Hey Everyone this is my first ever Kane/Glen Jacobs fanfiction!

Disclaimer: I only own my character Samantha-Jane and Chloe Brooke belongs to Chloe.

Special thanks to my amazing Co-Writer and PT ChloeB18!

Cookies to those who review!

Chapter One:

Chloe got out of the white Lamborghini that belonged to her new husband. She had just gotten back from her honeymoon and had to return to Julliard University in New York for the next semester. She got up to her apartment she was sharing with her twin sister and opened the door. It was 11 o'clock at night so she had to be quiet due to some of the people in the doors being sensitive. She got inside and noticed her twin asleep on the bed with a book open next to her. Chloe smiled as she shut her door and quietly put her bag down. She kissed her twin's forehead and smiled as she went to the bathroom to freshen up. Once she had finished she returned to the Apartment room only to find her twin waking up. Chloe smiled at her twin. "Hey Twinnie." she said quietly as she went over to her own bed and sat down.

Sam stretched and smiled "How was the honeymoon Mrs. Batista?"

Chloe smiled brightly. "Oh, it was incredible. Dave is absolutely breathtaking." She sighed dreamily as she flopped backwards onto the bed.

Sam smirked, "Oh I bet he is."

Chloe laughed. "He's completely amazing and not only in bed but out of it. Sami he is soooo sweet. He's a dream."

She laughed at Chloe's dreamy sigh "Well it's time for us to dream. School starts up again tomorrow and you know what that means practicing till our toe shoes become blood red."

"Yeah, that's true. I'm actually anxious to get back to dancing."

"I bet you are twice a limber as you were before you left." Sam said before singing "Bow-chicha-wow wow"

Chloe laughed. "That's exactly right. Dave has taught me a few things, too."

"OKAY IMAGE!" Sam cried out as she buried her face into the pillow. Chloe laughed louder as she pulled her phone out before she got under the covers of her bed and checked her phone for any messages from her husband. She smiled when she saw one, 'Hey sweetheart, Sweet dreams. I love you.'

Chloe smiled brightly. "I really love this man, Sami." Chloe smiled before she texted Dave. 'Sweet dreams, baby. I love you. Talk to you after school tomorrow.'

"I know you do Chloe." Sam said before she was out like a light. Chloe giggled before she turned her phone off and went off to sleep a few minutes later.


Chloe and Samantha made their way to their morning dance class. "You know I forgot to ask Dave if he was going to come and visit today." Chloe said as she rubbed her eyes.

"I thought he would be busy once he came back from the honeymoon? Isn't he starting a new story line soon?" Sam yawned; the twins had never been morning people.

"Yeah but that's not until next week. I wonder what dad is gonna do when he finds out. You know he always wanted me with Randy Orton." Chloe said as they entered the room.

"Randy's nice and all but he can be very egotistical sometimes." Sam sipped at her water in thought "Plus didn't he marry?"

"Engaged but Dad thinks he can get it called off. He just says that because we dated when we were in middle school or something. Sure we were inseparable but now we're over and Dad still can't get over it." Chloe laughed.

"God I'm glad dad's not like that with me. Then again he just hates everyone I like." The two sat on the floor as they started their stretches. "Remember the guy I dated in high school? Dad almost got him arrested or well tried to on the night of our junior prom."

"I thought he was just fine. He was a little out there but he was funny." Chloe said as she put her bag on the floor behind her and started stretching.

"The real one that's a little out there is Dad."

"Little? Sis, are you seeing straight?" Chloe laughed.

Sam laughed along with Chloe as they finished stretching. "Finally, ready to get back to dancing." Chloe said as she and Sam stood up.

The instructor came in and the class was all smiles. "Good morning everyone" The instructor was a short middle aged man with a slight Russian accent.

The entire class said Good Morning to the instructor. "This is gonna be good. I think we've got to be at least four inches taller than him." Chloe whispered quietly so only Sam could hear.

Sam tried to contain herself. Indeed, they were only average height women, but they did not mind. Dave called Chloe's size cute when standing next to him. Dave himself was only 6 foot 6 which in the wrestling business was just at the beginning of what seemed to be the average height range in WWE. Chloe on the other hand could not stop thinking about herself and Dave. She kept subtly turning her head to look over at her cell phone that was always blank before she actually bothered listening to the instructor. "Now today I have been informed of the new ballet we are to be doing this season. Auditions will be held today at 5 PM in the Theater. Now Peter please," The piano player sat down as all the girls and guys took their positions for warm ups.

