AN: I have to be honest and say that I'm a bit nervous starting this fanfic because I've not attempted to write a huge story about the characters yet. But I'm willing to try! The beginning kind of sucks, but I promise you that the pace and quality will pick up as it goes along! I hope you all enjoy this, and critique is always appreciated!

~Chapter One~

Lightning took another sip of her drink and looked around the bar. She could see Serah and Snow dancing with each other, their eyes never leaving the other for a second. In the background Vanille was twirling Hope in the endless cycle of some Oerban dance, and the poor boy's face was so red that Lightning wouldn't be surprised if it exploded. Fang was entertaining Sazh's son Dajh while the old man himself sat at a nearby table, talking it up with a woman. Snow's buddies Gadot, Yuj, and Maqui, were also doing some ridiculous dance while Lebreau felt more comfortable behind her bar. The guests that were invited (which were only a sad few) laughed and celebrated.

The only one who was not having a good time was Lightning herself, and she tried to drown it out by slowly finishing her drink.

It had been two years since the events on Cocoon, and a year since Fang and Vanille came out of their crystal stasis to discover that many of the Cocoon inhabitants were rebuilding their world on Gran Pulse. They managed to rebuild a new Bodum, but the other major city titles were still works-in-progress, which was why Hope and his father, Sazh, and Dajh housed temporarily in Bodum. With nowhere to go Fang and Vanille took up living with the Farron sisters and Snow, and Lightning swore that every day in the house was a test for survival.

With the town rebuilt, Snow and Serah felt it was time to act on their engagement and began to plan their wedding. Lightning had been dreading the moment and deep down inside still wished that Serah would reconsider her decision. By now Lightning finally accepted Snow after the man had proven himself during their adventure as l'Cie, but even though she was no longer eager to punch Snow in the face (though there were some occasions where she was and did), she didn't want Serah to leave her, not yet. And that's why it had been painful for her to walk down the aisle with Serah in tow, and hand her off to Snow. Lightning felt her world crash completely at that moment.

"'nother drink Lightning?" inquired Lebreau, snapping the soldier from her thoughts.

She nodded, pushing her hair out of her face. "Thanks Lebreau."

"Don't tell me Sunshine's feelin' a little gloomy?" Lightning gave an exasperated sigh as Fang took the seat next to her.

"Here you go," said Lebreau, placing the drink in front of her customer.

Lightning flashed her a weak smile. "Thanks." She took one sip and turned to Fang. "Shouldn't you be dancing with Dajh?"

Fang jabbed her thumb to the side and Lightning's eyes followed the direction her thumb was pointing at. "Nah, kid's got his own father in a tango now. Besides it's more fun to pester ya, eh?"

"Now's not the time Fang," the younger woman grumbled. Lightning ultimately decided that Fang had a radar implanted in her brain to bother her all day, all the time.

"Now's never a good time," chuckled Fang. "So what's got your cape all crumpled up?"

Lightning snorted. "I'm fine. And I'm not wearing my cape."

"You're right, you're lookin' like an actual person tonight," joked Fang. "But nah, ya ain't fine. You've been mopey all day, more so than ya usually are."

"I'm not mopey."

"Are so."

"What's your point?" the soldier grunted. Let this be quick...

"Is it 'cause Serah's marryin' the oaf?" Fang had to crack a smirk at that - she did respect Snow, but she never ceased to give him nicknames just like she did with Lightning.

"Why should it matter to you?" inquired Lightning.

"Well for one thing 'cause I live with ya now and I ain't lookin' forward to see ya walk 'round like a pasty, white ghost. So spill it already."

Lightning chose to respond by sipping more of her drink.

Fang leaned in closer. "Ya afraid of havin' to hear 'em have se-"

"Fang!" barked Lightning, her cheeks tingeing light pink. "I don't need to hear that! That's my sister!"

The Pulsian woman smirked, then waved her hand dismissively. "Stop bein' such a virgin. I mean what can ya expect? Weddin' night and all..."

Lightning shot Fang a disgusted look, which only made the older woman's smirk larger. She could already tell she was walking on a thin line with Lightning, but it was too easy to make fun of her.

She waved her hand again. "C'mon Light, what's eatin' at ya?"

"Why do you care anyways?" spat the soldier.

"I already told ya. Besides I like angry Light compared to mopey Light." She winked.

Lightning snorted.

"May not believe me, but it's true."

".?" Lightning gritted her teeth together. Of course it was in Fang's nature to kid around with her and under different circumstances Lightning would've allowed her to do so, knowing that she was incapable of stopping the woman once she started. However, she was in no mood to tolerate Fang's antics, and just wanted her to leave.

"Just tryin' to defuse the tension," said Fang casually, ignoring the glare Lightning was sending her way. "Oi Lebreau! Give me a drink!"

