So, I honestly don't quite know where to begin, but words cannot describe how sincerely sorry I am for not updating this story in months. I won't go into the long details of my absence, but I am back now and am determined to see this story through to its finish. It's especially difficult to have to wait for an update after a major cliff hanger. Once again, my sincerest apologies and thank you for all of you who have stayed with me, it means a lot.

Beep... beep... beep...

The woman slowly opened her eyes, blinking rapidly at the ceiling lights. She kept hearing a persistent beeping sound and it was quickly getting on her nerves. Disoriented, she took in her surroundings, confused as to where she was.

God, someone shut that beeping up! she thought. Then it finally hit her as the fog in her head ebbed away; it was a heart monitor, a sound that she heard constantly back in her days of practicing surgery. She let out a groan, realizing that she was in a hospital.

"Teddy. Oh, thank god!"

Teddy whipped her head over to the door in a panic, searching for the owner of that voice. Within a matter of seconds, her hospital bed was repositioned into a sitting position and gentle arms encased her frail frame.

"Shh, shh, it's okay," the voice soothed. Teddy wondered what was happening? Who was wailing, making sounds similar to that of a wild animal? She then realized it was herself.

"Arizona?" Teddy asked, letting out a cough. Her throat felt quite sore. "What happened?"

"Callie and I went to see you at your apartment last week. We were concerned, we had to check up on you. However, you wouldn't answer the door at all. When we got to you... oh, sweetie..."

Arizona let out a shaky breath, thinking about how much she should tell her friend.

"Callie called for an ambulance. We were so afraid that we were too late, and after all, we almost were. I'm just so glad to finally see you awake."

"Wait... how long was I out for? What else has been done?"

"Miranda will be in here soon to check up on you with your other doctors. They'll explain everything."

"No, I'm not waiting. Give me my chart. I want my chart," Teddy demanded, immediately upset. She was humiliated and could feel her control slipping away.


"You know what? Just leave! It's your fucking fault that I'm in this predicament anyway."

Nodding in resignation, Arizona complied. "I'll page your doctors. Just remember, I'll be here when you need me. Calliope, too. Please, get better." With that, the blonde left.

After seeing her best friend leave, Teddy immediately felt a few tears leak out of her eyes. What have I just done? she thought. The past few months she had done nothing but push those who were closest to her away. She knew it was wrong, she knew she was not being herself. But she was just so distraught over Henry's death. Never did she think that true love, a love she had never expected, would be taken away from her so soon.

She pressed her bed remote and lowered herself back into a sleeping position. Perhaps I can just sleep this nightmare away...

A few hours later, the former surgeon stirred from her troubled sleep when she felt prodding fingers on her abdomen.

"What are you doing? Go away," she groaned.

"So that's how your gonna talk to me after ignoring me for all this time?" Miranda Bailey responded.

Teddy stayed silent once she realized who was examining her.

"Now, I'm just glad you opened those pretty little eyes of yours. I'm glad that you kept fighting," Bailey continued. "You may not think so now, but you have courage, Altman, and things will get better." She stared at her former colleague until Teddy finally made eye contact. She was sure she saw a few unshed tears in Teddy's eyes. Seeing this, Bailey's demeanor softened a bit and she gazed at her friend in concern.

Although she was touched, Teddy refused to get rid of her tough exterior. A crack in her tough exterior meant no control. "Just update me on my medical status, alright?"

Bailey hesitated for a moment, debating whether or not to wait for the other health professionals working Teddy's case. However, she decided that getting Teddy up-to-speed on her condition would probably gain more trust between the two of them; after all, Teddy had a long road ahead of her for her recovery, and Bailey would be there every step of the way.

Taking a deep breath, Bailey nodded. "Eight days ago, you were brought to our emergency room unconscious in the middle of the night. You were barely breathing, and you went into cardiac arrest during the ambulance ride over. You were in horrible shape; during our assessment we discovered that you needed surgery on your bowel, and you crashed once again on the table. After surgery we transferred you to the intensive care unit.

"While there, we ran some further tests on you. Your blood tests came back showing numerous vitamin deficiencies and other nutritional imbalances. We've alternated between different intravenous treatments and a feeding tube as a result."

Bailey stared at her patient while telling her about her hospital stay, hoping she would once again make eye contact with her. However, Teddy refused to make eye contact, her face turning a deep shade of red.

Making a quick decision, Teddy attempted to rip the unwanted IV out of her arm only to realize that she was in restraints. She looked up into the concerned but sorrowful eyes of her colleague.

"I'm so sorry, Teddy, but it's for your own good," Bailey responded.

"Get it out. NOW! I. Don't. Want. It!"

"Unfortunately, that's not going to happen," said a new voice.

Glancing to the open door, Teddy saw two women enter the room. Only when they sat in some open chairs near the bed did they introduce themselves.

"I'm Dr. Blake, the psychiatrist who's been on your case," said a short woman with long brunette hair. She seemed welcoming enough to Teddy; however, she tensed when she heard that Dr. Blake was a psychiatrist.

The other woman scooted her chair closer to Teddy and began checking the IV. She then started recording the information on the numerous monitors connected to her patient and introduced herself. "Hello, Teddy. I'm Dr. Anderson. I specialize in eating disorders and am lead on your case with Dr. Bailey."

"You're not needed here. Both of you. I'm not mental, and I don't have an eating disorder. Go."

Bailey and Anderson looked at each other, having a silent conversation.

"Now, Teddy, please cooperate with us. I have some other patients to check up on, but I'll come back in a little while. At the moment, Dr. Anderson and Dr. Blake are going to examine you and ask you some questions. We only want what's best for you," Bailey said and handed Teddy's chart to Dr. Anderson before leaving the room.

As if. I guess it's showtime, Teddy thought, having every intention to make her doctors miserable.

Thanks for reading! I hope to have the next chapter up in about a week, it all depends on my schedule. It's a busy time at school with AP testing currently taking place and school newspaper deadlines to fulfill.