As I said, here's the next chapter :) It kinda sucks as always, but I still hope you'll like it, because I really tried to make this work.
You may wonder why this is Patricia's pov but in third person, it's because I'm currently reading Game of Thrones (and watched both seasons of the tv show) and I can't stop reading Gendrya fanfiction, so GRRM's style rubbed off on me.


*Insert sarcastic disclaimer here*


Nina was gone. She fell through a hole. Nina was gone.

Patricia's mind repeated this the whole day. She couldn't stop replaying the moment. And the worst was, they didn't know how to get her back. Even if Eddie had tried to sound reassuring before, they had absolutely no idea of what to do. He wanted Fabian to calm down, but it didn't work. He was devastated and not willing to put anyone else in danger.

"We have to keep playing!" Patricia was telling them. "It's the only way!"

"I won't let anyone else fall. This is too dangerous. She fell, Nina fell, and I don't know what to do." Fabian said.

"Look, I know it's hard but-" Eddie started.

"You know? Were you the one to tell her to step on that square? You have no idea."

"Fabian, we have to do this, she wouldn't let us down. She would keep playing. You know her. Nina wouldn't stop until the stupid ghost left us alone." She said.

"No. No."

"I'm scared too but Patricia's right, it's the only idea we have." Alfie said with a soft voice.

"Then we have to keep thinking."

Amber looked sad and afraid to everyone. Patricia caught her eyes and thought about smiling at her to show her everything was going to be fine, but it didn't work. She wasn't sure herself if that was going to be true. They had lost the Chosen One and their lives were in more danger than before, but more important they had lost their friend.

"Listen, we need to clear our heads and calm down." Eddie told them. "Tonight we can think about what to do exactly. But no matter what, we are going to save Nina."

And then, the most important was covering Nina's disappearance. They told Vera she went to see her grandmother and she thought it to be strange, because she usually knew beforehand. But finally, she had stopped asking about it.

Victor was more difficult, though. They told him the same as Vera, but there was always that shadow in his eyes that convinced them that he was suspicious. He knew they were up to something and Patricia wasn't sure of how far he would get to find out the truth. It was already bad enough to have a killer ghost after them.

But the worst was when Fabian freaked out and went to tell everything to Mr. Sweet. Patricia swore she could have kicked some sense into him, but she wasn't there. Luckily, Sweet was absent too and Fabian was saved from making a big mistake. And not only that, they found Nina! Well, kind of. They could hear her voice through the ventilation system. Somehow she was trapped underneath the school. When Amber and Fabian told them, she saw the relief in his face.

"We have to keep playing."

They met again at night, Fabian was still looking for a better strategy and had asked them to come with him to the Senet board. He discussed with them what he was planning to do, but none really understood it. They were sitting near the board in a circle. Amber looked nervously around, Alfie was listening to Fabian whose eyes didn't leave his papers and Eddie was trying to get into the conversation, but his eyes would travel to her most of the time. She didn't say a word, but he was making her feel uneasy. Even if she looked back at him without shyness.
Patricia wasn't a shy one.

But it made her think. Think of what he had said. Think of what it meant. Think of her feelings towards him.

Of course she liked him. That was out of the question. She wouldn't bother so much if he was any other guy, but she couldn't bring herself to even admit she felt something stronger than 'liking'. Why was it so important anyway? She never wanted any of this. She never asked him to be such a pain in the ass. She never asked him to try. Watching Joy deal with Fabian's love for Nina had been enough to convince her that love was overrated. She already thought that back then, but after that she had a real proof.
All that was needed to strip her theory was a Weasel who made his way into her brain.

Stupid him.

Suddenly she felt something behind her and before she could turn she heard the voice of someone who could only make the situation worse.

"Useless children." Senkhara growled. "The Chosen One failed and you are of no use anymore without her, so now you shall perish."

"No! Wait!" Fabian yelled standing up. "We can get her back, we just need more time. Then she will find what you want."

"Do not lie to me, boy!"

"I'm not! But we need more time. I promise, the Chosen One hasn't failed."

Senkhara closed her eyes and opened them slowly looking at Fabian with almost hate.

"Three days, child. If she isn't back in three days, you will all forfeit."

Then she disappeared.

Fabian sat down heavily with a face as white as his paper, but so were everyone's faces too. Three days weren't enough, Patricia could almost hear him say. This needed to be thought deeply.

But still, nothing stopped Fabian from looking at them and say:

"Get up, we are playing now."

"Now?" Amber whispered.

"Yes." He turned to Eddie. "You will play for Nina."

"Got it, captain."

"Come on, let's do this."

Twenty minutes later the game was going rather well. Patricia realized, Fabian was playing save. He had only make Eddie step on a danger square once.

"Patricia, one to your left. And Amber you too." Fabian said. "Alfie, Alfie…One to your right."

"Are you sure?" Alfie asked with a grimace.

"Yes, the one next to Patricia. I'm sorry."

"It's fine…" He failed at sounding brave.

Carefully he stepped on the danger square. For a moment nothing happened, but then the statue turned around and the floor disappeared under his feet.


Patricia wasn't sure how but moments later she was holding Alfie and trying to pull him out. He had grabbed the floor around the hole to keep from falling. She tried with all her might to get him out.

She spotted a movement with the corner of her eye and she knew exactly who was the stupid one moving.

"Eddison! Don't you dare!"

He stopped on the spot. "You need help."

"You're going to stay where you are. Tell-" She struggled with Alfie's weight. "Tell him, Fabian!"

"She's right, Eddie. Don't move." He said low.

