Author's Note: I am so terribly sorry for the delay…the very long delay…in updating this story. I had a lot going on in my life that kept me from being able to write. One of the many things was the fact that my laptop malfunctioned and I wasn't able to access the chapter I had started writing. I was thankfully gifted another laptop but had to rewrite the chapter…I would like to note that I have changed from writing this story in present tense to writing it in past tense. It flows better and is easier for me to write it in. I hope you all don't mind! As always…READ, REVIEW, ENJOY!

Chapter 13

As Cadence ran from the common room towards her dorm, Draco turned to face Pansy. His grey eyes shone like silver as he narrowed them, glaring angrily at her, his fists clenched at his sides. He wouldn't hit her, but boy did he wish he could.

"How dare you speak to Cadence like that? Honestly, Pansy, if brains were gold, you would be poorer than the Weasleys! You couldn't even manage your first year classes without help from me. And don't get me started on all the times you cried to me in private because you were homesick!"

Draco stepped closer and closer to Pansy as he spoke and was now standing right in front of her, glaring directly at her.

"If you ever hurt Cadence again, I'll make sure you regret it!"

With that, Draco turned and walked out of the common room and towards his next class. As he went about his way, he silently hoped that Cadence was okay and would make through the rest of the day without further incident. Pansy just stared after him, her mouth hanging open in shock. The other students in the common room began to whisper and laugh. Pansy just glared at them all and ran out of the room.

Meanwhile, Cadence had reached her bed and fallen onto it, face first, sobbing into her pillow. One of the other first years, Gabby Penworth sat down beside her and tried to cheer her up. After a few minutes, she rolled over, wiped the tears off her face with the sleeve of her robe, and then smiled at Gabby. The smile was sad and small but at least it was something.

"Thank you, Gabby. I hope I didn't make you late for class."

"We can still make it there if we hurry. My older brother showed me a shortcut. Let's go!"

Cadence got up and followed Gabby, rushing down some corridors. Thankfully, they made it just in time to slide into their seats without being in trouble for being late.

The rest of the day was fairly uneventful. Draco and Cadence spent the free time between classes and dinner, just sitting on one of the fluffy green sofas in the common room, talking. He was trying hard to reassure her that Professor Snape didn't think she was an imbecile and that everything would be okay. Cadence just shook her head sadly.

"Cade, listen to me, I know Professor Snape really well. He doesn't think you are stupid or a screw up. He might have to punish you for disrupting herbology class, but he's not as mad at you as you seem to believe. As for your detention with Professor Sprout, all she'll make you do is tend to some stupid plants and clean a green house. You'll get through it. I promise."

"I hope so…"

Cadence smiled weakly at Draco. She hadn't known him long but already she didn't know what she'd do without him.

Draco smiled at her and patted her head softly. She giggled and then stood.

"It is almost time for dinner…why don't you go on ahead and I'll meet you there. I'm not all that hungry right now and I really want to talk to someone in particular. Okay?"

Draco looked at her skeptically and a bit concerned.

"Please don't give me that look, Draco. I promise I'll be there shortly. Please?"

She smiled innocently at Draco and he couldn't help but relent, relaxing his face and smiling at her. Being around this girl was different. He didn't feel like he had to pretend to be some big hot shot around her. She didn't care if his family was rich or where he came from. She didn't care if he was popular. She just cared for him. The only other person he felt he could be his true self around was his Godfather, Professor Snape. Draco patted Cadence on the head affectionately and then got up, offering her his hand to help her up. She smiled and took the offered hand allowing Draco to help her to her feet. He sighed as he watched her head out of the common room on a mission to find whomever it was she wished to speak to.

As he followed her out of the common room, he came to a decision. He turned and headed not towards the dining hall but towards Professor Snape's office, hoping to be able to speak to him before he joined the rest of the staff in the Great Hall for dinner.

As Draco entered his Head of House's office, Cadence was at the other end of the castle talking with Ginny. She was so relieved that the redheaded girl still wanted to be her friend even though their houses were rivals and after all the trouble, she had that day.

Ginny was sympathetic and told her everything would be okay. By the time they walked into the Great Hall together, Cadence was smiling and giggling. She waved as she spotted Draco and made her way over to him, sitting happily.

She was enjoying her meal…well at least until Professor Sprout walked up to their table and reminded her to come straight to her office when Cadence was finished eating.

"Yes, Ma'am Professor Sprout. I'll be along shortly."

Cadence watched the herbology professor walk off and snuck a glance at Professor Snape. He looked at her for a moment. Was that a look of disappointment in his eyes? Cadence slowly pushed her plate away and got up. She whispered a quiet goodbye to Draco and left the Great Hall with her head downcast. She almost walked right into Pansy Parkinson but was able to avoid the collision just in time. Pansy just sneered at her and kept on walking in the other direction.

Later that evening…

Detention with Professor Sprout, while dreadfully boring, wasn't bad. Draco had been right. She had had the children work together, on threat of being assigned a most brain numbingly boring essay that would be due tomorrow if they failed to do so, on the assignment that they had botched in class due to their poor behavior and lack of proper communication and team work. It turned out, that Rupert wasn't that bad and soon they were laughing as they worked. Once the plant was properly planted, they presented it to Professor Sprout. She smiled, seemingly proud of their work, and dismissed them from their detention, with a reminder to head straight to Professor Snape's office.

Both of the first year's sighed and slowly made their way to what they were probably both feeling was to be their execution…