for me," Nick smirked voice full of sarcasm.

"You're an ass," Evan glared.

"Would you two stop having eye sex," Anastasia smirked walking out into the garden with Viktor and Catherina.

"Vhy didn't you vait," Catherina asked.

"Vell zey vaited to have eye zex," Viktor said in amusement.

"Viktor," Evan exclaimed glaring at his best friend.

"Vhat? Oh I am zorry Evan," Viktor smirked.

"Okay so look vhat I got from mother," Catherina smirked pulling out a Truth or Sphere.

Truth or Sphere was a common game amongst pure blood preteens and teens. The game was basically like Muggle 21 questions, except if you tell a lie the Sphere punishes you by telling the circle one of your most embarrassing thoughts. The Sphere would turn colors for what kind of embarrassing thought it was; pink was a love thought, green was a body related thought, and red for a family related thought.

"Oh, let's play. Everyone hand on the Sphere," Ana exclaimed and they did and recited the inscription.

"We swear to tell the truth, and suffer the pain if I lie."

"Evan, you're the youngest so you are first," Nick smirked.

Evan took the sphere into his hands as they all took a seat around the table.

"Evan, vat is you're biggest Fear," Catherina asked.

"Umm… well… I guess it would be…people finding out about my dad and taking me away," Evan said nervously and sighed in relief the Sphere stayed clear and he handed it to Ana.

"Ana, vhat iz it like living vith your parents," Viktor asked.

"Like living with two children who can't look past their own problems to notice they have an unhappy child," Ana said with a sneer but giggled when the Sphere stayed clear. Nikolaus took the sphere smugly and smirked wickedly at Evan.

"What are the five most important things to you," Evan asked. He knew to others that would sound like a stupid girly question but if you knew Nick like the people is this room did, you would understand. Nick never showed his true emotions, he hid them under heavy sarcasm and dark humor.

"Five… My familiar Oma, Four… My Family, Three… my Friends, Two… My mom, One… E… Myself," Nikolaus said his truthful tone turn Sphere stayed clear until the last part when it turned a light shade of green and Nikolaus's voice came out.

'Damn, I'm a sexy beast. Look at me all the girls and guys want this."

The room burst into laughter, even Nick was laughing at how stupid he sounded.

"Oh yeah, Nicky you are a Sexy beast," Ana giggled.

"I'm aware of that Anastasia," Nick smirked and handed the Sphere to Viktor.

"Okay so Viktor so what was your first kiss like,"Anastasia asked curiously. Nick grinned over at Evan, they both knew that Viktor's first kiss was with a 16 year boy when he was 12 and was rather creepy.

"Horrifying," Viktor shrugged handing the clear Sphere to Evan. Nikolaus smirked at Evan his eyes glinting with amusement as Evan groaned.

"Evan, my dear, sweet Raven,"Nikolaus smirk his eyes dancing in amusement as Evan groaned. "Who do you have a crush on?"

"Nobody!" said Evan quickly before thinking. His face turned beet-red when he noticed the Sphere turn a light pink.

'Nick smells really good. I wonder how he gets her hair to smell like peppermint and not overpower his natural sage scent."

Evan's whole face turned bright red as Nick grabbed a fistful of his shirt, held it to his nose, and breathed deeply. Anastasia stood up and leaned into Nick's hair and giggled at the peppermint scent reached her noise.

"Sage," Nikolaus said with at smirk.

"Your hair definitely smells like peppermint," Anastasia smiled.

"Ze real question is vhy vas ze color pink,"Catherina smirked.

"Only one question," Evan blurted out not noticing the Sphere turning a brighter shade of pink.

'Gods Nick is gorgeous is that cobalt cobra t-shirt.'

Nick's eyebrows quirked as he said, "I'm gorgeous?"

"Wankers! The lot of you," Evan sneered.

The room burst in to laughter, even Evan laughed this was going to be a great summer.