End of the Brotherhood of Tomorrow

Hey Everyone ^^
If this story is a bit wierd at some points and constantly changes direction, it's because it were originally a rpg. The players were my friend and I. We each took turns to describe what happened and what our characters did. So there will be three points of views in this story, all told in third person. But sometimes the thoughts of Cecilie and Elise might be written too.
Parrings: Cecilie x Ichigo, Elise x (I don't really know someone, probably Hitsugaya)

Disclaimer: I don't own Bleach, it belongs to Tite Kubo.
SPOILER ALERT: The story takes place in between the fullbringer's arc and the final arc. So don't say I didn't warn you!

Without further ado enjoy this long long story! I hope you like it!
Okay when Cecilie and Elise speak Danish to each other it will showed like this: "Yeah and you know what that means!"
All speaking with zanpaktou will be showed like this: - So you finally opened your eyes… -

Chapter 1 – Behind the sofa

It is an ordinary evening, a bit past dinner time. Cecilie and Elise watches as Cecilies parents drive off. "The house is finally ours!" Elise almost screams of joy. "Yeah and you know what that means!" Cecilie laughs. "We're gonna watch Bleach all night!"
"I'll grab the candy and soda, you fetch the video!"
Elise happily agrees, she dashes off into the kitchen, grabs allot of crap and caries it into the living room.
In the meantime Cecilie has turned on the surround sound and the TV. Not many seconds go by, before the two girls are enjoying their favorite anime.
Outside the windows the darkness engulfs the world and a deep silence lays around the house. Five figures are approaching the house, they split up and surround it. Two of them walk up to the kitchen door.
Elise and Cecilie are watching an episode from right after Aizen's betrayal. "He really does look good without the glasses and the hair laid back like that!" mumbles Elise, while she eats chips. Cecilie looks at her with a smile and says: "Yeah, he's a real hottie"
Just as she says that there is a knock on the kitchen door. The girls turn their heads towards the sound, but the darkness outside makes it impossible to see who is standing outside. "You think we should open?" Elise looks at Cecilie with questioning eyes.
Knocks are heard again, this time followed by voices: "You think we got the wrong address?" "Naarhh That's not possible"
Cecilie looks a little worried: "Hmm… do we know anyone who speaks English?" before Elise can answer Cecilie shouts: "WHO ARE YOU?"
Nothing but silence at first, then a woman answers: "We are here to drink sake and have fun! And by the way my name is..." She is cut off by another voice: "Who we are and why we are here is irrelevant, all that matters is that you come with us now…"
Elise jumps behind the sofa with her cell phone in front of her like a weapon while she shouts: NEVER!"
It takes less than a second before Cecilie is beside her also with her cell phone as a weapon. "Right! We are NEVER going to come with you! We will call the police!"
They hear a deep sigh: "Why do those silly humans always have to make a big deal out of anything?"
"Because it's fun!" is an imitated answer heard from behind the sofa.
Then there is a clicking noise. A cold breeze runs through the house, alarming Elise and Cecilie that the door has been opened. The TV and all electric appliances dies out, the living room is left in darkness.
"How did that happened?" asks Elise in a whisper.
Cecilie shrugs of astonishment. There are low noises from the somewhere beyond the kitchen.
"… eehhh we'd better make a run for it! Have any ideas?" Elise moves around uncomfortably and gives Cecilie a nervous look. She's still holding up the phone in front of her.
"How do you want to make a run for it when they are right on the other side of the door? Sneak past them when they open it?" in Cecilies voice there are traces of uneasiness and Elise feels it.
There is once again knocks on the door "Are you still going to be trouble for us?"
"HELL YEAH" Shouts Cecilie.
Elise, with her sweat dropping, mumbles: "Great now they know exactly where we are hiding, thanks for making things worse!"
Even though it's dark, the girl's eyes have adjusted to the darkness. Elise looks around the sofa, checking wether or not the intruders have made their way through the kitchen. Then she whispers: "Well you have two doors… it's worth a shot!"
The woman's voice is heard from Cecilies room: "Arrhhh this is such a nice room!" "Come on! We don't have time for that now!" The other person sounds angry and irritated.
"But look that's a picture of…!" she is cut off yet again.
"Would you focus?" By now Cecilie and Elise have realized that there are two intruders, one guy and a woman.
While the intruders are momentarily distracted, Elise grabs Cecilie's hand and points to the front door. This makes Cecilie confused for a second then she says: "Oh. Yeah. My house has two..."
Cecilie never finish the sentence, because Elise pulls her along with her. To their surprise, they make it to the door. From the kitchen comes a disappointed voice: "Heeeeeeeeey, where did they go? Didn't you see them in the living room, captain?"

With her arms over her head Elise runs around the streets corner: "Wooooo we made it!"
Cecilie is one step behind her with a huge grin: "I can't believe we actually made it out!"
They run around a corner.
"You know you really shouldn't try to run away" In front of Elise stands a tall guy, he's wearing a hoddie, a pair of loose jeans and he's red hair is tied up in a ponytail. Elise stops dead in her tracks.
"Hey, watch it! We have to run from those…" Cecilie bangs right in to her, and they fall.
The ground is wet and cold, is Cecilies first thoughts. But then she notices that Elise has gone in to a lock down. It's clear to Cecilie that Elise haven't even realized that the two of them fell. Four people are standing around them, all known from the girls favorite series Bleach. All dressed up in casual clothing.

Here was the first chapter, I hope you like it. If there is anything please message me!
I'll upload the second chapter in not to long time.