Chapter One

Eddie burst through Patricia's bedroom door, clutching his laptop. Patricia opened her mouth to snap at him, but he cut her off. "Forget whatever you're about to say and look at this."

Patricia sat up to allow her boyfriend room to sit next to her. He quickly set the computer down and rewound the clip, only to pause it on a dark, ghostly figure.

Patricia gasped. "Senkhara!"

Eddie turned to her. "What?"

It wasn't until then that she realized what she had said. Her heartbeat quickened.

"Patricia, do you know this ghost?"

Tell him. I dare you.

Patricia sprung up, glancing around the room, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't see Senkhara. Nina was the only one who ever saw her outside of a dream. But the amber-brunette knew the ghost was in her room.

She could feel her.

Anger boiled inside the girl. How dare Senkhara drag Eddie into this! Couldn't she tell the Sibunas were working as quickly as they could?


Tell him of how I haunt you, Patricia Williamson.

"Leave him out of this!"

You dare use that tone with me, girl.

Just then, a fire burst from Patricia's curse mark, dropping her to the ground with a cry of agony. Eddie was instantly at her side. "Patricia, what wrong?"

The old ruler laughed.

Clutching her curse mark, Patricia pinpointed the ghost's position in front of her. "I'm not afraid of you!"

Foolish girl! You will do as I say. You answer to me.

"No. I don't." Patricia smirked up at the ghost she knew was there. "I'm not your servant girl, Senkhara. I am done doing these tasks for you. All of us are! We are done!"

The fire zapped Patricia again and another cry ripped from her. Eddie held onto his shaking girlfriend, unsure what to do but unable to shake the possessive surge filling up his body.

Don't you remember last time one of you tried to quit? Nina punished all of you with her words. Fabian lost his memory. Alfie turned into a child. Amber grew old. And you, dear Patricia—

"Lost my voice, I know."


But his girlfriend refused to look at him. She refused to drag him into this.

If you remember, than you would be wise to take that back.

"Why should I? Why should I do anything for you?"

Because if you don't, your boyfriend will pay the ultimate price.

Patricia froze. She knew Senkhara meant it. She would punish Eddie for any performance of hers Senkhara deemed unworthy. "Leave. Eddie. Alone."

Now Eddie froze. They were talking about him. Why was Patricia protecting him? And from what?

I give the orders, not you!

Patricia cried out as the pain from her curse mark ripped through her body. It was as if her body was burning in white-hot flames. She tried to fight the pain, but she couldn't help from collapsing into the blond American. He shifted to support her as she fought to remain vertical. Then he noticed her sleeve had come up, and he could see the top of something black underneath her hand. He gently—but firmly—pulled her hand off of the mark. She froze as he saw the mark. "Eddie—"

"Patricia, what is this?"

She shook her head, turning away, but Eddie had ahold of her wrists, holding her to him.


The amber-brunette stared at her boyfriend, someone who had never turned into this. She could tell he already knew, but he wanted to hear her admit it.

He was going to be sadly disappointed.

She refused to say anything.

Senkhara, however, had other plans. She came over to kneel beside the children, and she placed her finger tip to the girl's mark. Patricia screamed.


Senkhara recoiled in surprise, and again, Patricia froze.

Eddie was watching her, even though the snap was directed to the spirit. He could see the tears in her eyes, and the fear for what came next. "Eddie."

You have sealed his fate, girl.

"No! Leave him alone! I'll finish the tasks! I will! Just don't mark him! Please!"

Eddie's breath hitched. His broiling anger suddenly went aflame as he understood. "This is your mark, Senkhara."

Good boy.

Suddenly, Patricia could see her, and, by the tightening of his grip, so could Eddie. She was even more ominous in person. "What is this mark?"

"Eddie, please—" Patricia started.

If she and her friends do not find me the Mask of Anubis very soon, they will forfeit their lives!