"5?" Chloe whispered to Sam. "Isn't that the time we have to-"

"I don't know I thought that was at 7." She whispered back as they did their PliƩs.

Chloe shrugged. "We'll have to call and ask Steph." Sam nodded as they continued warm ups.

Once warm ups had finished their instructor had them run through the advanced moves that they had learned before the Winter break. Sam was called on to, to a lift with one of the guys in the class. This was rather scary due to how high the guy had to lift her. Chloe was scared for her sister as she watched on with the other girls. Some who were staring at both Chloe and Sam...? Still. Once the lift was finished, the man had to drop Sam in order to catch her in his arms. "Oh my god" Sam said as she landed in the guys arms causing a few to laugh but the class clapped.

Chloe breathed out a sigh of relief as she clapped along with the rest of the class. Sam and the guy took a bow before taking their places back in the group. "Oh my god that was scary." Sam whispered to her sister.

"I could feel the twin energy, I was scared for you." she whispered as she hugged her sister.

"Good job today class, now I will hope to see you all at the auditions tonight." The class clapped before they all went to get their things. Sam and Chloe walked back over to their things and Chloe smiled when she saw a text from Dave.

"What he have to say?" Sam asked as she pulled on her stretchy pants over her tights and one of her hoodies.

'Hey honey, how was class?'

Chloe smiled. "He's asking me how class was. And he just sent it. It's freaky how he knows some of these things." She laughed before she responded. 'A little scary for Sam but fine for me, she got lifted today.'

'She did?'


'Well tell her I'll give her a cookie for her bravery next time I see her.'

Chloe laughed before she texted him back, 'Will do baby.' Chloe smirked at her sister. "Dave says he'll give you a cookie for your bravery of getting lifted today next time he sees you."

"Make it chocolate chip and we have a deal." The two girls walked out of the class room and headed down to the cafeteria for a morning snack attack.

"I think he knows that already. He knows chocolate chip is my favorite too. He's probably got a chips ahoy waiting for you now." Chloe laughed as they sat down at a table after getting their morning snack. Chloe smiled as she texted back and forth to Dave. Sam had never seen her sister so blissfully happy like this in a long time.

The two ate their soup and chatted away. "I wonder what the ballet this season is going to be." Chloe wondered.

"Well last time we did swan lake, and like always The Nutcracker in the winter. We missed it this time due to my ankle and you getting laid."

Chloe smiled. "At least one of us was happy. Not to be selfish or anything, though."

"Oh don't get me wrong Twinnie I'm happy for you. But..." She leaned in close "The last time I got laid was exactly two years ago. I am a born again virgin. A toy can only do so much." Sam said as she sipped her soup.

"Thanks, twin. I really wanted that image." Chloe said as she pushed her soup bowl to the side. "But seriously, Sami, I love Dave so much. He really makes me happy. I just can't wait to tell Daddy that tonight at dinner."

Sam looked at her twin wide eyed "Your telling our father? Vince McMahon the king of over dramatization that you married Dave tonight at the annual monthly family dinner?"

"Yes I am. He can't over react in a public place." Chloe smirked. "He'll try but he won't be able to stand up and curse. It'll have papers and news sites talking."

"My sister I wish you the best of luck." Sam said as she held her sister's hand in hers.

"Thanks, I'll need it." Chloe smiled. "I'm not even sure I want to audition today. I think I should probably see what the production is going to be first."

"Maybe but Chloe I still think you should break it to dad at something bigger. Like father's day, or his birthday? Just please not at the once a month dinner when we all actually seem to get along as a family." Sam begged.

"But Sami, you and Dave's mom are the only other people that know about it. I got to tell someone else. I don't think I can keep it a secret." Chloe said anxiously

Sam shrugged "I know I know. Hey, you can always tell steph! She is good at keeping secrets. Look how long it took daddy to find out she was actually dating Paul in real life."

"That's true, good idea, sissy. For some reason I did not think Steph could keep a secret. I must've been thinking of Shane." Chloe said before she got another text on her phone.

"Exactly Shane has the biggest mouth! Remember when I told him I was dating the Goalie from our high school soccer team. He went around and told everyone."