"I've got him." Finally Alfie was in safety and they went off the board when Fabian told them to which was a few seconds later.

"I can't do this." Fabian said sadly. "I need help."

"We can help you." Eddie offered. Right after he asked his eyes went to Patricia again. She knew he was worried, but she didn't say a thing.

"Thanks, but I need someone a little more…experienced."

"Mara?" Alfie asked.

"I was thinking about Joy."

"Joy?" Amber spat.

"Joy? Are you sure?" Patricia's eyes were wide. She was her best friend, but considering all that had happened, would this be a good idea?

"Yes. She was always the best at chess, this isn't that different."

"Nina wouldn't want Joy to have anything to do with this. And let's not forget how she tried to have her thrown out of the school." Amber reminded them. "She could play badly so we can't save her."

"Joy has done bad things, but she's a good person. We just need to explain her how important this is." Fabian replied.

"Good person? She even tricked Mara." Eddie interrupted.

"Hey, you, Slimeball, don't forget it's my best friend who you are talking about." Patricia said angry. Eddie looked at her annoyed but he shut up, probably because he didn't want to mess things up between them. More than they already were.

Or because he's tired of your bullshit, she thought.

"I'm going to talk to Joy and we are going to win and save Nina." Fabian said and left no time for discussion. He just turned around, gathered his papers and walked back to Anubis House. Everyone followed him and Patricia continued talking to herself.

If someone's tired here, it's me. He's such a girl, feelings, feelings and feelings. He likes to mess things up for fun, that Weasel. Besides he heard me talking to Joy, he already knows! And he still wants me to say it like an idiot.
I should ignore him for the rest of my life and be done with him. He infuriates me so much! Ugh.

That plan sounded right to her. No more boy, no more problems. But she discovered that she couldn't. It was not as easy as it sounded. She couldn't help but look at him, smile at his jokes (even though she fought against those smiles), wanting to speak to him… Dammit.

So when her feet dragged her to his room, a part of her wasn't really surprised.

"Fabian. Out."

"Yacker, be nice to my roommate." She could hear Eddie's amusement in his voice.

"Yeah, it's my room too."

Patricia glared at him. "Out."

Fabian gulped. "I'll come back later.." He stood up quickly and left closing the door behind him.

Eddie's eyes were on her and he smirked.

"Here to talk?" He asked. "You finally got the guts to say it?"

"You shut up. I'm no-"

"Did you hear that?" Eddie suddenly interrupted.

Patricia looked at him weirdly. "What?"

"The voice. Someone said something. You didn't hear it?"

"No, there wasn't a voice. We are alone and-"

"There! Again!" He exclaimed. "Are you sure you can't hear it?"

"Eddie! There's no one here. No one said anything but me. So stop acting like a crazy."

"Yacker, I'm telling you, I heard someone say something. Osi- Osi-something. I don't even know what that means."

"It means you're stupid and I shouldn't have come here." She said turning around and heading for the door.

"No! Wait. Wait, ok?" Eddie called her. "You came here to tell me something, right?"

"Forget it."

She walked quickly to her room, ignoring his voice calling her name. When she arrived, she closed the door and sat on her bed.

"Everything alright?" She turned to see Mara sitting on her own bed, probably doing something for school.

"Yeah, fine."

"It doesn't look like it."

Patricia considered talking to her. Maybe she could help since she was so smart, but Patricia didn't exactly like asking for help.

"Let me guess," She said looking back at her notebook. "Eddie."

"What else?" She asked rhetorically. "I'm tired Mara, I don't want to talk about his stupid face."

"Can I just say one thing?"

"Are you going to shut up after that?"

"Yes, I have work to do about Jerome's dad and Senkhara."

Patricia's eyes went wide but Mara didn't see her. Lucky her, or she would get suspicious. Mara was one of the persons who couldn't leave something until she knew the whole truth. Patricia tried to cover her alarmed reaction.

"Are you still on that? Even Eddie thinks it's stupid."

"It's not stupid. We have proof and it can be the story of the year. Of the century!" She told her. "Why is everyone against it anyways? Do you have any idea?"

"Well, it's just a ghost story, Mara."

"And yet I have proof of it."

"It could be fake."

"It isn't."

"It could."

"It's not, Patricia."

"Whatever, what did you want to say?" She figured out it was better to bring her back to the previous conversation before she got suspicious.

"Oh, right. I was going to suggest that maybe, "she said carefully "you should try to be more coupley."


"Yes, act like a normal couple. You barely do things together. It could help…"

"We aren't exactly 'normal'"

"Exactly. Doing normal things would make your relationship look more like a relationship."

"So you're saying I have to start being a proper girlfriend."

"If you want to take it like that…"

A proper girlfriend. Coupley things. She had already tried with the blind date and it didn't go that badly. And maybe this way, he would stop asking all the time about her feelings. It could actually work! It would be hard, though, Patricia knew it, but it could work. And she also knew deep down that she wanted it to work. She wanted them to work.

And she was going to make it work.


Wow...this looked bigger in the word document...
I hope you liked it and review. Thank you to everyone that reviewed, really. I want to say that last chapter I said reviews helped me write faster…as you can see it's not true. I'm the kind of person who leaves her duties to do other things and I can't help it. Still, reading your reviews reminds me that I have to continue this, so I find the power to keep writing.

So thank you for helping me write! Lol :D

Till next chapter, Sibunas!

ps: sorry if there are many mistakes!

ps2: tomorrow is my first day of university! I'm really nervous and I needed to say it! haha *nervous*