Chapter 2: The morning after

The next morning Severus woke up naked and sweaty. He winced at the uncomfortable feel of semen in his anus. A sharp stab of pain surged from his arse and up his spine. Severus tried to stand but his legs were shaking and he had to hold on to the bedpost to steady him. Every time he moved his body protested against him.

Finally, he got into the shower and turned the water all the way hot. Scorching hot. But Severus barley felt the burn as he scrubbed himself hard. He felt dirty and just…urgh! Every time he looked down on himself he felt sick and the need to cleanse himself.

Severus' skin was red and bleeding from all the scrubbing he did. When he noticed the red at the bottom of the shower he cursed. Severus got out but didn't bother to clean himself up or dry himself. He just went into his room and curled up in a fetal position on his bed. He, for the first time in a long time, cried.

He wept, sobbed; he let out heart wrenching cries of "Why?" He didn't know how long he lay there. It could've been hours or minutes or just seconds. He sat up and wiped at his red eyes. It was 1:00.

He had to tell his…Tobias…that he'd be leaving. Severus couldn't even think the word anymore. He stood and got dressed his cleanest pair of jeans he could find, his father's old shirt that said 'SHIT HAPPENS', and his father's old work boots. In his rucky he packed all his clothes, which wasn't much, some money, and a pair of sneakers. Severus hesitantly walked down the stairs wondering if he could face his father right now.

He was never afraid to see his father after a beating but this the first time the man had raped him and he was tense. Severus found his father in the kitchen reading the paper. Severus cleared his throat.

Tobias looked up angrily and snapped, "What do you want, boy?" Severus flinched but held strong.

"When mum died my lot made arrangements for me to live elsewhere. The people I'm stayin' with are comin' round at 9 to pick me up."

Tobias smiled nastily. "Well good riddance you worthless piece of trash!" Severus was used to the insults, but they still hurt.

Severus nodded and turned to go upstairs.

Tobias stopped them and said, "We still got time. How about a repeat of last night?"

Severus' eyes widened in fear at the memory. His arse was still sore.

Tobias let out a cackle of triumph and dragged Severus back upstairs.