"Yeah, Dad first" Chloe said as she looked and saw another text from Dave as another smile appeared on her face.

"Ah the prince a waits," Sam said teasingly as she got up to throw away the plastic soup bowls.

Chloe smiled as she texted back and forth with Dave until Sam came back. "He just asked me out for tonight. I cannot believe I have to tell him no. I have to tell my new husband no." Chloe pouted as she went to text him.

"Tell him tonight the monthly dinner with the family. Believe me he will understand."

"I know he will. He always understands. But it's gonna kill me to tell him no. You know we're thinking of moving in together soon?" She said as she texted Dave. 'I'm sorry baby but tonight am my once-a-month annual dinner with my family.'

"That's awesome."

"I know right? I mean we figured that we're already married so why not live like a married couple as well." Chloe smiled.


Chloe looked down at the new text that had just arrived. 'No worries baby, hey why not this weekend come to the PPV Event.'

'I'll definitely be there for that.' Chloe smiled and texted, she looked up at her twin. "I don't think I'm gonna try out today. I just promised Dave I'll be at the PPV this Sunday."

"I understand I'd like to though."

"Well, I'll be right there cheering you on." Chloe smiled.


The two finished their snack attack before heading off to their next class.

Five o'clock arrived and the girls went to the theater where they saw lots of the students already sitting on the stage waiting around.

Chloe smiled as she walked on stage with Sam. "You're gonna do great, sissy."

The Ballet instructors came in and the students eagerly waited to see what they would be auditioning for.

"Now that you are all here we can begin. This season's play is to be Romeo and Juliet." The instructor said

Chloe looked at Sam. "I'll be right down there...I kinda wish I could audition now. I love Romeo and Juliet." Chloe said before she walked off the stage and into the audience where other supporters were. Sam was quietly warming up with the others while those who were auditioning took their turns. When it was Sam's turn, she was auditioning with a guy like most of the girls did. She and the man were to do the Balcony Pad De Deux. Thankfully, she knew it from watching the play so many times with her sister. Chloe smiled as Sam started her audition.

The music began and Sam's nervousness began to melt away as she did each step to memory. Chloe smiled and applauded her sister when she finished her audition. Sam walked off stage and waited with the others till all the auditions were complete. "Thank you everyone. Now we have many students to consider so the list should be up no later than Monday afternoon."

Chloe smiled as she met up with her sister. "You did great, sissy!"

"Thanks Twin. But you know Alexandra will probably get the leading role, Again." Sam sighed, "Hey since Mondays when the list comes up can I go with you to the PPV?"

"Of course you can sissy. I'd never pass up twin time you know that." Chloe smiled.

Sam hugged Chloe "Thanks PT. Besides when was the last time we went to a PPV event together?"

"A very long time ago," Chloe smiled as she hugged her sister and the two made their way out of the theater; arm in arm just like they used to do when they were kids.

"Ok back to the apartment to change for dinner."

"Well we've got a whole hour to get ready." Chloe said.

"So where is daddy taking the family this time? Cause he obviously picks the high end restaurants for a reason being he flies the whole family to New York to see us."

"It's that huge Italian restaurant down the street."

"Well time to pull out the cocktail dresses." Sam said as they walked into their apartment.

"Very true what color do you think?" Chloe asked as she opened up their closet.

"Black, we are always fashionable and classy when in black."

"Think we should be fashionably late as well?" Chloe laughed as she pulled out two black cocktail dresses.

"Aren't we always? You know how traffic is even when walking." Sam said as she pulled out the makeup.

"Yeah, I think it'll be even worse when we wear these." Chloe smiled as she picked up one of the cocktail dresses that were identical to the other.

"Oh hello sexy, Dave sees you in that I dare say I feel sorry for the dress."

"Why because he'll rip it off of me?" Chloe laughed but in her head she was fantasizing about it.

"Well, duh." Sam began to straighten her hair as she sat on her sister's bed. Chloe smiled and curled her own hair before applying her makeup.

Once the girls were finished, Sam snapped a picture of Chloe and sent it to Dave, "Samantha-Jane!" Chloe snapped at her sister, smiling. Sam stuck her tongue out as Chloe immediately got a response from her husband. Chloe quickly looked down at her phone.


Chloe laughed as she texted. 'Sami did it.'

'Not fair baby.'

'It makes you that much more anxious doesn't it, baby?'

