Connecting With The Whole


SHOW: "Teen Wolf"

TIMELINE: Post Season 1 – Future

PREMISE: Sequel to "When Your Soul Cries Out" and "Lucky Valentine", same Universe, no Lydia or Allison. Derek and Stiles are engaged, Danny & Jackson are a couple, Scott finds his mate in Ted, Danny's date from their prom. Everyone is/will be a wolf.

CATEGORIZATION: SLASH; M/M; Stiles/Derek "Sterek", and Danny/Jackson "Dax", Scott/Ted "Tott", humour, angst, romance, fraternity, supernatural, spirituality, charity, death, murder, mayhem, super smut, perhaps a 3-way, perhaps not. Yes, a tease. You know who you are and you love it. Might even be some cotton candy (old word term is faerie floss) in pink of course!

DISCLAIMER: All references to the show "Teen Wolf" are owned by MTV and only this plot and alternate universe belongs to me, well, I inherited it from my partner in crime, Blooboy70.


Chapter 1 – Admission

After Scott's indiscretion on the hood of Jackson's car, he realized he basically admitted to his family, his pack, that he was gay – or at least bi. It had come at quite a price, this realization. Many a night he had awoken crying out, screaming at the specter of what he thought his life would be. His pack mates had calmed him down, each night, never talking about what Scott had been yelling prior to regaining consciousness each time, but they knew. He was fighting a demon. A demon of denial. A demon of hate. The most powerful demon in the Universe – the demon of self-hatred. Or was it something else?

Each night, the same nightmare. He was being held in arms, close. Warm arms, caring, loving and soft lips. Masculine lips with facial hair. He loved the arms holding him. He loved the lips he was kissing. He wasn't sure why he was afraid, but each night he would sit straight up, covered in a cold sweat, yelling and crying, and often with evidence of a wet dream cooling in his sleep pants.

Try as he might, he was unable to materialize the face of his lover in the dreams. He knew, it was male, and that frightened him. Fear of what that meant. He, of course, knew his family would not judge him. Hell, he would have yet another thing in common with them. What he didn't know was why he was so bothered? Was it okay for someone else, but not him? Did it make him less of a man? Did it make him a girl? A pervert? Damaged? Of course these were all lies and none of them were ever real for anyone. He wished he could understand why the fear was so palpable.

Scott's pack was worried about their youngest member. Sure, he was the first turned, but he was 3 months younger than Stiles and that made him the baby. Since the rest of the boys were in relationships and, Derek and Stiles were going to be married soon, he felt alone. Why didn't he have someone was often a thought he had.

"That's it!" he said to an empty room. He picked up Mr. Buttons, his childhood Teddy Bear. Stiles had given it to him when they were both younger. When Scott's dad left, his best friend, Stiles, had asked if Scott could spend the night. Stiles knew what it was like to lose a parent, having lost his mother to cancer. Stiles knew what Scott was feeling and gave him the bear. He told his father that Scott needed a bear as his own bear, a gift from his mom before she died, was there for him and took away the pain. He swore they were magic. No one argues with the wisdom of a 7 year old! The Sheriff bought the bear and when Scott's mom dropped him off with his little Power Rangers suitcase, Stiles presented it to him. Scott just looked at it oddly, but when Stiles proclaimed that it was 'Magic like it came from Hogsmeade' Scott's eyes lit up and that bear was with him from then on. He often spoke to the bear like a confidant. He knew it was juvenile, but it helped him express what he was feeling as the captive audience of the stuffed toy was the perfect sounding board for his inner monologue. "So, I think that's it Mr. Buttons. I think I'm afraid of being alone and the dreams are showing me what I could have but I'm afraid I might not get it and be alone forever." With the last word, his voice caught and he pulled the bear to his chest crying.

Downstairs, two wolves perked their ears up at hearing crying coming from above them. It was late afternoon, and they had started dinner. The blond boy was busy peeling carrots and looked over at the other lycan crushing garlic into a large pot of tomato sauce simmering on the burner. He caught the brunette's gaze and raised an eyebrow.

"No, Jackson, I got this. You just finish the carrots and then chop the scallions please. Yes, on the bias like I showed you."

"Okay, I got it. You take care of Scott, Stiles. He needs you."

Stiles wiped his hands on the towel he had draped over his shoulder and placed it next to the stove, turning the burner to low in case he was gone for a while. He sighed and walked out of the kitchen and up the stairs. When he reached Scott's room, he stopped and leaned close to the door to listen. His insides clenched at the sound of a racing heart and soft, muffled sobs. It didn't take werewolf hearing to tell someone was hurting. He knocked lightly, turning the knob at the same time.

"Scott? Are you okay?" he quietly asked opening the door.

"Go away," came a sob filled response. "I'm fine. Leave me alone."

"Scott, you know I can't do that," said Stiles. He entered the room, closed the door behind him, and crossed to the bed by the window. He saw his best friend lying on his side, in a fetal position, crying into a stuffed bear.


Come back for chapter 2.


I hope you liked it despite how short it was. Please review so I know if I am doing an okay job or not. If you don't review at least alert so I know people are reading and not just browsing past!