A/N: Hey everyone I hope you would all like this story.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ghost Hunt

Edited: November 22, 2017



It was a beautiful morning and a wonderful melody could be heard coming from the patio of the house. Looking closely you would be able to see a woman playing a grand piano with a little girl by her side, watching her with eyes glowing in amazement.

The little girl then exclaimed, "Wow, that was amazing Okaa-san, can you teach me how to play?" the little girl asked her mother.

The mother looked at the young girl smiling and said, "Of course my little one, let's see. Hmm, how about I teach you the basics while we're waiting for your father, would you like that?"

The little girl squealed and hugged her mother while shouting, "Yes, yes, yes".

"Alright, alright calm down", the mother laughed. She then took her daughter's hand and placed them on the piano's keys and began teaching her.

The mother and daughter were both having fun and joyous laughter could be heard. When a voice suddenly said, "What's this, you're having fun and you left me out of it, I'm really hurt".

The both of them turned to the source of the voice, with the little girl standing up and running towards the man shouting, "Otou-san".

The man, who was the girl's father, lifted her up and twirled her around, with the little girl giggling. He then stopped and asked, "So, what are my two favorite girls doing?" while tickling his daughter.

The little girl giggled, "Okaa-san is teaching me how to play the piano", she answered while trying to squirm out of her father's reach.

Her father seeing this tightened his hold and started tickling her more, the little girl laughed heartily and squealed, "Otou-san, please stop" the little girl said out of breath.

Her father then stopped and said "Alright, I'll stop but you have to give me a hug and kiss". The little girl complied quickly and gave her father a hug and a kiss on the cheek. When her father let her go she turned around and saw her mother smiling at the both of them. She then rushed towards her mother and gave her a hug and kiss as well. Then giving out a huge yawn.

Her father chuckled and said, "Well it seems like someone needs a nap".

"I don't need a nap", the little girl said trying to stay awake, but after a while she finally conceded to sleep and her eyes closed.

Her father carried her to her room and placed her gently on the bed while her mother tucked her blanket, she then opened her eyes and said, "I love you Okaa-san, Otou-san".

Her mother then said, "We love you as well our little one" she kissed her on the forehead, when her father then added.

"You will always be our little angel", he said while kissing her on the forehead as well.

She then closed her eyes and went to sleep. Both her parents looked at her with affection. They two then went out of her room, but before her mother closed the door she said in a whisper, "Sleep tight little one, we will always be with you no matter what."



Mai woke up breathing hard with tear stains running down her cheeks. Placing her hands on her face thinking, why after all these years did I dream of that. Mai was so lost in her thoughts that she was staring at her alarm clock that read 8:30, with Mai's state of mind it took her a while to realize what time it already was. When she finally noticed the time; she started cursing and rushed around the house to prepare.

As she was getting dressed, her phone began to ring and looking at the caller ID she gulped praying that nothing will go wrong but then again her luck wasn't on the good side. Sighing in resignment as if though she was heading towards her own death, answering her phone, "Moshi, moshi."

"Mai, where the hell are you? You were supposed to be here two hours ago!" was heard through Mai's phone. Mai had sweat running down her neck, since judging from the tone of Naru's voice he was trying to control his anger and a wrong answer would make him snap.

"Ummm, eh, hehe, you see… well…" Mai was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer him. She was then lost in her thoughts, the dream she just had kept on replaying in her mind. She was then startled by Naru's voice shouting her name.

"Mai, Mai, are you even listening to what I'm saying?" Naru asked in irritation.

"Eh…I'm sorry, Naru." Mai answered quite distractedly. She then heard a sigh from the other end of the line.

"Fine, just get here in the office now, and while you're on the way buy some more tea we're already out." Naru ordered, before Mai could answer he spoke again, "Oh, by the way, as much as an idiot you are please try not to get lost. It would be quite hard to find another assistant." Then the call was cut off before what Naru said registered in Mai's mind.

Mai stared at her phone while shouting, "Stupid, narcissist, egotistical jerk." She picked her bag and stomped out of her door, while cursing under her breath about a certain tea-addicted, narcissistic, and jerk of a boss. Heading towards the closest shop that sells tea, she bought tea that was a whole month work of stock.

Her mood began to brighten when she passed by a park, where a lot of children were playing, laughing, and just enjoying themselves. Her dream forgotten, she started humming a tune she knows by heart and made her way towards SPR. Not realizing that the day was only beginning and things would become much worst.


A/N: Hope you liked the story. Reviews would be highly appreciated.