'You have no idea.'

Chloe smiled "Ok lover girl time to go before we get a yelling from dad."

"Alright," Chloe smiled as she texted Dave before she put her cell phone in her purse. The two walked arm in arm in the cold night air down the street to the restaurant. "I think I'll text Dave and see if he wants to come visit me tonight. We still have that apartment down the street that we never use. Except for storage" Chloe smiled.

"You are a Nympho now!" Sam said making her sister blush. "Don't blame you Dave's one fine man. Not my type but he's still fine."

"Very fine," Chloe smiled. "He's like no one else I've ever dated, twinnie. I love him so much."

"I know I know." Sam said smiling as they entered the Restaurant.

"I know I keep saying it but I can't help it. I am a newlywed." She whispered quietly. Vince McMahon spotted his daughters and smiled.

Chloe smiled as she and Sam walked over to their family's table. "So we're agreed. I'll tell him on his birthday and tell Steph tonight?" Chloe whispered to her sister, without moving her lips.

"Good idea," Sam whispered back "Hi dad!" The girls said together.

"My two little princesses" Vince said with a huge smile as he hugged his twin daughters. "How's school?"

"It's great." Chloe smiled. "Sami tried out for Romeo and Juliet today." Everyone's eyes were on Sam. "She's gonna get it, I know it." Chloe hugged her sister and whispered. "Sorry." in her ear as she and Sam sat down. Stephanie smiled as she hugged her sisters.

"Sis, I've got some news for you that I really need you to keep a secret for me." Chloe whispered to her sister as she hugged her.

"Tell me later." Stephanie said in reply as they pulled apart.

"Hey Twin one and two" Said Paul a.k.a Triple H their brother in law.

"Hey Paul" The twins said together.

"Still creepy," He took a sip of his water eyeing the twins.

They both laughed and high fived under the table, "Love creeping him out." Chloe giggled.

"Yes indeed dear sister, the great Cerebral Assassin creeped out by two twins."

"And we're not even half his size put together."

Paul grabbed a bread stick and waved it at them "Be nice or I will start a food fight here." But Paul couldn't hide the smile that was forming on his face.

"Oh sure" They said together, smirking.

"Ok kids," Said Linda as she smiled to her family. Chloe was trying to contain herself now from blurting out her news. She gripped Sam's hand underneath the table. She looked over at her sister with one of those looks that said 'I am about to burst!'

'No' Sam mouthed to her.

"You know, Sam, I think I have a guy you might like to date-" Vince started as they all tucked into their dinner.

Sam sighed heavily "Dad," She put her fork down and laid her head I her hand.

"What? He's DiBiase's boy, Ted. I think he'd be good for you." Vince said and Chloe looked at her sister.

"Daddy I don't think-"

Sam sighed as she took a gulp of wine before she spoke "Dad why must you do this?"

"I'm trying to get you someone that can take care of you, even though I am aware that you can take care of yourself." Vince said, irritably. Stephanie sighed as well before placing her head in her hands. Chloe's actions mirrored her older sister's almost in sync.

"Dad I love you, but you got to stop this." Sam said trying to get through her father's thick head.

"Stop what? Trying to give you everything you deserve?" he said, starting to raise his voice a little.

"Dad, I appreciate everything you have done for me. But finding a guy is something I need to do on my own. You may think someone is right for me. But I might thing otherwise."

"I don't think, Sam. I know this guy is the one for you. He is a great well-rounded guy. Just give him a chance." Vince said once again pushing his daughter.

Sam sighed as she gulped down the last of her wine. Chloe sipped her own wine as things around the table got very quiet. Sam sighed once again realizing her father would not give in "If I consider giving him a chance. Will you not do this anymore?"

"Fine" Vince said as the table fell into an awkward silence.

"So," Paul said "Who wants Ice Cream."

"I do." Steph, Sam, and Chloe all said together.

Stephanie and Chloe got up to go to the bathroom. "Sis, I've got to talk to you. I've been holding it in all night and I don't want to tell dad until I think it's the right time." Chloe said.

"What is it Chloe?" Stephanie said as she washed her hands.

"Well, you know me and Dave are together right?" Chloe asked.

"I knew you guys were dating."

"Well, I'm sure you didn't know that we got married just a few days ago." Chloe smiled.

"I knew you guys were dating." Stephanie said as she looked at her sister in the mirror.