"Sure thing Fang!" responded the barmaid.

Lightning sighed. "There is no tension."

Fang smirked. "I ain't blind Light, and you sittin' here by your lonesome while everyone else is havin' fun just proves that somethin's wrong yeah?"

"I don't like parties."

"Oh I know ya ain't no social butterfly, but I would've expected ya to try, for Serah at least."

Lebreau handed Fang her drink, but the woman disregarded it as she leaned in even closer to Lightning. The pink-haired soldier fidgeted uncomfortably in her seat, but Fang didn't notice.

"Is it 'cause you're afraid you'll lose Serah forever?" whispered Fang gently.

Lightning heaved a heavy sigh. Was she that predictable? She thought she did a good job hiding her feelings. Guess sitting alone at the bar really did make it too obvious. She really didn't want to pour out her inner feelings, least of all to Fang, but the raven-haired Pulsian had the uncanny habit of making her talk anyway.

"Sunshine?" Lightning was surprised at how soft Fang's voice was. She wasn't calling her that just to toy with her - she seemed to genuinely care how her friend felt.

That touched Lightning. "Yeah," she admitted. "It's that."

Fang sighed with relief - she thought that Lightning might've smacked her for saying that. But then a warm feeling cascaded through Fang. Lightning was opening up to her! "Light, ya know she'll always be your sister yeah? And vice versa?"

"But now she has Snow. She doesn't need me to look out for her anymore," said the soldier sullenly.

Fang reached out and placed her hand on Lightning's exposed shoulders. The gesture sent shivers through the soldier's spine, but went unnoticed by the tan-skinned woman. "She's always gonna need ya," said Fang. "Gonna need to talk to someone about stuff she can't talk to Snow about. She ain't gonna shut ya outta her life."

Lightning growled, knowing Fang was right, but she still felt unsure of how true those words were.

Etro, she is so stubborn thought Fang. Her eyebrows furrowed in frustration. "What'll it take to convince ya?"

Lightning shrugged, still brooding over Fang's words.

Fang sighed. "Wait here."

"What're you doing?"

"I'm gonna prove ya wrong."

Realizing what she meant, Lightning leapt up and grabbed the older woman's wrist. "No don't!" she hissed. "Don't go get Serah!"

Feeling Light's skin pressed against her own made Fang's heart race. Her mind began to wander before remembering what her presence served. "Why not? Ya ain't listenin' to me, but ya may listen to Serah."

Lightning pressed her lips together, her expression filled with utter fight. Fang sighed and slowly fell back into her chair. Lightning's hold on her wrist did not soften up.

"Why not?" repeated Fang, more softly this time.

Lightning sighed, releasing her hold on Fang, and using her free hand to run her fingers through her hair. "I don't want to worry Serah. She's got the hero to look after now and I don't want her to get involved with my own stuff."

"She's gonna worry 'bout ya either way."

"I know."

"C'mon Light, what's the worst that can happen?"

But Lightning shook her head. "Tonight's her night. I don't want to ruin it."

"Well ya are just by sittin' here and lookin' mopey," explained Fang. An idea came upon her and she grasped both of Lightning's wrists.

Her eyes bulged from their sockets. "What're you doing?" she demanded.

Fang grinned. "Gonna make ya have some fun. If Serah looks here and sees ya lookin' gloomy, wouldn't that tip her off that somethin's goin' on?"


"C'mon Sunshine, have a bit of fun, yeah?"

Before Lightning could protest, she was dragged out onto the dance floor by Fang. Her face paled, knowing exactly what the woman wanted her to do. "I don't dance," she hissed quietly, but Fang dismissed her and proceeded to teach her a complicated Oerban dance. Though she knew Fang's intent was good and she was touched that her friend cared to try and get her to feel better, Lightning's mood did not improve.

"Hey Fang!" roared Snow as he intruded on them. "Can I borrow Sis for a dance?"

Lightning's frown grew, but she caught Fang's face and knew the woman was begging her to have fun. So she reluctantly took Snow's hand and they danced.

"So Sis, what'd you think of the wedding?" inquired Snow as he twirled her. Lightning swore that if she didn't have a tight hold on him that she would've been flying.

"It's beautiful," said Lightning. "And Serah's happy. That's all that matters."

"I promise you Light, I will make her happy."

The soldier took a deep sigh and said, "I know you will."

Shortly afterwards Lightning felt herself being passed off to Serah, and her mood only worsened as Serah gushed on about how excited she was for the honeymoon. Lightning gave her a weak smile, warned Serah that she didn't want any funny business from her or Snow, and that she would call every day.

When their dance ended, Serah slipped out of her grasp and ran over to greet Snow. Lightning stood there on the dance floor, making sure she looked as stoic as possible while she excused herself to sit outside. Once the cool air hit her face, Lightning felt her resolve collapse as her first tear was shed.