Hey everyone! I have a new story for you guys!

Don't worry, I'll still be writing Earthquake, I'm just a bit blocked on it right now. If you have any suggestions for it, please PM me and let me know! :)

Anyway, I loved last night's episode so much, I just had to start a new story based on it!


They were an hour and a half into their journey from LA to San Diego. The rain still hadn't stopped, in fact; it was actually getting worse as time went on. All three girls were completely soaked through to the bone, and poor Fat Santa was drenched. Jade squinted as she tried her best to focus on the road through the windscreen as the rain attacked her face, making her dark hair stick to her skin. It was getting harder and harder to see the road ahead, but she couldn't stop anywhere since they were on the freeway.

Jade blamed Cat for all of this. Actually... no. She blamed Vega for all of this. She's the one who made the idea of visiting a dead lady's house sound so enticing. But that was before she found out the house was all the way in San Diego! Truthfully, she probably wouldn't have minded the two hour drive if it had been decent weather. But it wasn't. It was full on raining, and the stupid car didn't have a roof. However, for the past hour, she had entertained herself coming up with all kinds of different ways to torture Tori. That made the journey just that little bit more tolerable.

Cat squealed as thunder crashed loudly above them once again. She didn't like storms, they meant the clouds were angry with each other. Just like Tori and Jade were angry with her. She felt bad about making Jade drive them all the way to San Diego in her brother's chizz-box of a car. But Mona Patterson really meant a lot to her, and she had do to this. She looked down at her PearPad and checked the time, 9:24pm. She sighed, knowing that they wouldn't get back home until late, and then she and Tori wouldn't have time to finish their science project. And she knew that Jade was already mad at her for making her drive them to San Diego. Cat hated it when Jade was made at her, but it was her fault. This was all her fault.

Tori ran a hand over her soaked face as the rain battered it roughly. This was not how she imagined their road trip at all. She wanted nothing more than to be curled up at home with some coco, watching a good movie. But no. She was here; in a topless convertible driving to a dead actress's house to light a candle. She wouldn't complain though. She knew how much this means to Cat. Fat Santa had given up running on his wheel about a half hour ago, poor chubby little thing. She looked at her watch and wiped the water from the face before groaning at the time. There was no way they could get back home in time to finish their science project for tomorrow. She looked down at the motionless robot and prepared to fail.

"How long 'til the next exit?" Jade yelled over the noise of the rain beating down on top of them, spitting some of the water from her mouth. She had been doing that for the past half hour, along with spitting her soaked hair from her mouth.

Cat pulled up the map on her PearPad and checked the distance. She ran her hand over her eyes, wiping the rain away from them so she could see clearly, "Ten more miles!" she cried in despair. Tori yelled loudly at the thought of being stuck in the pouring rain for another ten whole miles.

Jade gripped the steering wheel tighter as the car slipped about on the wet road. She stayed calm, assuring herself that if she stayed focused, everything would be fine. But she could only blame the chizz-box of a car that she was driving, it was basically a death contraption. Seriously, rope for seat-belts? Doesn't that just scream 'safety first!'?

"What are we gonna do?" Cat called, whimpering as the cold rain hit her face as she looked forward.

Tori looked around the dashboard until she found was she was looking for. She reached forward and flicked the little switch that triggered the window-wipers. All three girls breathed a little sigh of relief as the rain began to clear away from the windshield.

"That's better," Tori sighed, Jade and Cat nodding in agreement.

Suddenly, the tops of the window-wipers snapped off and flew away behind them. The girls screamed in shock as the bits of flimsy metal broke off of the car before being carried off by the wind.

Jade spun around, "WHAT?" she yelled. How could that have possibly happened? She sighed in despair and flicked her drenched hair out of her face, not realising that she wasn't paying attention to the road ahead.


Tori and Cat yelled her name as the car began to lose grip on the soaked road. Jade spun back around and gripped the steering wheel, trying to regain control of the car as best as she could. But it was too late, the car steered out of control, the crappy tires slipping against the road as the car went rearing over to the side of the freeway, slamming into the steel barrier by the side of the road.

The three girls screamed in terror as they hit the road barrier hard, before their car flipped off of the road completely. The convertible went flying through the air, before finally landing upside down some distance from the freeway in a field, completely wrecked from the accident.

This was not how they pictured their road trip to end.