"Well, I'm sure you didn't know that we got married just a few days ago."

"What?" Stephanie exclaimed.

Chloe smiled, "Yeah. I'm married." she reached into her pocket and slipped on her wedding ring Dave gave her before showing it to her sister.

"Oh my god Chloe!" Stephanie hugged her little sister tightly.

Chloe smiled and hugged Stephanie. "I know!"

"Well let's get back out there before mom comes looking for us."

"Ok." Chloe was all smiles to finally let that out. The two went out to dinner and Dad being dad. Chloe and Steph both sighed as they sat down.

The twins got back to their apartment room "Oh my god it is so cold turn the heater on!"

Chloe shivered as she walked over and immediately turned the heater on. "Could it be any more freezing?" Chloe asked as she sat down on the couch.

Sam quickly changed into her warm pajamas and jumped under the blanket. "I hate the cold." Chloe pulled on the blankets a little, as she got under them. "Thank god for down comforters."

"No kidding sissy." Chloe said before she kicked off her shoes.

"Hey I wonder how smack down was tonight, wasn't Dave supposed to be on in all his glory?"

Chloe smiled, "Mhm. I'll have to call and ask him."

"Why not just watch? There's a lot of sexy men not just your new stud of a hubby."

Chloe laughed "Fine. Turn it on. I'm gonna go change." Chloe said as she got up and took her purse as she walked up to her room. Chloe was in the room when all of a sudden she heard the very familiar entrance theme of a very handsome someone. Chloe ran back downstairs when she heard the theme. She saw her husband on the screen and her mouth almost dropped at the sexiness. "Oh good God," Chloe said as she melted. She watched as he did his machine gun before walking down the ramp. Chloe smiled. "It feels like summer in here."

"You are weird." Sam said smiling at her sister.

"My man is on its 100 degrees in here! Look at my man, twin! He's hotter than hell!" Chloe said as she got closer to the TV.

"And introducing his opponent KANE!"

Sam's head snapped to the TV as the big red machine came walking out "Oh hello."

"Oh geeze, I can't see why you like him. My man is much better."

"Honey need I remind you of the philosophy as to why I like men like that?" She reached down and pulled out her Beast doll from Beauty and the Beast "Hello do you not remember who my first boyfriend was?"

"Oh yeah, how cute." she smirked. "Let's see whose man is better." Chloe said as she sat back.

"You are on!"

"The usual wager?" Chloe smirked.


Chloe smirked as they sat back and watched the match. The two got so into it, yelling at the TV and everything. Munching on snakes as Chloe drooled over her husband. Chloe was cheering her husband on while Sam was cheering on Kane. Both became pissed off when the match was interrupted.

"Are you serious!" She yelled as Dolf Ziegler ran into the ring with Jack swagger.

"Those untalented idiots can't we just get dad to fire them? I don't even know why Dad hired them to begin with."

"They are charismatic. But I swear if I hear Vickie say excuse me one more time I will claw her eyes out!" Sam said as she hugged her pillow.

"You go for the eyes I'll go for the throat." Chloe glared at the screen "Agreed."

The two sisters did their high five hand shake before turning their attention back to the television and the hot men who were wrestling. After Smack down Chloe went back upstairs as she changed into some comfortable clothes. Then her phone went off as she received a text. 'Hey baby. How was dinner?'

'It was good. I told Steph about us getting married, but no one else' Chloe texted as she smiled, blissfully happy again.

'How did she take it? And I doubt dinner was good. Hehe dinner with your father drama is bound to happen.'

'That's true. He and Sam had it out over her love life again. Steph took it better than I thought.'

'Poor Sam, well she is the baby technically.'

'No, I'm the baby. I was the one that was born last.'

'You both are babies' hehe'

'Thank you.'

'So how did you like smack down? *mischievous look*'

'I loved it until those idiots interrupted the match.'

'They are idiots aren't they?'

'Untalented idiots, yes baby.'


'What are you doing tonight baby?'

'I'm sitting in my apartment...in new York.'

'Oh really?' Chloe smiled. 'I'm in my apartment in new York.' she texted.

'Well what do you know? I'm in New York; my lovely wife is in New York."

Chloe smiled. 'Why don't we spend tonight as a married couple?'

'Why don't we indeed!'

'Well you know where the apartment is. I'll be waiting...maybe in that little cocktail dress you saw earlier.'

