'Alvin's here!' I thought as seven rhythmic knocks tapped on the door. I rushed downstairs and opened it up. We greeted each other with warm smiles and waves. "Ready?" he asked.

"Almost. Trinity! Weston! Come give sissy hugs before she leaves!"

A small stampede of feet paraded down the stairs. Trinity stopped on the second step and called out, "Prince Alvin! Look what I can do!"

She bent her knees, ruffled her sparkly pink tutu, and shook her back so her fairy wings would flap.

"Wee!" she yelled as she jumped off of the step and on to the ground. "That's almost as many as the eighty billion steps Brittany jumps down whenever you come over!" She skipped over to a chuckling Alvin and motioned with her finger for Alvin to crouch down, so he did. "So, Prince Alvin, how are Madame Mandy's baby dolls feeling? Do they still have they yucky flu?"

"Nope! They're all better; except for Princess Lea… I don't know why she's still sick."

Trinity patted his head softly, "Silly goose! She misses Luke Sky Worker!"

Alvin started laughing and Trinity put her hands on her hips, "What's so funny mister?"


She smiled sweetly, "Okay then! Are you and my sister gonna kiss?"

He looked over at me, on one knee, trying to get pudding off of Weston's face, and smiled, "I sure hope so."

She clapped, "Do you think my sister is pretty? I think she looks like a beautiful queen of flowers and ponies!"

He winked at her, "You bet I think she's pretty."

"That's good. Weston does too. He asked her to marry him last Christmas but she kissed him so he didn't like her anymore."

"I still like Brittany!" Weston called.

"She doesn't yell at me like Bobbie's sister does."

Alvin stood up as I walked over to him.

"Wait! Sissy! We have presents for the prince and princess!" shouted Trinity as she and Weston dashed back upstairs and back downstairs in no time at all.

"Get on your knees and we'll give you your presents!" said Trinity.

We got on our knees and they each placed a "crown" on our heads.

She leaned in towards Alvin and loudly whispered into his ear, "Since you're the handsome prince, you have to kiss the pretty princess."

He laughed and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek, "Happy?"

"Blech!" called Weston.

"It could have been better," she sighed.

Alvin stood up first and then helped me up.

"Bye Trin, bye West. Love you guys."

"Bye Britt!" the called in unison.

We walked out the door and he let me in his car first.

As he hopped in the car and started the engine he said, "So, Weston really tried to marry you last Christmas?"

I laughed, "Yes. It was so funny! I said yes and kissed him on the cheek, which made him change his mind about girls."

He chuckled, "What did your parents say?"

"They video taped the whole thing…."

"I'm on Weston's side with this."

"What do you mean?"

"Oh, you'll see. By the way, I got you a little something; open up the glove box."

I reached over and pulled on the little handle, which revealed a small, velvet box.

He grinned, "Open it!"

I opened it up slowly, expecting a fake bug or something but only found a small golden cross with my name engraved on it.

"Alvin… It's… It's beautiful…"

"Do you like it? My cousin's fiancé gave it to me for only ten bucks!"

"It's beautiful…"

As we pulled into the parking lot of the restaurant, he said, "I'll help you put it on when we get out."

"T-thank you… so much, Alvin."