'Baby you tease.'

Chloe giggled. 'Can't wait to see you baby'

'I'm on my way.'

Chloe smiled before she went to get her cocktail dress back on. "Oh have a date I see?"

"Actually Dave and I are going back to his apartment to spend a night as a married couple." Chloe smiled hugely. She laughed when same face planted into her pillow. "Maybe I can have Dave set you up with Kane." Chloe laughed.

"You wouldn't dare!" Sam said blushing furiously red.

"I can at least ask, unless you don't like Kane."

Sam's mouth closed and she looked away her face now redder than a maraschino cherry. "Apparently that's a yes." Chloe's phone went off "Oh he's here!"

"Have fun twinnie!"

"Thanks Twin! Later!" Chloe yelled, running out of the door.

Chloe ran down stairs and outside into the freezing cold air. But the moment she spotted her husband's white Lamborghini, she was all warm and fuzzy. She smiled and entered the car, setting her purse down on the floor. "Hey baby." She said, smiling brightly at her husband. The two leaned in and kissed before driving off.

"Its good to see you again baby." Dave said as he smiled.

Chloe smiled "I really missed you, honey."

"So what shall we do tonight?"

"Baby, it's been such a long day I just want to go home with you and relax." she said, kissing his neck softly.

"I can give you a massage and make you hot coco." He said as he held her hand, "I know your muscles are sore."

Chloe smiled. "I would love that, baby."

They arrived at the apartment and Dave carried her inside. Chloe smiled as she held on to Dave and nestled her head into the nape of his neck. Once inside his apartment he laid her down on the couch before heading into the kitchen to make the hot coco. Chloe smiled as she watched him walk off. Wow, I am lucky, she thought to herself. After a few minutes, Dave returned with the hot coco, complete with mini marshmallows. "Here you are sweetheart." He said as he sat down on the coffee table. He picked up her leg and began to rub her aching foot.

Chloe smiled as she took a sip of her coco and sighed in content. "That feels really nice baby." Dave smiled at her as she put her coco down on the coffee table. Chloe laid her head back as he continued to massage her feet before working his way up her legs. Chloe breathed out as she felt his hands on her legs.

"Feeling better?" Dave asked as he massaged her calves.

She moaned softly, "Mhm much better."

Dave placed a kiss upon her thigh before he picked her up in his arms. She held on to him as she wrapped her legs around his waist. "We'll sleep here tonight." He said kissing her cheek.

"That's just fine with me, baby." she kissed his neck softly. Dave sat her down on the bed and handed her one of his shirts to sleep in as he changed as well. Chloe smirked as she pulled her dress over her head slowly, just to tease him.

Dave quickly looked away to try and avoid getting turned on. "Baby, I am your wife. It's not like I'm going to-" Chloe started. She squeaked as Dave tackled her into the bed "David Michael!" She screamed. She was cut off by a kiss. Chloe smiled as she kissed her husband. Her hands cupped the sides of his face as he deepened the kiss. Chloe ran her hands from his face to his chest as she tried pulling off his shirt. He pulled away from her long enough to take his shirt off. She smiled as she unhooked her bra. She moaned into the kiss as Dave's hand began to kneed and massage her breast. She smiled as she cupped his face again with one hand while the other cupped him through his jeans he still had on.

He moaned against her lips as she massaged him through the rough denim material. She smiled into the kiss as she unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans before she pulled them down. She almost gasped at the size; he was bigger than before, or at least bigger than she remembered. She smiled as she gripped him again. Dave hissed slightly as she began to work her hand over him. Two could play at this game, Dave thought. She smiled as she slowly slid her hand over his tip before she pulled away from his kiss and bit at his neck.

She gasped as he stuck two fingers inside of her. "Oh my God, Dave" She gasped. She dug her nails into his back as began to 'forcefully' finger her. Chloe's head shot back as she arched her back. She let out a long loud moan before she screamed for Dave. He quickly removed the rest of their clothing before situating them on the bed so they were more comfortable. Chloe smiled as she lay back on the bed, looking up at her husband, ready to experience her honeymoon bliss once again.

Dave spread her legs so he was situated between them. Chloe moaned as he entered her, a feeling she was coming to love more and more. She arched her back again as she enjoyed the immense pleasure. "Baby, that feels so good." she moaned. Her grip on him tightened as his speed increased. And her moans turned into screams when he went harder. She was not sure if he had used any protection or not but right now, she did not care.

"God baby the sounds you make," he growled in her ear like the animal he was.

She smiled as she moaned in his ear before biting his earlobe softly. She loved when he growled; it made him twice as sexy and was a real turn on. She smiled and raised her hips up to match his thrusts. She moaned for him again when another surge of pleasure ran through her. "Oh god Dave harder!" she screamed as she was closing in on her climax. He went as hard as he could go as Chloe reached her peak and let out a pleasure-filled scream. "DAVE!" she screamed.

Dave bit down on her neck as he tried to contain his roar of pleasure. She gasped and screamed for him again.

She could feel Dave's heavy breathing against her neck as post-orgasm pleasure fell over them. Chloe's arms wrapped around him and he did the same. She moaned softly into his ear as she smirked.

"Dave...that was." she could barely speak. She took a deep breath before she said. "That was...incredible." she breathed out.

"Everything with you is incredible." Dave said softly as he kissed her. Chloe smiled as she kissed him. Dave rolled them over onto their sides as he pulled the blankets over them.

"Baby, did you use any protection?" Chloe asked as she rested her head on Dave's chest.

"Yeah." she said, kissing his chest.

"Then relax," he kissed her temple. "Everything shall be fine."

Chloe looked up at him. "I wouldn't have minded if you didn't though. We are married after all." Chloe smiled.

Dave smiled back "But I think it is a bit early for kids right now." He held her close as they cuddled. "Sleep now."

"I definitely agree. Way too early for kids." she said before she closed her eyes and snuggled into Dave.


In the parking lot of the arena, a long white stretch limo pulled in and out stepped Vince McMahon. He was chatting away on his phone as two ladies came out of the limo. Both were very similar, almost identical in their features. The two women were arm in arm as they all walked into the arena.

Vince hung up and smiled at the two "So girls how does it feel to return to a WWE event?"

"Daddy, I completely forgot what it was like." Chloe said as she smiled. "When was the last time we were at a WWE event anyways?"

"I don't know Twin, since we graduated high school?" Sam said happily.

"Well well if it isn't the twins!" The two smiled happily at the familiar voice.

"Hi Uncle Jerry" They said in unison as they hugged The King.

Chloe smiled. "Do you still remember which of us is which?" she laughed.

"Yes because you aren't identical." Jerry leaned in "You never were. You just look a lot alike that back when you were younger you almost were identical.'

Chloe smirked over at Sam. "Damn you figured us out!"

"And we always thought we were ahead of everybody else." Chloe said.

"We are losing our touch dear sister."

"Well hey girls." Both groaned as Michael Cole came over.

"Well the beautiful McMahon twins have returned."

The two looked at him "Michael goes away."

Jerry laughed from behind them and Chloe smirked. "Shoo." she said, waving Cole to leave.


"Cole," Sam said "I believe my sister said Shoo." She repeated the waving Chloe Did. Cole pouted and sulked off. Sam sighed "You know he's going to bad mouth us late right?"

"We'll just have to bad mouth him right back." Chloe smirked.

"Yes indeed." Sam said with a smile.

"Well girls I have to get to work running this event." Vince kissed their foreheads before walking off.

"See you later, Daddy." They said together.

Jerry smiled at the two "Well girls have fun I will see you later."

"Bye Uncle Jerry." they said again before they walked into the arena. "I wonder where Dave is." Chloe said.

"He's probably getting ready, or could not be here yet." Sam said to her sister as they walked the arena. Many familiar faces came and greeted them, till of course Vickie and her posse came.

"Oh God here comes the pig!" Chloe said openly loudly.

"Oh no," Sam said groaning loudly.

"Excuse me." The twins twitched simultaneously and it was obvious.

"What?" Chloe said, glaring at her.

"Well I just wanted to come and personally welcome back the daughters of Vince McMahon." She said trying too hard to be polite to the two.

Chloe smirked "Yeah. Sure." she pushed past Vickie harshly before she started walking down the rest of the hallway.

Sam followed right behind her sister as the two heard Vickie scream her excuse me.

Chloe stopped her twin before she walked back up to Vickie and got in her face. "Ok. What do you want?"

"You need to show me and Dolf some respect!"

"Um excuse me? We give respect to people who deserve respect. Not just because they lucked out on getting a title and cheats to keep it." Sam said as she and Chloe both crossed their arms.

"And besides why in the blue hell would we give you any respect at all? 1 What have you done to earn it? And 2 Do you not know who we are?" Chloe smirked.

Vickie was furious "I am due more respect than you! I am the official smack down consultant."

"And Teddy fired you if I remember correctly." Sam snapped.

"And besides that our father is the one that gave you a job in the first place." Chloe said pushing her back a little.

Sam smiled at the rage in Vickie's face "Shall we go find your boyfriend now dear sister?"

"Please. I just hope that pig stench isn't getting on me."

The two linked arms and walked together down the halls smiling at the screams of Vickie.

"YOU KNOW THANK GOODNESS IT'S STILL COLD AND FLU SEASON MAYBE YOU CAN CATCH SOMETHING TO SHUT THE HELL UP!" Chloe yelled at her before she and her twin turned the corner.

Sam was in hysterics as the camera is turned off. The two high fived happily "Job well done now you need to go and find Dave."

"I can't wait to see him. Maybe he's already half-naked and ready to go to his match." Chloe smiled.

"Ok ok I get it you are horny and want to jump his bones. I get it now go!"

"Gone!" Chloe laughed before she ran off to Dave's locker room.

Sam smiled as she began to make her way through the halls. Suddenly she stumbled upon Kane's locker room. Or well ran into it more likely when suddenly the door opened hitting her square in the nose and forehead. Sam's eyes rolled up as she fell backwards onto the floor with a thud. Then she found herself being lifted up and someone saying. "I'm so sorry, Samantha, I didn't see you."

She blinked a few times regaining her vision "No worries." She scrunched up her face a few times trying to get feeling back into her nose.

Once she looked up to see who had helped her she was shocked to see the one and only Glen Jacobs standing before her. She tried to gulp down the knot in her throat as her cheeks became warm. "Are you sure you're ok?" he asked, concerned that she might throw up on him or something.

"What oh yeah sorry!" she cleared her throat. "I'm sorry. I'm ok no worries Glen."

"Good. I'll see you around then, ok?" he said with a smile.

"Yeah, and good luck tonight in the match," She said returning the smile as he walked off. Once he was out of ear shot "You idiot!" She whispered loudly to herself as she sulked off to find some ice for her nose. Chloe walked Dave to the entrance of the ramp; it was almost time for him to go on. The two smiled but their smiles faded when Chloe saw Sam with a pack of Ice on her nose.

She kissed Dave's cheek quickly. "Good luck, baby." she said before she walked off to her twin. "Hey, what happened? Who did it?" Chloe said, starting to look around and glared when she saw Vickie.

"Cool your heels Chloe, Glen opened his locker room door and I walked into it."

"Oh. Damn, I was ready to go and knock the living hell out of her." Chloe said.

"I know, but hey you know I'm sometimes a Klutz? Thank god I'm not when I'm on stage." She said as she put the ice back on her aching nose. "Glen looks nice." She said mumbling.

Chloe smirked. "I'm sure you got a nice view of him from the ground."

"I couldn't see but when I stood up I did. But oh god twin I was such an idiot!" Sam sulked again as she buried her face in her hands.

"Was it really that bad?" Chloe asked as she put an arm around her sister and guided her subtly over to a monitor where Dave's match was starting.

"I made the face!" She said looking up at her sister "The one where I blush so bad and I have the knot in my throat. The one where I look like I'm going to be sick" She buried her face into her hand "Now he probably thinks I'm a weirdo."

"Oh no, I'm sure he probably just thought you were red from the smack." Chloe said trying to convince her sister it was not as bad as it seemed.

"Yeah, I hope so." She put the ice back on her nose.

"Come on, I'll...um, I'll take you," she kept looking over at the monitor. "Back to the umm...um...oh damn it, oh yeah, dad's office." Chloe said distractedly.

"Chloe, focus please sweetie."

Chloe was stuck on the monitor. "No worries I'll go to dads office you stay and watch your man." Sam said smiling.

Chloe barely heard her but snapped out of it for a second after Sam was already gone. "Bye sis, see you later..." she said before focusing on the monitor again.

"See you." Sam walked off to find her father's office. Chloe stared well more like drooled over her man via the TV monitor.

"Wow, I'm lucky." She said to herself.